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Posts posted by (PSN)deathwolfclaw666

  1. 5 hours ago, (PS4)NemitheNem said:

    There's also the overflow problem--if you need 10 more points and you put in 30, you don't get the 20 point overflow as credit in the next match. 

    That's usually the issue I run into. I could attempt to kill myself which (unless it was changed) would also drop the bonus I had but the issue is getting my team mates to be there to pick it up.

  2. 18 hours ago, ObsidianG said:

    but Harrow actually needs some skill to play effectively and actually help the team.

    I have to disagree. At most I find that you may have to jump around dodging attacks while you build up his 3 but after that it comes down to the odd kill and spamming of his other abilities before you repeat.


  3. Starting with the issue of making things challenging. Allow players to start custom mission with sliders for

    Starting level and level progression - what level enemies start at (100) and how quickly that level increases (10 levels every 5 minutes).

    Stats - decrease/increase for things like energy, frame strength, weapon damage, ability cooldowns, etc. 

    Revive - how many you get and how fast players are revived.

    Enemy numbers and types - nuf said.

    And much more.

    Rewards are also scaled based on what options you pick


    As for modes

    Add raids back in with unique bosses and sub bosses.

    Boss rush - fight every boss in the game seeing how far your team can make it.

    PvPvE - large maps, deathmatch/objective based modes, teams are fighting alongside/against the Grineer or Corpus and against other factions.

    Map and mission creator - for those who are more creative. Layout your map how you want, decide enemy types and bosses, select or create a mission type (if you want a ESO/Arbitration/Defense mode then go for it).

  4. I thought it was going to be a permanent thing when I first heard about it. At most I was guessing that there wouldn't be an option to disable it at first but that would be added later. Now I just hope that the parts are tradeable.

  5. A warning is given about this kind of thing in the trade chat tab. Basically DE doesn't enforce this kind of trade.

    As far as reporting goes if it is against the ToS then you are in turn reporting yourself.

  6. Saryn is just another nuke frame and one that uses Viral damage making her great against Grineer and Corpus but weak against Infested. While other nukes have other abilities that allow you to increase damage to enemies, create shields, give extra speed, heal, etc Saryn has an ability that does DOT and has great synergy with her nuke ability.

    Honestly if you want to nerf one nuke you're better off nerfing them all as people will just move on to the next. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    Wait for the rework, Vauban doesn't do anything you couldn't do with any other Warframe that has a basic CC.

    Same could be said with other frames and yet I use them. However just looking at Vauban's abilities and stats the combo I would go for needs Duration, Range, Strength and Efficiency I draw the line at building for 3 of them.

  8. 22 minutes ago, (PS4)Lollybomb said:

    I've found that if you have two Limbos in a group they can at least mess with the visual timer for his abilities.  Stasis seems most prone to it.  Stasis will still be running, but the timer will disappear.  This never seems to happen if I'm the only Limbo in the group.  So yeah, Limbo's abilities can just be a bit buggy sometimes.

    Stasis combos with other Limbo's Stasis. Lets say your Limbo has 10 seconds left while mine has 20, enemies inside your Cataclysm will remain frozen until mine runs out. On the other hand if I was to manually stop my ability early it also stops your's. As a result we could have one of us build for range while the other does duration and use one Cataclysm or we can take it in turns to Stasis making the ability's use never end.

  9. That's what I've been doing. Cast 4 and 2 while keeping an eye out for drones, which are usually obvious thanks to the aura they give off and the moving enemies inside the bubble at which point I switch to my operator to take it out.

    As for combo's, it depends on what you mean exactly. 

    Warframe abilities tend to be able to hit targets outside Limbo's 4 while inside. For example Ivara's 4th passes through the bubble meaning you don't have to rely on her invisibility allowing you to add more damage to her 4th.

    Harrow can be built to provide 100s to over 1000 on a headshot worth of energy so he goes really well with ability spammers. All you have to do is build up your 3rd for a bit then get the odd kill before letting the nukers lose.

  10. 3 hours ago, Zectico said:

    TL;DR: Nekros has lost his place as the go-to loot frame, and his abilities are too reliant on augments. Ideas at the bottom.

    That's news to me. He's still the only loot frame I use with the others having too lower range and creating a slow TTK for my liking. I don't use augments either. 

  11. 2 hours ago, (XB1)GaussPrime said:

    My question is, how can a thread full of insults and derailing be in feedback? 🤔 Mods don't make sense anymore..

    On topic: just enjoy the few minutes of carrying and continue on after the mission. 

    You act like saryn is in every single mission in the entire game which is just not true.

    People take her into mission to speed it up because they already played those missions thousands of times.

    I'm wondering the same thing. There was a mod locking other threads which is likely how this one got moved. But it seems like the mod didn't even bother to read OP's post or even look at some of the last few pages before dumping this trash here. It not being locked may be down to no one bothering to report it because we're too busy laughing at the people tossing around insults.  

  12. 17 hours ago, Ryim_Drykeon said:

    The graph was generated by DE (though almost a year ago iirc), so the data for your first would probably be in their logs. You could try to ask for that graphing in Feedback, but I doubt they'll do so since it would cause a flood of other requests for other graphs if they did that one.

    As for you own: That data is in your inventory. Each frame has a percentage used. You could enter that data in a metric graphing program and get a fairly accurate account of your own usage. Though that data is not broken down by mode, just overall time used.

    I know. I just would've liked to be able to see a graph of my frame usage per MR. Granted it may look a bit odd considering I built some frames in bulk.

  13. So essentially rather than a player having to go "I don't know how to do these spy missions, I think I'll turn to YouTube for help" you want an option to watch a video in game of the same thing.

    Apart from newer players who tend to find Spy a challenge anyway from what I've seen Uranus, Kuva and Lua Spys are the only ones people generally have trouble with and all three are relatively easy especially if you have Loki and Limbo.   

  14. 7 minutes ago, Ryim_Drykeon said:

    Ahahahahahahahahahaha.....Good one.


    See that spike in the middle of the graph?

    Looking at the graph I want two things.

    1) A graph of the most used frames per mode.

    2) A way to generate a frame usage graph from my own use.

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