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Posts posted by aMannus

  1. Woah, that's some nice combo moves for the warframes. Especially combo #6 sounds like something I HAVE to try, would be awesome to have a way to burn some bosses faster. I'll need to farm for a Mag and level it up before I can try it though..

    Also, on Trinity as she currently plays out, isn't she kind of 'OP' in most situations in combination with any other warframe? I mean, her energy vampire is awesome in combination with almost any other damage move. Only problem most of the time is that if you don't have an enemy that doesn't have enough health to make it last very long.

  2. According to Steve in the Livestream the frame upgrade trees have once again been redesigned. So our frames will get a forced reset, just like update 6.

    There's been no talk about a forced frame reset whatsoever. Also, thinking like that would mean weapons would be reset as well in update 7, since they're getting entirely different systems for skill trees as well. Even though DE_Steven explicitly stated they will try to avoid resets, even though it would make his life a lot easier.

    (+3 internetz for who finds the 'pun' in here)

  3. Just one thing needed - picked up items log, in chat or on other side.

    As I sort of hinted at in the OP, UI changes are neccesary but there's already plenty of good suggestions about these. This is a suggestion for 'before' you or a teammate picked up a resource. Both are just as important to make clear what's on the ground and what's being picked up.

    There's actually two skins, that I know of, a blue-black with a shape similar to the potatoes and the one you said.

    Yes, I know. I think it's for Ferrite and I think one more material or so. But that model/skin has the same problem. It's almost impossible to find it if you don't walk over it accidentily. It hasn't been a problem yet because nobody really cares about that material, but it can be a serious problem if the material becomes important and people have to search for it.

    What is wrong with the Loot Radar warframe mod? Works fine for me. You are told what is picked up and if it is valuable you can set a waypoint for other squad members to locate it.

    Yes, they are perfect for finding containers. But not for actually locating the loot itself since that still doesn't show the resource that's on the ground. Especially in team play it's sometimes a pain to actually pinpoint the material because it flew out of the container but you picked it up already. Or if you didn't pick it up while it flew away, you have to search the area again to know where the darn material went.

    Not to mention that it would still be nice to have different models/skins for the different resources. A loot radar won't help you with that, ever.

  4. I and a few people I play with have had the problem a lot lately that either you don't even realise a material dropped from a container but you accidentily picked it up or something. This is going to be a suggestion apart from an UI suggestion about making that more visual, but about the actual item pickup.

    For example, show loot on your radar if you're close by. Make the drops transparant or give them a small particle effect like with mods when you picked them up already, so that it's easy/easier to pinpoint to others where the material actually went. Or even set a waypoint for every player that's relatively closeby to the material and let that waypoint follow it incase it flies away because of the sometimes weird physics.

    Different skins for different materials would also be nice, instead of having the 'black-orange' box for almost everything. They all need to be easily seen and detectable though, but I think that speaks for itself.

    I realise this could be an art & animation subject instead, but since it could be improved with waypoints or the radar I chose to put it under Gameplay Feedback.

    EDIT: Oh, and for blueprints it would be freaking sweet to have a replacement model/skin as well, since they're like half transparent. They blend in with the environment so well it's hard to spot them at times.

  5. I wanna be the very best~

    I would love to have a little flying robot pick up the loot I might miss, personally.

    To be honest, collecting warframes already feels like collecting Pokemon as soon as you get one or two that you are comfortable with. I actually said that yesterday evening to some friends as well, funny that you bring it up the day after.

  6. Yesssss, multiple goals at a time would be awesome. It'd be like fighting in multiple fronts at a time. The community will be splitted in half, uwahahaha.

    Multiple goals from a different factions would be really cool. Playerbase will have to make a decision which one they want to do or they're going to split duty between clans to accomplish all of them in the time limit. ME3 MP had a very lenient version of this system. The failures were usually scripted to justify DLC release and ME3 only have one goal at a time.

    I think it's more likely players are just going to no-life more to get all the goals in the end anyway ;-). That's still not a bad thing though, having goals in the game is a great thing to have. Why not make some of these goals interact within the community?

  7. Aside from Dreamwalk3r's I had to shamefully laugh about, yes, please, yes, yes, yes. I don't even care if I have to buy a colour palette which has no useful colours whatsoever as long as there's just ONE solid black in it. There's several whites and the like, but not a single real black.

    There's so many times I wanted to try to accentuate a bright color with black, but as of now, the only thing possible is combining colours with other colours, except for white or the super ugly looking greys.

    +10 internetz to OP.

    EDIT: Racism!

  8. Well thats a good idea then..

    I had a idea of having like 10 in a group..But yaknow that wont happen since this is a 4 player co-op..

    Unless someone changes their mind

    He's talking about the entire playerbase, not just small groups. Which honestly, I really, really like. Mass Effect 3 has had familiar community goals as well with fitting rewards, but there was no actual penalty in case the goal wasn't met before the deadline aside from not getting the reward. I think it's a great idea to have a or multiple community goals within a timeframe just so for example, you will see people stand up in the community to try and motivate others to reach the certain goal. And bringing in a failure option only brings the community closer.

    So yes, +1 to community goals including penalties!

  9. Up to around 7-7 for Chassis + Helmet now for trinity. Admittely, I've been known among my friends that I always have bad luck in games, so there you go.

    Alright, just got another sort of counter to count how long it has taken me to try and get my Systems which I still don't have. I made the two other parts of the Trinity with 800 rubedo and I was left with about 80. Now I'm back up to 973 and still don't have the systems, and I have barely done anything else than actually farming for the third part.

    Hah, after getting ~920 rubedo, I finally got the systems as well.

  10. oh man. tht multi mod works wonders for daysss! thanks for the output guys. Gorgon is working better than ever now :D

    & Ryhme is right! it makes sense tht im doin almost 2x more damage because more bullets are being shot. rather than one extra one

    Is the spinup time also faster with multishot? Just wanted to make sure for myself as well if this was really true or not.

  11. @aMannus

    Thank you for your suggestion, aMannus!

    I did consider making a dropdown selection, but I'm afraid it's not an efficient solution.

    For intance, on a shopping website, where you have an option to search using categories, people would most likely ignore it and use the searchbar instead, if they know what they are looking for. Simply because it's faster.

    That's the reason why I went for a textbar, rather then the drop down. There are way too many missions to choose from for it to be efficient.

    A better approach, which I'll be implementing, is code-hinting. As you type down a list appears showing you all the possibilities. You can either click on one of the items in the list or keep typing untill the list is short enough to see the mission you're looking for.

    Still, I appreciate your input!

    Thank you.

    Well, the only difference in this application and a shopping app is that you're not trying to sell anything. People are trying to help by filling the application which means they must be prepared to put atleast a tiny amount of time in it. I agree with you that code hinting would definiately be better though! I don't know if it's possible, but the same 'concept' could still be used with code hinting, meaning that there's only the actual choices ingame that can be used, except that you use a or multiple search fields instead of a dropdown menu. As far as I can see though, you're more than capable of thinking about how to execute all of this, so all the good luck to you while working on this :).

  12. I haven't gotten a puncture mod myself so far, so not entirely sure if the distance counts from the first impact or if it just counts the actual solid matter it has been going through in total, but I do know you can completely rape bosses from behind cover with a puncture mod. Even on the boss levels like Hek or similar bosses on the same tile, you can literally just hide underneath the actual platform and just shoot him through the platform. Same goes for bosses like the Jackal, hide behind a pillar and just shoot him through that.

  13. I read on the forum a while ago multishot also makes the spinup take less time, since multishot makes it count like you shot more bullets, and hence will spin up faster. I haven't personally tested this but it sort of makes sense. Apart from this though, multishot on Gorgon as far as I could tell is just as beastly as it is on any other rifle or even every other weapon, seeing as it indeed pretty much doubles your DPS without wasting more ammo as Soulie has already mentioned.

  14. do what most of us do... sell anything white and keep your green and blues.

    That's generally what I do as well, but it might be different for players that have a low amount of credits right now and are still using them as fast as they are getting them. Not everyone has access and the ability to clear Outer Terminus/Xini ;-).

    This is a make it or break it situation for me too. Farming for mods is the only current end game they have. If they get rid of that, they're going to lose a ton of long term players. Getting rid of "loot" was the reason I stopped playing FireFall and why this game was a breath of fresh air for me. If they ruin that, they ruin the game as far as I'm concerned.

    Seeing as one of the DEvs (I think it was DE_Steve?) has acknowledged there will always be some sort of skinner's box/RNG in games like these, I hardly think they will just simply remove loot from the game altogether. The way I think (and hope) it's going to work out is that artifacts are going to be fairly similar to mods in the way it's acquired, but the players have more control over the actual stat gain through combining and crafting. The way of obtaining the materials or whatever is going to be used is, to my guess, going to be roughly the same as mods are acquired right now.

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