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  1. How about the nehza augment ?nothing on that?its urgent to address this ....a nerf where in order although i question the testing of it but this nerf was simply too muuc and ruins the augment . And the good thing is that you could use multiple high damage single target weapons that are hard to use and make it good again like the synapse. This was beyond disappoint and more noth a word on this ...why make it like this to gut it ? what a sick joke and again very disappointing ...1 week later no wait no nothing. so now we have a messed nehza and a messed up Dante ....i tried Dante on simulacrum after the fix and the LoS does not allow to nuke all enemies on the back due to this....why? what was the big problem? saryn kullervo octavia ....but Dante is the issue? Then change it all to LoS saryn for example.....that is what we all want!!!please read the comments DE and see this has a opportunity to really listen acknowledge revert get data and then do changes!!not like this!! but the nehza agument is the worst ....makes no sense and again silence on that.....
  2. So no testing before? we have dante over 1 month w the abilities they launched !! it was good ppl loved it now comes this nerf and LOS speech?huh? makes no sense seems no one tested it or tried it !! and again what was the urgency to nerf dante?what was the big problem? not to mention the butcher of nehza augment making it useless!!no one tested there? its hard to understand or take serious...not a word on that !!they giving us what we do not want and ask and keeping all that is bad and to root issue...insane!!!!
  3. same for me!!i did not enjoyed the frame but this augment made it great !spend forma shards time to make the poerfect build and then comes to the ground!! its a sick joke and i do not understand...was this not tested? and then they evaporate the ability w this nerf making nehza waht she was before....we have saryn gauss equinox and thisis ithe issue? wow!!its really bad!!
  4. its insane what they did to Nehza! did they not tested it ?what happened here ?a dn now this nerf !! the worst nerf i ever saw in warframe
  5. Exacly !!good that he is talking about it but if they do not listen what is the point ?no one ...not the 1 time by a long shot ....lets see if you actually listen DE.
  6. that is really nice but why dont you remove the LOS? you are focusing on the wrong thing and if you improve other aspects of the LOS issues fine ...but doing this? its insane and hard to understand honestly to change something not broken into a bugged solution and still not addressing the issue . This is the worst nerf ever and the Nehza one is really bad . this is the first time in 4 years i came to the forum and say my mind but this time it was too much and too bad!.
  7. hello tennos! for em i never played this frame. with this augment i was loving it and then this nerf makes no sense!!!50% is simply too much make it 25%/30% or recude dmg multi but to do this is to kill the frame. its a bad move and i am really disappointed at DE for doing this ....or they don not test it properly before or they are not listening to us on , speccially on this one one that is a joke !!why gave us something really good just to burn it to the ground?and all DE needs to do is listen!!!
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