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Posts posted by Suncake

  1. 12 hours ago, HakuremWhiteWolf said:

    Hey, can i join the clan? I'm starting now in the game and I don't have much friends that play on PC, I see the clan at a post and liked a lot the style of it, casual focused on fun and helping each other, well you got it rigth hahah!? Hope i can join! 

    Hey. Of course we got that and more, I'll arrange an invite for you. Welcome!

    If you use discord, don't forget to join our server!

  2. 42 minutes ago, WildxHunter said:


    I'm in search of a friendly clan and you seem interesting.

    can i have an invitation please 😄 ?

    Sure, you'll get your invite soonTM. Welcome!

  3. Бамп снова. Модераторы, я же не слишком часто? 

    Что нового:

    • Было соревнование по смене пола при помощи фильтра снэпчата. Надо было сделать этот пост раньше, чтобы вы могли присоединиться. Ну, зато можно посмотреть на участников. Участниц. Да.
    • Дожо более-менее украшено.
    • Золотой трофей за текущую операцию получен.
    • Офигенная двухосевая система кармы - только в нашем дискорде!
    • Вообще куча всего с прошлого поста.

    Почитать ещё подробности можно в моём треде английской ветке.

    Спросить можно у меня или в нашем Дискорде.

  4. 7 hours ago, Daiwulf said:

    I'm in a solo clan, so no help from clanmates. The only other option is to add someone as friend to do these challenges, which I also don't do because I play solo/pub only. There is no  challenge, no difficulty in adding someone to complete a mission, but it is completely pointless to add someone only to unfriend him 10 minutes afterwards.

    The challenge that requires a lv30+ stealth exterminate, now that's a real challenge, not because it's difficult, but because it requires strategy and variety of the standard gameplay. Killing X enemies with Y element? OK. Complete X times the Y mission type? OK. Mark X mods? OK. Friends? not ok.

    What's the point of a solo clan? DE just try to incentivise social activity within the game, so people play a co-op shooter together.

    Even if you for some reason don't want to be in a proper clan, you can easily skip a few challenges and still reach max nightwave rank.


  5. 16 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    We'll see at the end of the event. What would make sense is that there is a special event in the end of Nightwave, which will permanently add a node on Saturn with this boss as final encounter.

    That would be nice, but I don't expect DE to pollute the game with such mini-bosses, because they would need to add 5 boss nodes yearly.

  6. 1 hour ago, n3m3s1s-gr1m said:

    I am also returning to Warframe, more on the casual end though. Have been in A Piece of Cake before.

    You'll get invited soon. Welcome!

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