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Posts posted by LegendaryNeurotoxin

  1. I've got a Rifle Riven mod for 10 kills while in a row wall-grabbing - without raising alarms. 

    I figured this would be easy, just take on any ol' infested exterminate, get a few angry, slink off with a shade cloak so I can start up World on Fire and wall run towards the group. But at some point it appears that all of those have been turn into two-faction exterminates, making it much harder to gather up 10 to begin with.

    I figured I'd try some other things. Survival? No, auto-alarms. Defense or mobile defense? No, auto-alarms again. Excavation? Even on an Infested-only version, it appears to raise alarm when it gets started, because I swear I melted at least 50 in one not-touching-the-ground sequence with no success. Grineer and Corpus are smart enough to not let me group up 10 of them without raising alarms. And the worst part is that there's no fail indication after the fail has happened, so when I press escape twice to see my mission objectives flash at the bottom, I can't tell if I'm still able to complete it or not.


    So how the hell do I even approach this? Do I just need to get as much energy as I can, and hope to find a wall grab friendly area to melt 10 patrols before my energy depletes? Is there some easier way to attack and kill 10 enemies while wall riding while also not letting one escape to alarm terminals? 

  2. "Tenno - we've been watching the development of a new technology that the Corpus and Grineer are both currently testing, with the intent to extend their reach into the universe. It appears to be based on a mutation discovered within the Infested which allows them to communicate remotely across any distance in what acts like a secure channel. We had previously seen Corpus, Grineer, and Infested controlled ships going far outside planetary space to fight over fragments of Orokin derelicts and other targets of value, and it appears this remote technology is used to command forces over these long distances.

    However we've found a weakness in their communication systems, one which allows equipped units to be completely hijacked by Tenno operators. I've sent you the blueprint for the Override Station that you can install on your ship to begin hijacking combatants of interest, and using that influence over the enemy to send the spoils of these battles back to areas where they can be safely collected later. However there is no way to tell if the combatants are acting of their own free will, or have been taken over by other Tenno, so the resistance you face may be more cunning and intelligent than expected. Use this new technology to seize the spoils of battles in which Tenno need not set foot to dominate."



    This is a proposal for a new form of PvP, and it is approached from a different way than Tenno vs Tenno by completely removing Tenno from the equation. This way, the persisting upgrades and balancing of Tenno does not need to be affected at all, and the entirety of the game mode exists with PvP-balanced non-Tenno units. 

    Players join the engagement as one of the Corpus, Grineer, or Infested, selecting from an assortment of the tougher units from each faction. These are either 4v4 or 3v3v3 encounters, depending on who is involved and the objective.

    There are two forms of deployment. Some missions are one life with multiple rounds, where the completion of the objective or last team standing are awarded the victory. Some missions are one round but multiple lives, allowing the player to spawn in with new units until the objective is completed by one side or the other, or the time runs out and the mission gets resolved relative to the objective type.  

    Classic matches like CTF, hold the point, and existing Warframe mission types will be the various forms of matches available. Depending on the limitations of console, it may be possible to have more of a small DOTA-style MOBA where players select their fixed unit at the start, and it increases in power over the course of the match. 

    Rewards are granted based on victory and participation. All players receive "Attunement" points for the faction they played as, relative to the quality of their performance. Factional Attunement can be used to buy the rewards that you would get for winning, so players who don't have good success are still able to access the rewards with persistence. Aside from that, things like mods, endo, relics, lenses, and other items can be won from PvP, along with a rare chance at the things that Attunement can be spent to obtain. 


    Before I go overboard and write a dense 10 page single-space technical feature design document, I'd like to hear everyone's feedback on the concept.

    1) is it canon? Does this lore make sense in the Warframe universe?

    2) Does it sound fun? Does the idea of controlling non-Tenno units in a gritty battle for it all sound appealing?

    3) Would you play it? Assuming the rewards are worthwhile, but within the scope of similar duration content, would you want to play this compared to the normal content?

    4) What would you do differently?

    5) Do you want a ladder or leaderboard, ELO, or some other skill sorting system to match comparable-skill players together?

  3. My friends and I had it happen on a stream last night, but the consequence was odd - while the defense was going for maybe a minute or two, a Drone Capture event popped up.

    On a snap QA engineer judgment, I would recommend investigating the flags and triggers associated with deploying events relative to the locked vaults. I think what may be happening is that the engagement of the defense phase somehow creates a situation where it ignores the end of the defense mission and wants to spawn a new mission with a new objective. 

    My next best guess is that there isn't proper separation between X to activate on the panel, so it both accepts the datamass and "thinks" it already opened because it was accessed. 

    Sadly I have no solid repro steps. If I could work in-engine or use an alternate profiling tool that lets me home in on those specific gameplay elements, I would maybe be able to get something a bit more concrete. Good luck DE!

  4. Name: Kalotar

    Faction: Tenno

    Grip: Punch Grip

    Description: Kalotar is a punch-grip weapon inspired by the ancient Katar and the symbol of the Lotus. Squeezing the handle during (or after) a strike causes the two thinner side-blades to flare out from the middle, to allow for devastating attacks that rip enemies apart from within, which can be a great way to finish combos or deliver penetrating charge attacks. The design of this blade is inspired by the symbol of the Lotus, which provides a functional shape for the primary blade and side blades.




    This art was completed in Adobe Illustrator CS4

  5. That sounds quite awesome.


    I would remove the "8)Reduce Clearance Requirement (All two-person doors can be opened by one person)", the dual-doors are here for a reason.

    Thanks, I'm glad you like the idea!


    I agree that some of them should require 2 players, especially revealing the cryo pod defense that follows after the objective in some Mobile Defense mission.


    Other missions, like Spy missions where the two-person doors are really just there to prevent players from spreading out and getting all 4 datamass at once, would be improved by this functionality. Not every team will necessarily have a hacker with the skills (or even mastery) to complete this type of hack, but teams that do can benefit from it in missions where it makes sense.


    Remember that solo missions don't require 2 players (that would be cruel and unplayable) so all it is really doing is removing a requirement that is applied in multiplayer. 


    I'd like to hear more from the community on this point, whether it would potentially ruin the integrity of some missions, or possibly impact group cohesion, or if it would be an acceptable thing for players to be able to do. 

  6. Tenno are advanced enough to reduce a highly complex security system to a tile rotating puzzle. Imagine what we can do if we intentionally hack the network. This could even lead to the creation of a new mission mode. 


    Tenno operatives have begun training in understanding how to manipulate Corpus and Grineer security and network systems. This training has led to the development of new hacking techniques. While it may add an extra degree of risk to the mission, experienced Tenno can utilize the system to great advantage with little risk. Ciphers are unfortunately useless for anything beyond cancelling lockdowns and sealing damaged viewports during depressurization.


    When a Tenno operative accesses a console, they must first hack the login to appear as an officer of that ship. From there, a list of tasks will be presented for the hacking operative to select. Each task has it's own timer, but the session doesn't time out or log out unless a failure or critical failure has been achieved, or a task has been cancelled in mid-hack. Each task also has a given number of moves to complete it, and that task must be completed within those moves for it to be successful.


    There are many ways which Tenno might be able to affect the ship through its security system, in order to gain an advantage during the mission. Some of these could be:

    0) Login (Hack the console so it thinks it is being accessed by an officer)

    1) Clear Security Alert (Removes the state of ship-wide alert, but any enemies who access a console will go directly into lockdown instead of alert then lockdown)

    2) Override Cameras (All cameras spot enemies on the minimap for players)

    3) Disable Forcefields (Camera-detected forcefields will not activate)

    4) Disable Local Gravity Pumps (Applies low gravity effect)

    5) Seal All Viewports (Any area with breakable glass is sealed over to prevent depressurization upon glass breakage)

    6) Cancel Reinforcements (Cause any enemy groups en-route to become stationary at their immediate position)

    7a) Unlock Security Clearance 1 Lockers (Unlocks lockers that Unranked Master Thief would unlock)

    7b) Unlock Security Clearance 2 Lockers (Same, but Rank 1 Master Thief lockers are also accessed)

    7c) Unlock Security Clearance 3 Lockers (Same, but Rank 2 Master Thief lockers are also accessed)

    7d) Unlock Security Clearance 4 Lockers (Same, but Rank 3 Master Thief lockers are also accessed)

    8) Reduce Clearance Requirement (All two-person doors can be opened by one person)

    9) Disable Moa constructors for a few minutes.

     (NOTE: The Security Clearance Lockers can only be unlocked once per mission, and are unlocked in sequential order with increasing difficulty)


    Each of theses skills may not be available to all Tenno, and may be restricted to usage by Mastery levels. The levels would not necessarily correspond with the numbering of the above list. More difficult tasks also have more security nodes to position, as well as having less moves to complete the puzzle, so they require higher precision to complete them. 


    Intruder mod can be used to aid this process. Intruder not only adds extra time, but each level also increases the number of moves which can be taken during the hack process. Ideally the best hacker in a group would use Intruder and handle all the group's hacking needs.


    Failure occurs when the allotted number of moves has been expended, or time has elapsed. These may be increased by the Intruder mod to give the Tenno operative better chances. This doesn't cancel anything which has been successfully manipulated, but it does log out the session and require a fresh log in hack. 


    Critical failures occur when there are 5 total group failures in a span of 3 minutes. This initiates security lockdown, as well as reinitializing security so any modifications made will be wiped (unlocked lockers remain open). 




    New Mission Type (or Mission Augmentation) - Vault Heist


    Heavily-defended vaults have been located aboard enemy vessels. These vaults are heavily defended and reinforced enough to survive if the ship goes smashing into a planet at full speed. The only way to reach the core of these vaults is to hack through a tunnel of sealed gates, held shut by vault console. Most vaults contain 15, 20, or 25 gates.


    One Tenno must hack the increasingly difficult vault console systems needed to get into the vault, where every failure closes a gate that was previously opened. As time elapses, and as more gates are opened, the number of enemies, frequency of waves, level of enemies, and number of heavies per group, will continue to increase.


    The mission reaches a critical point when the vault is finally opened, as Tenno must fight through powerful waves of enemies in order to escape with the goods alive. Often between the gates are other types of hazards, such as forcefields, Moa constructors, and ambushes set up by defenders while the vault is being accessed. 


    This could either be a mission of its own, or it could be included in certain mission types (particularly Capture) as a modifier to increase difficulty and rewards. As its own mission, it would essentially be like a shorter and more brutal version of a Defense mission, where the difficulty would ramp up based on progress, but wouldn't provide many (if any) breaks for the vault-busting team. 




    Clan Dojo Feature - Electronic Warfare Training Room


    Clan Dojos can erect a new room to help Tenno operatives practice their hacking skills. There would be two sections to the EWT room, one for Vault Console training and one for Security Console usage and training. 


    The Vault Console section simulates the gates leading to a vault. When the console is accessed, a secondary timer appears to demonstrate how long the operative has taken to complete the full task of hacking the vault. Once the vault is fully unlocked, the operative must run to the green teleporter in the Vault room to stop the timer and record to the leaderboard, as well as being teleported to the beginning with the vault sealing shut. Tenno may also step on the red circle near the Vault Console to cancel their attempt and reset the vault.


    The Security Console section demonstrates the effects of each hacking feature from a high vantage point. A holographic representation of enemies is used to demonstrate how they are affected by these hacks. There is also a switch to reset all the features in the room (such as retracting the mechanism that seals up the demo viewports) so an operative can try things multiple times to see how it all gets affected.


    The EWT room would be about as large as the obstacle course room and require a comparable sum of resources to complete.

  7. I like the idea of more frames that use their powers less for direct attacks and more to improve overall combat prowess. Damage absorption, damage enhancement, mobility enhancement (running and jumping), melee enhancement, debuff resist / removal, all seem like things that could be used instead of auras, missiles, and radial attacks. 


    I'd love to see the first ability as a sort of rising strike, from sliding / crouched / knocked down / stagger, the player can use the first ability to perform a rising strike that knocks enemies away / upward while getting them back on their feet. This would help relieve problems like what Rhino has when Iron Skin breaks in a swarm of 30 enemies. 

  8. Galatine charge crits can kill things really well... and the crit rate on charges is 25% and damage is 200%. Mashing charge speed, charge damage, crit damage, crit chance, and attack speed (speeds up the actual swing animation) will give you a weapon that hits ancients for ~5k more often than not. 

  9. Thanks!


    One thing I left intentionally vague is resources. Initially when I was thinking about this, I was thinking of the current collectible mineral containers being abundantly generated from the mining machine as well as massive piles in the caches.


    Now that I've though about it a bit more, I'm wondering if the better way would be material collectibles being a shared pickup (like Oxygen in survival) so only one member of the team needs to access them to collect them, and that the materials being earned aren't quantified until Extraction (where The Lotus distributes the acquired materials evenly).


    These materials would be bundled together, so one physical collectible object would represent the equivalent of about 1000 of a common material, 100 of an uncommon material, or 10 of a rare material, but the distribution of common / uncommon / rare materials would always add up to 1000 resource bundles, and the bundles take just as long to mine with machinery regardless of their composition. If machinery is destroyed before the next material bundle is delivered, a partial bundle will still be available. 


    This is so players don't miss any resources that at least one teammate picks up, and to reduce the number of resource containers being generated to prevent potential slowdown for low-end machines. 


    Does it seem like the rain of material containers seem like a better way to go, or should there be material bundles as a shared pick-up instead? 





    One other consideration is Solo vs. Group. A solo player could potentially complete one of these alerts without any assistance, and they would be rewarded for any caches they find, and any machines they can keep operational for long enough to produce more materials (which might not be long if the player has to manually operate the device somehow). A group would net less than a solo player if they only hit the caches, as the caches would be split among the group, however the ability to keep machinery operational for a period of time would provide the group a considerably larger amount of resources. All divisions of resources would be fair, such as that nobody in the group is shorted a rare material that someone else receives, otherwise it may be discouraging for players to group up and walk away with less rare materials than a solo run. 

  10. @IndieCade -- 12:27 PM 3 Oct 2013 -- Your first date with the PlayStation 4 can be this weekend at #IndieCade! Play @housemarque’s Resogun, Hohokum, @PlayWarframe and more.


    @PlayWarframe -- 1:10 PM 3 Oct 13 -- @IndieCade Warframe will be playable?


    Can anyone confirm this, or provide more details? 


    (Also, anyone in the Los Angeles area, IndieCade is awesome and you should totally check it out!)

  11. TL:DR version: Survival + Defense where resource gathering is the objective and Oxygen isn't a factor. Alerts only. 


    This would be a special mission that can only be accessed as an alert. A Corpus mining colony established on a resource-rich asteroid has been infested, and the stealth technology obfuscating the location of the colony is compromised. Infested masses are honing on the colony and will overrun it, but any brave Tenno may tempt fate and try to take advantage of the situation before the colony is completely overrun. 


    Tenno must fight their way through to resource caches and operational equipment, both of which are generally guarded by a regiment of the toughest Corpus around who are awaiting extraction orders. Caches provide a quick injection of resources, however mining equipment can be used to produce far more. When Tenno have access to a mining machine, one must operate the machine in order to harvest more resources, while the rest of the team must defend them from increasing numbers of incoming infested.


    The stakes get higher as time goes on. The levels of incoming infested increase, the frequency of new groups spawning increases, and the number and variety of infested in each group increases. The extraction point is revealed after a single cache or mining operation has been collected by the team, but the players can go on and find more caches and mining operations scattered about. The Lotus will notify the team when all the caches have been drained and all the mining machines have been destroyed, so they will know it is time to take off or set up a defensible position near extraction to continue exterminating groups of incoming infested.

  12. Its times like this when I would definitely be looking at the Weapon Fusion system. Galatine is an amazing weapon, but I wouldn't want to waste all the time and effort I put into my less-awesome heavy weapon when I'm ready to start using Galatine.


    For someone who has very few weapon slots available in their inventory, the choice to even get a new weapon to try out and level up is weighed against the decision to wait for a different type of weapon to fill their last weapon slot. With Weapon Fusion, they be able to find out if it is a weapon they want to fuse their old weapon into, or otherwise that the new weapon isn't what they want and will be sold at level 30 to make room for the next weapon. 

  13. I dunno, I rarely used consumables anyhow.


    Ammo is great for missions where my weapons are having a tough time getting through all the enemies, especially being underarmed on Phobos with all those pesky Desert Skates eating my ammo. However, I haven't used an ammo box in at least a month.


    Team health restore... this would probably be good for Infestation defenses, I should probably get a few. 


    Shield Restore is tough, because it is tougher to look at the health bar menu and determine that the team needs shields.


    And there's an energy restore now, right? That could be useful for underarmed missions like with the ammo, when the items need to be used constantly just to keep critical abilities up. 


    Generally, I can get by with what is in the level, dropping off enemies or out of containers. I sometimes use ammo conversion mods to keep ammo supplies up, and the frame and mission will determine how much energy I need.


    Cipher takes the fun out of the hacking minigame, AND there was a bug that would automatically use the Cipher even if I didn't want to, so it was just a frustrating waste of minimal credits and unpredictable functionality. Not using them made the hacking mastery upgrade challenge much easier to complete. 

  14. You have earned a cookie. Enjoy thy cookie.


    Just a quick thought but maybe add in an ability that essentially 'radar pings' enemies by using light (refraction...? reflection...?) which also causes 'optimization' of prismatic damage, adding 20% or so of whatever the target is weakest to within prismatic's damage spectrum. The idea would be more like this...


    100 Prismatic + (100*0.2) as highest damage type from prismatic


    It would feed your design, give it support abilities, and give it a little extra kick for nasty situations. Energy wise... probably 75-100 given the dps change that might occur.



    Your design is significant and hopefully DE will place this to the design council so we can vote it though. Hopefully they'll give that chance to put it through a little better then they gave us with Nova, since it was pretty out of our hands and mostly in the DE's, then council takes the heat. Honestly leaves me with the feeling they used us as a scape goat.......


    Either way, nice job on the design and abilities, it looks good. Have another cookie.

    Thanks, I do like cookies!!


    I like your suggestion of additional Prismatic vulnerability. This could potentially be a way to further Prism's effectiveness against highly-resistant enemies.


    At this point I am waiting on the damage system overhaul, to see how it affects damage types and resistances among the various enemy types. Prismatic damage could already end up being way more powerful than everything else by the time Prism would be ready for implementation. 

  15. - Fixed enemies sometimes not playing their death animations/ragdolling.

    This was a weird one, I would waste a ton of Kunai on enemies who I thought were still standing til I realized they weren't ragdolling at all. Their corpses wouldn't gib or anything, and I couldn't shoot through the darn things! 

  16. Well, now that you mention about bring the catalyst and forma to the new weapon, that kinda ruin the idea buying potatoes from market.


    But, I guess it would please those who accidentally sell or some how got their weapons deleted.

    It could. If necessary, DE could adjust catalyst prices, or create a Weapon Fusion Core item as an intermediary step. 


    The Weapon Fusion Core would cost 1 Forma and maybe a few other things to construct, and maybe the blueprint is a low frequency drop off any boss or able to be found from alert missions. The complete item could be purchased for Platinum too, that way the loss in Catalyst sales would be compensated in Weapon Fusion Core sales. This would also add a bit of exclusivity to the Weapon Fusion process.


    Does the Weapon Fusion Core system seem like a reasonable way to limit Weapon Fusion to reduce the loss of catalyst sales?

  17. When i read the inital title for this thread i dived in asuming anything with the name Prism would have powers based on light manipulation, then i read your post... wow sounds complex and interesting, i get the feeling it would almost be considered THE endgame frame since it can from what i read basicly do anything depending on loadout, im not sure if this universal approach to skills and dammage types is a good idea because unless the abilities were significantly weaker when compared to traditional frames there would be no point in using any of the others.


    Interesting none the less.

    The concept is based on a "weaker before prismatic" model. They are designed based on abilities that already exist, with some of the damage and effects toned down, but with the addition of prismatic damage and debuff application. 500 Fire Damage may still do more to low level Grineer than 500 Prismatic damage, but against highly-resistant foes in the 100+ level range, 500 fire damage might not even do as much as 300 prismatic damage. All the while, 500 prismatic damage is pretty much guaranteed to apply 1 to 2 debuffs on the target.


    Prism should be comparable to other frames for lower level content, but it is in higher level content that it truly excels. Aside from the ability for Prismatic to penetrate defenses and affect vulnerabilities, there is a high level of synergy between the different ability combinations, as well as the ability to fit Prism with any set of 3 Warframes and configure their abilities to fill any gaps in the group. Apart from being a bit less powerful before prismatic damage is factored in, the effects of Prism's abilities are very useful, and they can all be improved by mods that increase power / duration / range. 


    You are right that this would be closer to and endgame Warframe. When we run Survival missions, I'd like to think the lone Tenno operative looting the place is using Prism, using Ionic Zipline and Trailblazer to move fast and get around without much hindrance. 

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