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Posts posted by Spafbi

  1. When I want to rank up new weapons, warframes, and other equipment, I now head straight for Oceanum on Pluto. It's a spy mission. Just run through it as fast as you can, don't even stop to fight. If you manage to crack all three vaults without detection (detection once you enter the vault, that is), you will take away 12000 experience each - 36000 experience per mission, and it only takes a few minutes to run. I'll do this even if I have a R1 warframe...just keep moving!

  2. First, no, you cannot configure Warframe to use tcp/80 for gameplay. Now, on to the crux of your issue.


    I am restating what you have previously posted in hopes I understand that for which you might be asking -- You use a local ISP which allows you to: A) connect to the ISP for the express and exclusive purpose of creating a VPN tunnel to the University's network, -or- B) connect anywhere at relatively slow speeds and a 20GB cap on data, but at significantly increased cost. You have chosen for option A due to cost and performance benefits, but are unhappy that your university blocks most outbound ports except for 80 and 443.

    If that is correct, then here's what you could do to work around the limitation of having only two available outbound ports. First, you need to connect to your university by way of VPN. Using a different VPN client than that which your university uses, you would then need to use a second VPN provider which allows you to do both of these: 1) Bind to a specific interface. 2) Establish a VPN tunnel over tcp/443. If you can find such a provider, then you should be able to bind your second VPN provider's client to the interface representing your university's VPN connection and connect to your secondary VPN provider over tcp/443 (sometimes called 'stealth' mode).


    In theory that should work. I've been able to get similar setups to work, and have also had success tunneling over SSH (tunneling TCP is easy, but UDP used by Warframe is also possible, but requires not only the use of an intermediate SSH server, but also netcat, and root access if you need to also tunnel tcp ports below 1024 - useful if you need to tunnel DNS (udp/53) because your local network's DNS returns invalid IPs for domains on their DNS blacklist). However, unless you are extremely network savvy, and guessing by the nature of your question that you are not, I would expect you are likely to spend a large amount of time fighting with poorly designed and configured VPN software, possible routing issues, and bad mojo. Also, if your university's network administrators know what they are doing, it's highly probable your university blocks IP addresses for known VPN providers to prevent just such an abuse of their network (after all, they are only allowing tcp/80 and tcp/443 in an attempt to prevent folks from abusing their network capacity with games, torrents, and such). If they're not blocking IPs for known VPN providers, and you manage to make this work, it's also likely you are breaking the network use terms of agreement between you and the university; who knows what kind of nasty penalties that might incur for you.

  3. First, try disabling DirectX 11 and then play the game. If that doesn't solve your problem, the also disable DirectX 10. Failing that, disable 64-bit. The settings you will be interested in are found on the launcher and are accessible by clicking the gear icon in the upper right hand corner of the launcher:




    If turning off those options don't work for you, create a support ticket after your next crash. You will also want to open Explorer (the Windows file explorer), paste %LOCALAPPDATA%\Warframe into the location bar and hit enter; copy the EE.log file and include it with your support request.

  4. Hmm... Since you didn't post any of your system's specifications, might you have too little RAM? I can't help but wonder if your system is using more memory when DX11 is turned on, and, if so, if your system is having to use the pagefile to compensate for too little RAM.

  5. I love using whips... they're my favorite weapons for exterminate and invasion missions. I clear out whole rooms very quickly without having to use energy for my abilities. They have very wide radius of attacks, can hit multiple enemies at ones, and when properly modded will reach extremely far. Grab one and use it!

  6. A good clan name is going to be very subjective. What you think is a good clan name could be drab or even offensive to someone else... Look at my clan's name, Sneaky Old Bastards. Some folks like that name, some think it's meh, and others find it offensive due to our use of the word bastard. If you are planning on creating a clan, simply pick a name which you like and think like-minded potential members will like, too.

  7. In our usual fashion, we'll be releasing the bleeding edge content to PC first, then preparing builds for XB1 and PS4. We're going to do our best to get U18 on consoles as quickly as possible, but it does require some additional development time. We'll post dates and information as we receive it. 

    This ^^^^

    Console players, it's cool to be on the PC and get content earlier, but it also means more frequent hotfixes for us PC players. Methinks that given the certification process through which console builds have to go, be glad PC players help to get the brunt of the hotfixes (of which are incorporated into console builds) so you don't have to; otherwise the certification process would cause console players to have to deal with buggy builds for longer periods of time between fixes.

  8. Every Warframe, weapon, and pet is available to earn just by playing the game. You're not stuck with anything. Here's a resource chock full of all of the items in Warframe: http://warframe.wikia.com. If you can't find an item or the item's blueprint in the market, look into your clan's dojo to see if it's a clan blueprint and has been researched (you will need to join a clan to do this); if not in either of those, then it's likely a weapon which is dropped in-game.


    One bit of advice - please rank up all warframes and weapons prior to discarding them...ranking up equipment is the only way to gain experience towards your player rank. This is important as there are some items which are rank locked.


    Feel free to send to me an in-game friend request and I'll help you out if you still have any questions.



  9. Check to see if each planetary/moon location on the map presents the option to deploy an extractor (lower right corner). Except for dojo, void, and derelict locations, if the option to deploy an extractor is missing, then the node you need to complete will be in that location.


    Of course, it could be the bug, too, but check the locations to make sure.

  10. Myth1250 said it - it comes down to play style. When I want to quickly clear out an exterminate mission, I take in Loki for his invisibility, kill most things while invisible with my Scoliac and will use my silenced Synoid Simulor on occasion. I can clear out most exterminate missions very quickly with this method. But most Warframes may use their powers to assist in clearing out rooms quickly, too, so it really comes down to style. Now, if you are asking which Warframe has the best offensive ultimate, you'll get a wide variety of opinions on that, too.


    All that said, I would suggest that instead of looking for the highest DPS you can get, just find the warframe+weapons combination which provides the most enjoyment for you. I, also, was for too long striving for DPS. Now I try to use more interesting equipment simply to have fun.

  11. Yes, you can use mods to increase damage, but Volt's strengths lie more in the defensive realm. Volt is an incredibly awesome and useful warframe, but others here are correct in saying Volt's damage falls off quickly against higher level units and that this particular warframe is more of a defensive unit than press #4 everything dies type frame.

  12. My strategy with the Stalker is to just keep moving as fast as I can (lots of bullet jumps), constantly sliding by the Stalker and taking him out with multiple slide attacks from my melee. My current favorite melee weapon for taking him (and everything else) out is a heavily forma/modded Scoliac - really wide hit area and massive range. I know that won't work for a lot of folks, but my play style is melee heavy with lots of fast and erratic movement to avoid damage, but the same movement is used to inflict a great deal of melee slide damage.

  13. It's a game, so any badge or other reward has the potential to return. But bringing back event badges or rewards, in many ways, devalues said badges and rewards. Instead of pining for that to which you don't have access, you'll be much more satisfied if you instead strive for achievements and rewards which you can attain.

  14. As others pointed out, they are hard at work on U18. I, for one, do appreciate their taking their time on updates and only pushing out hotfixes as needed. After all, when they take their time we get a more polished product requiring fewer hotfixes; who likes to download hotfixes every time they log in? Not I.

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