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  1. Wow I like all of these! This is a super cool idea I hope DE sees some of these and gets inspired.
  2. I agree with the status procs itt would help if they were applied faster or if effigy could place down room wide procs. However I do not agree that vex would be broken considering you have frames like revenant that can be both immortal and one shot most enemies in the game. Also there are plenty of powers that make you basically immortal and armor has diminishing returns. Honestly I am trying to get past the feeling of going from fully stacked chroma to nothing in an instance. A comparison I can think of is imagine playing nidus losing your 100 virulence stacks because a timer ran out? It would be a pretty terrible feeling, this is the feeling I am trying to alleviate by making vex armor a toggle
  3. The exalted sentinel idea is kinda a cool idea. I wonder if it could also be like a venari kind of thing where you could have it follow, defend, or attack. And like you said you could send it to allies and they could be another affinity bubble spreading his 2 and 3.
  4. I wanted to start a discussion on possible chroma changes. First some background I have been playing warframe since before chroma was released. Before chroma I mainly had played Rhino for the survivability. I switched to chroma based on his design and at the time he was similar to Rhino, aka had a good defense ability and a damaging boosting ability. Chroma back then became my most played warframe for a time, but eventually I switched to other warframes and other games. I never really played chroma during his hay days of eidelon hunting because I never really did that content much. I recently came back to chroma and found him more or less the same since I last played him, with only slight qol changes in his 1 and 3. Now I put this background up so people know that I am not a 500 hour chroma main and I am just wanting to start a discussion about possible changes to make chroma more interesting or less clunky to play. I now wanna talk about some of my slight annoyances I have had coming back to chroma after many years of playing different warframes. 1: I would like to go the ability I have the most grief with first, which is his 3. I like what the ability does however I feel like there are a lot of unnecessary restrictions on it. For one it is only a weapon buff (except for chroma's abilities), two it's additive damage instead of multiplicative (which a lot of arcanes do now without having to take damage), third you have to take damage just to get the buffs, and finally is the fact that it is a buff you have to remember to constantly recast. So most of these I can overlook if some of the others were addressed. For instance if this became a toggleable ability I feel like it would alleviate some of the issues. There are so many things that can shut off your abilities, anything from a myriad of enemies to accidentally falling off the map. Now I am going to make a lot of comparisons to other damage buffs like roar. Both roar and vex can be turned off the same ways, however you can recast vex before it finishes but you have to wait for roar to run out. Vex can reach a higher percentage but the damage is comparable to roar if you take into account that roar can also benefit faction mods. Now my point roar is at full strength everytime you press the button no setup necessary. Now compare this to vex armor that has to be charged up each time and you can see the problem. Now if vex was togglable you wouldn't have to worry about losing it just because you missed the timing to press 3 again. Because loosing your buff on chroma is a lot more punishing than probably any other ability that you need to constantly refresh since you have to loose a massive amount of armor you were using for survivability and then build it back up by taking damage right after losing a massive amount of armor. This is just one option to fixing this ability, others might be just make it max out when you press it without having to take damage. 2: I feel like chroma's 2 and 3 could be combined into one ability. They have basically the same cooldown and I cannot think of a situation where you would have one on and not the other. This creates the monotony of having to press buttons for just upkeep. Let's compare this to other warframes that have to constantly press buttons. Such as Gauss or Lavos both are constantly pressing buttons but the feeling of pressing 1 on gauss and sprinting at high speeds or pressing 3 on lavos and sending out a alchemical probe that creates a ton of universal orbs to help your team. Both feel and are visually more satisfying than chroma doing a little shake on two separate abilities just to maintain buffs. So as I stated before I think these abilities should be combined. And if the previous change of changing the three to togglable was adopted then I believe whenever you cycle through his one the elemental buff would change without recasting 3 to avoid resetting your buffs. 3: Now my previous point brings up a new problem "If we combine his 2 and his 3 what would fill the gap?" This is some of my most drastic changes and are well out of just a touch up and more of a full rework. If all the previous suggestions were adopted then I purpose we move his current 1 to his 2 and make it more of a cone than a line when he breaths fire and it is no longer a constant stream but creates a cone like Frost's ice wave (but probably not as big) and it would leave an elemental after effect on the ground in said cone afflicting statuses. Possibly even allowing for elements to be combined, for instance if he breathed a toxin cone then a fire cone it would create a gas cloud in the cone area. This leads to his new 1 which I think should be a claw swipe that inflicts slash. It would need to be short range and it's damage would scale with ability strength and vex armor buff. Finally to bring it all together a change to his 4. Instead of effigy it becomes Aspect of the Dragon. This leans back on chroma's buffing nature with a self buff. Upon activation Chroma's effigy flies just above him and buffs all his other abilities by adding range, efficiency, and strength while also keeping its passive to earn more credits and its active to periodically scream and stagger enemies. This of course would be a timed buff since we are assuming his 3 is toggled now. Again this post is just to start a discussion and I would like long time chroma players to chime in and let me know what they think. I hope I did a good job of explaining and of keeping the essence of chroma. As much as I would like to see all of these changes I think just a few of them could go a long way to making chroma more interactive to play and less of just a timer watching simulator. Please let me know your thoughts or if there was something I missed.
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