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Posts posted by BL4CKN0ISE

  1. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Herrwann69 said:

    Say thank you to those who cry out loud everytime DE's try to balance something nerfing it the good way. Somes want powerfantasycheesingmasskilling game and hate the feel to be challenged so DE's give them press 4 to win abilities and Arca Plasmor. But on the other side somes ask for challenge to test their overpowerd build, but no way they want to feel less powerful, they just want the enemies to looks harder but to be cheesy like low level's ones.

    The result is Orb Vallis, a mix of everything with no balance. It's must be as frustrating for DE as is it for you.

    Yeah, that makes sense. It is kinda strange. We want to be powerful, but we also want a challenge. It's like every Superman game. They take away his powers to make it a challenge, but the entire point of a Superman game is to feel like Superman. 

    I never really thought about it but I definitely agree. DE is probably having a frustrating time trying to develop content for us. I'm still having fun, so it's not a huge deal. At least they're listening. I think they just don't know what to do since we all want something different, and at the core most of us want some type of power fantasy. 

    • Like 3
  2. 8 minutes ago, Artiems said:

    weve been doing runs with

    2 Oberons throwing hallowed and stacking renewal, 1 on add management, other helping cycle shields. ( growing power, no augments.)
    1 Dps stacked chroma, (Growing power, no augments)

    7 damage types covered between the 3 of us, and all running corrosive on arch weapons

    and then whatever rando calrissian gets thrown into spot 4.

    from the time we exit the gate, to kill the profit taker and get back to the gate is a touch over 5m 30s atm, but expecting to get it down a bit more as we get more comfortable.

    Ooh, I like this sound of this comp. I'll probably try this later.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    Hi, I've been grinding profit taker mission 2 now almost 150 runs because its impossible to rank up in vox until i get 10x of these atomo systems. Having a player go through the tedious painful process of farming these cant be your goal. Once i get my item im gonna walk away from warframe saying to myself, "wow this made me really angry, and i really didnt have fun". Thanks again DE, not the first time, probably not the last either.

    I defended the grind earlier in a different thread, but I ran into some terrible RNG today. Yeah, it can be annoying. I think we need more chances to get drops or maybe some bonuses could help out. I also just wish the open world content would just have a better in-game economy in general. I felt the same way about PoE. It's like the different vendors don't trade with each other. It would make more sense and be better for players if we could maybe trade gems and other resources for the stuff we need.

  4. I've been thinking about this since Fortuna released and I've hesitated to talk about it because I honestly love more challenge in the game. Fighting enemies on Orb Vallis is fun, but something is very odd about the enemies. I started thinking about the original reason for Nullifiers. I understand how they helped with the balance. Corpus can be an extremely weak faction and if Nullifiers didn't exist, they would be way too easy to destroy with the push of a button.

    That being said, I sometimes don't even know what's happening when I'm on Orb Vallis. It's like everything is reversed. They're like a bunch of Warframes just using endless abilities and mods. Right now they have everything. They hit hard, they stagger and knock us around all the time, sometimes you will see 10, 15, or more Nullified enemies, and sometimes an enemy will sprint at cheetah speed and then instantly bring up a Nullifier bubble right on top of you. Combas, jackals, hyenas, raptors, etc. all create a chaotic experience that can be fun, but I don't know if it makes any sense if you're concerned about balance.

    I'm not even completely sure how I feel about it. It never really bothered me until the most recent update. Fighting an Orb Mother really showcases just how powerful Corpus enemies can be. It's not just one thing. It's the combination of staggers, knockbacks, enemy damage, draining our energy, nullifying our abilities, and then the addition of the cumbersome archguns, which leave us extremely vulnerable while equipping and reloading. Tbh, it's probably ONLY the Archguns that make it so frustrating, because like I said, it never bothered me before now. 😉

    A challenging experience should sometimes be frustrating. That's just how challenging games are. You sometimes need to take a break and then come back and conquer that challenge later. Sometimes it just seems like DE is trying to create challenging content by just focusing on the frustrating part. It's not frustrating because it's challenging. It's only "challenging" because it's frustrating. This is something I've also noticed with Arbitrations and Elite Onslaught to a lesser degree. With Arbitrations, the rotations are twice as long and we need to deal with arbitration drones. Even the one life aspect sounds good on paper if you want challenge, but it actually doesn't work very well. It's super weird for squads, and you're not trying to die anyways when you're doing endurance. So with Arbitrations it's just frustrating because how you die will probably be cheap. A sea of pink enemies you can't damage and a drone in the middle is an example of how things can go bad pretty quickly if a leech or something is in there as well. All it means is you probably can't play again for awhile if you die. It just doesn't feel more challenging, but it can definitely be frustrating. 

    Idk, I guess it's just something to think about. I'm not sure what the answer is since I'm not a developer, but I hope DE can create challenging content that doesn't just focus on enemy invulnerability periods, time-gating, staggers/knockdowns, etc. Anything that slows down the gameplay or make it less smooth just doesn't fit in a "Space Ninja" game IMO. And please tell Corpus to just chill. What is wrong with them? 😁 

    • Like 2
  5. Yeah, it's like DE went backwards with the bounties. I remember when they fixed them for PoE so we could get a reward for each bounty stage. Now we only get one for the heist bounties. I think they just wanted everything to be more frustrating for some reason.🤔

  6. I think GTA V handled it pretty well and it gives different squadmates something to do, instead of basically making it a race to see who does the one thing first. This has always been an issue with the co-op in Warframe. It's just an "everybody go do that one thing" type of gameplay that doesn't really feel interesting. Raids were just an exercise of extreme coordination, but I think that's just not very fun for most players.

  7. 1 hour ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

    I'm still picturing Rhino just standing in one spot confident his Iron Skin will shrug off anything right before getting vaporized 😂

    Reminds me of the first time I tried to use Octavia against the Orb Mother. "They can't hit what they can't s..." instantly dead. 🤣

  8. Chroma is a must pick IMO. His tankiness is legit out there and his damage output with normal weapons and archguns is unmatched. You can stand there and tank damage and one-shot limbs. That's really everything you need.

    Everything else should be about keeping him alive and supporting him. So I think the best squad is built around Chroma. Heal him, buff him, switch damage for him, etc. 

  9. Decisions are the biggest problem, not bugs. I understand where you're coming from, but my experience isn't being tarnished by bugs. It's the amount of time it takes to equip an archgun, or the timer in-between use, or the unskippable cutscenes, etc. I also love when DE is quick to fix stuff, like the cutscenes I just mentioned.

    Anyways, what's the point of threads like this? Don't we show appreciation by playing and spending money on this game? If we tell them what we like or dislike, I think that can make the game better. Just telling them "thank you" while players are disappointed seems counterproductive. Idk, I would just think actual feedback has more value than blind appreciation. This thread just seems like a participation trophy. 

  10. It just sucks that Archguns are the new Amps for Fortuna. Outside of fighting Orb Mothers, I can't see how they would be viable. The worst part is how bad they feel to use even when you're using them against an Orb Mother. They're just so clunky. I take the most damage just equipping it and/or reloading. DE also completely ruined the recoil of the Velocitus, which also makes you more vulnerable than it should. I haven't tried the other ones, so maybe it's just the Velocitus, but it just feels crappy to use, especially when you combine that with all the other stuns you get out there.

  11. 1 hour ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

    they mentioned why they added it. its mostly for normal missions so you dont use the archguns as primaries but rather as kind of bursts of high damage.

    I honestly thought DE just did weak weapon builds for their streams. I didn't think they were actually unaware of how much DPS normal weapons can do. How can they really think Archguns are bursts of "high damage"? Compared to what? Oh DE...

  12. 33 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    You figured out something they explicitly tell you?

    This is the content they were working on. They weren't going to go through all their other content to make sure it worked outside the things they are focused on.

    Natural is non-existent in a video game.

    1. Yes, very interesting point you made. 🤨
    2. Gimmick. Yes, you understand now. 
    3. What are you talking about? "Natural" exists in almost every video game to some degree.  In Warframe, a secondary operates like a secondary. It only takes one hand to use a single secondary, so naturally DE allows us to use with Glaives. It's a feature/game mechanic they didn't need to add, but it's a fun idea and it naturally makes sense. A primary takes two hands to use. Typically they will do more damage, have more ammo, etc. DE could make them less powerful or have snipers with no scopes, but that wouldn't be as natural as they are now. In Warframe Heavy guns are amps for Orb Mothers. Just a wasted opportunity. 
    4. Hopefully one day we'll be able to read an actual opinion from you instead your typical replies. Classic peterc3: "Because that's what DE wanted to do." Thanks for the input. 🤣
  13. 15 minutes ago, HellVOps said:

    If you pick up heavy ammo pick up(its a bigger yellow ammo pack), then the timer resets and you can use it again.

    Yeah, I figured that out finally.

    I'm still bothered by the gimmicky aspect tho. They're just for the Orb Mother. Why can't they just be heavy guns and everything that would naturally go with that? I mean of course they should be great against a huge boss like the Orb Mother or Eidolons, but that should just be based on the fact that they're heavy guns. It should just be natural. DE is just forcing us to use Archguns for a specific part of the fight. They're basically like amps. Same thing as before, except it's even more frustrating IMO. 

    DE made them strong by making them the only thing that can damage it during that phase. It's just a weak way to develop content or implement a new mechanic. It's basically time-gating.

  14. This is honestly the biggest letdown I've dealt with in this game. Archguns are a complete joke. Why are they like this? Why are they just a simple gimmick? I don't understand the logic. They aren't more powerful then normal weapons and instead of making them more powerful and then balancing other aspects, you just make them have low ammo, a timer(TEN MINUTES😞) after you run out of ammo, and I can't use certain abilities. 

    I have to ask this question. What do you think would've been the problem with just letting us equip them as they are in Archwing missions? Maybe we would move a bit slower or something. They weren't OP weapons to begin with. A few of the Archguns feel really powerful during Archwing Missions, but that's not the case when fighting normal enemies and definitely not a huge boss. The  SLOWEST part of fighting an Orb Mother is when I'm forced to use this crappy version of my Archgun. I can't even believe this exists. 

    I use to get annoyed when people said "DE doesn't play their own game", but now I understand why people say that. There is no way you guys actually enjoy this, so why would you make it this way for us? It's terrible. 👎👎 

    Please fix ASAP. 😊

  15. Archwing guns seem pretty weak at this time. I remember being scared when DE said they would need to make some changes before they allow us to use them on land. It's been awhile since I even looked at an archwhing weapon, so I assumed DE would nerf them. Now that I've built them again, I can only imagine them getting buffs. How else can they compete with current weapons? 

    Only the Velocitus seems viable for that weapon category at this time. I have no idea what I'll use, so I'm building them all. I have a strong feeling the balance changes will make all of them stronger than they currently are. Right now the Velocitus feels like the only true Railgun in the game, so I'm looking forward to using that first.

  16. 6 minutes ago, aswitz87 said:

    They had to go out of their way to create a macro to abuse the bug the way they did.  Why should DE give any leeway?

    Its the difference between grabbing the loose cash from the crashed armored car vs buying dynamite to blow open the doors of the crashed armored car.

    Not really a fair analogy because one is in a virtual space and the other isn't. Stealing money from an armored car is still theft, but blowing open the doors also includes several other felonies. Both are crimes tho, but this situation is just a different thing.

    Nobody was hurt. No money was stolen. He discovered an affinity gaining glitch that is now fixed. No harm no foul. Players who exploit glitches still enjoy the game, spend money, bring more players to the game, etc. He's not just some criminal who hacked into Warframe servers with malicious intent or anything that vile. 

    So to put it simply..."Why should DE give any leeway?" Because that's just how things work. You typically forgive people when the crime isn't too serious, and especially when it's not actually a crime. He will get unbanned and it won't take 16 years. 😁

  17. Just don't abuse an exploit and you will be safe. That being said, I think DE was  too harsh in this case, but it was a very specific thing you had to do to make it work and it had the ability to do so much in a such a short period of time. So I think DE thought it was just easier to ban than to roll back the affinity gained for the various weapons used. 

    I wish they were more consistent tho. I've abused so many things in this game. "Nukong" was nuts and "Blade Vortex" + Wukong's Cloud Walker was my favorite way to farm Eidolons. I would be scared of anything that actually breaks the game tho. That Khora Affinity glitch is just too much. He should've seen that coming, but I also think DE should figure out how to take away the affinity gained and unban any player who abused the exploit. 

  18. 11 hours ago, Kierlak said:

    Leeches are an actual problem.


    ""difficulty"" or ""challenge"" are fictional problems invented by people trying to make the game into something it isn't.

    Difficulty is an actual problem(for some people). 


    "Leeching" is a fictional problem invented by people who refuse to accept how Warframe works.

    Leeching is not a problem. It is a feature. Everybody does it to some degree. How else would you level anything? Anyways, the one thing I don't understand is why people say they like to play solo to avoid leechers. The exact reason I don't care about leechers is because I often play solo, so I'm used to doing everything myself anyways. 

    The funniest part is how many people talk so negatively about leechers and they probably get carried all the time. It doesn't matter if you're trying or not. Either you're actually helping or you aren't. I was grinding the Index the other day and I just stopped and watched what was happening around me. This is why leechers don't bother me. I just run around doing everything I can do to get the job done. I guess some of you do what I did that day. You stop and watch others. I don't understand why people care so much about what others are doing. I'm only playing with you because of Tenno Affinity. Leeching is an important part of Warframe. Even if I'm carrying, I'm still leeching. Even if my teammates aren't leeching, I'm still carrying. 

    That's Warframe. 😉


  19. I don't really care about leeching, but I just don't see the point of bounties for anything other than the rewards. The problem is the rewards change and once you get what you want, what's the point? The standing gain is laughable compared to Ticker or mining. DE just balanced the different ways for gaining standing in Fortuna in a strange way. I think you should maybe need to do the hardest bounty twice to hit standing cap for the day, but the way it's set up I think I would need to do it at least 5 times and I'm only MR18. That takes such a ridiculous amount of time compared to spending seconds with Ticker or 10 minutes or so mining.

    I'm happy with how lucrative mining is, and Ticker is literally my favorite addition to Warframe, but maybe the tougher bounties should give around 10k standing to be more competitive with other methods for gaining rep.


  20. I saw this topic the other day...Age Pets or motivation not to remove them. by @INDOGEN

    Anyways, I don't just wanna copy the topic, but I think people might've misunderstood the idea. I think I understand it, so I'll give my opinion and try to add some ideas myself. If this is wrong to do, I apologize in advance. I just think INDOGEN has a great idea and I want more people to see it and discuss.

    I think a lot of us look at pets in a different way than other NPCs in Warframe. My kavat is just my cat. She's kinda stupid, but I love her. I was actually sad when my first cat died. Especially now that we have "Fetch", I take my Smeeta everywhere. She legit helps me out in missions and she's a KITTY! Of course I'm gonna love her.

    I just think that makes pets a perfect place to add more depth. I would love to see pets age and get stronger/better over time. I think it's a harmless area of the game to add buffs from a balance perspective, but I also think it would be another cool way to reward players. What if our pets could get more health and armor? What if we could have an "option" to see battle scars? I think it would be cool if a player who's been playing for 5 years had a kavat or kubrow that looked tougher and like it been through some wars. Maybe even mods like Charm could improve as you play the game longer? I think this would just give a lot more value to pets. Your current year+ kavat or kubrow would mean something very different to you than a younger one. Idk, I just think it's a really cool idea.

    Please discuss. I'm really curious if anybody else thinks this could be a good idea? Thanks for reading. 😉


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