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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. Have 2 of event thingies needed for missions at all times. So you dont have to farm them when new Fomorian spawns.



    You can only get one point per Fomorian and running them more than once wont give you anything. Getting scores over 1 000 000 is quite easy, just use Elytron and spam aoe explosions.

    Elytron is not necessary as long as you get a group that utilizes the shield of Odanata you can hit 1 million. The shield amplifies damage of rounds that pass through it. Additionally you can use energy restores to shoot missiles every time they finish exploding. Also ensure you destroy the small cores around the center as they allow you to do increased damage to the center.

  2. Be aware that there have been concerns expressed among the PC community that the formorians are staged to eventually allow only Mercury(Larunda), Saturn(Kronia), and Pluto(Orcus) to continue their existence. We will need to wait it out and see if Console Eyes of Blight works out the same, but from our experience despite the number of players actively working on the event the three mentioned relay's Formorians were destroyed easily in comparison to all of the others. Thus creating the thought that the entire event was scripted to occur in that precise manner. 

  3. I'm getting the impression that iron skin will be completely useless in raids...

    Absolutely. This is due to the enemies starting at level 80 which means Ironskin is one or two shot off and in the case of a Bombard Rocket that likely results in death.


    The only abilities in Rhino's arsenal that will be worth it are going to be Roar(minimally effective) and Stomp. Hard CC or CC of one form or another will be the only things of use. Perhaps a buffing ability but due to the whole armor scaling thing they may be relatively ineffective IF teams do not utilize CP properly.

  4. Hmmm My clanmate has this due to running an APU rather than a GPU. Additionally I used to have this on a low end mobile GPU in my laptop. What is your GPU? It seems that recent changes have caused WF to consume more system resources than previously even with the new options turned off.


    I have two other clanmates that went from a solid 60 fps to now only getting 30 fps, as I said even with the new options disabled.

  5. So you're in favor of killing the concept of tiered weapons and balancing them all such that even the MKI Braton could do high level content just as well as, say, the Boltor Prime?

    That's not what I meant at all. There should be tiered weapons but among said tier there should be no discrimination for or against any weapon. The Paris Prime should take down those guys just as fast as the Boltor Prime.

  6. i saw most the guys saying that DE are noobs but maybe i can't see very well.

    DE doesn't play the game enough to even know what they are doing frankly. Not even Rebecca or perhaps it's just a  difference in skill. Additionally anyone that states that DERebecca pressed 4 a lot and still died did not pay attention to the fact that the PUZZLE was dropping the players not the enemies. The enemies were utterly helpless most of the time. Let's further add to that scenario a coordinated team that has a disarm and subsequent chaos applied with an M Prime=helpless to fight back at all. If we add in a durational Loki(to decoy inside vortex or near vortex) and a Vauban=even worse. 

  7. +1 full support OP. Buff or rebalance the whole dmn weapons list=easy to balance enemies.


    It's fairly simple to do a tiny bit of math and figure out what to do and then just DO IT. All this time of people burning up the forums over a simple thing that could increase quality of life game wide. Start tweaking numbers until every group of weapons is equal across the board for end game use(equal representation of end game quality goods, allow players choice in playstyle regarding their weapons).

  8. I think he just means P(number)2W, since some frames spam other abilities besides four. *cough cough Nekros*


    But OP, I don't see this being a problem considering how damage drop off is a thing, and the Raids won't only consist of high level enemies - but mechanical difficulty too. 

    This is what I meant, however what I think you are failing to see is that the ultimate abilities and a few other offenders will guarantee completion. Super slow enemies that take double damage and have melee only and are confused constantly will simply be fodder. There is absolutely no way short of implementing raid wide ability immunity that the devs can fix this. I used P#2W because it will be a variety of things such as disarm/chaos/M Prime/(Shield polarize will be a non issue so far as I have seen due to it being non Corpus atm, however the point still stands).

  9. Judging from the way raids already look we are seeing a disturbing trend that further pushes the P#2W issue. Unfortunately you at DE have still failed to see why players have asked for a change and maybe once we utterly ROFLSTOMP your raids you will note how broken ultimates are with the current metering system. 


    Ults are not going to allow you guys to make challenging content that would actually engross players for more than a couple of minutes basically spent looking at the scenery going by. Within the first 45 minutes or so of opening the raids players will have it figured out and run groups composed of X+Y frames+ X weapons and it will be a walk in the park. 


    We will press 4 and the next guy will press 4 and the next and it will be a never ending faceroll no matter what level enemies you put in.


    If players can handle level 300 enemies in a normal defense with 4 frames or a survival with 4 frames, what will it take to actually challenge us? Currently it looks a whole lot like nothing you do will challenge us in any way.


    How do you fix this?


    Meter ults separately from the rest of our abilities and watch what happens. Enemies will no longer need scaling armor nor will teams be forced into 4 spam to accomplish ANYTHING, because it will no longer be a thing. In addition you can buff ultimate abilities through the roof on their affects and damages without utterly breaking the game. We get useful abilities no matter the level of the content and you fix the longest outstanding problem bar none(barring the connection issues, but to be fair networking is a harsh mistress). 


    Easy and simple.

  10. Some guns are stronger than others and some guns are worth using to get better performance over other guns.


    Incredible I know, I was shocked too.


    You want new mechanics? You want better AI? DE nerfed enemys AI and balanced to be more fair because people were whining that grineer were too accurate. 

    You want different mechanics to improve difficulty? DE added nulifiers and 99% of people to this day are still crying for nerfs on them.


    Could you please reflect on your own requests and complaints? Dont ask for difficulty other than level/health/damage scaling if youre going to turn around and whine for nerfs.

    The problem was that Grineer were PERFECTLY accurate versus the host and everyone else had a cake walk while fighting them. What they did was equal the accuracy across the board and made player skill into a  thing again. NOW your wall running leaping rolling antics actually DEFINE survival and make you a dmn ninja..

  11. Nobody liked the nullifiers so there is the feedback from increasing difficulty by mechanics.

    The problem with nullifiers in no way relates to their existence period. The problem comes from their imbalanced nature that requires a fast firing weapon to effectively combat them. No enemy should be weighted from it's inception to make one type of weapon more or less viable to handle them. What that mechanic does is remove player choice. That is never okay.

  12. My concerns hinge primarily around armor scaling. This looks to be yet another instance where CP will be a necessity and further force us into the p42w meta or the Boltor P or GTFO meta. I'm sick of artificial challenge in the bullet sponge enemies we have with scaling armor forcing very specific builds or weapons. Being virtually forced to radial disarm/vortex/Chaos/M Prime constantly to remoain safe is sheer ignorance and in no way promotes a rewarding experience considering we will have 8 Tenno on the run the only thing that will be even simplistically challenging will be the puzzles that will be known 1 minute after their release due to the way our community works. This will most assuredly devolve into X frames + X weapons= instant win. So sad that things have not gotten beyond this yet.

  13. The only thing that keeps me playing is WFs potential in the future. Additionally I never want to miss out on new events or Baro releases. Quite frankly the regular day to day gameplay does not interest me in the least due to glaring faults I find in many things that have been brought to the devs attention many times and they have seen fit to continue in their stance of inaction regarding said matters. Additionally many occurrences that the dev's themselves have stated are a problem continue to exist and therefore I feel a growing sense of mistrust for every decision the devs make.

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