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Posts posted by Remedyheart

  1. 1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

    I understand what you're saying.  Heck times I would group, I would try to work as a teammate would, but rarely did the others allow that to happen.  So I would go back to solo play.  Now i only group up with a certain streamer and her viewers during streams.  The later being the most I've experienced true teamwork period.  

    The later is also where I've been seeing all of the issues with the Kuva Lich system.  

    I'm sorry that you had a run of bad players. If I could help you out I would do so. This is the kind of player I'd give my time for. Just a bit of consideration goes a long way.

  2. 1 minute ago, MirageKnight said:

    And I'll be more than happy to report players like you for bullying and abusive behavior.

    Yeah. Yet I'm here asking for your help only and not reporting you but sure. Feel free to do so. I'll still be here dying to your lich asking for help and waiting for my lich to spawn so that way we can both move forward.

    And its one mission. Why can you not tolerate me for one mission?

    Are you that willing to dictate the other players left in the team?

  3. 1 minute ago, MirageKnight said:

    Some folks here don't WANT to understand. They just want to be right and justified about how they see the world treat others - which is arguably extremely poorly.

    We're talking about people that say "Stop inconveniencing us and DIE already! We've got stuff we want to get our hands on! If you don't, you're selfish!"

    That's not hyperbole, that's exactly what their self-serving "arguments" boil down to.

    You dare to call players that refuse to kill their liches because they don't want to wind up fighting a tougher enemy because of a S#&$ty game mechanic selfish?

    You're a bunch of disgusting hypocrites.

    You realize it is suppose to require a team nornally. Sure you got some hardcore players who solo their lich. Me being one. Besides that have you ever though about why the lichs were created with a one shot mechnic?

    And mind you no matter what the lich's level is they are still able to one shot most frames via grabs, tosses, throws.

    So in a sense you're gonna get tossed anyways eventually. Take advantage of their strength and make so that death isn't just a big waste of your time.

    Ask for help if you're having trouble with a Lich. Honestly when did asking the community for assistance become a bad habit?

  4. 34 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

    You laid them out, yes, but you misjudged their value. The cons outweigh the pros for all but the most well-geared players.

    I called out one guy for that kind of abuser logic already, I have no problem calling you out too. The only people to blame for "ill demeanor" are those who display it. Your logic is the logic of an abuser saying "look what you made me do" after beating up their spouse. Pure victim blaming, vile and disgusting. GTFO with that.

    This is also something I and others have explained already. The lich system becomes available as soon as you arrive on Sedna, when you're used to doing level 30-ish content. The easiest lich content is level 50, four times harder than that. If you foolishly give in to the demands of selfish people and stab your lich, the difficulty gradually increases up to level 100, fifty times harder than level 30. The game never gives any indication of just how hard the content you're jumping into is, and once you're in there's no way to back out of it again, you have to push through. The only people who propose "git gud" as a solution to that have either no brain or no empathy (the latter is consistent with the victim-blaming abuser logic you displayed above, btw). Don't blame the game? No, do blame the game. Blame nothing other than the game, in fact. And don't give in to selfish people's demands that you screw yourself over for their very minor benefit.

    You make no sense and every thread we've been in more people agreed with me on stabbing rather than you on no stabbing.


  5. 1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

    That might be you're problem right there.  WarFrame doesn't really fit that game category much if at all.  While some try to place it as a Co-op Only shooter, the real truth is that WF is a single player experience game with co-op elements.  Not once do you ever really need a team to do anything in this game.  Please don't say Raids as those are no longer in the game.  

    Even while people may play in groups, they still behave as if they are playing solo.  This really hasn't changed since I first started playing about 4 years ago.  

    Okay forgrt the tag. Are you forgetting that I play the game too?

    Come on now teammate. We are potential teammates here and you gonna do that to me? 

    Help a brother out.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    But you really didn't...

    • You don't mention that automatically stabbing your lich reduces the thralls it will generate were it active.
    • You don't highlight that the attempt also lowers the Lich's rage meter, which reduces the number of thralls the player will see in subsequent missions until it's built back up ( at least 3 missions).
    • Those 10 Murmurs earned convenience people like you but actually costs the player, themselves,  closer to 30 murmurs over the timeframe of those 3 - 4 missions building rage back up.

    What you did was highlight what you think the pros and cons for you are...Funnily enough, those aren't correct either tbh.

    No, Automatically stabbing your lich isn't improving anyone's murmur chances with new liches—as the Lich never typically gets the chance to spawn thralls given how short group murmur hunts tend to be and how hasty players are. The prevailing opinion is counter-intuitive if you are hunting murmurs.

    The only thing attempting the Lich does is create the possibility that another player's lich might spawn and that player will have help downing it. This, by your logic, is something players shouldn't need to begin with.

    Confronting your lich makes sense in these scenarios...

    • If the player thinks it will complete the information for the 1st Requiem Mod.  This is so that rage can be built during the second to speed accrual for the third hint.
    • If the player is out of viable missions on the current planet as the attempt opens up another planet.
    • To increase the chance that another player's Lich will spawn.
    • The player is in a long group mission and their Lich has stopped spawning Thralls... Even then I would ask the other players what their Lich's rage is like first as doing so may be needless.

    Players choosing not to attempt their Lich is actually helping you clear yours faster by either preserving or building your Lich's rage meter allowing you to get more murmurs in subsequent missions.

    Those are the actual facts... Why don't your "pro's and con's" account for them?

    Okay. Someone's not listening. We want to stab it for the positives.

    Where is this preservation thing coming from when I need to figure out a process of elimination here. Better to do it early rather than wasting your time in 4 to 5 extra missions to figure out the right sequence. 

    The biggiest issue for req mods is the murmur farm. Not the requence. Knock out the bigger issue which is murmurs not sequence of mods.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    No matter how much you folks try to bring morality or "the needs of the many" into this issue it won't change the fact that people aren't happy with it.

    DE's system is the sole problem, not the players on either side of the fence. No amount of yelling, threatening or shaming people will make them like the forced death and forced level because at an inherent level it isn't fun to them.

    You cannot force people to like a system in a video game if it isn't fun to them, no matter how little of an issue you think the problem is no one person can speak for everyone's experience.

    I am sorry that teamwork becomes an issue. When us as higher MR experienced players should be more helpful and considerate in helping other players.

    Seriously though. Why is teamwork and common curtesy suddenly a bad habit now? MMO. Did we forget this is an MMO?

  8. 2 hours ago, Sintag said:

    Ah, right.  Forgot you're no longer flying completely and utterly blind.  Trying to keep all this is a bit nuts.

    You can fail Requiem 1 twice across three mods.  Two attempts.
    You can then fail Requiem 2 once.

    So it's three failed attempts if you know the entire sequence, as opposed to forty-four if you don't.  You see why I say 'don't blindly stab your Lich', though?  If you're patient, you eliminate forty-one attempts.  Use your stabs to eliminate the guesswork from Lich hunting, instead of throwing your life away to sate the guy who charged into pubs.

    That doesn't save time. 

    For example say you are close to unlocking your first requim. Guessing the right relic in the first slot is a massive time saver and the progress made currently for the unlocked slot transitions over to the next word to unlock. This is just one scenario.

    Second scenario is when you have already revealed your first word. The second word is now a 1 out of 7. Even if you fail the next stab attempt it becomes a 1 out of 6. By then, I myself, usually have unlocked the 2nd word so this confirms the position of the first and second slots.

    See if I keep failing on the first slot but have unlocked one word, I now have a 50/50 chance to guess the right position of that mod bt process of elimination. If I have two mods revealed I should have already confirmed the placement of the first slot with one of the two revealed mods and then have determined if any of the two fit on the second slot.

    This is all while I'm farming for the third slot. And this becomes irrellevant if I happen to get lucky and uncover a relic early on. Hell I am usually done guessing the sequence before I finish my third mod reveal.

    So you saving your lich and not taking the chance nor time to guess early on becomes your weakpoint. Not a strengh or a safety net. And everyone is going to die anyways due to these difficulty levels.

    Even when you're not prepared when would you be then? Already on Lich 20 for me. Where you at solo guy?

  9. 2 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    Very much what I want to see happen with the lich system. Instead of converting to a better weapon we got lucky with, we should be able to combine duplicates to create an even better one.

    Better yet, we should be able to combine duplicates to a higher percentage than what the liches can drop.

    Being able to influence our nemesis beyond the initial generation based on your warframe would make things more interesting.


    Very strong points, all of them.

    I was personally hoping we could build a little army of liches, but maybe I'm just too much of a pokemon fan...

    Imagine sticking our liches into an arena and making them fight each other for our amusement.

    That is to deter trading becoming abusive. The new 13 introduced Kuva variants are some of thr strongest weapons ingame. Passing them out like candy can severely ruin the game. Starting with the very system it came from. Lich Hunting.

    By allowing just weapon trades you easily bypass the system altogether or create plat barons in the market because these would be the only people willing to kill lichs.

    The weapons are the incentive to go on such a quest. Having ways to bypass that means no quest no gaming experience no fun.

  10. 1 hour ago, Sintag said:

    Image result for no i don't think i will

    As I've said, as I'll keep saying.  Brute-forcing a Lich's kill phrase isn't efficient.  Never will be save the final one, and even then that is five failures at the absolute worst.  But to repeat my final point.  You are not my boss.  You do not get to decide how I play a game.  Does it suck your Lich didn't show for you when you had the code?  Yes.  Believe me, I have been there myself.  But you went into a pub, rolled the dice, and got angry when they didn't come up in your favor.

    Then please share you insane time saving secret with the audience.

    I honestly want to see some proof that my effort on 20 liches was squandered.

    Here I am trying ti make guides on lich hunting and I still run into this probpem. In forums and in the game.

    I don't how much more I can help at this point of time if you don't bother reading or trying it yourself.

  11. 49 minutes ago, Graavarg said:

    No, not at all. There are no "must stab lich"-rules for PUG/random missions. That is a completely made-up rule by lich farmers, in order so they themselves can advance faster. But there is absolutely nothing forcing lich farmers to go into public missions, and if they do they should show some respect and accept that random players in that mission might have other goals than they have.

    It really is quite simple. How on earth can you come to the conclusion that you an join a mission with random players and have the right to force them to play a certain way? That is simply nuts.

    It is always valid to go solo. This isn't about that. This is about joining a mission with random players and demanding that they play the way YOU want. Even if there is no need to do so in the actual mission. And then potentially harassing, bullying and threatening the random players to get them to do what you want.

    It's wrong, it's toxic, and players behaving that way should be banned.

    Being irritated over losing time is one thing. Being irritated that you were dumb enough to go into an public mission with your very specific personal need and it didn't work out like you hoped is another. But trying to bully other players to do things your way is a completely different ballgame, and all wrong.

    Bullying? You're calling for BANS HERE.

    No one that disagrees with you has mentioned a punishment for you yet.


  12. 16 minutes ago, Sintag said:

    Brute-forcing a Lich is still horrifically inefficient and gets the player in question nothing to show for it save a token amount of Murmurs, and a Lich that's much stronger then it could've been if they got the code together to begin with.  That's my point.  The entire deal with my mathematics was to prove that point.  I am done talking here.

    And yet when you guess it right? That's a whole requim mod. The progress gets saved to your second requim mod and you saved a ton of time.

    A TON OF TIME. For guessing right and being kind.

    You should really read up on the positives and negatives. Positives got ya buried. No offense.

    Speaking of which. No one wants to die by the hands of your lich as much as you don't want to suicide. Save a couple of lives and maybe don't make everyone mad when they are dying to your lich.

  13. 2 hours ago, Sintag said:

    So, to the 'STAB YOUR LICH BLIND' crowd, let me ask, did you crunch the numbers behind your rationale?  Because I just did, and the final answer I got was 44.  At absolute worst, you will stab your Lich 44 times if you do it blind.  8 times 3 plus 7 times 2 plus 6.  24, plus 14, plus 6.  8 mods and 3 slots, then 7 mods over 2 slots, then 6 mods over a single.  So, I'm gonna say something right now.

    If you go into a pub, and expect the guy with no Murmurs, who was there to farm them even, to get the first Requiem and eliminate one of these numbers, to instead take a one-in-8 gamble that, if failed, will make the Lich even stronger, and berate them for being understandably not up for it, especially if they fill out a Murmur and stand to gain literally nothing from the gamble?  You're the problem here.   There are two cases for not doing a stab on your Lich.  The first is if you've got no Requiems figured out, and the second is if your Murmur ring is full and you'll gain an idea of what Requiem is required, bypassing some of the random chance.

    tl;dr:  You joined a pub, you're not the boss.  If you want your Lich dead, make a squad of like-minded people in Recruiting, since there's always gonna be people looking to kill their Lich off and have it decoded.  Otherwise, put up or shut up, you're not my boss.

    Jesus christ you're listening.

    There are like seven positives to your selfish 3 and 5 negatives that affect 3 out of 4 players here.

    Ding ding ding ding! Your perservation hurts more than it helps. Your conversion theory or long way to hunt a lich takes way too long.

    Just do us a favor give it both methods a try and see which one you like afterwards because I'n sure majority census will be the ladder here.

  14. Just now, Raqiya said:

    But not killing your lich does exactly that. You're forcing others to play by your own special rules. 

    If somone already knew the code or is really close, by not stabbing your lich you're forcing them to not complete the whole objective of the update. getting the requiem/murmurs is only a means of reaching the objective which killing the Lich much like how farming materials is only a means of getting the weapon. 

    The original idea of the liches was meant to your personal Nemesis but DE through all those ideas out the window with the way they designed the system. 

    If you want to avoid leveling your lich I think it's perfectly valid for you to go solo. Levels are "low" and should be manageable but you shouldn't say Tier 5 "high" level missions should be played solo just because you want to stab lich which is the whole incentive of the update and full of like minded individuals. 

    Hey no one's forcing you to be rude.

    But they are asking.

    You're at least missing out...sooo...and have you ever gotten help that wasn't a handout? 

  15. Plain and simple.

    Effects of Lich Stab Attempt.


    1. One in eight chance to correct the right req mod. Unlocking this pushes the progression straight to the second mod to reveal. FYI this doesn't eat the current progress on the mod you were working towards.

    2. Every stab attempt can grant up to 5-10 murmur. It is still unsure how many a Lich stab attempt can grant upon failure, but evidence shows it provides a big chunk.

    3. Stabbing your lich opens up a new sector under kuva influence. This opens up options for prefered missions for the player and makes finding a pub mission much easier.

    4. Removing said lich early from a mission with a stab attempt shaves off wasted minutes messing with said lich. Most players understand the usefulness of stab attempts and will aide in defeating a lich in a pub game. Some may even go for minutes which ends up eating away time and grants too much downtime for thralls.

    5. Lichs are distracting and not every player can handle them. Sometimes a lich can be too much for a group and may need to be dealt with if possible as to remove them from the mission to complete said node and save all murmurs gathered.


    1. Your Lich remains low level. The higher the Lich level the faster thralls spawn in the 5 minute time span of any mission. Leaving them level one, or even below level 5, drastically slpws down murmur farming. This was a mechanic DE added to help players in slaying their lich if they were to have too many issues doing so. A sort of rush mechanic that we can utilize.

    2. Your lich can potentially push your team into a corner. Yeah not likely and probably never happens. Imagine survival against a Lich with teleport. Or better yet Interception with a lich right smack dab in the middle of the map. Under the right circumstance a lich can jeapordize a mission.

    3. The Lich will remain enraged and continue spawning more often. Always being a hindrance a danger and making things more difficult. Dealing with a Lich isn't hard, at least not for me, but that is never always the case. Especially if they keep showing up every mission and the owner refuses to stab them.

    4. Wasted time and opportunities. Stabbing early should be a practice habit for lich hunters. After reciving your first revealed mod players can take this time to start experimenting and shorten the Seauence guessing portion of the hunt. This way you don't have to do 3 or 4 extra missions just swapping around 3 mods.

    Stab your lich.

    • Like 2
  16. Can we just agree that there should be fun for all? Crowd census says not stabbing is rude.

    Nuff said.

    Logic and facts state it hinders farming. So take the advice.

    You missed out.

    The fact that you haven't figured out a better method than that painstakingly slow method of lich conversion shows you don't take it seriously when others do.

    They are trying to help you and instead...people ask to have them ban? The inconsideration is incrediable here.

  17. 1 minute ago, Graavarg said:

    I did not force them to join a mission with random's where it is perfectly ok and totally allowed to NOT to stab your lich.

    They did join such a mission (with randoms, where some might not want to stab their lich) and should then also accept that not stabbing the lich is ok. Since it IS ok. Stabbing your lich isn't mandatory. And it shouldn't be, since in many cases it is totally stupid.

    If they want to add their own special rule of "forced stabbing", they should form a private squad. Not going into a public squad and expecting other players to play by "their own special rule", and maybe even harass and bully other players to force them to do so.

    How can you not see this? (hint: it really is crystal clear).

    This is a horrible defense. First off you don't know what their goals or intentions is. Why are you forcing your goal onto them?


    Also are they suppose to guess yours? Most pub groups join missions like that to gather murmurs and kill their lich. Do not assume where their prpgression is at and do not think suddenly that they are wrong for asking you yo finally stab your lich so that they can finally kill their lich. This makes you the last obstacle and a very resistant one at that.

    Just stab them. Lich conversion has too many variables that make it unreliable that only grant 3 to 4 extra thralls in an extra few minutes in a mission which is better spent going into a new one and using the first 5 minutes of that mission.

    FYI first 5 minutes is the optimal time to gather thralls.

    Several traits that affect thralls. How quickly teammates can kill surrounding enemies, which hinders lich conversion since only line of sight enemies get converted. Lich abilities affect conversion rate so lichs with channeling abilities or favors throws charging or melee will convert much slower. Lich conversion is slower than natural thrall spawning.

    Thrall spawn rate increases with teammates and dependant on the lich's level that controls the node. This is why murmur farms are done in pubs or recruitment.

    Dealing with a lich quick enough saves times grants a boost opens more nodes for effective missions for more thralls.


    Not stabbing is not being efficient and blaming others is the true selfish act. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Voltage said:

    It's a fancy Sands of Inaros Urn with a meter you fill with thralls. The actual health bar of the Lich is shredded with a proper load out. I've gone so fast between health bars that the animation for the Lich from the last Parazon finisher is still being completed as I am stabbing them for the second/third time. A Lich is just the Wolf of Saturn Six with split health bars that are locked until you find the right key.

    I'm not sure what challenge you are referrring to. Level 50 Exterminate isn't that difficult, and I would say the hardest part of the system is guessing the Requiem Mod order.

    I got both Exploiter Orb Ephemeras in just over 60 runs back when that released. My good friend took much longer and well over double if not triple or quadruple my runs. I'm glad you are lucky, but not everyone is as fortunate. You can't just say "work for it" when you just happened to be fortunate with your drops. You worked equally as ha  i rd as the Tenno being bent over a barrel with duplicates.

    Every run is exactly the same chance as the one prior. No matter how many Liches I slaughter, I have a 100% chance at a duplicate weapon since I have all 13, and a 90% chance to not get an Ephemera. I would have lots of fun putting in 50 hours of grind to work my way towards completion. However I can spend 50 hours in this current system and still be where I started. That's horribly designed and hiding behind "get lucky" doesn't cut it.

    We should make sortie rewards available on one mission. Why require a full team? Why face level 100s? And legendary core should be guranteed.

    Hey while we're at it Lets grant 10 vitus essence after every arbitration.

    Let's up the grind for BPs and weapon parts by 10 to 20%.

    But yeah lets make 13 paracesis weapons as easy as regular BPs and such.

  19. Just now, Voltage said:

    I have all 13 with 5 Forma and level 40.

    None of my comment asks to be handed stuff on the first run. I am commenting about progression and creating a gameplay loop that still has the feeling of making some sort of advancement on your goal. You can still "work" for something in a more progression based system. DE shouldn't be changing the time it takes to get all 13 weapons and 7 Ephemeras. They should be changing how that time feels to the player. Cutting down the time in my opinion makes me feel cheated for engaging too early and not waiting for the shortcut. Time investment and grind is healthy for this game if done tastefully. Currently Liches are nothing but repulsive.

    It's a nemesis. Not another boss you can one shot and then leave turning a mission into a 2 minutes sprintfest.

    Oh and congrads on the 13. You have some of the strongest weapons in the game now.

    I have no idea what you're going on about. I'm almost done with my own collection as well. See you can do it. I can do it. And I'm pretty sure it was made to be a challenge not as a handout as you just stated.

  20. 1 hour ago, Voltage said:

    Why work for a reward when the amount of work needed gets cut in half in 2 weeks? I certainly wasn't going to grind knowing that I would have an easier time if I waited. I still won't really bother a whole lot with Liches until after the next few hotfixes. It's not that people want free rewards. People want to feel like they are making progress towards something. Getting a new Lich and seeing as the next 1-2 hours of your time in the game will be dragging your legs through the mud is a horrible foundation for a mode.

    Imagine this as an analogy/scenario: You start your daily Sorties. Before you even load into Sortie one, you are informed by the game that you are getting a Stug Riven after Sortie Three with +Impact +Damage to Grineer and -Multishot. The game however also informs you that you cannot do Sorties anymore until you get that Stug Riven and unveil it. How enjoyable would Sorties be if that was the case countless times? It would be a chore to do Sorties if they were this way. This is how Liches feel. You kill a Larvling and before you even begin your journey you are either rewarded or demoralized. You cannot cancel, abolish, or skip contracts.

    If there was a sense of progression in Liches, the mode would be fantastic. Let me, the player, influence my Lich to develop the Ephemera I am hunting or that sweet 60% bonus. Let me use these useless duplicates to perfect my existing weapon. Don't gaurentee me items too quickly because there needs to be a gameplay loop, but make me feel like my effort and time is going somewhere.

    I will quote myself from [DE]Bear's thread:

    Here let me just trade you all 13.

    Will that help? As much as I'd love an acceltra BP on the first run, guess what? That's not going to happen. Work for it or miss out.

  21. 1 hour ago, Avienas said:

    For cripes sake, im a MR 27 console player and played `many` online titles over the years (including PC warframe a long time ago) so i can say when i can identify a poorly designed system, especially after playing many kinds of online games (not 10 or so, i am talking the numbers would easily be in multiple dozens, dwindled down a bit if we only count the uniquely interesting ones that i enjoyed for atleast a month minimum), but one major insult in any online game: One that basically capitalizes on grind systems without true reward present, for a VERY long time. Which in plenty of normal cases which truly reward players for extensive grinds: permanent stat bonuses, access to unique skills or elements that actually greatly improve one`s enjoyment of a game. Which is definitely an issue which one definition of insanity is capitalized alot on something, namely when one does the same kind of thing over and over again with no real variance in the pattern. 

    If additional grinding is necessary to obtain something compared to the usual grind one has to do to obtain a weapon, whether its a tactical alert, low drop rate % rotation spam or even prime part hunting, It should already be understandable that said goods must by default, need to be of much higher quality, whether the weapon is VERY powerful or a quantity of other goods are present. Sadly all i am hearing is plenty of the weapons are not that impressive at all, in addition to plenty still getting clucked by duplicates, Plus the fact you can skip the crafting timer, as a trade-off would be a poor excuse on why D.E. has to include a triple grind on top of multiple other grinds, FOR WHAT THEY DID TO BREAK DOWN A SYSTEM THAT WAS ORIGINALLY PART OF RAILJACK BUT D.E. DECIDED TO BREAK IT OFF TO RELEASE IT SOONER AND NOT HAVE EVEN MORE STUFF THEY HAVE TO HOTFIX AT THE SAME TIME, IF RAILJACK WAS JUST AS BROKEN OR EVEN MORE BROKEN THEN WHAT KUVA LICHES ARE LIKE ATM, which on a system that will jack up enemy level in a rather unfair manner because you are forced to jury rig your attempts on seeing if you have the right mods and screwing up once will rank up the lich, is kind of a bleh in many ways, Honestly, D.E. should of had 3 attempts people can do against the lich and then it levels up or it just simply levels up if you do not do one of its nodes once every 48 hours or so on top of that, To basically prevent people from just sitting on a lich.

    ANYONE can `try` dipping thar feet in some `content` pool, but if its covered in fetid smelling algae and you even see some dead fish present, you are clearly going to have second doubts of wanting to go in, `without` either put a hazmat suit on first or `not` wait till the company in charge of said pool, actually puts down the chemicals (hotfixes) to actually clean up said pool and properly clean (tune it) so its in a tolerable state as a `community public pool.`

    Though honestly, your poke on the plat comment clearly states you likely have the intention to sell contracted liches to your clan-members and likely the ephemera, Since D.E. once against has created a riven-mod like system that is ripe for being exploited by both scammers and clan members who likely do not want to trade their liches for goods and rather just use it as another way to earn plat in absurd amounts, even if the weapon is a minimal stat Kuva seer or something along those lines.  

    Meh. If you miss out you miss.

    Honestly though I want you to have fun too and I got a couple of excellent guides that turn what you call a chore into a smooth ride.

    No worries! A lot of people are having issues figuring out the system. Almost got all the Kuva weapons now. It's exciting really.

    Oh hey! Get a Shildeg and try the heavy attack! It's monsterous!

  22. 33 minutes ago, Paradoxity said:

    Or it could be I've been playing this game long enough to recognize half-baked and poorly implemented content,  and I avoid it. Especially when the 'rewards' are as mediocre as they are in the case of liches. 

    To put it bluntly, and use your pool analogy- you're inviting  me jump off a diving board into an empty pool. I'll pass, thanks. 

    Or it's really a jacuzzi and you're making a big deal that the temperature is not right.

    Look we get it.They reset a ton of your builds changed up the game almost upside down and you feel like you've lost more than just time.

    Jump in. Did you forget how it feels to be a new player? Did the sense of exploration escape you when this is minimal compared to Fotuna and Plains?

    Miniscule. So...you're upset about a relic system duplicate and 13 paracesis weapons.

    Compared to the vast combinations of kitguns, zaws, amps, frames, rep, resources, bounties, and whole new systems of resources?

    Yeah. You don't sound like a long time player. You sound like someone who can't hack the grind anymore let alone Lich levels. Sorry for assuming, but...shouldn't you be complaining about fishing still being glitched or BS animal tracking spawns? Which have been bugged glitched and dicey since launch?

    Instead...its this thing you can't seem to grasp and are too lazy to actually experience. So to me. It makes no sense at all. I believe you're being way too harsh.

  23. 13 minutes ago, Paradoxity said:

    I don't enjoy grind to grind. It's why, despite the founder tag, I've let MR tests sit for years before bothering with them, and rarely sit down to grind through weapons I don't like. It's why there's still a snipertron sitting in my weapons list. I never could muster the energy to grind through a weapon I don't like, and still can't. Ditto Warframes- I still don't have zephyr mastered because I can't bring myself to care enough to do it. it's a boring frame to me. I'm missing out on nothing by not bothering with content that doesn't look like it'd be fun to me for a number of reasons. 

    Kuva liches don't interest me. They drop 2 weapons I find even vaguely interesting, and of those, only brakk makes it into missions these days, and even then, only occasionally, so the prospect of potentially farming months to get the one  I'm after doesn't appeal. I have a perfectly serviceable Tombfinger kitgun, I'm sure I'll be fine without a brakk with a slight buff. Call me when Liches drop an akbrakk. 

    However, my personal opinions on why the content is or isn't good doesn't really matter here. What matters is I'm far from alone in the viewpoint. Liches are a mess, and most active players (Again, using MR18+ to stand in as 'active' here, because I don't have any other data to work off of, and because that requires about 270 mastered weapons or frames, give or take to get to) would appear to agree. 

    That said, I'm not saying you're wrong for liking it. By all means, play the content you enjoy playing- warframe, for any other faults of depth, has plenty of width in it's gameplay, and there's something for just about everyone. I'm saying that you're the exception to the rule for liking it- similarly to how PvP players are an exception, or people who adore archwing, or what have you. 



    I just feel like you don't give things a chance. The grind it much more tolerable and you can in fact target your intended weapons much easier.

    For me its plat but it sounds like you haven't swam in the waters yet because you hate the way the water looks or it's too cold.

    Give it a try. Just dive right in and try to enjoy the new stuff.

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