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Posts posted by BL4CKN0ISE

  1. 4 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    Ya know, 60% max HP vs say armor with Mitigation of 60% would only be doing 24% max HP. It gets worse when at the higher end you can get mitigations of 90++%, which would reduce it to a measly 6%, somewhat less than Trinity's EV. Spamming 10 of them down still wouldn't net a kill if you don't strip that armor.

    Just because it can massacre infested doesn't automatically make it OP. Nobody cares about fodder.

    If anything, offensive 1st abilities should all get some % enemy HP as damage or scaling (like Saryn) to make them more relevant than the 4s at higher levels for damage alone and keep you using all 4 skills. Heck, Operators should get some scaling as well.

    Armor doesn't matter at all right now because Magus Lockdown is bugged. It massacres everything in seconds. It's not just fodder. The heaviest enemies and bosses all get destroyed in seconds. It stacks like slash or gas procs right now. It's literally the most powerful thing in this game because it's based on enemy health and it stacks infinitely. I just did the entire Sortie in about 12 minutes only using my operator and Magus Lockdown.

    This topic isn't about how Magus Lockdown normally works. I agree with you about that. This topic is about how it works after one of the recent Hotfixes. It's infinite high AoE DoT damage and CC. 


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  2. Most are pretty easy, but some can be annoying because they aren't really based on the normal game mechanics. "Normal" meaning how players would normally deal with those tasks. They're just kinda weird IMO, but I'm guessing DE just wants to give us something to use our builds on in a different way. Maybe the 24 wait should be removed. I'm just not sure what purpose it serves, but I'm also not sure why people care so much about MR anyways. 

    That being said, they're all easy to cheese with the right builds. For example, Exodia Contagion is still OP for the stealth ones.

  3. 6 minutes ago, CyberPrimate said:

    I dont think you guys read what was said at all... Its now bugged, as you can spam it.

    Seriously. Comprehension... 

    People miss the keyword.

    4 hours ago, YANJIUDING said:

    It seems that Magus Lockdown's mine is spammable now. My kiddo prime can now literally vaporize anything given their armor is low enough.


  4. 5 minutes ago, GPrime96 said:

    DIdn’t know it can do that now. I know Magus Lockdown can KO lvl 130 Corrupted Heavy Gunners and Bombards in one go when combined with Garuda’s Seeking Talons but not just killing them by stacking.

    Yeah, it's pretty crazy now. I'm guessing it was an unintended byproduct of this...

    • Fixed Magus Lockdown not spawning an actual mine upon Void Dashing.
  5. 11 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

    And what you are talking about is a huge amount of work. Deluxe skins are just another skin. You want new animations and stuff. If DE did something like that, these new skins would cost a fortune.

    Warframe is different from other games. The frames don't speak, so there's no voice over stuff that needs to happen to make this viable, and we can already use whatever animations we want. Don't overthink this. If DE doesn't want to do this, that is what it is, but it's not a "huge amount of work". At least it's no more work than any other skin. 

  6. 2 hours ago, mikakor said:

    if the enemy armor is low enough that you can vaporize them, it's probably in low level, and then isn't that much of a problem ( just looking at all the other warframes and weapons. )

    No, it's definitely a bug. Armor doesn't even matter anymore. It stacks. You're not supposed to be able to do this. 🤣


  7. 19 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    I know about the change in AOE damages direction, but if anything that would make it weaker.

    No, definitely not weaker. Just easier to get AoE to be useful. Normally the AoE would come from the opposite of the direction it hit. So you had to hit enemies behind other enemies to make use of the AoE. Now it feels more natural. Simply put, just shooting enemies gets you the AoE. You don't need to think about setting it up anymore.

  8. 1 hour ago, JackHargreav said:

    So you showed me nothing. Since I already knew all of this. And as he said he's a terrible fighter. (Which I'm aware of also.) Not only that but you are forced back into him if he gets too damaged. (Which will happen) So basically you get totally useless mechanic that makes you weaker.

    I showed a video and told you the differences. You even mentioned some differences. I didn't say I like the differences. I personally don't like my Excal running around when I'm in operator mode, but that's not the point. The point is Excalibur Umbra is mechanically different from the normal and Primed version. You don't need to like the differences, but it doesn't change the fact that some people literally have unique builds specifically based on the differences.

    All I'm saying is that means DE is willing to change other aspects other than basic stat buffs and that allows for more creative builds. I don't understand why it's hard for some players to see the potential in that, but to each their own. If DE makes more Umbras and they all have the exact same differences when compared to other versions of the same frame, I'm right with you. I just don't think DE will do the same thing for every Umbral frame if they release more. That's all. 

    • Like 3
  9. I would be more interested in frames getting certain buffs when using specific melee weapon types, based on the concept of the frame. For example, maybe really powerful and tanky frames like Rhino and Chroma would get a melee attack speed buff when using a heavy blade or hammer. It would make sense that they could swing a heavier melee weapon faster than weaker frames, right? Or maybe Nekros would get some type of buff when using scythes. You get what I'm saying. I'm just talking about thematic buffs that wouldn't change too much. 

    • Like 2
  10. 16 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

    Or they could use Umbra frames to make a twist on the classic frame? So for example give "Umbra" Mag Push instead of Pull. Make "Umbra" frames a side grade to Primes.

    A bit of creativity can go a long way, think about how something can be implemented beyond the basic obvious before you write it off. The amount of people in this thread that just dismiss more Umbras as "people just want more shiny and more OP" are just making themselves look ignorant (I know some meant it as a joke). 

    This is my thinking. It's not about them being more OP. I definitely think Excal Umbra is more of a side grade. He's just different in certain ways. I'm just more interested in Umbras because DE has already shown they're okay with changing aspects that are normally left unchanged with Primes. That's just an interesting place for Umbras IMO. Basically they have a lot of potential IMO.

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  11. 57 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

    Alright with this point I can agree kinda. I never use those abilites at all. But as I stated there are many 1st abilities that are weak and not used. So I don't see his first ability being weak a problem. And sincs many players would compare him to Rhino, there is Rhino Charge which is an ability that I never saw anyone using ever.

    Normally I would agree, but I just think players are thinking differently about Chroma because of recent reworks. Anyways, I agree that first abililties can be weak in general, but Chroma is in a really weird place with his 1. It's just a way to burn energy. He has a channeled first ability that doesn't do anything useful. It's not just a cheap ability that you can spam. 

    At least Rhino Charge has a strong synergy with his augment and 2nd ability. 

  12. 30 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

    No. Not really. Umbra Excal plays the exact same way. Just because umbra has that little extra against Sentients that doesn't mean he "behaves differently". (and remaking a frame is hardly anything creative.)

    Yes. Yes really. What does Excal do when you're in operator mode? This isn't a debate. DE made Excal Umbra "different". Unless you think other frames have their own agenda when you're in operator mode. Just pay attention next time. Other frames just stand there and do nothing. Have you actually used Excalibur Umbra yet?

    Anyways, it shows DE is down to try different things with Umbral frames. I'm always interested in frames with different mechanics. If you haven't played him yet, watch this video. Skip to 7:11 to see what I mean.


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  13. 4 hours ago, JackHargreav said:

    I've seen a few posts about how could DE give us more Umbra frames or how some ppl want more and I can't really see why.

    For me Umbra is a special one kind of a warframe and I like that. I like the idea that there is only one Umbra that is it. That makes him unique. If there would be more umbras then he and every umbra frame would just be another warframe that we get, level up, and then move on to another one.

    And also we have primes. Is that not enough of an upgrade?

    You said upgrade, but Excalibur Umbra is also "different" from a gameplay perspective. You didn't mention that. Excalibur Prime is just an upgrade to Excalibur. Excalibur Umbra behaves in a different way which lets us know that DE is comfortable being more creative with Umbral frames. 

    So your real question should probably be "Why do people want DE to be more creative with different versions of the same frame?" or something similar, but you already know the answer to that. It's actually interesting from a gameplay perspective instead of just a fashion frame upgrade with basic stat buffs. That's the big difference when you compare Primes to Umbras. 

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  14. He's still extremely tanky and does a lot of DPS. It's not about buffing or nerfing him. 

    He's the Elemental Warframe, but his kit is pretty boring. That doesn't make any sense. I think people want a creative rework like we've seen with other frames recently. Switching elements on the fly could be interesting, and maybe change his 1 and 4 so they actually synergize with the rest of his kit or at least make them something more interesting. Most frames have only one or two abilities that are good and the rest are just less useful. With Chroma, the vast majority of players will literally never use his 1 or 4. They're not less useful. They are nonexistent.

    • Like 1
  15. 7 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    It's childish to believe that this is the solution. The game changer. The bringer of challenging content.

    It's not, level 200 is trivial. So's 300. So's 400. So's 500. The game is a broken mess.

    Level 200+ isn't 200. It's means 200 and above. And if you believe 200 is trivial, please explain why. I don't agree because I've used frames that can go ability only up to that level, but then something starts to happen. I realize I need to change my playstyle at that point and above. I need to worry about stripping armor and damage types.  

    Anyways, "the game" isn't 200, 300, 400, or 500 for the vast majority of players. If it was, Warframe would be known as one of the more challenging games and these discussions wouldn't exist. Very few people would call Warframe broken because it's too trivial if all enemies were lvl 200 or higher. I'm starting to think you have a childish fantasy where content is just completely unrealistic. How could you enjoy Anthem if you honestly feel that way? You can kill those enemies. That game must be a broken mess then, right? 

  16. It just doesn't matter. I'm sure some people are happy that Baro has it. A player just gave it to me when I was buying something else. I would've never asked for it. Some people don't want to ask for it and there is no reason to pay a player for it. Baro is a solution for those players. It's just a harmless addition and Ducats are easy to get, so who cares?

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  17. The only problem is CC isn't strong as it use to be. It's still useful, but not as useful as it use to be. Vauban is entirely based on CC, so it is what it is. Now we have so many frames who can CC, DPS, and have survivability. Vauban is just lacking in the two most important areas for most players. Killing and staying alive is all you need, CC is just a bonus IMO.

  18. 30 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Your way is a childish fantasy. There is no easy solution, there is not gold pot at the end of the rainbow, where you can run off skipping into the magical world of "harder content" with what you have now.

    So what's your point then? Are you just saying there's nothing DE can do? If I stay in a mission for hours, the content gets harder. Why is it such a "childish fantasy" to believe that it's possible to start a mission at lvl 200+ enemies and feel less OP? That's how you feel when you face enemies like that. There's already proof within the game itself. 


  19. 2 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Harder content is pointless and frankly, a pipe dream, when we're so brain numbingly powerful.

    I'm not going through the full recital, but there's no content that DE can give us that isn't easily cheesed.

    Nerfing makes enemies harder to kill. Tah dah, we have harder content. 

    I mean, what do you think difficulty levels are? As an example, a "hard" difficulty that doubles enemy health is exactly the same as nerfing our damage output by 50%. A "hard difficulty" that doubles enemy damage effectively just halves our ehp. It's the same thing, it just doesn't rustle people's irrational little jimmies.

    I'm not advocating for the removal of the Magus's (I'd rather they were all reworked as part of a fullscale rebalance), I'm just arguing on the side of... making a good game. Shoddy mechanic after shoddy mechanic held together by duct tape is... not how you create a good game.

    Because "power fantasy" is a hard drug to kick.

    1. DE already told us they're gonna give us difficulty levels, so definitely not a pipe dream.
    2. Making enemies harder to kill for "DeMonkey" shouldn't be DE's goal if it comes at the cost of making them too hard to kill for other players.
    3. Making enemies harder, makes enemies harder to kill. Tah dah, we have harder content and we still have easier content for players who want that.
    4. What do you think difficulty levels are? And more importantly, why are you against them, especially since you're interested in Anthem? It's not the same thing as nerfing players. You don't nerf Superman to make his stories interesting. You introduce OP villains so his powers mean something. This is the only way to make an OP character cool for people who like OP characters. Since this is Warframe, I'm sure you're aware that many players enjoy the Power Fantasy, but some of us still like challenge as well. 

    Simply put, your way takes something away from players. It only appeals to one side of the community. My way adds more content and allows everybody to get what they want. The real pipe dream is expecting DE to make all of Warframe more challenging. 

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