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Posts posted by TheDarkness506

  1. Thanks for bringing this up.
    I'm kinda glad that I witnessed most of the things veterans call nostalgic (started playing during U8). It's absolutely stunning to see how much has Warframe changed as a game, a concept, a piece of art. What veterans miss the most is the mysterious, dark feeling of the old times: the drums, the chant, lack of light in general. Something that made Warframes, Tenno feel ancient and serious. 
    At some point it felt like Warframe had no actual path, as if it was lost, not knowing where to go, what is here to stay and what has to be changed. As if it was a rush to keep the game fresh, what probably resulted in a colourful, bright mess that Warframe was not so long ago and somewhat still is.  Warframe developed rapidly, vastly expanding what it has to offer content-wise, but surely lost some of its atmosphere, something that made it whole as a concept.

    What many seem not to notice is that the game finally decided to step up. It all started with the addition of the Second Dream. This was the point when the game started recollecting what it has and what has it become, looking back, reviewing the old vibe and giving it a fresh look. It struck me the most when they added this new end-of-the-mission sound effect. For now, it feels slightly out of place, knowing how many missions does an average player complete in a day, not even talking about farmers. But imagine if the entire game was brought to this level. New sounds, new looks, new lore... Honestly, it was the thing that revived my faith in Warframe as a piece of art. It gave me the feeling that everything is about to change. Wafrrame is about to become something that will make veterans say: "This was all worth leaving behind what we used to have for what we have now".  At least I hope so.

    Now about the points you've mentioned: 

    1. Level up SFX
    I totally agree that new SFX is out of place. Although the old one would be out of place too. In my opinion, the sound should be short, but still fitting the new guidelines Warframe is following. It was added during the "refreshing" times when everything- music, sounds, UI were remade, but there wasn't that vibe Warframe seems to be taking now. If we follow it, the new sound should be some drum hits. It would feel epic and far more fitting.

    2. Announcers

    Since every faction got its own language, I beleive that announcers would be a great addition, but they should speak in the faction's language. And imagine if the announcer's voice was distorted in infestation missions. It would certainly add a whole new level of immersion- you would feel that you are on a functioning, well-organised ship of a faction you don't belong to. 

    3.Corrupted VO

    Since we don't know much about the Corrupted, Neural Sentry and Orokin technologies in general, it is hard to say what VO is more preferrable. If an explanation is going to follow these changes then it would be easier to judge. In my opinion, both VOs are good.

    4. Drum music

    Music updates helped a lot to create distinction between factions, making them feel different from each other. Drums are something that screams "Tenno". Since we don't have any Tenno missions, many veterans surely miss these drums. But first, we don't know what is going to be added. There could be Tenno-specific missions with drums used as a soundtrack. Or imagine if [WARNING, SECOND DREAM SPOILER]

     some drums were used when we use our Focus powers? It would make it feel absolutely epic if everything goes silent, your Operator emerges, unleashing their powers, and drums beat in the background.

     If a good sound makes a weapon feel more powerful and satisfying, imagine what this could do. 

    5. Transmissions

    Since the concept of who Lotus is has changed in many ways, from my point of view, new transmissions feel more serious and informative. (Remember that "Something's wrong, there's a heavy unit approaching" when there are heavy units everywhere?) And when Lotus loses her flow of speech or gets somewhat emotional, you know that the situation is serious, giving a strong  feeling that the danger is real or this situation is important. 

    6. Ending screen music

    Although right now it is somewhat out of place, it is a hint of a new wave of style changes in Warframe. It would be best if Ending music was different depending on what mission you've just completed, but if this is not going to be the case, it could be more simple, like just some epic drum beat. Now the current sound feels fresh and gives the goosebumps, but imagine how stale would it become during, for instance, a Capture farm. Complete dosens or hundreds of missions to get that one elusive part. The special feeling of completion would surely fade away especially when you get that 50th T1 key as a reward.

    All in all, It feels that DE are already reviewing old content to recreate Aplha Warframe charm. I personally miss a lot old Corpus voices and some weapon sounds (Just listen to that old Skana slashing sound- you feel that you're wielding a powerful sword and not a knife), "Leave my mother out of this" and emotional Lotus, but now I regained faith in terms of its vibe and that we are actually getting something that is worth dropping the old content for.

  2. Playing since U8. Got several dreads and was incredibly lucky to get despair. Once.
    No signs of hate though.  
    He appears so rarely only to catch me when I'm leveling alone or he just kills whoever he was hunting for. Or drops mods, yeah. Great RNG.

  3. Just now, anoneble78 said:

    Ik the feeling i could for a long time and i finally did and when i did i had to start from the beginning and all my warframes weapons items and plat were gone and i dont know what to do in this type of situation i was away for a few month to come back to nothing is killing me inside. someone help

    Nobody knows what to do with the connectivity issues besides waiting, but you should write a ticket to the Support to resolve such resets. 

  4. I'd like to comment on the Prime Vault.
    Well, I started the game back in U8, when the Void itself along with Frost, Latron and Reaper Prime were first introduced and also were the only primes. I farmed them all back then. I saw them come and go to the vault, and now, since they're re-released, I'm glad that all the people who wanted them but didn't have a chance to get them can finally farm their parts or buy it in the Vault pack. Having an option is always great!

    And there we have the Misa Prime. I couldn't afford this true jewel of Orokin design back then and was desperately hoping to get it as a part of Accessories pack in the future. And there it is... I rushed to see the available packs and prices and I was shocked.
    Why in the world make the same mistake as with Ember Prime Access? Why no accessories pack?  Sure, you can argue with me, since the Misa came with only the most expensive pack of Ember PA, but here's a thing: Ember Prime along with weapons were new back then and nobody had a chance to obtain them before since they weren't in the game. 
    And now having to pay 60$ for just the Misa and Extractor with some plat (since I bought the avatars when Frost was about to enter the Vault, thinking that those avatars would never return) is a bit too much. Many of us own the rest- why no Accessory Pack?

    By the way, I've heard that it's too late for DE to change anything (since it's a pre-order pack on PS4). Here's a thing: don't change the current pack, it's fine. Just add the Accessory tier as a new pack (and announce it beforehand, while the packs aren't available for purchase) and make twice the profit! Those who want to buy the whole pack, get everythng, and those who want just the accessories, get the accessories. Nobody is triven away with unnessessary items that increase the price but not the value. 

    And if by any means if that's not possible, please explain why, so the playerbase won't feel ignored.

  5. Sigh. I wish we could choose what we want to buy. I own Frost, Reaper and Latron Prime for quite a while, same with avatars. Why can't there be  accessory and "all-in-one" packs? I don't care about 1500 plat with it, most of us just want these accessories.. It worked perfectly with Prime Access, why not make it the same way here?..

  6. Disruptor ancients. They spawn in tremendous quantities, sap the hell out of your energy, have scorpion hooks, they knock you down, they give a damage reduction energy sapping aura to everyone... And the best thing that fighting Infested in general is such a colourful mess that you just can't see them through the darkness, bees, poison clouds and glittering purple aura everywhere. Oh, and when you finally get up from all the knockdowns, you'll drop dead because all the Chargers mauled you down in seconds. 
    Yeah, Infested are fun.

  7. Its blades become one when its fully expended. Like really dude, why would you post without checking it out fully first :/

    Not everyone wants to buy it, and research takes us a while (at least three days), you know.


    Edit: BTW, have you bought it already? Can you post the screenshots of it, please? It can't be previewed in arsenal for those who don't own it as for now.

  8. Had the same issue. Sadly enough, if the host "leaves" (does not choose to leave after a certain wave, the mission fails. That is not a bug but a feature to prevent void key abuse. I think it is more harmful than good, though.

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