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Posts posted by LegendaryNeurotoxin

  1. A couple more to add: 



    Gametype / Mission Related


    Special Phobos Mission - Infect / Exterminate - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/111174-special-phobos-mission-infect-exterminate/




    Weapons (I guess?)


    Weapon Fusion https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/110588-weapon-fusion-turn-your-outdated-weapons-into-something-good/




    Thanks again for this, EVERY forum EVERYWHERE should have one of these!

  2. I think this might ruin the "exclusiveness" for the prime, it should just be earnable through events, so as the Wraith series.


    I should probably be clear about this: Weapon Fusion would NOT give players a new way to access to Prime, Vandal, or Wraith weapon varieties. Those still have to be earned and constructed.


    When a player earns a new Prime, Vandal, or Wraith version of a weapon that replaces their old version, through completion of an event or finishing up Prime weapon construction, the player would be able to use Weapon Fusion to add any Forma polarity modifications (except things that came default with the weapon) and the catalyst (if present) from the old weapon to the new weapon. This would not upgrade the version of the weapon, it would only be like adding Forma and a Catalyst to a new weapon that didn't have them, while at the same time sacrificing your old customized weapon to be destroyed in the process.


    One thing I haven't considered is whether or not weapons have to be in a similar category for fusion to be allowed. Items could be restricted to being fused with a similar class of weapon (primary with primary, secondary with secondary, melee with melee, drone gun with drone gun) in order to limit this system from being overused. Or not, I honestly don't think players should be restricted in this way, as Forma and Catalyst are just as exclusive regardless of where they are applied.

  3. TLDR version: This is a two-part mission. Part 1 is to infect a Grineer settlement, which gives a key to return. Part two of the mission is to return to the infested settlement to exterminate all the infested creatures.


    In an effort to strike a more decisive blow to the Grineer, the Lotus has chosen a brutal strategy for any Tenno brave and cutthroat enough to follow through. Infectious mass from Infested ships has been refined into a devious weapon which can quickly infect organic matter and even reshape solid metal to make a better living space for itself. This sort of weapon is extremely dangerous to be around, so Tenno will be sent to the mission site with a sealed container. Upon reaching either a major air duct or a potable water pump system, the device is attached and primed for 5 minutes, giving the Tenno operatives enough time to escape before the infection begins.


    Upon completion of the objective, participating Tenno are given a key which lets them return to the settlement they just infected, with the goal of purging the settlement-bound infestation before they can start spreading to other nearby objects in space. The key-accessed version now has an infested creature set, including Eviscerators, Hellions, Informant Drones, and Desert Skates, all affected by the malevolent and fast-spreading infestation. 


     It is much easier to let the infestation cripple the Grineer infrastructure before we exterminate the settlement, so that we can leave afterwards and know that the settlement is now useless and probably hazardous to Grineer who would try to salvage something from it. 


    I'm not sure how this fits in the lore or story, or what kind of rewards might be limited to this zone, but I think this could be a great way to introduce new mobs (and possibly a new threat to join the infested masses, the infested Informant Drone)




    And the Lotus has similar plans for the Corpus settlements, whenever we finally find them.

  4. hello there, if you're reading this you A) clicked on the link or B) are a robot, and mindlessly clicked the link and I'm hoping it's A, but if it's a robot hello aswell


    Anyway, the idea I was thinking of while I was playing and a little bit afterwards, then the next day I was brushing my teeth (I think of game ideas at the most random times) was an Infested Shotgun, most likely for Dojo research but perhaps for the market aswell


    (insert name here) would fire rounds of extremely sharp crystals that at first do no damage and stagger the target, then a second later they would explode (with the same particle effects as the Embolist) and deal toxic damage (not too sure about this part, just gimme feedback and I'll change accordingly) similar to the Mire. Why not make it do instant damage? Well, first all guns do this (and for projectile weapons as soon as the projectile hits something) and I wanted something different. Second it'll make people think "Am I going to need to use more than one round or more?" Because right now it's shoot it until it dies with the exception of a couple bosses (Vor, Kril, New Golem etc.) and I wanted something that will make you think more



    I actually haven't thought this far yet, but we'll see how I go

    Damage: ~140, tell me if you want this to change

    Accuracy: I have no idea how these numbers work, they're really screwed up

    Fire rate: ~1.7 (again, tell me if this should change, I didn't think this far and I thought of these on the day of posting)

    Critical: I would have no idea if this can crit due to the detonation system

    Magazine: 5-7, I was going for an odd amount just to change it up a bit

    Reload: 2.5

    Trigger: Semi



    the front would look almost like a mushroom, but with crystal shards sticking out of it which disappear when shot then pop back out when it's ready to fire, the middle would look like a piece of a skeleton (left or right side of a ribcage) with infestation growing all over it and the stock... something, let me think some more XD


    so, tell me what you think and I'll change accordingly... just don't send pure rage at me, no one wants that



    Teeth, not crystals. An infected weapon that fires teeth.



    Or maybe it is the result of an infested Desert Skate, and the weapons it shoots are like the poison barbs that Desert Skates fire. 


    Cool idea though.

  5. This is a really good idea, especially for all those Prime variants, so people don't complain as much. The wasted potatoes are probably the worst problem right now, and this fixes it.

    For sure. I'm not willing to sell the old potato / forma weapons in case a feature like this IS implemented, even if they will never see battle ever again. They are just taking up inventory space, and teasing me for putting Forma on a weapon that would eventually be replaced by an amazing Vandal / Wraith edition. 


    Instead of a sign of resignation when a player realizes the weapon they've put months of effort into maximizing was just blown out of the water by a brand new weapon, they can joyously fuse their well-traveled weapon into the new firepower and keep all the progress they invested in their first weapon. 

  6. Wow...If this isn't on the design council, it really should be...


    Thanks :)


    I'm trying to come up with an art concept to pair with it. Something constructed to appear as if it were made of light-emitting metal, with multiple polished hard surfaces that swirl with prismatic energy. When Radiant Armor is in use, these surfaces would glow brightly, and (tech allowing) the prismatic light patterns would be emitted onto nearby objects, making walls and fog effects look like a fancy light show. 

  7. TL:DR version: Adding a Forma = Polarity. Adding a Forma and a Polarized or Catalyzed Weapon gives you the polarity and catalyst. Forma and polarized weapon both disappear, the fused weapon becomes unranked. 


    Weapon Fusion is a system where players can convert modifications to older weapons onto new weapons. Weapon Fusion requires 1 Forma to complete, as well as two Level 30 weapons. 


    Fusion allows any improvements applied by Forma and Catalyst to be passed over from one weapon to the other, but it also destroys the weapon giving up its properties, and reverts the fused weapon to an unranked state. Any polarity that isn't stock for the weapon, plus a catalyst if it is present, will be transferred to the weapon receiving the fusion. A weapon such as Kunai with two - polarity and nothing else wouldn't transfer anything because Forma did not apply those polarities. However, a Kunai where one of the - polarity was replaced for a V or D polarity (for some reason) would pass over the applied polarity.


    If the weapon already has a Catalyst, and the weapon being destroyed in the fusion process has a Catalyst... I don't know if the catalyst is recovered or not, DE would have to crunch the numbers and make that decision. 


    The purpose of this system is to let players replace their outdated weapons without having to lose the quality and effort put into that weapon. For example, if I have a highly-modified Gorgon and want to make my new Soma better, I would be able to use Weapon Fusion to apply all the polarities that Gorgon received, along with the catalyst, to my new Soma as soon as I get it to level 30. 


    The player would get to decide where they put in all their new polarities, though they would be restricted to polarities that were applied to the weapon being lost in the fusion process. If there is an overlap and there are more polarities than available slots, the player may also adjust previously-existing polarities by replacing them with ones from the fusion process. 


    This could also be done for Warframes in basically the same way. 



    My apologies for suggesting something that has likely already been suggested. I wasn't able to properly search and locate a similar topic, though I may have been searching for the wrong terms. Please direct me to any similar suggestions if you know of any!


  8. I have to say unmodded the standard abilities are pretty week for such a Warframe that would be so difficult to obtain. Also the sheer manufacturing process sounds far to time and recourse consuming to ever catch on.

    Anyone who has the resources to get a frame like this probably has the fusion cores to make it incredible very quickly. One idea I left out was giving this frame 2 Aura slots, so it would have a distinct advantage over all other frames.


    Beyond that, the nature of prismatic damage makes it more powerful than anything else. It averages damage across the different damage types, allowing it to harm enemies anywhere they are vulnerable and inflict guaranteed damage. This allows it to scale better against higher level enemies. 


    All stats and properties are temporary, of course. DE has people for this sorta thing. They may decide Prismatic should only be split between fire, freeze, shock, poison, and laser. They could increase the attributes considerably, more than any existing frame. They could split this into 4 different warframes and make an entire multi-chapter section about the prismatic vortex out in the void.

  9. Warframe Concept – Prism


    My inspiration for designing Prism was to make a modular frame that could be used to fill the gaps in any group. In preparation for writing this post, I had two previous designs for Prism. The first was a Warframe that could freely equip any other Warframe's abilities. The second iteration of Prism was to make a Warframe that could use any two abilities from other Warframes, and could pick two of four Prism-specific abilities which fill in attributes rather than providing abilities. The idea continued to morph and reform until taking shape in the way which I have defined below.


    Table of Contents

    I. Introduction

    II. Attributes

    III. Abilities

    IV. Construction

    V. Prismatic Damage

    VI. Final Thoughts





    I. Introduction

    Prism is a highly modular Warframe, with 16 different Prism-specific mods, of which only 4 may be used at any given time. There are 4 Warframe abilities per level, each has different attributes and properties that help support the ability. Each of these mods grants both attributes and a Warframe ability, but only one mod per level can be equipped at a time.


    Each set of abilities has a particular focus to it: Movement, Defense, Offense, and Restoration. Each set of four ability groups has attributes which bring the attributes of Prism in line with the paradigms for those roles, allowing them to better fill that role. However, the ability to mix and match attributes and abilities gives players more flexibility with their build.





    II. Attributes


    Prism has the absolute lowest base attributes of all Warframes, because the attributes come from both the ability mods and the frame itself.


    Base attributes are:

    Stats  Level 1 / Level 30

    Health: 100 / 225

    Power: 75 / 150

    Shield: 100 / 225

    Recharge: 20 / 20

    Armor: 10 / 10

    Sprint: 0.9 / 0.9


    - (Aura)

    = x4

    - x1

    D x1

    V x1


    (Just for reference) Lowest / Highest attributes for Level 30 Warframes:

    Health: 225/450

    Shield Capacity: 225/450

    Energy: 150 / 225

    Armor: 10 / 150

    Sprint Speed: 0.9 to 1.25

    Shield Recovery: 18.8 / 35


    Attribute Max: No Mods / Movement / Defense / Offense / Restoration

    Health 225 / 300 / 450 / 250 / 375

    Shield capacity 225 / 300 / 350 / 250 / 325

    Shield Recovery 20 / 30 / 22.5 / 25 / 22.5

    Energy 150 / 150 / 175 / 225 / 200

    Armor 10 / 50 / 150 / 10 / 125

    Sprint Speed 0.9 / 1.2 / 0.9 / 1.05 / 1.0


    To achieve these attribute maximums:

    Movement: +75 Health, +75 Shields, +10 Shield recovery, +0 Energy, +40 Armor, +0.3 Speed

    L1: +10 Health, +10 Shields, +1 Shield Recovery, +10 Armor, +0.05 Speed

    L2: +15 Health, +15 Shields, +2 Shield Recovery, +10 Armor, +0.05 Speed

    L3: +20 Health, +20 Shields, +3 Shield Recovery, +10 Armor, +0.1 Speed

    L4: +30 Health, +30 Shields, +4 Shield Recovery, +10 Armor, +0.1 Speed


    Defense: +150 Health, +125 Shields, +2.5 Shield Recovery, +25 Energy, +140 Armor, +0 Speed

    L1: +20 Health, +15 Shields, +0.5 Shield Recovery, +5 Energy, +20 Armor

    L2: +30 Health, +25 Shields, +0.5 Shield Recovery, +5 Energy, +30 Armor

    L3: +40 Health, +35 Shields, +0.5 Shield Recovery, +5 Energy, +40 Armor

    L4: +60 Health, +50 Shields, +1 Shield Recovery, +10 Energy, +50 Armor


    Offense: +25 Health, +25 Shield, +5 Shield Recovery, +75 Energy, +0 Armor, +0.15 Speed

    L1: +5 Health, +5 Shields, +1 Shield Recovery, +10 Energy, +0.025 Speed

    L2: +5 Health, +5 Shields, +1 Shield Recovery, +15 Energy, +0.025 Speed

    L3: +5 Health, +5 Shields, +1 Shield Recovery, +20 Energy, +0.05 Speed

    L4: +10 Health, +10 Shields, +2 Shield Recovery, +30 Energy, +0.05 Speed


    Restoration: +150 Health, +100 Shields, +2.5 Shield Recovery, +50 Energy, +115 Armor, +1.0 Speed

    L1: +20 Health, +25 Shields, +0.5 Shield Recovery, +10 Energy, +15 Armor, +0.025 Speed

    L2: +30 Health, +25 Shields, +0.5 Shield Recovery, +10 Energy, +25 Armor, +0.025 Speed

    L3: +40 Health, +25 Shields, +0.5 Shield Recovery, +10 Energy, +35 Armor, +0.025 Speed

    L4: +50 Health, +25 Shields, +1 Shield Recovery, +20 Energy, +40 Armor, +0.025 Speed





    III. Abilities


    Below are the descriptions of each ability, as well as the attributes they provide.

    Each has a focus on offense, defense, or mobility, and the attributes provided are reflected by the type of ability it is. Every level of each mod provides the same amount of stats, and only amplifies the effect of the ability itself. This allows an advanced player with a high-level “-“ aura to begin using unranked versions of the four “=” mods they want immediately and get the full benefit for attribute improvement. Attribute improvements increase the base stats, not the modified stats from general Warframe mods. +% increases are added together before being applied, so 100 with two +25% will be 150 instead of 156.25.


    Anywhere that “Prismatic” damage is represented, the attack being performed equally inflicts every damage type on the target. Armor Piercing, Blade, Bullet, Electricity, Explosion, Fire, Forcefield, Freeze, Impact, Laser, Physics, Poison, Serrated Blade. Prismatic does not inflict knockdown, stun, or stagger, but is capable of applying any other debuff type.


    Level 1 Abilities:

    Engage – Straight line charge, attempt to stun / stagger / knock over / knock back targets. Leaves behind a light trail (similar to Trailblaze) which damages nearby enemies with Prismatic damage for a very short period of time. Range: 3 / 6 / 9/ 12. Charge damage: 100 / 200 / 300 / 400. Trail damage: 50 / 100 / 150 / 200.

    Attributes: +10 Health, +10 Shields, +1 Shield Recovery, +10 Armor, +0.05 Speed


    Rainbow Glare – Blast enemies in a 180 degree frontal radius, and attempts to inflict every elemental and incapacitating debuff, including stun / stagger / knockdown. This may instantly kill enemies (not bosses) within their last 2.5% / 5% / 7.5% / 10% health. This does not inflict any direct damage, but can apply damage over time effects and other effects. This ability occurs at the time it is used, and does not linger in an area. Range 3 / 6 / 9 / 12.

    Attributes: +20 Health, +15 Shields, +0.5 Shield Recovery, +5 Energy, +20 Armor


    Spectral Blast – Release a prismatic projectile which explodes in a radial pattern on impact. This projectile travels very fast in a straight line, detonating for 37.5 / 75 / 112.5 / 150 Prismatic damage.

    Attributes: +5 Health, +5 Shields, +1 Shield Recovery, +10 Energy, +0.025 Speed


    Shining Resolve – While this ability is active, melee attacks made on enemies by Prism restores health of nearby allies. The amount of health restored is 2.5% / 5% / 7.5% / 10% of the damage inflicted, and the radius is 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 meters.

    Attributes: +20 Health, +25 Shields, +0.5 Shield Recovery, +10 Energy, +15 Armor, +0.025 Speed


    Level 2 Abilities:

    Eclipse – Instantly teleport backwards into temporary stealth, leaving a prismatic hologram that taunts and reflects damage on melee attackers for a 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 seconds. Taunt range for the hologram is 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 10 meters. The hologram will reflect 12.5% / 25% / 37.5% / 50% melee damage as Prismatic damage. The blink effect is edge aware and will not put Prism over an edge or through a wall behind them.

    Attributes: +15 Health, +15 Shields, +2 Shield Recovery, +10 Armor, +0.05 Speed


    Radiant Armor – Envelopes the Warframe in a prismatic shell which fends off damage and reflects melee damage on attackers. Incoming damaged is absorbed until 250 / 500 / 750 / 1000 damage has been sustained. 12.5% / 25% / 37.5% / 50% of melee damage received is reflected to the attacker, and the unreflected damage is absorbed by the Radiant Armor. Debuffs can only be applied to Prism through melee attacks while this is active. Against players in Duels and other PvP, this only reduces incoming damage instead of completely nullifying it, but still reflects and mitigates the same amount of melee damage.

    Attributes: +30 Health, +25 Shields, +0.5 Shield Recovery, +5 Energy, +30 Armor


    Bright Vulnerability – While active, attacks which hit enemies will cause the hit zone struck to glow with prismatic energy. Anyone may strike this hit zone to deal additional prismatic damage, and the added damage is relative to the combined weapon damage inflicted. The total amount of damage inflicted by a weapon to the target zone, after resistances and other mitigation, is increased by +100% / +200% / +300% / +400% in the form of Prismatic damage. Once applied, the vulnerability lasts 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 seconds. The ability to apply vulnerability lasts on Prism for 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 seconds. Vulnerability exposure lasts even if the ability itself has ended for Prism. (((The effect is similar to Banshee's “Sonar” ability, but is selectively applied by the player.)))

    Attributes: +5 Health, +5 Shields, +1 Shield Recovery, +15 Energy, +0.025 Speed


    Bioluminescence – Nearby enemies glow from their bodies with prismatic light, which blinds them and turns their body into a temporary healing conduit if slain. The radius of this effect is 4 / 8 / 12 / 16. The ability lasts 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 seconds, and any enemy killed while the ability is applied will create a healing conduit (beam of restorative light) that restores 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 10 health per second until the ability runs out. The blinding effect inhibits enemy aim and maximum range. Enemy accuracy is reduced by 5% / 10% / 15% / 20%, and Warframe visual detection radius is reduced by 12.5% / 25 / 37.5 / 50%.

    Attributes: +30 Health, +25 Shields, +0.5 Shield Recovery, +10 Energy, +25 Armor, +0.025 Speed


    Level 3 Abilities:

    Ionic Zipline – A straight line of energy is created between Prism and where they are targeting. At either end of this line is a node which must be attached to engaged the Ionic Zipline. When a Warframe touches a node, they are enveloped in energy and transported across the Zipline, and can attack and be attacked while riding the line. Simultaneous travel in both directions is possible. Enemies who come close to the Ionic Zipline are damaged and knocked back. Warframes can also jump off the Zipline at any time. This is especially useful in the Orokin Void to access treasure and avoid obstacles. The distance is 8 / 16 / 24 / 32. The duration is 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 seconds. The player may have up to 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 ziplines active at one time. Enemies within 1 meter of the zipline receive 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 damage and get knocked back a distance of 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 with a possible stagger or knockdown.

    Attributes: +20 Health, +20 Shields, +3 Shield Recovery, +10 Armor, +0.1 Speed


    Diffraction – For a period of time, holograms are created that follow every action taken by Prism. Enemies will attack these holograms, reflecting melee damage and reducing incoming projectile damage that passes through them. 12.5% / 25% / 37.5% / 50% melee damage dealt to holograms is reflected as prismatic damage. 20% / 40% / 60% / 80% projectile damage is reduced for passing through a hologram. Holograms last for 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 seconds, and taunt enemies attacking the player within a 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 meter radius of the player. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 holograms are created to surround Prism.

    Attributes: +40 Health, +35 Shields, +0.5 Shield Recovery, +5 Energy, +40 Armor


    Photon Focus – Prism and all allies within a radius of 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 gain prismatic damage on attacks and increased resistance to debuffs. Prism and allies gain 8% / 16% / 24% / 32% damage increase in the form of Prismatic damage, and unlike Roar this can be affected by Focus mods. All debuffs have a 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% chance of being nullified if they would have otherwise affected the targeted Warframe. This lasts 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 seconds.

    Attributes: +5 Health, +5 Shields, +1 Shield Recovery, +20 Energy, +0.05 Speed


    Illumination – A prismatic sphere with a radius of 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 is created where the ability is used, and any damage inflicted on enemies within this sphere restores 2.5% / 5% / 7.5% / 10% damage inflicted as health and energy to that ally. Enemies within the sphere are blinded and have a difficult time finding their way around or aiming at players, but the effect does not compound with Bioluminescence. This ability lasts 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 seconds.

    Attributes: +40 Health, +25 Shields, +0.5 Shield Recovery, +10 Energy, +35 Armor, +0.025 Speed


    Level 4 Abilities:

    Trailblazer – Prism and all allied Warframes within a radius of 5 / 10 /15 / 20 have their sprint, wall-run, wall-climb, slide, and air-slide speed doubled for a period of time. Sprinting during this time leaves behind a trail of prismatic plasma, which inflicts 100 / 200 / 300 / 400 Prismatic damage to enemies in 1 / 2 / 3/ 4 meters of the trail for every second which they remain in the trail. The ability lasts 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 seconds, and the trail will remain until the ability has ended for Prism and allies. This does not compound with Volt's Speed ability, though the melee effect of the Speed ability should still persist even if Trailblazer overrides it.

    Attributes: +30 Health, +30 Shields, +4 Shield Recovery, +10 Armor, +0.1 Speed


    Prismatic Simulacrum – A column of prismatic light is placed where the ability is used, creating a space for many holograms to contain enemies and deflect their attacks. The ability is created in a 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 meter column with a radius of 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 meters. All forms of incoming damage are reduced by 5% / 10% /15% /20%. Incoming attackers are held in place by holograms, which inflicts 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 damage every second. This ability lasts 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 seconds.

    Attributes: +60 Health, +50 Shields, +1 Shield Recovery, +10 Energy, +50 Armor


    Solar Flare – Blast all enemies in a large radius for heavy damage, while guaranteeing the application of every possible debuff other than damage vulnerability weak points. This deals 600 Prismatic damage at all levels, and can be affected by Focus. Damage over Time debuffs do a combined maximum damage per second that is no greater than the initial damage when applied. The range of this ability is 14 / 16 / 18 / 20. Debuffs last for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 seconds.

    Attributes: +10 Health, +10 Shields, +2 Shield Recovery, +30 Energy, +0.05 Speed


    Heavenly Glow – Prism emanates a powerful glowing aura that saps health, energy, and shield from enemies and provides it to Prism and their allies. This inflicts 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 Prismatic damage per second as it drains enemies, and it restores health, shields, and armor for affected allies at a rate of 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 points per 100 damage inflicted. Enemies who get within 2.5 meters of Prism are blinded for 3 seconds. All enemies within a 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 meter radius are affected by this damage, even if they are above or below Prism. There is no limit to the amount of enemies which this can drain at a time. This ability lasts 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 seconds.

    Attributes: +50 Health, +25 Shields, +1 Shield Recovery, +20 Energy, +40 Armor, +0.025 Speed





    IV. Construction


    This is an advanced Tenno frame, using everything we know about Tenno, Orokin, Grineer, Corpus, and Infested technology and research.

    It can only be built with a hefty amount of crafting components of each one. The idea is that the expensive crafting cost will not necessarily create exclusivity, but it will make acquiring the frame meaningful for anyone who is willing to go through the time and effort to actually make this. This frame also cannot be acquired through boss grinding or void raiding, and requires a clan and dojo to create. (((Also, DE can charge more Platinum than any other frame on the market if they really want.)))


    Helmet – Fieldron Research – Requires 3 Fieldron, 500 Rubedo, 2,500 Polymer Bundle, 10 Neural Sensors, and 50,000 credits to construct.

    Chassis – Mutagen Research – Requires 3 Mutagen Mass, 500 Plastids, 2,500 Nano Spores, 10 Neurodes, and 50,000 credits to construct.

    Control System – Detonite Research – Requires 3 Detonite Injectors, 500 Salvage, 2,500 Ferrite, 10 Gallium, and 50,000 credits to construct.

    Blueprint – This takes all 3 frame components, 3 Forma, and 105,000 credits to construct.

    This costs 500,000 credits total, if every part has to be built from scratch.It also costs a pile of resources.


    This requires at least Mastery level 5 to construct. (Maybe as high as 7... or 8!)





    V. Prismatic Damage


    More explanation is needed for the Prismatic Damage type.

    The purpose of Prismatic damage is to split damage amongst every damage type available in the game, as well as having a slim chance to inflict various status effects on enemies. This is different than other frames that exist, as it is designed to exploit vulnerability by sacrificing maximum power for a type of attack that can get through enemy defenses with ease. This helps with higher level content, and gives players a better chance to take down exceptionally difficult high-level enemies.


    For every 100 prismatic damage, the following damage is inflicted per damage type:

    Armor Piercing 8

    Blade 7

    Bullet 7

    Electricity 8

    Explosion 8

    Fire 8

    Forcefield 8

    Freeze 8

    Impact 7

    Laser 8

    Physics 8

    Poison 8

    Serrated Blade 7


    Additionally, each debuff dealt by these damage types can be applied independently, with a 1% chance for each to be applied for every 100 prismatic damage inflicted.




    IV. Final Thoughts

    Looking back at it, these powers and attributes could honestly be used to create 4 separate Prismatic-based Warframes that don't need the ability mods equipped to get their attributes.


    The appearance of this Warframe should be as androgynous as possible, looking neither male nor female. I honestly don't get why frames are gendered to begin with.


    I went with Shield Recharge and balanced Health and Shields for Movement. The point is to avoid shots and get cover when needed, and to use speed to help mitigate bursts of incoming damage. It doesn't get all the way to 1.25 maximum speed though. (Gotta save something for Prism Prime, right?)


    Defense is designed to have giant amounts of Health and Armor, in order to maximize tanking ability. It is meant to be comparable to Rhino, but with a trade-off that Prism can be knocked down or staggered by melee attacks, while also reflecting melee damage when any is sustained.


    Offense I wanted to call the “Wizard” build. The idea is trading durability for raw damage output and buffs / debuffs that help players make enemies die quickly. A bit of additional speed and shield recovery help the Offense build survive, while the large Energy pool gives room for more capacity and sustained ability usage.


    When DE comes through for E3 next year, we should all drive 15 minutes to Little Tokyo and eat at Tenno Sushi. Yes, it really exists.


    Restoration was tricky because there aren't a bunch of “healer” frames to reference for concepts and balancing. I wanted to go with stuff that hasn't already been done in Warframe, but that wouldn't be too far outside what players would expect to see and be able to utilize. The main goal was to make sure there were not too weird or only situational, and to make sure that none of them actually involve healing and energy orbs.


    Level 1 abilities are meant to be quick and situational. A straight-line charge that can catch enemies who aren't hit with a little energy trail, a frontal debuff wave that can temporarily debilitate a group of enemies, a missile of prismatic damage to clear small enemies and inflict quick damage on targets behind cover, and Shining Resolve works as a participation-based healing ability where players can stick together and gain healing benefits from melee attacks delivered by Prism.


    Level 2 abilities are meant to be defensive / survival oriented. Eclipse is a variation on a classic MMO wizard blink with a nice little trap for neraby enemies, Radiant Armor is basically Iron Skin Jr., Bright Vulnerability will help an Offense build slay enemies much faster (dead enemies = stay alive longer), and Bioluminescence turns enemies into a source of potential healing while inhibiting their offensive capabilities.


    Level 3 abilities are meant to be more of a unique build-defining ability. Ionic Zipline can be used defensively or to control enemies, on top of being an Orokin Void favorite for tricky loot zones. Diffraction is another defensive ability, which can be paired with Radiant Armor to further increase survivability and devastation of melee attackers. Photon Focus adds pure attack power to everyone, and gives them a better chance to fend off debilitating debuffs, further aiding the ability to take down top-level enemies. Illumination is meant to be paired with Prismatic Simulacrum or other area crowd control abilities from other frames, allowing the team to stay closer together and reap the rewards of their tactical superiority.


    Level 4 abilities are meant to be so useful that players will be able to make their group succeed despite the worst of odds based on the ability they choose and how well they use it. Trailblazer is basically parkour lightcycles with no self-death consequence, just run extra fast and it will cook anything that tries to chase you. Prismatic Simulacrum is a powerful area crowd control ability. Solar Flare is a powerful burst of damage paired with debuffs, giving everyone nearby a chance to back out and take a breather, or simply annihilate lesser foes while weakening heavier ones. Heavenly Glow turns a few nearby enemies into passive restoration for allies, and a large mass of enemies into a source of life-sustaining aid to help the team survive.


    Some of the names of the abilities might be kinda silly, but they serve the purpose of sounding different and not using the same word twice for any abilities.


    "Engage" ability is what I decided to go with instead of Warp Speed or Light Speed. Maybe a bit of a Star Trek reference there... 


    This is the kinda frame Alpha Squad uses when we run Survival missions.

  10. [QUESTION]

    Are there plans to have greatly expanded details in the interface, so we know all the attributes of our equipment without having to check a website, or even know beyond what the website could tell us? 


    Details like Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Total Armor, Total Duration Increase, Total Knockdown Recovery Speed, even Affinity to Next Level, would be great additions to the User Interface. 


    Weapons could have a damage chart that lists all the damage types the weapon can inflict, and quantify what damage they would do on a target with 0 armor and infinite health. 

  11. Open. Beta.


    I'd wager everything will be done again. They could do a clean wipe of content (not player equipment or achievements) for live, re-introducing the Fusion Moa, Grineer drones, Fomorian Ships and access to Phobos for people playing it the first time.


    Regardless, don't worry about 1 or 2 OP weapons when the entire damage system needs an overhaul.  

  12. I'd say it is a good idea to not ask for individual buffs or nerfs at this time. DE will have to do a balancing pass before PS4 hits, they're probably just gonna wait til near then to rebalance and implement. There has also been talk of rebalancing damage and damage modifiers, and hopefully with that will be fine-tuning to get thing like crit rate / damage on everything to a more reasonable state.


    We know balance has needed a set of eyes for a while. Hikou, Despair, and Kunai are pretty much the best pistols. Built-in serrated blade damage and two "V" polarities by default, near instant reload time, and the "penalty" of an arc. I try to pretend this isn't true and use my custom Seer for most things, but even a potatoless Kunai seems to outclass it for everything except precise long-range sniping. 


    Snipertron Vandal pretty much made all other snipers ineffective by comparison, and came pre-potato'd. GG snipers. Maybe Vulkar Wraith/Vandal will tip the scales once again. 


    Single light and medium melee weapons are hailed by all as "that thing you build to make a dual weapon later" and probably need to be looked at and balanced relative to the dual-wielded versions. 


    Yes, I'm sure the team is fully aware that they are making weapons that truly trump previously-released competitors. I'm fine with one shotgun being definitely the best for the current state of the game. 

  13. I understand rare mods being rare, but I've had no luck with Hell's Chamber or Split Chamber.

    It looks like Fusion Cores are gone, I didn't get a single one during the event.

    Hopefully Void BPs will be mixed up a bit better. I still haven't gotten a Frost Prime blueprint, I know a lot of people in the same boat.

    Hopefully Stalker drop rates are being adjusted too. I've fought him probably 20 times and have gotten but one single schematic.

    Either way, I'm looking forward to better loot tables. This means we'll be able to figure out what drops which mods and run missions to target them!

  14. I've been loving the Seer. Hated Lex by comparison. I can't see myself getting after a space ninja revolver. 


    It is good to know that it has some positive attributes, and isn't just a painful weapon meant only for late-in-the-game mastery. 

  15. Grineer Lager

    Corpus Ale

    Infested Rum

    Grineer would definitely be an ale, lagering takes time and is more expensive. Probably a golden strong ale or an IPA.

    Corpus Smoked Porter

    Infested Barrel-Aged Geuze *shudders* 


    If DE ever had a fan event in a region I could attend, I'd give a crack at brewing a Grineer Beer.

  16. Continuing to enjoy Scindo, but I've been messing with Reaper Prime and it may get a potato at some point. I have a Fragor waiting to be claimed in the Foundry as well. 


    Reaper Prime is especially good with a frame that cannot be interrupted (such is Rhino with IS on) because you can jump slam attack at any time for extra slam damage. 

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