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Posts posted by Lyricallee

  1. On 2020-02-19 at 9:49 PM, Voltage said:

    Dumping Liches would be nice. However in the mean time, you could use some awareness and not accidentally stab one again. It's one of those mistakes that should only happen once.

    Not everyone who wants to dump a lich "accidentally" picked it up.  The valence transfer mechanic for using a newly acquired weapon to upgrade your current weapon gives you a roughly 10% return.  This means that if your lich is holding a weapon with only a 25% bonus stat you will need to kill all the murmurs and use up your 3 mods for an anemic 2.5 % upgrade.  Really isn't worth the time, effort and mod expense.  I can see having some grind involved in getting rid of the lich, you don't want people to just spam new lich acquisition until they roll a high stat weapon.  I can even see your needing to kill all the murmurs to get you through the first bar of "clues" and having a 24 hour cooldown (or something similar) before you can acquire your next Lich in exchange to dumping it but putting the identical effort into getting a 2.5% weapon boost as you do when your reward for the exact same amount of effort and mod expense can be a brand new, high stat weapon doesn't seem reasonable to me.  I have a herd of converted Liches already as well as the ephemera so that 2.5% and just wanting to get rid of that thing is my only motivation for killing the Lich.

  2. 2 hours ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

    Every time I decline to stab the lich, I get people trying to explain the system to me. Every damn time. I've done 37 liches, I understand intimately how the system works. Amazingly, I'm fully aware that stabbing the lich gets you 10 murmurs. I still don't always do it, and here's why:

    • sometimes, I have a pain-in-the-ass lich and I don't want to deal with it at level 5
    • sometimes, I'd rather not risk turning a resistance into an immunity or ending up with a lich full of immunities
    • sometimes, I don't want to waste a guess when I'm a couple murmurs away from getting the next mod reveal 
    • sometimes, I realize I forgot to modify my parazon and there's no point to wasting the stab because I know it will be wrong

    I'd much rather wait for someone to down their lich three times than watch someone blitz a Lich capture and net us all of THREE damn thralls. Patience is a virtue. 

    I think there are many valid points in this thread and some of them are valid and also contrary to each other.  There are people in the missions who are murmur focused and people who are at a stage they are Lich kill focused.  You validly may not want to kill your Lich for your stated reasons, but as long as your Lich lives, mine isn't going to appear.  Leaving your Lich alive is depriving squad members who Need new planets or need to kill the Lich to verify mod order of their chance at it.  There must be a way the system could be tweaked to make it easier for groups with these differing needs co-exist more peacefully.  At the least, I feel like the Lich should start out holding at least 2 planets to give solo players (and really, everyone) a better choice of missions. I mainly solo the missions now because I somehow get stuck with people who run for the exit in capture and exterminate missions as soon as it appears so neither the full available murmurs nor the Lich's spawn.  Also a joy are the defenses and survivals where someone leaves their lich alive or its just me and one other person who dies every 3 seconds or an interception where my teammate ditches last minute and I have to try to hold 3 towers and kill my Lich.  (it was my last mission on my only planet) You can also have someone vanquish their Lich right at the beginning and they have no motivation to help or continue, so there should be some benefit to murmurs even after your personal Lich is defeated.  I hope DE keeps looking at the feedback and the stats on the missions and refines how they work.  I feel like the system has improved, just needs some more refinement.

  3. I don't know if my experiences are different than others.  I am on my 19th Lich.  They all reached highest level but 3 out of the 19 were extraordinarily difficult.  Like exponentially more difficult than the others  They didn't have listed weaknesses and also didn't seem to take much damage from elements they had no listed resistance to.  It was like if they had a listed resistance to a combined affect like radiation, they also had a hidden resistance to the elements that comprise those resistances or immunities.  For example, my first lich was immune to toxin and said resistant to impact, blast, radiation and corrosive but heat, cold, slash and viral barely touched him either.  I was slowly able to take him down with liberal use of energy and health pods.  My ensnare lasted all of a second on this guy so when I was ready for the final fight, I ended up giving up on Khora for him and spammed revenants mesmer skin and enthralled every enemy I could.  The only weapon that did anything much at all to this guy was corrosive melee and I slowly, 20 damage at a time took him down.  I nearly quit the game after that one but for some dumb reason I tried another lich and fortunately my next few were a walk in the park I mostly solo'd.  Then I had another difficult one.  I like to use a Khora to lich hunt because the usefulness of her ensnare is great for locking lichs down and other than my first Lich where ensnare lasted so little time it might as well have not existed, it does last a few seconds on them.  I have very uneven seeming results fighting the level 100 plus enemies in the upper levels of these missions too.  I have her modded for 1175 health (vitality and Primed Vigor mods) and use a helios for extra shields and set venari on heal and I get one shot by ramparts and bombards in some missions, have no problem at all and plenty of time to kill or disable them in others.  Easier missions directly after nearly impossible ones with the same lich so with similarly leveled or higher levelled enemies.  It really feels like some missions the enemies are significantly higher level or my mods or arcanes arent kicking in.  The density of enemies can also be insane and some of the lichs listed weaknesses and immunities are just wrong.  At this point I just take it as it comes and move on to the next mission and hope for that rare occasion other people join.

    If you are only on your first lich or 2, maybe you just were unlucky enough to get tougher ones.  They are not all the same and they are not all equally tough. .  I'm going to keep at it.  I wish there were groups available more often.  I love my Kuva Quartaak and Twin Stubbas.  Looking forward to getting a better chakkhurr with better stats and I don't have the melee yet so I will keep at it.

  4. I don't want to claim the weapon,  I have the same weapon with much better stats, If I am going to waste the mods, I want to convert the lich, but then I will get his name popping up when he shows up in a mission.  (its a 26% stat weapon, no one is going to want to buy this)

  5. @[DE]Rebecca my latest Kuva lich has a rude name.  I don't want his weapon, but if I convert him, I will just have this name popping up forever. I submitted a ticket asking for it to be changed and the ticket responder told me to post my question here.  I have no interest in sharing this name with the forum world though.  This does not seem like the proper place to post this.

  6. I know empyrean is the total focus right now, but still hoping its on someones radar screen at DE that some QOL changes are needed.  Once I got beyond my first lich which bugged out for a bit and was un-killable I have gone on to vanquish 8 and convert 1 lich.  As someone who would like to continue playing this mode and collect the weapons, my 2 primary problems are:

    • Cant get rid of the lich unless you use the mods:  My latest lich in progress has a weapon I already posses (Drakgoon) with only a 26% bonus.  Most significant issue to me is that I do not want to waste my hard won requiem mods on vanquishing or converting this creature.  I cannot motivate myself to first kill all the murmurs and go through the motions here when the weapon is garbage and I do not want another converted lich.  The lich I already converted is underwhelming to say the least. .My current converted lich shows up randomly for like 10 seconds, shoots the ceiling and confuses my teammates then disappears.
    • Need a different model for grouping up:  I would like to be able to do random groups but usually end up doing missions solo because no other like minded lich hunters have the same planets and are selecting the same missions I am.  

    If there was some simple mechanic introduced to just get rid of your garbage lich, maybe after completing the first level up so people aren't just spamming lichs to get the weapon they want.  I could even see completing all the murmur killing, but seriously, do not make me use my requiem mods.  My luck at getting the mod I need when I open relics is abysmal.  I radiant the relic I need the mod from and go with a group, but somehow the mod that keeps coming up as a choice at the end of the missions is Khra (I have 5 of these) not the Vome / Netra I need.  

  7. 7 hours ago, SHArK-FiN said:

    Can you elaborate more on this?

    Like, there is no action for you when you drop his HP to the 2nd guage?

    the first bar depletes, then the shield immediately refills.  When I seemed to get the first mod spot correct, he had an X {like a finisher) I selected, I am not seeing that X again.  When I watch videos of the whole fight, it seems like folks are getting enough time to see and select an X after getting his health down.  I tried using khora's ensnare to hold him still when his health was down(its how I got the first mod spot) but not seeing the X.  Subsequently tried with a tanky trinity but that didn't work either.  I guess I will try with other frames. 

  8. I equipped the 3 mods I need to vanquish my lich, I thought based on the graphic below that I had correctly guessed the slot for the first mod, so I reversed the 2nd and 3rd but they don't "light up" and when I fight him, his health won't go below the first bar on the right.  Im really sick of this thing stealing my loot.  I have watched a bunch of videos and read the wiki, but it doesn't seem to specifically address my question and the videos I have watched more or less just say "match the order of the mods". What am I missing? Help?


    UPDATE:  I was able to kill my lich this morning, I think there was a bug that wasn't allowing me to hit X to finish him, but today I was able to see the X and vanquish him. 

  9. 3 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:


    To the rest of your post: you know how the game is programed, I see. So you are a DE employee. Could you tell us the reason why we don't have one slot per Frame? Please tell us, DE employee.

    I said I didn't work for DE or know how the game is programmed.  Don't know why you are so angry.  I'm on my way out the door, but you can ask Glenn, hes streaming right now.  


  10. On 2019-01-02 at 5:01 PM, WhiteMarker said:

    How much money will they make from more slots? They will make money ONE single time, when a user buys the slot. How much money do they have to spend for that slot? Continuouisly, because server space isn't a one time investment.

    If you want an apartement, you can rent it for a monthly fee. That's what DE has to do for more Serverspace. They have to pay all the time.
    What are the users doing? By buying a slot, they don't even pay one month worth of rent. They pay a fraction of that.
    Sure, if more people buy slots, this situation gets better. But DE can't calculate their expenses with the possibility of us all buying hundreds of slots.
    And that's the issue.

    Or let me word it differently:
    Don't you think DE would provide us with one additional slot everytime a new frame comes out, if they wanted to do so or if it was that easy to give us more slots?
    Let's be real, they idea of having one slot for each frame isn't something special. You don't need to be a genius to have that idea. Everyone can have this idea. It's safe to say that DE surely had this idea aswell.
    So there must be a reason, why we don't have enough slots. And this reason won't change just because someone makes a thread about it. And no, making more threads means nothing. There are enough threads about this subject. DE didn't change the "slot-problem". This means, the reason, why they didn't do it, isn't about not enough people wanting it. It has to be something that isn't so easily changed. And people should really accept that. And people should come to this conclusion on their own. It's really not that difficult...

    DE is very responsive to their community, they have changed many things because "someone made a thread about it". You say "DE didn't change the "slot-problem" but yes, in fact they did.  They already added more load out slots in June of 2018 because people were asking for them so of course its worth asking again.  (This is Glenn's Twitter clip about it)

    The Server space required to hold the string of data that identifies what options you hold in a slot must be tiny.  Compared to the size of the rest of the data they hold for all of us, I imagine it would be like asking a library to hold not an additional book, pamphlet or flyer, but an additional sentence or maybe even a ".".  Might be a question to ask DEGlenn when he streams, but the entirety of load out storage for everyone might take only 1 g of memory or less.  I'm a Tech Project Manager, not a DB architect but the phrase "memory is cheap" is one I hear all the time.  

    Maybe they will explain further, but worth considering is that slots are gated by your MR (as you level up, you get the potential to use more slots) and they have always been sensitive to people who complain about others receiving things that they had to work for.  

    Using your logic, its stupid of them to offer us cosmetic items for our orbiters, we pay a single fee for the object (or no fee because they are twitch drops or reward items-look at all the free floofs) and then they have to store that you own first, but also its relative location in your orbiter indefinitely.  They seem to think offering orbiter customization was worth it because it does earn them some income and it makes people happy.  They also vastly expanded the number of objects you can put in your orbiter.  (either because of community feedback or a look at their profit margin compared to data storage cost)

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  11. On 2018-12-27 at 12:49 AM, WhiteMarker said:

    When was the last time you went trough and played all frames?
    Do you play every single frame on a regular basis?

    The current slot maximum is enough for now and maybe even for the future.

    Loadout slots are meant for specific builds, that you wan to use without setting them up in the arsenal. They aren't meant to have every frame ready at any given time.

    I don't agree, I actually do play almost all the frames and the ones I play less, I still like to have a loadout all set in case something comes up that they are suited to and/or I want to give them a try.  I would think that there should be at least enough slots to have 1 of each of each warframe variant, minimally at least 1 version if its primed, so you have one for only 1 Mesa (not regular and prime).  I don't know how the database is architected, but more loadout slots means more money for the developer, so unless its cost prohibitive due to limitations within the data structure, I say the more the better.  If someone wants to have (and I saw this on a stream) maxed out loadout slots solely with different fashion frame options for Volt and choose to spend their money on 100 loadout slots to do so, as long as it doesn't harm my performance, I say go for it Volt fashion framer, yours is the true endgame.

  12. I know they can't very well go back and change the MR tests because people who have already passed them would go ballistic, but I wish they were more indicative of ability to face the challenges in game.  For example, if the MR 6 test showed you had a firm grasp of the knowledge you would need to have to be a successful player at MR 7.  I am currently stuck on MR 25 test. I have nerve damage in my arm that I can work around pretty successfully or I would never have gotten this far.  I do well in the actual game modes, but for some reason I cannot master this test other than (bizarrely) the first time I took it in practice mode I passed it.  Subsequent attempts have been wildly unsuccessful.   I have struggled with my poor performance and several times, lack of enemy spawns. At a point where I was raging out at this, I decided it wasn't worth the frustration or rage quiting a game I for the most part enjoy. The test itself is to fly between different "islands" of enemies in the sky in your archwing, jump down, kill them, melee a ball, then fly again.  Its not like anything you actually face in game - not even in PoE or Fortuna.  I know its easy mode for some people, it simply isn't for me. I would prefer it if the MR25 test was to solo an Eidolon. 

  13. Was this ever answered anywhere?  Its still working this way, if you have the misfortune of casting blood altar on an Ancient Healer, they continue to heal your enemies.  The way enemies group up, its very easy to accidentally cast on a healer when you are trying to get one of their companions.  It doesn't seem intended to me.  I don't expect them to heal me, but I would expect them to stop healing the enemies.

    I wanted to add that Eximus / Leech units also continue to buff enemies or leech off you when captured in blood altar.  Really would like to know if this is intended.

  14. I like her 3.  It would work better if her 2 had more range and her 1 didn't drag you so far from the body you leave behind with her 2.  My number one wish for Garuda would be to increase the range and healing from her 2 followed by "bending" her shield (or something similar) so it covers her more and finally to do something (I don't know what) to make her 4 more useful.  I never find an opportunity to use her 4, by the time its charged, something else has probably killed everything already.  With a group, the others have killed all the mobs before she has a chance and if I'm solo, I will probably just Melee whats left rather than wait for her 4 to charge.  If you travel with an equinox, you could have them sleep everything and then use it I guess.  

  15. I don't see it mentioned, but the Equinox Night Form "Rest" skill can also be used to put them to sleep before they are corrupted.  A little nap, then they get corrupted, then you kill them using maim.  Works best with a coordinated crew or solo since otherwise people just don't seem to understand that you want the enemies to go corrupted before you kill them.

  16. I had hoped that the mainline update would fix this bug, but it has not.  Tested with a Helios and Hydroid and after entering and existing undertow, the Helios no longer attacked or vacuumed.  For my Taxon referenced in my prior report, I only use one config, so putting it in all slots is fine, for Helios, I don't want to do this.  I sometimes equip it without any attack mods or a weapon if I am trying to get stealth kills so I have multiple configs for it.  Really wish this would be fixed.

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