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Posts posted by Spafbi

  1. Greetings, my Indian friend! I hope you are enjoying Warframe. If our gameplay times happen to overlap, and you find yourself looking for someone else with which to play, or should you need any help, please feel free to reach out to me. I'll do the needful.

  2. I second the opinion you should use your plat to immediately buy warframe and then weapon slots. As for which warframe to try next, go with Oberon as he's easy to get. You could get him, take him to rank 30 (R30) to get the experience towards your player rank, and then sell him if you want to free up a slot to try another frame. Later, if you decide you like him and want him back, you'll likely already have components in your inventory by that time and can build him again.

  3. Sorry, no chat logs. Also, unless you really want to spend way too much time grinding components to research clan blueprints, I highly suggest you simply join an existing clan. Being in an established clan, you will also have the benefit of having a group of experienced players ready to help you out with whatever you might need. You'll enjoy the game much more than if you try to solo a clan dojo, all its research, and conquer the solar chart (to be able to have easier access to components) all on your own.

  4. FallingHeaven, others are right that this particular resource decays; it's their design to decay. As they are not a difficult resource to acquire on void missions, you shouldn't sweat not having them. They are easy to get, even at lower ranks, and more often than not you will find others in region chat who might be willing to go along on a void mission to help you farm your crystals.

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