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Posts posted by Spafbi

  1. I had it happen on a Grineer map, too...however, in that instance I had also used the Zephyr's tornado ability in tight quarters a few moments before entering the tunnel and that may have forced the mob into the wall (not ceiling). My sentinel was furiously shooting at the wall for a good couple of minutes while I tried to find a way to kill him. I ended up running far enough away that it too died on its own.

  2. Name Suggestion: Sputum


    Behaviour: This enemy, codenamed 'Sputum', is an infested abomination which quickly moves with ease in a spider-like fashion from floors, to walls, to ceilings.


    Attacks: This infested enemy coughs up caustic projectiles which have the ability to bypass most shields, temporarily reducing armor rating, and causing health damage over a short period of time.


    Environmental restrictions: Cold environments reduce the sputum's rate of fire, but extends the duration of the damage over time effect.


  3. Something I think would be a bit unusual in the way of Warframes, and something I'd love to see, would be a Viscid Warframe. The Viscid Warframe would be intended to be used for crowd control. In no particular order, here are the powers I would suggest for Viscid:


    Entangle – A sticky mass is flung at a target. Targets may be any surface, whether that surface is an enemy, floor, wall, or even another Tenno. Movement will be slowed for all enemies coming into contact with the entangling mass.


    Encase – A sticky glob is flung at a single enemy. Upon impact, the targeted enemy's movement causes the sticky glob to quickly spread and fully encase the enemy. This has the effect of first slowing the enemy's movements and fire rates, quickly progressing to full immobilization.


    Snatch – An elastic strand with a highly tacky end is swung at at enemy. Similar to the Grineer Scorpion, the enemy is pulled to the Tenno with the enemy taking a moment to recover before again being able to attack. A non-violent use of this skill might also be used to pull in all drops within range of the Tenno.


    Suffocate – This area of effect attack is a rapidly expanding bubble of sticky goo. Enemies caught within the bubble are coated with this layer of goo which impairs their ability to breath. This does not slow or stop enemies, but can cause significant damage over time due to suffocation.


    That's it for my suggestion. Have fun!




    Note: Be sure to subscribe to my Twitch channel and watch my frequent Warframe streaming @ http://twitch.tv/spafbi

  4. I really enjoy the changes in Update 9. Thank you for making a F2P game which us such pure and raw fun...I've enjoyed it so much so that I have already tossed some hard-earned cash your way. That said, I do see some room for improvements. Here's my wishlist for what I'd like to see in the future:


    ··· Referral rewards program - toss me a few platinum whenever someone I referred spends real money on the game.


    ··· Loadouts: I would like to have the ability to define loadouts, which I could then select prior to starting a mission, so that I do not have to manually select my warframe, sentinels, and weapon (and perhaps mods/auras, too) to suit how I want to tackle said mission. This would save me a lot of time and headaches.


    ··· The ability to see both heath and energy for my squad.


    ··· The ability to access my consumables inventory when I have my squad's health displayed.


    ··· I would like to see my sentinel's stats in my HUD.


    ··· Hotkeys for consumable inventory items.


    ··· In the arsenal, I'd like to be able to view my health, shield, and power maximums for my warframe's current configuration.


    ··· In the arsenal, I'd like to be able to view my weapons' base and modified stats for their current configurations.


    ···  After a mission, I'd like to be once again returned to the same planetary system from which I just completed a mission, rather than being returned to the solar system view.


    ···  Perhaps give us the ability to view which auras others in our squad have equipped...and give us the ability to be able to easily change our equipped auras prior to the start of a mission (as we did with artifacts). This brings up another question: do the new auras stack with like auras equipped by other squad members?


    Oh, and a big THANK YOU for allowing me to turn off gore. It's such a small change, but one that has made it so that I can now allow my son to play along with me.


    Thanks, again.



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