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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. Attempting today's sortie after the hotfix (24.1.2) and I noticed something peculiar: Some of the conditional stage hazards--namely the gas/magnetic clouds from hive sabotage and the radiation hotspots from the radiation modifier--are no longer visible. They're still there, mind you; I ate more than a few "random" magnetic procs running about the ship for the hive sabotage mission, and I've suffered at least one mission failure on the rescue due to not knowing where the radiation zones are.

    Not sure if this affects other hazards (e.g. fire/ice on ship sabotage missions) but it's certainly frustrating enough with just these ones. Would love a fix as soon as possible.

  2. 1 hour ago, krc473 said:

    I believe you can. I do not think you could get the scene or sentinel. Most other things seemed to be there.

    • I got the Kubrodon Lure. Catch a couple and buy a weapon BP. 

    You can, in fact, get the Orb Vallis scene as one of your rank-up rewards. I got it earlier myself. (I know; I was shocked too.)

    If memory serves, you can also get the kubrodon lure, the new sentinel weapon blueprints...I think I saw the Oxylus blueprint on the list too, but I can't recall. Pretty solid list though.

  3. 1 hour ago, CrimeHole said:

    But that also doesn't mean that she was as such prior to alad. (addressing the "angry cat lady she is now")
    She could of been much more brawl-based with abilities less reliant off torture, "scared (non-prime description)" and scarring. 
    Who knows who she was prior to gersemi. 

    It doesn't mean that she wasn't, either. "Unscarred by time or malice" doesn't mean "unscarred." The warframes originated--go figure--out of a war, and the very process of becoming a warframe is, by all accounts, intensely traumatic on both a physical and mental level. It can also be assumed that who they were originally has an effect on the kind of warframe they become--key examples being Excalibur (Umbra) and Mirage--so it's entirely possible Valkyr was an angry, tortured soul before becoming a warframe.

    Ultimately we don't know for sure one way or the other (and I doubt we will, at least any time soon), which makes calling it an inconsistency somewhat premature.

  4. Nobody likes their stuff becoming less powerful, but sometimes it's good for the game. Between the release of new weapons and the weapon rebalance pass earlier this year making a lot of old/underused weapons better, it follows that a pass on riven dispositions would be in order--and that some of those changes would wind up negative.

    People had to know this was coming eventually.

  5. As far as I'm concerned they can add as many landscapes as they like, provided they're filled with the kind of lore, culture, and general attention to detail that Cetus and Fortuna have been. Not that I don't love when they do other things as well, but if Plains and Fortuna have proven anything, it's that DE's got some serious world-building chops.

  6. Not for nothing, but leading with "Here's why Fortuna is going to fail" and then following with "but it's just my opinion" isn't the best way to start off if you're trying to have a meaningful discussion. Also, most of your points come across as woefully underinformed--which makes sense, because nobody outside DE has actually played Fortuna yet--but it comes off as more than a little presumptuous to just assume there's going to be a terrible grind, no challenge at all, etc. in a massive update we've only seen small glimpses of in devstreams.

    Also, the reason they haven't shown off the Orb much is because they want players to figure out how to kill it for themselves. They showed equally little of the teralyst when Plains of Eidolon was in production, for the exact same reason. Teaching players how to do your content is generally not a good use of devstream time.

  7. 5 minutes ago, IAmTheFutureFlash said:

    what were they thinking... are they copying this from somewhere?

    where did you hear "Fortuna" before?

    I know the answer.

    its a name of a place in a game

    first correct answer wins 100 platinum

    Whatever game you're thinking of, I'm pretty sure it wasn't the place where "Fortuna" originated as a name.

  8. You're probably disappointed because it's a first draft. They even said on the stream they don't have anything actually implemented yet, or at least not enough to showcase. Still a little early to be calling it a wash.

    Personally, I think some of it sounds pretty good. Being able to amp up your Mind Control target could be big, depending on how it's calculated. Off the cuff I'm not crazy about the new Psychic Bolts, but on the other hand...it can't really get worse, so whatever. Depending on the numbers it could actually be handy at high levels.

    Either way, I don't think any of it is so flawed at the conceptual level as to not be worth a shot. Just have to wait until we have more details.

  9. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

    This is very true as a counter to his argument but I get where he's coming from. Warframe is a mindless shooter, and for me, it kinda hurts the game in the long run. In the beginning its cool but later on it just feels hollow as there's no thinking involved at all.

    Not that I don't get what you're saying, but you basically just described every mastery curve out there. Things get easier, and more automatic (from a thought process standpoint), the more you do them; that's what practice is.

  10. The M rating is for violence and blood; online interactions are not rated because they come from other people, not the game itself. Also, the existence of an M rating, or a chat filter, or an ignore function, does not excuse you to be as obnoxious as you like. DE has some ground rules in place, presumably with this idea in mind, to try and keep things civil and respectful.

    I hate to sound dismissive, but if common courtesy in a public chat space is too "politically correct" for your tastes, then...the door's over there.

  11. 3 hours ago, FlyingDice said:

    Except it has nothing to do with trans people. It's about crossdressing and has nothing to do with sexual orientation or identification. Stop kink-shaming and appropriating others' culture. You're probably one of those people that attacks drag queens too, eh?

    Ignoring for a moment your attempt at moving the goalpost, I am...well and truly perplexed at the notion that pointing out something as a common slur constitutes kink-shaming, cultural appropriation, or a veiled attack on drag queens--let alone all three at once. Would you care to elaborate on how you arrived at this conclusion based solely on my using the phrase "Because it's a common transphobic slur"? Because I feel like there's a piece missing here that I'm not privy to.

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