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Posts posted by MealeaYing

  1. The stutter problem was introduced, or perhaps worsened in PoE when they did the draw distance stuff and other changes ostensibly trying to make it more friendly to older hardware. I used to be able to run my graphics on full blast while recording everything but the change made things horrible. One thing I have found is that turning off Anisotropic filtering helps a LOT, not just in PoE and Cetus, but all earth missions, Ceres where theres weather and in Orb Vallis and Fortuna. Submitting a ticket got me some of the worst advice I have ever seen, they didn't read what I was telling them was happening and gave me a generic "fix" that forced my monitor to be at a resolution it cant do, thankfully Microsoft (of all things) caught this and auto-fixed it, before it did that a high pitched screech came out of my computer as my video card tried to do something impossible. If you are told to delete some settings file, DONT DO IT, its very very bad advice.

  2. I dislike nightwave almost as much as I hate having a 1970's era musical imposed on me in the form of some cheesy DJ talking over the Lotus, who in my opinion is far far more important to the story you seem to be abandoning. I fail to see the point of this system, it provides no guidance whatsoever for new people, is in the way of getting things people need and used to be able to get, and does not lead to exploration or doing quests to learn about the Warframe universe, it leads to the damned wiki instead. 

    I am simply not doing it, but if this were how Warframe worked when I was new I wouldn't be playing Warframe at all, I would be working in things like ZBrush, Sculptris and Blender.

    I'm going to give it some time, maybe its UI will change and actually send you places, but for now I'm just going to play Warframe the way I used to and ignore the fact I no longer have access to things like Nitain or aura mods. 

  3. I'm curious about making Tenogen stuff, but I dont want to do it if only a portion of the Warframe community can use it and that seems to be the case. This led me to wonder what the ratio of Steam users vs. standalone clients is and what the numbers actually loos like. I have been told that only 2% dont use steam to play Warframe, but that was someone shooting their mouth off I believe.

    I would like the actual numbers if that's possible.



    Mealea Ying

  4. Me to, and there's more:

    The door won't open, the console doesn't work, Corpus wheel things are stationary, there's no mining deposits, and there's no fissures.Trying to leave Orb Vallis the gate door wont open either unless I leave immediately.

    I tried clicking the event in the map, got a squad, start heading there in our ships and then poof, screen flickers, squad vanishes and Im at the gate. Dropping in from space, same thing, going in via Fortunas gate same thing only in the elevator.

  5. I haven't done one, If I could avoid going to Fortuna, like Ordis would dump me into Orb and pick me up from there as well I would be thrilled. Aside from my dislike of the inhabitants, I despise the hall from Cetus to PoE, and instantly hated the box they force you into when leaving Orb. I think of them both as the gateway to AltF4.


  6. I GOT IT!!! 

    I have EVERYTHING back on maximum and fullscreen.

    All I had to do was turn off Anisotropic Filtering.

    Try it, Im happy as heck right now, it worked for PoE and Orb


    15 hours ago, Gabbynaru said:

    Turn off Anisotropic Filtering. That's the thing that kills the framerate. It's bugged.

    (Also, how did you manage to get Fortuna on PS4 so quickly?)


    Anisotropic filtering changed EVERYTHING for me in Orb AND PoE!!! I have a 1050 ti and Im running everything at maximum again (except Anisotropic filtering as of now) and its all perfect again! Just turn it off, its GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!

  8. @Aceslade:

    I tried both since I have an Intel and an Nvidia, neither worked, though for the Nvidia I dont have "Display" in the Control Panel. I tried other things like setting it to performance over quality, that made it worse believe it or not, and then told the control panel to revert to the Launchers original settings, that made it FAR worse.

    Now I have to find all the crap that that changed and fix it.


    Five re-tries later:

    I deleted the realtech sound drivers and it had no effect, though on fortuna (or Orb) the problem starts when there's sound (like those annoying voice overs), and then gets worse and worse.

    Its so bad I cant use the menu to exit, I have to use Alt F4


  9. On 2018-11-03 at 2:42 AM, Aceslade said:

    Would you mind trying out these methods and see if it solve your fullscreen problem:

    If you have Intel HD GPU or Nvidia Optimus (Intel HD + Geforce combo) go to Intel Graphic Properties -> Display -> Aspect Ratio -> Scaling -> Scale Full Screen -> tick Override

    If you ONLY had Nvidia Geforce GPU onboard go straight to Nvidia Control Panel -> Display -> Adjust desktop size and position -> no scaling (try fullscreen as well if it didn't work)

    Used to had a similar problem and this is what solved mine. Though upon updating to Windows 10 1809, this isn't necessary anymore.

    Im starting your process now, this could take a bit!

  10. Wait, I have three, Intel, Nvidia, and Realtech

    On 2018-11-03 at 2:46 AM, Fullmetal_Underpants said:

    i don't even need to restart warframe. killing the "LighingService" process immediately ceases the issue.

    I haven't got that... I wish I did!

  11. holy crap, I did it and it wasnt that lighting thingy (which I dont have even though I have a nice fancy looking keyboard).

    All I did was switch from full screen to windowed, same resolution all settings on full blast.

    Support told me to run optimize and verify after telling me (incorrectly) that I had corrupt files, both passed no problem and fairly quickly (because I had already done that). They also told me to delete some of the contents of a folder on my computer, DONT DO THIS, my monitor made a high pitched shrieking sound and Windows (much to my suprise and its credit) came up and told me it was switching me to a proper resolution and that the one Warframe had switched me to was invalid.

    At that point Support stopped responding and I said "the hell with this" and decided to work my way backwards starting at the first thing I changed when I first installed Warframe. The first thing was switching to fullscreen as I had heard this was the faster way to go, when I switched to windowed I could FEEL the difference just in the settings screens, my mouse moved properly, the static was gone and so I gave it a shot. PoE worked smoothly just like it did when it first came out, full speed, full clear audio, no stuttering, no stopping for three seconds and then stuttering, it was (and is) perfect.

    When I switched back to fullscreen BOOM I was back to total hell. 

    I prefer full screen (when its not screwed) but I will take this over that crap anytime.

    I can reproduce and prove this no problem.

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