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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. First, 20 waves is the bare minimum.  Any half-decent team will try for 40 waves, 40 mins, 8 rounds of interception, etc. for that second rotation C reward.  That's what people play.  It's what people want to be able to achieve.


    But it's not something that iron skin can handle.  Which means it doesn't scale well for the content that PEOPLE PLAY.


    Whether or not the game is intended to scale that high is irrelevant... the fact is, people are doing it, and when Rhino is no longer able to perform his primary tank role at that level, it means he's failing at his primary role and forced into a secondary role of roarbot/stompbot/etc.  Even if he is viable for these secondary roles, they are NOT his intended role for the content that people actually play.


    The armor scaling DR to Iron skin is a step in the right direction.  Rhino's armor would need to be at least 300 for it to really help, and for high wave T4 missions it may be necessary to synergize ironclad charge in order for armor to mean anything.  But that's something a skilled player would do, rather than an unskilled player who doesn't ever use rhino charge.

    The point being that wave 20 is as far as abilities are balanced to carry you. Beyond that it is your burden of tactical application to go further.

    BTW Holey did you see my idea on how to allow Rhino to Facetank fully? Let me reiterate it here and see if I can get a reaction rather than outright being ignored by the community as a whole in this thread



    Holy crap. On another thread we have been discussing how Augments should never fix an ability but rather they should simply provide enhancements to further specialize your frame in a meaningful way.


    Plus as an added bonus I figured out how to give IS players true facetanking ability without being immortal ^^


    If you can't see the video on chrome clcik the shield icon at the top and choose to load unsafe scripts. For some reason chrome views embedded vids as unsafe.


    This augment augment idea fits thematically with the initial video I saw of Rhino ignoring Lech Kril's hammer shockwave while the other tenno rushed him and would cement his role as THE tank in WF in more of a traditional sense while still guaranteeing that a player that unthinkingly rushes in and becomes surrounded will still die appropriately even with it active. Also it incorporates the aggro mechanic plus even a little more..


    Iron Bulwark 

    Rhino now gains TOTAL damage mitigation in a 180 degree arc in front of him for the lifetime of IS. The damage mitigation also extends to include any source of AOE damage and shields for 2m on either side of him to allow him to actually block for teammates in need. Additionally while active Rhino's attacks aggro opponents for 5 seconds This shield allows Rhino to fearlessly engage heavy threat targets however it requires he think carefully about how he approaches combat. It is necessary that Rhino be aware of his surroundings and react accordingly to ensure he can survive a situation where enemy damage can exceed his IS total.

    You want face tanking you got it.


    This is EXACTLY what Rhino needs to make him a go to frame for many occasions and allows precisely what many Rhino players have wanted ever since seeing the video I mentioned.

  2. How about we try this logic on for size and see what kind of taste it leaves in High ROF users mouths.


    Let's have DE change how the bubble reacts to weapons. Let's force High ROF users to suffer the same problems that low ROF users have had to put up with since introduction of nullifiers.


    Have the bubble have High ROF weapons require precisely the same amount of time it takes for low rof weapons to destroy the bubble approximately 9 seconds rather than the 3 or 4 seconds they can do currently.


    Strike that if we want to make it fair trade then low ROF users need to have a marked benefit for the length of the test.


    So lets make it low ROF weapons destroy the shield in 2 shots requiring a 3rd to kill the target that puts it at about 4 seconds which is how fast a Boltor Prime can kill nullifiers atm.


    So again 9 seconds vs 4 seconds and lets see where High ROF users stand in a single week.

    I can guarantee you will switch sides unless you are just obstinately angry at me for suggesting said change.


    The reason you would switch sides is because you would patently see the unfair quality of the action ONLY if you were affected by it.

  3. Wow.  Um, what?  Get over yourself and stop taking the game so seriously.  So there is an enemy that is strong against your favourite weapon.  So what?  Find another way to deal with them.  Use your secondary, melee, team-mates, companions, specters...


    In my opinion, it pretty much was.

    1. MY ENTIRE ROSTER OF WEAPONS YOU MEAN. Excuse my personal preference being influential on my playstyle.


    2. The comment illustrates precisely what it states. DE has created a circumstance that completely negates the philosophy they have drilled into us from the beginning of the game. Thus we must look at DE's integrity on this matter as they have stated time and again that they want players to have the freedom to choose how they handle a given situation. By subsequently removing said choice they are being hypocritical at best, at worst outright liars.


    Being truthful about a matter is not DEv bashing. Critiquing design implementation is not DEv bashing. The only thing I did in the statement is point out the ignorance of saying one thing the entire time we have played the game and then committing an action that runs completely counter to that statement. This is precisely like DE stating that the infinite energy loophole is being exploited which is unintended and then not fixing it.


    Further more the comment did not directly insult a single entity nor did it contain vulgar language or any statement that was untrue. There was no libel or slander committed in the comment and therefore it can only be viewed as criticism which is precisely what the Feedback system is for. Feedback by it's very nature points to flaws to direct corrective action where it is necessary and demonstrates precisely how leaving such matters unchanged will affect the image they have as developers.

  4. Level 60 heavy Grineer are supposed to be the high end of enemies that you encounter in normal play.  It's not "lowly;" it's multiple waves into infinite content.  Have you guys been talking about infinite content this whole time?

    My findings are that IS can last well up to wave 20 without issue if you are not Facetanking however unfortunately what the OP wants is an IS that lasts far beyond that point and is scalable based on extra factors that basically brings back the issue of abusable IS. What we have been trying to do is actually provide a workable IS change that would not be utterly broken star system wide but at the same time would not be utter S#&$ vs bombards and nullifiers later on so that numbers will still dominate you if you mess up.

  5. The WoF changes are a buff overall except for if you ran a long duration WoF.  If you can't solo a low level mission with Ember there's something wrong, WoF or no.  

    Agreed. The only problems you should encounter are once enemies can kill you in a couple of shots IE levels 37 or higher.


    That still does not tackle the issue of WOF being biased towards low duration builds thus removing the potential for long duration builds due to the prohibitive cost vs value ratio on WoF. I myself am known to run builds with no efficiency at all in them. Ember was one of them thus I am penalized further for said playstyle than others that utilize efficiency.

  6. That is debatable.


    You are correct to a point but Limbo, Loki, Mag, Valkyr and Nyx would be seen as tied with Rhino and I was focusing on frames previous posters had touted as tanks.


    To further clarify the damage mitigation or avoidance counts are as follows.


    Ashe=Smokebomb 1

    Banshee= Soundquake(mentioned as it is primarily a damage avoidance tool rather than an aoe NUKE) 1

    Ember= Accelerant, Fire Blast 2

    Excalibur= Radial Blind, Super Jump 2

    Frost= Snowglobe 1

    Hydroid= Undertow 1

    Limbo= Rift Walk, Banish, Cataclysm

    Loki= Invisibility, Decoy, Radial Disarm 3

    Mag= Bullet Attractor, Shield Polarize, Pull 3

    Mesa= Shatter Shield, Shooting Gallery(partial damage mitigation based on situational rng) 2

    Mirage= Eclipse, Hall of Mirrors 2

    Nekros= Terrify 1

    Nova= M Prime

    Nyx= Chaos,Mind Control(although this could be seen as a dps tool it fills the damage mitigation and avoidance criteria) absorb 3

    Oberon= Hallowed ground, Smite 2

    Rhino= Charge, IS, Stomp 3

    Saryn= Molt 1

    Trinity= Link, Blessing 2

    Valkyr= Paralysis, Warcry, and Hysteria 3

    Vauban= Bastielle, Vortex 2

    Volt= Electric Shield 1

    Zephyr= Turbulence, Tornado 2


    As we can clearly see Rhino has more damage mitigation and avoidance mechanisms than Trinity, Mirage, or Mesa.

    Additionally even more skills can be added to this list showing abilities that can add to overall survivability if we include movement based abilities only such as Tail Wind(which allows damage avoidance via getting to places that are hard to be attacked.


    The entire point being that every frame in the game has these mechanics of damage reduction and avoidance). Rhino is focused on it. This is further reinforced by his augments.

  7. Really DERebecca? That is the most we get after illustrating how we are forced ignore our own choice in weaponry because of this heavily biased mechanic. I truly expected a much better response from you rather than "Suck it up cupcake"


    No it is not a welcome change by any means EXCEPT for users that utilize high ROF weaponry.


    This is ignorance and clearly ignores the companies touted byline of allowing players to play the way they want to.


    So in effect we have no choice but to constantly question your companies integrity and design implementations even more so than we already do.


    This statement is not dev bashing and if it is removed I will create many accounts in order to spam it across the forums as often as necessary until you either change said byline or live by it.

  8. Anyone else want to weigh in here? Don't forget to vote on the straw poll. Currently MR locking for Cosmetics and weapons or gear is leading HEAVILY. Weigh in if you want your opinion to let itself be known!

  9. I didn't say that Excalibur shouldn't be good at melee or anything; just that the all-around concept is top priority. I'd have absolutely zero complaints if DE made a few tweaks to make Excal both the perfect beginner frame and the perfect melee frame (as long as he didn't become overpowered somehow). XD



    By the way, Slash Dash already adds to the combo counter now (1 per hit, I believe, without the augment mod). Not sure if it scales from it, although it would be really cool if it did.

    As for the Javelin thing, I'm a bit against having it add to the combo counter since it would just encourage Range+Efficiency+NaturalTalent builds for spamming, with the nuke becoming increasingly powerful as you hit 4 more often. We don't need P42W to be any more of an issue than it already is. XD

    I'd much rather have it so that Javelin scaled from the current combo counter, without adding anything to it. So it becomes a perfectly viable tactic for players to charge into a fight, rack up a combo to effectively "charge up" their ultimate, then unleash it when the time was right. It would also open up some opportunities with Surging Dash builds and low-damage melee builds, which would be interesting to see.




    Changes to Excal that I'd personally love to see:

    Slash Dash

    Just let its damage scale from the combo counter. Maybe stagger enemies at a 100% rate; nothing too powerful like a knockdown or a stun, though.



    Just fix the LoS mechanics in this game so it works more reliably. Also cause the LoS to come out of the tip of the sword as well, so you can blind enemies by poking the top of your sword out of cover.

    That aside, this ability is darn near flawless.


    Super Jump

    1. Decrease the post-cast delay, and officially support wallrun-jumping for this ability. Right now it can only be done by releasing Jump while holding 3, which I assume is a glitch.

    2. Slightly increase the takeoff AoE stagger range. Maybe around 8-10m at base, affected by Range.

    If the Invisibility must stay, then just leave it as it is, I guess. It feels arbitrary as hell, but there's no denying that it's amazingly useful. One of the best panic buttons in the game as it is.


    Radial Javelin

    As I mentioned above, just allow it to scale from combo multipliers without adding to them or refreshing them.

    EDIT: Oh, one more thing. Since we're using disposable ethereal Skanas anyway, perhaps shorten the casting animation by cutting off the "pull sword out of the ground" part. The Skana that we just jammed into the ground can stay where we jammed it, maybe disappearing after a few seconds.

    tl;dr - Direct buffs that reward a variety of gameplay strategies without disabling anything that we can currently do.

    I too felt the need for a change in the Radial Javelin augment idea. Now the augment creates a damage reflecting set of blades for 5 seconds allowing Excal to close the gap with enemies more effectively without casting an additional ability.

  10. Holy crap. On another thread we have been discussing how Augments should never fix an ability but rather they should simply provide enhancements to further specialize your frame in a meaningful way.


    Plus as an added bonus I figured out how to give IS players true facetanking ability without being immortal ^^


    If you can't see the video on chrome clcik the shield icon at the top and choose to load unsafe scripts. For some reason chrome views embedded vids as unsafe.


    This augment augment idea fits thematically with the initial video I saw of Rhino ignoring Lech Kril's hammer shockwave while the other tenno rushed him and would cement his role as THE tank in WF in more of a traditional sense while still guaranteeing that a player that unthinkingly rushes in and becomes surrounded will still die appropriately even with it active. Also it incorporates the aggro mechanic plus even a little more..


    Iron Bulwark 

    Rhino now gains TOTAL damage mitigation in a 180 degree arc in front of him for the lifetime of IS. The damage mitigation also extends to include any source of AOE damage and shields for 2m on either side of him to allow him to actually block for teammates in need. Additionally while active Rhino's attacks aggro opponents for 5 seconds This shield allows Rhino to fearlessly engage heavy threat targets however it requires he think carefully about how he approaches combat. It is necessary that Rhino be aware of his surroundings and react accordingly to ensure he can survive a situation where enemy damage can exceed his IS total.

    You want face tanking you got it.


    This is EXACTLY what Rhino needs to make him a go to frame for many occasions and allows precisely what many Rhino players have wanted ever since seeing the video I mentioned.

  11. Don't worry man we're firmly behind you on this one. This will continue to get multiple rounds of exposure from me on a daily basis until things have been weighed, measured and NOT found wanting.


    However let me change my statement above as I have been reviewing how broken it would be to have a full aoe toggle or even a full no target capped WoF.  With the means of multiplying it's damage via Accelerant I can see why the target cap in addition I can see why the toggle exists in combination with the duration. The reason for this is the fact that without it Ember continues down that path of p#2W.


    Now let me say that it is not in a healthy place atm. This is due to the fact that while it is a toggle duration ability like Mirage's it does not have the final effect like Mirage's that accounts for the increased cost over one and done 100 energy casts.


    Additionally WoF's current iteration HEAVILY penalizes players that do not use efficiency in their builds. It is unfair to those players to require that they be screwed for no reason. Also players that use duration get the business with no lube.


    That's 2 different groups of players that get a raw deal and unfortunately one of those players is certainly not pressing 4 2 win without efficiency in the build to begin with.


    Now to Fireblast.


    Current concerns are that FB is actually counter productive in it's base effect. The fire ring is completely useless now as most enemies cannot even touch it due to how their AI is coded. FIX THE ENEMY AI TO DISREGARD THE RINGS. Why is it that one power should be so unfairly treated as to actually code a behavior of avoidance?


    Let us also add that enemies inside the original rings circumference should be pushed to the ring and no further. I am absolutely sure you can cause the area of effect of the larger ring to begin outside the circumference and a smaller one to originate with a small push from the center, the repel augment for Vauban illustrates the mechanic working quite well already in fact.

  12. I believe that what those who wish to see abilities nerfed are trying to say is that currently, the game is designed in such a way that it rewards players for killing masses of enemies in quick succession.


    They are likely acting on the assumption that once abilities are nerfed, DE will then alter the game to suit the new dynamic that this creates in how players approach Warframe.


    Once I realised that this was the underlying issue, the intended goal of the topic grew to a point where I expressed a belief that DE need to firstly alter their content so that it no longer rewards players for this type of behavior any better than other tactics and game play approaches.


    aka : Tactic Selections (a concept that I am wanting to workshop in this topic so that it can provide DE with a quality solution that is the combination of all the feedback being posted by us.)



    In the scenario where DE make changes first, players will at least have the freedom of choice to enjoy using any game play approach or tactic in missions without having to worry about getting left behind because they are not using the most efficient tactic.



    A lot of the other discussion about weapons vs abilities and ways to improve specific frames to avoid their reliance on 1 dominant ability in spam form are good to have as well though are likely closer related to balancing out the game once the underlying problem as previously mentioned has been addressed.



    To me, (and others may feel the same way) unless you first get rid of the cause to a problem, treatments are only going to buy you time and long term will eventuate as being a more costly approach than simply finding the cause and eliminating it completely.


    An unrelated example and there would be a lot more :


    Instead of finding a Cure for Cancer, imagine if we knew exactly what caused it and then developed a way to completely eliminate the possibility for people to ever get Cancer in the first place.  Think how many more lives would be saved, how much money could be saved and how many resources it would allow mankind to reallocate to different tasks.



    Instead of calling a plumber in to fix a leaking tap each time it gets over-tightened you replace the tap mechanism with a flip mix handle so it no longer can be over tightened.  This completely eliminates the need to call a plumber, saves a ton of water and keeps costs down.


    The 2nd example may be easier to relate to the context of this game but oh well both are pretty much saying the same thing so I'll leave them in there.

    +1 man in a nutshell. Concise and completely accurate!

  13. those 3 bolds highlight where you go wrong, go back a few posts, the question was not that they should or shouldnt have, i stated that in a reply as my opinion, but the question is why do non tank frames out tank the titled tank. you can argue that warframe has no tank but he is specifically  called a tank by the company that develops and publishes the game i.e. he is/supposed to be a tank. you also did not answer the relevant question posed to you, if the healer must be as tanky as the tank or in this case more, then what is the point of the tank? if you are going to say he has stomp etc, then you want him for cc, guess what there are better frames that cc that makes him then irrelevant, as you have a healer, the healer can also tank better than the tank, and if you want a frame for cc you have much better frames. roar is not a damage mitigation skill, its a buff, also iron shrapnel is an augment it is not his base or core skill. by saying roar is damage mitigation then you have to say invisibility is damage avoidance and mitigation stacked, even worse now considering augments ash's team invisibility augment. also rhino did have aggro on IS but it had to be removed due to how poorly it is and due to its static nature, so yes he did fill the role and we did have an actual tank but due to the amount of ridiculous nerfs, now down to ferrite armor it had to be done away with. also the idea is not to make other frames less tank, other than maybe valkyr and trinity somewhat, but make both tanks atleast viable or specialized tanks as other frames do have some rounded abilities, maybe one in their kit, but also specialize in some form, as it is rhino specializes at nothing, even frost to an extent without the bandaid he got to snow globe.

    My post goes wrong in no way whatsoever when taken as a whole to illustrate how things work in WF. If you don't like how things work in WF however then you see a problem. The issue exists in your perceptions not the design implementations nor in my perceptions. What I perceive is precisely what the game shows me. Feel free to attempt to argue but my ideas are not subjective but instead take into account all emphasized points to obtain clear rational for each statement. Whereas your points use a subjective idea of what a tank is and what dps is, drawn from other games that have no bearing on WF as WF has no clearly defined roles when measured against the context of other games. 


    In WF all frames have some form of damage mitigation or avoidance. Rhino has the most.

  14. Honestly, Rhino just needs scaling for his Iron Skin. While I personally don't think he should take the same amount of damage on T3+ missions as he does on missions around levels 1-5, I do like the idea of armor scaling to a degree. 



    As previously stated, the issue is that on early levels, Rhino is invincible, and on later levels, he dies too easily with his slow speed and crap armor. So, yes, some Iron Skin scaling would be desirable.  

    So update the OP with the best idea you find. DE is not gonna dig through all the crap to find the diamonds. May as well ensure they at least see the good ideas.


    +1 to the Charge change although I really would like to see the forward damage reflection shield mentioned by another poster. That would keep Rhino heading too fights and allow him to save IS for once he closed the distance.


    Also the flat damage to IS taken per hit is also a very good idea and provides the best idea for allowing IS to scale and be useful that I have ever seen. Perhaps it could start out at a high amount of damage per hit to shields/health and decrease the amount per hit via an aggro mechanic that draws enemies in an AOE to fire upon him, thus if Rhino continuously applies himself to joining the fray with large groups of enemies he can lower his amount per hit further to a certain point.

  15. please be aware that by automatically deactivating the ability after the timer ends, the player must spend an ADDITIONAL 50 energy just to reactivate it. that is precious in game seconds lost and a whole equally precious accelerant lost. remove the timer. make the chicken a pheonix.

    Agreed, to hell with the chicken. Hail to the rise of the Phoenix!

  16. Let's play fix Excalibur ^^ seriously though he needs work, put these in OP as potential fixes if you have none of your own.


    These are all my ideas so it's not necessary that you give credit, I just want them in circulation.



    The first change that I would suggest be implemented is that all of Excalibur's strikes through power use be counted as melee strikes(and thus obtain the damage bonus from melee multiplier). We already know this is a mechanic in game as illustrated by Ash's Blade Storm and I feel this should definitely be an integral part of Ecalibur's kit as he is essentially the melee frame. 


    Slash Dash 2.0

    Excalibur Rushes forward damaging all targets in a 8m wide path adding to his combo counter based on the number of enemies struck(damaging range width is not affected by power range to prevent OP slash dash builds that are immortal, in addition only slash dash has this mechanic, RJ does not). Melee combo counter would increase the damage dealt. This would incentivize players to utilize this ability often and cement Excal's role as the melee frame.


    Surging Dash 2.0

    At the end of Slash Dash Excalibur produces a pulse of energy knocking all targets back from him to a range of 10 meters. Enemies knocked will deal a small amount of physics damage to other enemies also pushing them back to the maximum range(range of the pulse is not affected by power range). Considering the damage dealt would be minimal I see no issue with providing the combo counter damage bonus here as well.



    I feel Super Jump should be removed from Excal's kit entirely and be implemented as a sort of charged jump to every frames kit. Allow players to expend X amount of stamina in order to charge a jump that will increase it's height and speed.


    Excal's new 3.

    Empowered strikes

    for 50 energy Excalibur gains double scaling on all additions to his melee combo counter for 20 seconds(affected by duration)in addition Excalibur gains a bonus 20% damage to all melee hits(I thought about adding power str scaling to this as well but thought that with the combined 2x combo multiplier it would be insanely strong, as it stands it would be more than worthwhile to his kit).


    Augment: Stunning Strikes

    While Empowered strikes is active Excalibur's attacks will stun a target for 2 second thus allowing him to allow melee in extremely dangerous situations if tactically applied to high threat targets.


    Furious Javelin 2.0

    Excalibur's javelins now add to his melee combo counter. I thought this would work better in his overall kits presentation rather than the flat damage bonus they give now. The reason for this being that with the new design implication of his powers counting as melee hits and receiving melee damage multiplier it would seem extremely over powered in situations where he had an active combo multiplier and his Empowered Strikes active.


    Through careful synergetic use of these abilities Excalibur is able to always ensure that his entire kit is viable and truly impactful throughout the entire game.

  17. let me just leave this here. It's from an Augment change thread and feel it sits here quite nicely.

    These are my ideas and I want them posted on every thread I see his name on. 



    The first change that I would suggest be implemented is that all of Excalibur's strikes through power use be counted as melee strikes(and thus obtain the damage bonus from melee multiplier). We already know this is a mechanic in game as illustrated by Ash's Blade Storm and I feel this should definitely be an integral part of Ecalibur's kit as he is essentially the melee frame. 


    Slash Dash 2.0

    Excalibur Rushes forward damaging all targets in a 8m wide path adding to his combo counter based on the number of enemies struck(damaging range width is not affected by power range to prevent OP slash dash builds that are immortal, in addition only slash dash has this mechanic, RJ does not). Melee combo counter would increase the damage dealt. This would incentivize players to utilize this ability often and cement Excal's role as the melee frame.


    Surging Dash 2.0

    At the end of Slash Dash Excalibur produces a pulse of energy knocking all targets back from him to a range of 10 meters. Enemies knocked will deal a small amount of physics damage to other enemies also pushing them back to the maximum range(range of the pulse is not affected by power range). Considering the damage dealt would be minimal I see no issue with providing the combo counter damage bonus here as well.



    I feel Super Jump should be removed from Excal's kit entirely and be implemented as a sort of charged jump to every frames kit. Allow players to expend X amount of stamina in order to charge a jump that will increase it's height and speed.


    Excal's new 3.

    Empowered strikes

    for 50 energy Excalibur gains double scaling on all additions to his melee combo counter for 20 seconds(affected by duration)in addition Excalibur gains a bonus 20% damage to all melee hits(I thought about adding power str scaling to this as well but thought that with the combined 2x combo multiplier it would be insanely strong, as it stands it would be more than worthwhile to his kit).


    Augment: Stunning Strikes

    While Empowered strikes is active Excalibur's attacks will stun a target for 2 second thus allowing him to allow melee in extremely dangerous situations if tactically applied to high threat targets.


    Furious Javelin 2.0

    Changed to further reinforce the melee dynamic through another means that Excal lacks. 

    RJ now produces an additional shield for Excal made of blades that deflect incoming damage for 5 seconds allowing him to close the gap with enemies without fear of being instantly destroyed once levels escalate.


    Through careful synergetic use of these abilities Excalibur is able to always ensure that his entire kit is viable and truly impactful throughout the entire game.

  18. You do realize that Valkyr and Saryn are true tanks right? It's more about the armor ratings than her abilities....Rhino is only considered tankier than most frames because of Iron skin. 


    Saryn has the second most amount of armor in the game and she has pretty high health(1110 with max vitality)

    Although most people don't have regenerative molt, the mod makes her an ultimate tank that no one can beat. Just slap on some power efficiency mods and you're invincible so long as you keep casting molt.

    Careful folks we either have a troll or someone who is truly ignorant of all things in WF.

  19. I would like a way to hide threads from our content feed that we no longer wish to see.

    There are some posts that are a one and done kind of response and do not require you to see them over and over again. It would be nice if we could hide them from our FIND CONTENT function within our profile page.

  20. IMO players like that will leave. They experience the best the game has to offer WITHOUT going through the mastery fodder first, they then feel like what they bought is not up to their standards for the BEST a game should provide and they leave. This ruins the actual idea of primes to a point. Primes are supposed to be the APEX version of whatever weapon/frame they represent so without going through the regular versions it is not really possible to have a good grasp of the appreciable differences between normal variants and their prime counterparts.


    Agreed on MR locking for all Prime gears. The only way to bypass it should be Prime access.

    Additionally let me add that I think all prime gear should be MR locked behind the weapons available that are MR locked currently.

    This would promote progression and promote players actually testing more gear to see what they actually like about WF. Also this would allow players to get a grasp of the actual mechanics of other weapons and a bit of foreknowledge regarding their teams weapon choices and their capabilities.


    All in all MR locking is a positive idea for promoting progression in WF and although many will cry out against this I say to you, how else will we promote progression with our current system of Taxi'ing players to anywhere they want to go, and how will we cope with the ever increasing habit of paying players that are new ending up in t4 content without the necessary skills or mods to keep up?


    All in all MR locking is GOOD but players don't want to have to do what they don't want to do regardless of the benefits, and so this is a moot point.

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