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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. 7 hours ago, Luka-Song said:

    Xylena is right in that this whole debacle would not have happened if they let the story bake in the oven a bit longer and actually committed to a full quest, with proper pacing, fleshed out characters with room to shine, and deeper exploration of themes. If that happened we'd all have been discussing the intricacies of the quest and whatnot, instead of arguing over what the hell were the devs and writers thinking when they released this.

    It absolutely would have still happened. People have come to the forums with bad takes on basically every cinematic quest dating back to The Second Dream almost an entire decade ago. Whispers in the Walls, to use a recent example, got a bunch of complaints because it had some gay guys and no giant robot fight at the end. There's no quest "full" enough that it won't garner a crowd of forum churls loudly whining about it in bad faith.

    • Like 4
  2. On 2024-07-06 at 7:10 AM, Xylena_Lazarow said:

    Naive to think preggo fetish doesn't exist. Might not have been the intent, but the high heels, permanent belly, and general objectification of Jade's pregnancy while ignoring her as a person: it adds up to an uncomfortable picture for some. Bottom line, DE did not treat the topic of pregnancy with appropriate gravity. Is it a fetish? A devstream meme? Someone's misguided celebration? There's so much confusion because on top of everything else, it was badly written. The artists' intent was not clear.

    I'm not a writer at DE, but my first thought playing this quest was "Wow, somebody on this team lost someone in their life during childbirth." That seemed like pretty clear intent to me. And even if I was off the mark, I think it's really, really hard to look at those scenes as a complete cinematic production--the way they're shot, scored, etc.--and conclude that it's just a meme or a fetish thing.

    19 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

    Smut is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has their line. What would gamers have thought of Khora if her pet was another humanoid warframe wearing a collar and chastity belt? Whips and chains are one thing, but that would've probably pushed it over someone's line. That's why they say "edgy" right?

    Yes, what would people have thought if the thing that we got was actually a completely different thing? Harrowing question.

    19 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

    It also depends on the audience. Are gamers the right audience for a sincere look at pregnancy? Would you bring your satanic black metal band to your grandma's Sunday Catholic mass? I enjoy that Warframe pushes the limits, and it's perfectly fair for the audience to give feedback that they've pushed too far (or in other cases, not far enough).

    Speaking as a gamer: Yes, I think so. "Gamers" are not a monolith. Games, like any storytelling medium, tackle all kinds of themes and experiences, many of which are extremely personal. This is not new to games, or even to Warframe, nor is this conversation around it. We've gotten stories about growing up, about finding your identity, about labor movements, about losing loved ones, about surviving abuse, about terminal illness--the list goes on. I'm hard pressed to imagine that pregnancy is somehow too much after all of those things, many of which are deeply sensitive topics for a lot of people (and garnered a lot of the same reactions). If it doesn't do it for you, fine. But to imply that it's somehow wrong for the game after all that, or wrong for games in general...I dunno. I think it's a you problem at that point.

    • Like 4
  3. On 2024-06-20 at 11:59 AM, Talis7 said:

    If I don't like a fly being in my soup I'm going to do what I can to remove it. If I don't want pickles on my burger I have it without pickles. If I have someone painting my house I'm not going to allow them to paint it a color not of my choosing. And I have no qualms with speaking up when I don't like something. I don't like seeing a depiction of a pregnant women fighting in a field of war. This is not an unusual dislike either I would think. Is it that unusual that pregnancy and warfare comingling would create the discomfort that it is? 

    And no this is not, least on my side, about a fragile ego. You seem rather intent on attacking egos. Why is that? And drivel? Okay. I was trying to be polite but you're just rude. I'm done conversing with you if you're going to continue being like this. You need to settle your hash.

    Warfare is day-to-day life for a warframe. In that context, Jade is just existing as a pregnant person in normal circumstances, which is something that pregnant people do because day-to-day life still happens while you're pregnant.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

    Weird generalization, numerous threads here from women, I'm female and very uncomfortable with the idea and image of my unborn child being shot at. And this is from a woman who has chosen not to have children.

    I mean...yeah, by the standards of real life, it's horrific. That's most things in Warframe, when you strip away all the action game power fantasy stuff. But, in the context of the in-game universe, Jade is essentially just existing in the day-to-day life of a warframe, which...is a thing that pregnant people do. It's the equivalent of just going to work for them.

    That's how I look at it at least. Everyone draws their line in a different place.

    • Like 4
  5. After many, many years of watching people complain about Warframe's story, I've noticed that they tend to come from either people who just missed something--usually something implied or subtextual, or just failing to connect a dot from a previous quest--or people who have weird hangups about specific aspects of the story/characters. I expect a lot of guys (and it's definitely at least mostly guys) aren't comfortable with Jade Shadows because they aren't comfortable seeing depictions of pregnant bodies, in the same way that Whispers in the Walls got a bunch of flak for having a couple of gay guys in it. I don't think that's all of the complaints, but the reaction I typically have reading most of them is either "Oh, you just didn't catch [insert important context and/or themes]" or "Oh, you're just a bigot" or both.

    Anyway it's nothing new, people have been having terrible takes on Warframe quests since The Second Dream. Sometimes you just have to put a filter on the community.

    21 hours ago, Johnprofit said:

    My only issue with the quest is that if this is the original Jade. Shouldn't it be Jade Prime lying on the bed?

    Someone please correct me if im wrong.

    According to Varzia, primes aren't necessarily always the first version. Sometimes they are, but sometimes it's a promotion of sorts to elevate a warframe after it's made.

    • Like 4
  6. 10 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    Dante was perfectly fine though and wasn't as oppressive as people made him out to be. He had barely been out a week before these dumbass changes, so there is no way in Hell DE could have gotten adequate data to support this braindead reactionary move!

    Frames like Saryn, Octavia and Revenant are allowed to go unchecked, yet this crossed the line? Complete and utter BS!

    They very much did not go unchecked. All three of those frames have gone through balance adjustments in the past, including some nerfs that, at the time, drew exactly this kind of hyperbolic response from folks like you.

    But, hey, I'm sure shouting and calling the devs braindead will work this time.

    • Like 2
  7. Thanks for the update, as always.

    6 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    So rather than admitting you're wrong you instead decide to dig in your heels and ignore the multitude of threads telling you to revert these unnecessary changes. That takes a real inflated ego to think that you know better than the thousands of players that you have swindled with this blatant bait and switch tactic. Talk about shameless anti-consumerism.

    Go ahead and bury your heads in the sand hoping that this all blows over in a few weeks. But don't expect anyone to get excited about Jade or any of your future Warframes that you have planned if you're going to screw over your players like this. Any good will you have built up over the last few updates have now completely evaporated after this pathetic stunt!

    And don't even think about trying to band-aid fix Dante with an augment later. You already pulled that stunt with Styanax and Gyre and we're sick and tired of it! Stop trying to fix things that are not broken!

    I am seriously begging this community to learn the difference between "we value your feedback" and "we will implement exactly what you want." Please.

    • Like 5
  8. 36 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    Yes they can. And thats why random people should stop saying "just kill it bruh". Killing a lich is a terrible and a soul-sucking experience, and OP does not need "just kill him then". OP clearly doesnt want to kill the lich and wants to keep the shard and I want the devs to make it possible.

    The OP, so far, has only expressed surprise at high-value items being able to be taken as part of the lich's tribute. The rest of that sentiment you added in yourself. Whether or not they actually agree with you (and, hey, maybe they do), you're projecting pretty hard here.

    • Like 4
  9. 26 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    I wish people stopped saying things like this. Liches are terribly made and absolutely user-hating, noone should have to fight a random lich they didnt even want to create or get top class items stolen from them. Im very sure the OP knows how liches work and you telling them to "git gud and suck it up" isnt going to help them.

    I'm pretty sure if the OP can kill an archon they can probably kill a lich.

    • Like 3
  10. Eh. It's true that Steel Path has evolved a bit into offering more than just faster affinity/resource gains (Steel Path Duviri comes to mind), but none of that stuff is really required for progression--except, arguably, in Steel Path itself. So, yeah, it's the only place to get certain arcanes or whatever (or was, until the arcane packs with Whispers), but there's still a thousand ways to outpace enemy defense scaling on normal mode without those things, so...I dunno if it really matters that much? It'd be one thing if there were no other options for, say, acquiring big stuff like new weapons or warframes, but at best Steel Path just nets you the resources to build those things faster--and, frankly, not so much faster that playing the normal mode version isn't still a decent option.

    I feel like it's a pretty good sweet spot, personally. There's reward enough for people who can handle it, but if you go without, you're not really missing anything that you absolutely need.

    • Like 1
  11. Hard to pick a favorite this year. The big stuff like Duviri and Whispers were great, but I enjoyed a lot of the smaller stuff too. Mirror defense is probably my favorite game mode to come out since the Zariman update last year, and Kullervo and Dagath were both excellent despite dropping in (relatively) minor updates. And of course we also got Wisp and Hildryn Prime, two of my absolute favorites (with trailers!), over the course of this year.

    So...yeah, speedbumps aside, I think Warframe had a pretty incredible year. Can't wait to see what next year brings.

  12. 5 hours ago, Gelos.Prime said:

    Something tells me that as a regular platinum buyer who therefore helps pay salaries and the electric bill at DE (among other things) that, actually, I am in exactly that position

    You're not a shareholder. You paid for in-game stuff, not the authority to direct the company. Posting demands (in the wrong forum, at that) like this just makes you look like a churl and decreases the odds that anybody at DE will actually listen to you.

    • Like 11
  13. This has been a problem for a long time now, but all this Kuva Lich business has highlighted, again, the fragility of excavation drills. As the title suggests, excavators really need to scale up their health with the mission level so they don't die nigh-instantly at high levels. For solo players especially, it's very difficult to maintain the constant defense required to avoid exposing excavators to the ~5 seconds of sustained fire required to kill them in Kuva Lich-level missions, while also traipsing about for power cells to make sure they stay charged--the frustration from which is compounded further on missions where there's a minimum cryotic requirement before evac. Rescue hostages, defense targets, mobile defense consoles, and even the excavators used for Plains of Eidolon/Orb Vallis bounties already do this; at this point it's an issue of consistency at the very least.

    Hoping you guys consider this as you move forward with U26 changes. As a predominantly solo player, I'd love to not dread things like sorties, Void fissures, Kuva Liches, etc. showing up on excavation nodes.

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  14. Developers, being people, sometimes change their minds. Once upon a time, when emotes were still in development, Geoff said they wouldn't be adding dances; fast forward a few years to Octavia's Anthem and suddenly there's dances. Is Geoff a liar? No; the game changed over time, and DE reconsidered their stance. That's what happens in a persistent game that's in constant development.

    Pretty much anybody who's played with or around a Maiming Strike build knew it had to change someday. It was only ever a question of when.

  15. Minor correction: You do have to have Atlas mastered for the card to appear, but you do not have to have him equipped. I went in with Titania equipped and still found the card.

    5 minutes ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    Are they just for collecting fluff? Or do they serve a functional purpose?

    You can place them as decorations in your Orbiter. That's pretty much it.

    • Like 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    In my opinion, true challenge is inherently interesting and engaging when it is skill-based rather than stat-based, which in turn makes it intrinsically rewarding and does not need external rewards to sustain itself.

    Respecting the time and effort invested into player arsenals just throws a curve ball in there that moves it back to stat-based difficulty, which is an impossible goal unless all WF abilities are scaled to the same level, which in turn moves the needle towards efficiency.

    It's good that that works for you, but there are about as many definitions of "true challenge" as there are people--and the nature of any challenge, big or small, in a persistent game like Warframe, is that it's going to get run multiple times. The "challenge is its own reward" model works for some, but without anything else attached to it, I suspect it'd wear out its welcome pretty quickly with most people on repeat visits.

    Don't think you're going to get much headway on the second point. For better or worse, Warframe's a game with some element of power progression to it, and DE tends to make an effort to respect people's time investment on that whenever possible.

  17. They've been keenly aware of it for years now. It's just...you know, creating "challenge" (whatever that means) that's interesting, engaging, and rewarding, without making it too grindy and/or so rewarding that it becomes The Thing to Do, Always, while also respecting the time and effort players have invested in their arsenals...

    Yeah it's a bit of a complex problem.

  18. 11 minutes ago, withinmyself said:

    I'd like to hear the argument for Wisp.  Just staying in the air? and using her vitality mote?  I still think she can get one shot in later levels though.

    High power strength/duration plus Rage (or Hunter Adrenaline) plus a health mod or two leaves you (and your team! added bonus) with ~1500+ health and 60+ regen/s with Vitality Mote active--which, coupled with her decent base armor, hands-free CC from Shock Mote, on-demand invisibility/distraction (plus invulnerability on teleport) with her 2, and a long-duration radial blind with her 3, makes her very hard to kill. I know everybody has a different definition of what "later levels" means, but I've taken her to sorties, elite onslaught, arbitrations, you name it--all with great success. She's great.

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