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Posts posted by aMannus

  1. And remove a very solid system that makes players have to return to all sorts of systems/missions to get a certain materials? Yeah.. no. It's very true that the current crafting requirements are unbalanced as hell, but that doesn't mean you have to basically remove materials from the game (because, essentially, this is exactly that).

    It appears a lot of players are also thinking of new ideas with the current system already in mind. "No, we can't exchange this for that because new players would rage", as an example. That might be true right now, but what if it is somehow balanced if you only look at new players? Since this is still a closed beta, why are people comparing ideas to what they currently have? That's not how it's supposed to be at all. Imagine if all drop rates were rebalanced and all materials are used in different blueprints in similar quantities. Sure, people that stocked up nanospores or salvage will be able to craft everything all of sudden, but for 'new' players, or, in other words, players that follow planned progression will experience it way better than those 'older' players that had a shortcut to victory.

  2. Just figured I'd post it in this section out of all of them. Has anyone been having issues trying to stream since the last hotfix? Before this update I was able to stream just fine using OBS, however, since the update OBS loves freezing the second I attempt to stream with Warframe being one of the displays. Any sort of help would be appreciated.

    Edit: I've figured out that Software Capture doesn't seem to work for Warframe any longer, which.. is peculiar. However, Game capture seems to work on and off, for me at least.

    I tried recording with OBS as well, but couldn't get either the Game Capture OR Software Capture to work with Warframe. On top of that, Dxtory crashes the game. I just generally had bad experiences with trying to record this game and I have no clue why.

    Only thing I can recommend is to stick whatever is currently working for you until it doesn't work, although that advice is a bit moot.. >.>

  3. I would probably go for the reset at launch. I have multiple reasons for this. One is already mentioned earlier and that's simply to make the game last longer. This means that I can farm for all these items again after launch, and there's probably going to be a lot more content at launch as well adding a lot of replay value.

    Second reason is for me personally also an important one. To actually experience the game like it's meant to be played. It's all nice and well that we have possible conversion systems for mods and artifacts, but it's still sort of cheating the progression by skipping the gathering of the new stuff. This gap will probably only become bigger and bigger towards release if they don't do a forced (or optional) reset inbetween now and release. So by resetting a player can actually experience the progression from the beginning without any shortcuts.

    tl;dr: Yes, because replay value and experiencing intended progression.

  4. Lemme break it down to you....

    Blade ones/Grinders = can be killed easily with the right weapons.

    Stun ones/Nervos = are basically an enemy to enforce co-op between your squad, if they aren't helping it's their fault, also these won't be used in solo modes... so if you really can't stand them just go solo :/

    Explosive ones/Latchers = Latch on to you... just roll dude... they fall off and blow up later.

    Protip : If you have a terrible aim, do jump attacks. Not as effective againts the 'blade ones' but 'stun' and 'explosives' ones get destroyed in one jump attack.

    Really? To everyone saying 'Use the right weapons you clown!' and the like, do you honestly not see the flaws in a few of the ball enemies in the game currently? Sure, the balls don't have to be removed but they can use some proper/major tweaking for sure.

    Grinders: Their turning speed is ridiculous. I consider myself having good aim but in some situations/tiles they roll all around you with incredible swiftness, making them annoying as hell to deal with. Not to mention the model is still quite small, would've prefered having them a bit bigger. Please, no 'you like big balls?' comments.

    Stun balls: All well and stuff that they like to enforce co-op and teamplay, but this is not the way they should do it. The balls, once they stick to you, are impossible to find back sometimes, even with the markers. Even worse in hectic fights. On top of that, there's still 'bugs' that make Seekers deploy them even when you're the only one left and the rest of the team is dead. Then there's the fact that these balls are around a 100 times harder to shoot than the Grinders. Sometimes after a fight, when there's still stun balls around, me and the people I play with literally get ourselves caught just so other people can melee it off because it's easier that way. I mean, seriously? Also, the complete stunlock that (unintentionally?) lasts forever is not a good element at all. It only frustrates players and takes away control entirely. How is it fun to scream at your screen while every button on your mouse + keyboard (or controller) doesn't do anything? I wouldn't even mind THAT much if they would fall off if shields are depleted, but currently, they don't do that.

    Explosive ones: Honestly, I agree that those are fine how they are.

  5. I actually had a talk with the two people I played the mission with, and we were all like: "My god, this was awesome! They need to add more content like this, hopefully it'll be there in update 7!".

    Goes without saying we enjoyed it heavily, having a slight challenge without breezing through every room without any trouble.

  6. In that list, definiately the Braton Vandal. Overcharged you have a weapon that is useable against any faction and any situation. It even drops bosses quite fast with the right mods. Even though the Boltor is a good weapon, I would still prefer the Vandal just because the Boltor is still not all that useful in games with latency, and I still feel like the Vandal is overall more powerful than the Boltor.

    In the end though, just overcharge what weapon you like the most. Whatever you overcharge you can always make it work.

  7. But we are not just loading voice clips alone, are we?

    And every bit count so unless they have free space to mess around with the replacement will need to come equal the previous stuff or else a bit more stressed is added.

    Anyone noticed that recently all the cross faction additions to stages have disappeared after some new stuff was added in?

    The ejecting cases cost us this!

    It's still a silly argument. As said before, sound files take almost no space, and it's not like they have to add 30 minutes of voice. And according to you, if something would be implemented along the lines what I explained before, what else would exactly be loaded? And if you don't realise, a lot of the lines that are in the game right now would be replaced anyway with lines that are more specific. I still think it's perfectly possible if time is available to make this, although that will depend on how DE wants to prioritize stuff right now.


    That's some great lines which would atleast be useful for certain situations. Honestly, I was far too lazy to write more examples, so I'm glad someone took the time to actually do it. ;-)

  8. Ah yes, in hindsight the "total hours played" would be, in my case, misleading.

    Like i said, i play my games at my PC, i work at my PC and on other people's PC's which are (after a re-format) connected to my PC via Input Director (I have a dedicated secondary monitor and keyb/mouse to work on other PC's, then i install Input Director client software on them as soon as the network driver is good to go.)

    So when i'm working i'm alt-tabbed from Warframe (so i can jump into an alert mission that's worth it).

    My mission count is probably a better metric: 254 missions (85% completion rate. That's 216 completed)

    That's actually a way better way to count it. To put this against others, I have 70 hours clocked, with 420 completed. And I ALSO alt tab a lot, which includes a 24 hour afk period when I left the game running on accident on my birthday until the next day. Hmm, but looking at the missions completed it feels like 70 hours is a bit low, especially if you consider AFK time.

    EDIT: Oddly enough, I only have 23.968 kills right now, while I completed almost double the amount of missions you did. I do skip quite a lot of mobs in missions we just want to complete fast though.. How do you end up at rank 895 though? I'm only rank 1449 while our kill count is super close to each other.

  9. I think you're a rare breed, but there's nothing wrong with that. I for one did hurry it quite a bit to unlock the 'cool stuff' and other warframes, but I do play with a lot of other open minded friends so just screwing around in lower missions is no problem for us at all. So I guess I'm partly taking it slow, and whenever someone needs help it's always fun to just join in with whatever loadout you want, low or high leveled, and play the game instead of being result-orientated.

  10. I have a hard time translating this to normal English, but all I can say is that the wiki is most likely be able to help you.


    If you're asking how to craft your Frost Helmet once you get the materials, just go to your Foundry and build it there. But seeing you got a Frost helmet as a drop, you probably already know by now how to build stuff in the Foundry.

  11. you need 300 like in almost asian S#&$ mmorpgs ?

    Good thing this is a Canadian Co-op based instanced third person shooter then, instead of a crappy asian MMORPG.

    What is it with people comparing apples with potatoes?

  12. The commentt he's talking about probably ties in with what Hi-Rez Studios did with Global Agenda when they had an awesome looking game and pretty much stopped their development by constantly using the excuse of "It's beta"... I'm not even sure if they properly launched the game, just kept delaying launch and insisting that what they did was a masterpiece or something... Keep in mind that's just me assuming.

    Global Agenda was more of a "Let's slap everything together the community wants!" making it a mix of everything (read: PvE, PvP and AvA, which was a clan vs clan sort of thing) done not entirely right, while having an awesome concept and game behind all of this. DE already stated they wanted to focus on PvE only with leaving PvP for a possible later stage, so I'm fairly sure that's not going to happen.

    Not sure if he's talking about Hi-Rez making excuses during beta, but I can say that's something I have faith for with DE. Seeing as this game is in development for 11 months.. Also, a friend of mine played this game since fairly early in the beginning of closed beta but stopped playing because of a large amount of bugs and elements that were just boring, and he came back when I started playing (which was, by chance, the OB weekend), and said it was an entirely different game. Given that when he started playing was like a month ago, I don't think DE will make that mistake.

    If it's neither from these points, I have no clue what Crossflip means. I played Tribes: Ascend for a while but didn't really follow the development although I do know that game still has some major issues and I have barely played Smite so far, so I can hardly guess about if he's talking about either of those games.

  13. I posted this in the Players helping Players section but later on thought it might be a good idea to actually alert the DEvs about this. The thing I'm talking about is this:


    Might want to remove the "Unranked" part in all items that don't actually have a rank. I'm quite sure this happens to health packs and the like as well, although I can't check that currently.

  14. I think this discussion has been around for a little longer, and if I remember correctly someone suggested to replace the current 'callout system' system with something more informative, instead of just replacing lines with lines that make sense.

    For example, make the Lotus say: "There's a group of around 10 Grineer marines, including a heavy gunner, behind this door. Be cautious.", instead of "Marines are inbound!". This is just an idea and I have no clue if the sensing capabilities of the code itself could actually do this, but this would:

    A) Make the callouts less repetitive, and

    B) More useful in general, and actually gives you a reason to listen to them.

    Seeing from the Q&A the DEvs already know about these issues because they joked about it, the question is what way they actually want to go with this. Was it implemented to actually inform the player or was it implemented because they wanted to have some dynamic conversation going on in the game? Answer to that question makes the possible solution entirely different, so it remains to be seen what's going to happen to it.

  15. We are constantly talking about power creep and incomparables here. Constantly. A lot.

    How we intend to handle it is simply having a growth philosophy based in diversity vs. stats. I know Magic has had its ups and downs but its design (massive chance exluded) is very much about adding diversity over time vs. a bigger and bigger gun.

    For 7 we've taken the Mod system apart are smashed parts of it so we can add diversity over time vs. power creep. We've added additional attributes (again diversity) to melee weapons for blocking and stealth attacks.

    We're on the same page and we don't have magic bullets, just a general philosophy that this problem is important to us.

    This is seriously awesome to hear. You indeed showed some great promiss regarding variety in weapons with the introduction of the block system. Maybe there might be some sort of a 'hidden' stat for guns as well that might make the gameplay more diverse instead of creeping towards power creep (lol?), just a quick idea. Again though, that's great to hear, I would so love to participate in a conversation with you guys and girls about power creep, although I hardly think that possibility will arrive any time soon ;-).

    Guess I'll just patiently wait until more details of the artifact system are known. Over the time other discussions made me realise this new system really is going to affect how the entire game fits together stat wise. Are you at DE planning to release any more information about the new system or the conversion system closer to the release of Update 7, or will it appear without much notice beforehand? Extra information might make these discussions a bit more interesting as well.

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