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Posts posted by aMannus

  1. I am from Germany, though - I just travel a lot. ;) The NDAs are all from various things I participate in/work with or am exposed to. I am fairly ... "unresting", if you will. Movies, games, YouTube channels, manufacturers (paintball, weapons, all kinds of stuff), etc.

    And yeah. I meant Update 6.5. ;)

    Damn, that's an awesome life you have there. Also, I was quite sure it was a typo, but in such a well written post it's always fun to nitpick. Bad habit I suppose. ;-)

    If I may ask, I don't think I followed your adventure to DE all the way from the beginning. What exactly was the reason you were invited over?

  2. Or it'll be upgraded to an Electrical Damage somethingelse.

    Aww, stop ruining my fun D:

    Ontopic though, that looks badass. Not sure if I would be comfortable with actually holding it though. I'm quite sure I would be &!$$ing my pants about the knife actually tasing me.

  3. @Botskiz

    I have to admit I am not very informed since I'm not in the design counsil. But even so, if they make non charged items more capable, doesn't that mean they indirectly have a less prominent role? Or will potatoed weapons be stronger mod/artifactless? That extra info from Steve is def. nice to know though.

    On the potato subject, people have called them potatoes for a while now, it just becomes more common because of stuff like the DEvs talking about it in the Q&A and the awesome 2D short.

  4. Potatoes are still going to play some role, or so I heard from someone in the design counsil. He didnt exactly know how either though, but apparently it is going to take a less prominent role. No clue how much less though.

  5. This isn't w/e "strar trek online" thingy or Eve online, this is DE and this is Warframe, they do their things their way. They're not catering to an Eve online playerbase or strar trek. If you want ppl that go back on their word, you can go play those games 0o that way you can have your re-re-re-re-re-release of said event exclusive item 5 times removed for x amount of cash.

    Although I partly agree with you on the point that DE is showing signs of awesomeness all over, I also have to agree with ruivoml you don't have to take their word for it. It's always possible if they bring it back later, even if it's in a year. Still doesn't change the fact these kind of threads have been blatant dead ends as far as the discussion goes though.

    The is just amazing, since its EXCLUSIVE, releasing it again would be a really bad idea and takes away the point of "EXCLUSIVE" gun !

    But when the flood-gates open (real OBT) , OMG we will be seeing cry babies all around, looking for this gun !

    In that case if DE wana release a gun with same status, just give it a new design, but the current one should be replicated !

    I say: Release the gun with same status but new design !

    Rather have them put their energy in new guns with new stats that have a different feel to them instead of having Braton Vandals all over just because some people were too late to get in the deal of the original Vandal.

    Have to admit though, this is one of the few posts I've seen in these threads that actually had some sort of argument.

  6. Yes. We know what Rebecca said. The Star Trek Online creative director himself said that several "collector edition" special itens would never be available on the cash-store, but broke his word about one year later.

    Don't get me wrong, for the little time i've known the DE crowd i already love them. But 8 years of EVE online and several years of many other games taught me to never take anything for granted. I don't much care for what they say compared to what they do.

    The thing is, aside from what the actual DEvs said, the previous thread I linked was precisely the same as this one. The same 'opinion' is being said over and over by multiple people. Either they say it shouldn't be an exclusive or it should be, most of the time without any argument either. Of course you or anyone shouldn't take anything for granted in these situations, but the 'discussion' in both this topic and the previous topic were rather uninteresting and didn't lead anywhere.

  7. On the internet, there's always someone who will agree, or disagree with even the most ridiculous things. I don't take that as proof of anything. There are people who just love how the Burston or Latron play. That doesn't mean that they are competitive end game with say, the Gorgon, Hek, Boltor, or Vandal. Maybe the recent changes have balanced things a bit, but otherwise those guns are just plain inferior. Maybe that is how it's meant to be. After all, you can just buy Burston or Latron with credits, where most of those others have a hoop you have to jump through, be it crafting it, rank req, or in the case of the Hek, both. The Vandal was only 1 credit, but will never be available again. Still, as a whole, the newer the gun, the more powerful it is. If that's a trend that continues, that defines power creep.

    Alright, maybe I cut the subject in a wrong way there by saying people disagree or agree, but as you already mentioned, the 'weaker' guns are indeed cheaper or atleast easier to acquire. This doesn't mean I think there's no (chance of) power creep at all right now, because I agree with you that there definiately are options for both weapons are warframe that make other options obsolute, but if it doesn't go beyond the level of what's currently in the game I think it's not a major issue just yet.

    I do agree though that the DEvs should keep an eye on this, and make the better guns either harder to acquire or try to balance all weapons against each other. But then again, the second option would mean that getting a new gun is worthless for all the min/maxers. What I'm hoping in an ideal world is that they succeed in introducing new guns that are fun in a different way to play with, but that old weapons remain just as viable. That remains to be seen though.

  8. But then there's Kraken and Akbolto, who have no rank req and completely outclass nearly any other pistol in game. Lex is 60 damage, Kraken is 50 PER SHOT. So even if you only land one bullet, you're almost keeping pace. Land 2, and forget about that silly screen shaking Dirty Harry gun. Akbolto are like the benefits of Bolto and Afuris combined, with better damage than either and more ammo conservation. There's no balance when one is clearly better than another. Look at that Burston... poor bastard.

    This isn't really power creep if you ask me. Even if the Kraken might be better statwise, I still like my Bronco more, just because of the way it plays. There's a huge advantage they have with the weapons so far because they gave each gun an actual feel. I agree some weapons plain outclass other weapons, but the power creep in this is still rather insignificant. And that we can even discuss about this and can agree and disagree kinda proves that already. There's been plenty of threads about 'what weapon is better' and there was almost always people that liked one gun OR the other.

  9. How exactly would the upgrade trees be redesigned without a reset? Are they going to assign our points for us into the new trees? That's ridiculous.

    What? For one, you don't even know how the skill system is going to work out anyway. But even apart from that, why would it need a complete reset? Sure, skillpoints or whatever the new system is going to use will have to be 'refunded', but why couldn't frames/weapons stay at rank 30 so you can immediately use those skillpoints? I really don't understand how you come to the conclusion that the game would've to assign the points.

  10. To evade all the posts that haven't even been about power creep in this game, there was actually already power creep almost happening in Warframe.

    Think about mods, how they are currently implemented in the game. The best mod was pretty much multishot, and even without that, everything was based on numbers. If they brought out new content with new mods, the stats would've been even higher. This overrules any mods from all the current level 30 systems unless there was some other reason why you would need the mods from those systems before tackling the next systems, which wasn't really how it looked like.

    This is one of the reasons why I love how they are going to work with the artifact system, and honestly, it works brilliantly against power creep if the system will work in the way I think it will. You have to get certain artifacts or even some sort of material from those planets, which you can later upgrade to the better ones with stuff from the new system. The actual stat numbers will still be higher and higher in the end the more content will be provided though, but that's the beauty about having the ability to get more warframes/weapons and level those up again. Although ever rising stats are still a serious problem, it's not really related to power creep.

    Only power creep I can still foresee is that it's completely meaningless to run the first few systems even while leveling up, for example, a weapon because the power your warframe offers overshadows the weapon anyway, so you're instantly ready to go to the newer systems. Then again, the players that are already at that point have already done the 'old' content plenty of times for various reasons (having different materials in different systems was/is a great idea, although some materials really do need to get more uses to make this efficient).

    tl;dr: Power creep already almost existed, but will most likely be tackled by new skill/artifact system.

  11. Are you serious?

    I specifically bolded the part of his post talking about his willingness to pay an even higher price for more colors. By saying that he was "one of those" I was saying that he's one of those people that game Developers/Publishers love to take advantage of.

    I'm sorry, the only reason why I am in the 'mood' for these kind of jokes is because I saw a video about Louis CK on the daily show that had a hilarious item on it. It's not like I have any opinion about it all.

  12. Ok. Agreed. A loot tracker solves part of the problem, like you said. It will keep track of what we get. But the waypoint system could be enhanced with some sort of markers that indicate up or down as in levels or floors. Also, why does the waypoint disappear so quickly? Why can we only put one? And why does it not say who's way point it is? So if "The Dorito Monk" says he marked Rubedo and "KeeYow Baby" said he marked Affinity we will then know which to go to for what pick up.

    I lol'd xD. The idea of having personal markers is a great one though. Maybe give them different colors or something similar with a small nametag above it as you said.

  13. Nah. I think everyone should get their own loot tracker so they can communicate with the squad what was picked up. I like that best. I don't need any other crutches but the loot tracker. I think just automatically showing where all loot is located will create lazy taciturn squad mates. And I think DE wants the opposite--where squads are encouraged to communicate and coordinate.

    Making a resource have a different skin and model and make them sparkle like mods doesn't remove any of the teamwork involved though. I'm against autotrackers for everyone as well, and I do think a loot tracker is useful. I just think they need to do slightly more than that since it's not only the problem of 'What did you pick up?' but also the problem you can't precisely pinpoint the resource after you picked it up for your teammates anymore.

    I think what they did already with mods is perfect for that (although again, loot tracker would be nice), they just need to translate it to resources as well.

  14. And in WarFrame if you pick up something and don't realize it, you will probably not mark it for other squad members to pick up. This happens for me every single game. If I open a locker and stand next to it while the contents spill out, then I often don't see everything I am picking up--especially if I am under fire.

    A similar loot tracker would be a great addition that could help foster more group dynamics.

    Personally I think it shouldn't NEED to be a manual marking system. Make it autoMAGIC that when you find a mod it marks it on the map for everyone and it gets removed from your map as soon as it gets picked up. Saves explaining to newbies how to mark, saves the frustration of searching every crack and corner when some anti-social player refuses to mark anything.

    This is basically what I tried to say. It's not the log that I'm after, it's the actual ingame showing of the loot and a possible automatic/dynamic tracker which shows players where loot is without using waypoints. Sure, the UI needs work, but that's being adressed in plenty of other topics already. This is about how to make teamwork regarding picking up loot better and more fluent. Telling your teammates that there 'might' be Rubedo while you're not sure if you really saw a black/orange box fly out, with the teammates searching the entire area as a result, is not how it's supposed to be.

    Your suggestion kills a piece of the group dynamic. I'm totally against the game just blindly auto marking anything. It would clutter your screen unnecessarily, anyway.

    Give me a loot tracker so I can better relay to the squad what I am finding. That way I can tell them in teamspeak or in-game voip and they can decide if they want to get it. Teamwork!

    Although I partly agree with you (my first problem arised from playing with people over Teamspeak), I do think there can be an implementation of something that still encourages that. As I sort of said before, even making resources stand out more and keep the 'sparkle' around resources if the player already picked it up, to both make it easier to spot AND to know where it is after you picked it up, can already accomplish something similar, while still keeping teamplay in mind.

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