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Posts posted by Doraz_

  1. 8 hours ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

    Surely this statement comes from lots of experience playing the mode, right?

    You are fondamentally right, but success/failiure in a product (videogame) IS (u should agree) based greately o  player engagement.

    On an Art, Idea and "deepness" of the mechanics i like it, i love getting owned by top level lunaro-ist xD i have met them, they are oretty rad


    ... but that does not matter if the players ignore the gamemode all-togheter.


    plus, i really don't understand where this " DE spaghetti coding " is coming from.

    (forums, quite shy, rahetalious).

    The game is incredibly complex and unique in its design. they wouldn't be here if coding was an issue.


    I can only say "bloating" (changing and re-compiling old stuff) is indeed a high risk for games like WF, where u build upon pre-existing function calls and resouces, the new self damage mod implementation is a prime example of that.



  2. it's just soccer with the balls from dog days, can be done in CLAN SIMULACRUM/CHALLENGE ROOM !


    just imagine the ball pysics running on more "ticks" and being always active ( current the same collider can't "add force" to the ball in too short a time, so it phases through it)


    maybe it can be done in captura with 8 people? but it can be it's own mode, maybe replacing lunaro xD


    space soccer with extra steps ? .... who knows ....

  3. 12 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Good idea. We should have the same option for lots of operator cosmetics too - in combat I want my face mask, but not in social spaces.



    i didn't think about that ... but I want it as well, for the same reason you gave.


    For warframes syandanas are (in my mind) a symbol of prestige, or proudly and visibly carrying something tells you are member of a clan/syndicate, commemorating an event ... or just being fashionable when interacting with other tennos of greater taste xD


    in combat tho it's an obstacle to movement and visibility (some syandanas more than others).

  4. Just now, Steel_Rook said:

    Your central premise is false. You are not, in fact, "always" in combat. Players tend to spend a substantial amount of time in their orbiter, in Relays, in Cetus and Fortuna, in Clan Halls, etc. I read the OP's suggestion as asking for a way to display a Syandana in social spaces but hide it while in combat. I understand there are ways to do this manually, but I don't see the harm in having that as an option. Again - we can choose to not have our weapons draw on our backs without unequipping our weapons, it makes sense for that to also be the case for Syandanas.

    wrote it better than i did, ty :clem:

  5. I know it's silly but i don't think it's so unreasonable to ask.


    most syandanas are good looking ...  but make you more visible or impair movement ... that kills my immersion.


    For that reason why can are we allowed to weapons then ... just don't select them 😛


    It's a small silly thing, maybe it bothers me cuz i played WF too much i guess,

  6. 50 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    or it will just result in toxicity and people saying "y u no let me use missiles bruh?". the truth of the matter is you just got a bad squad in public. it happens, it sucks, you want to pull your hair out. what you're asking for though is a double-edged sword, because there will inevitably be toxic people who will exclude others from using stuff on the railjack because "they're a noob" or whatever arbitrary excuse they can give. we've got enough of that rubbish already going on in the main game as it is.

    you have chat, use it to communicate or make a squad via recruitment if you're concerned about landing another bad squad.

    i totally agree 😉

    i've written the " why this ISN'T  necessary " section exactly for that reason.


    31 minutes ago, Nasrol said:

    OP I think you raise some good points, I have had:

    • Players waste flux on battle avionics, just spamming them wastefully then repeating the process if I or someone else topped up the flux. 
    • Lock down a seat and just AFK. I had someone do that last week with the artillery station, soon as the match started they went to it and didn't do anything. Maybe in most games that wouldn't have been a problem, but unluckily for me, I always make sure of the artillery cannon on my rail jack (whether its me using it or someone else).
    • Soon as the mission is finished, spam the navigation console to send us to another mission of their choice (i.e., not the mission we were farming for intrinsic).

    You are not going to be able to completely stop someone trolling if that's what they want to do, but it can certainly be mitigated a lot better than it currently is. Unfortunately its unlikely were ever get this, but a permission based access system where the host can define rolls would really help. Something as simple as a toggle panel where you set a default behaviour i.e., "Host only", "Host & friends", or "All" for each permission category. The tactical panel ('L') would be a good place to have that, as well as an option to access that panel (so the default behaviour can be set outside of a mission) in the dojo by using one of the consoles. This would allow the host to:

    • Lock down a station (i.e., pilot, gunner, artillery & Slingshot) - denying permission if they are already using it would then eject them form that station. 
    • If they can make use of battle (and perhaps tactical) avionics when piloting or gunning.
    • If you want them to be able to refine in the forge - minor annoyance, but when your speed running and having resources built up (so you can quickly build dome charges / flux) at the start of a new match can be helpful.

    Have 3 columns, one for each player name where you can then quickly toggle the relevant permission for the relevant permission row if you need to make manual exceptions to your default settings.

    I would also like navigation to be locked down to the host only. Instead have an option that when the mission objectives are completed, once the rewards have been given that they can use the the nav station to leave the rail-jack, but not move the rail-jack or start another mission. 

    written it far better than i did.

    The system we both would appreciate would not be enabled by default.

    The "lists" of permissions (similar to clan roles) can be created by the user, coming into play when he is the host.

    Plus, i like your idea of setting it "host"/"host and friends"/"all" 😄

    much more simple, only problem is that if one random player is good and one is bad (like my case) you lock out even the good one ... unless youmake it a friend i guess.

    31 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Yup if the crew takes you hostage by going to a new mission you can leave as you like. I do it often when people dont head back to dojo and I need to bail. Just have to wait for the mission load to be done and then leave.

    i'll do that, now that i know.


  7. vNz0loE.jpg



    He didn't board crewships, wasted time on the turrets where no ships were present


    He stole my pilot seat as soon as i left it to board crewships


    i tried being nice, i let him pilot it, made him aware i was using munition vortex, and not to use my missles


    He proceded in wasting all my missiles , spammed ramming ability so even energy was gone, so i couldn't use them while in my turrets.


    He didn't go back to refill ( thank god) probably waiting for ME to do that ( in your dreams u tenno maggot ❤️ )


    ... u think thi is the end .. oh no ...



    after a match i hear loading ... no, not this again ... he or the other tenno used my console to load another run, took 15 minutes, he didn't respond and i died ( forgot to take amesha .. used itzal and low health revenant) as he didn't go outside for crewships


    No reporting, .. this is DE's fault in my opinion.

    Why clients can leave the lobby, get a copy of MY SHIP i farmed for and finish the mission while me ( the host ) can't do anything other than ABORT and lose all progress and loot if the crew hurts the experience?




    Real-TIme Permission states ( similar to clan ranks)

    The Host ( owner of the ship ) can assign specific freedoms to each player, it will work like this ( best performant and streamlined version i can come up with )

    There are 2 states

    FULL Control = same as the host

    RESTRICTED Control = can't pilot the ship, can't refine and use ship abilities/missiles

    IF tenno is already friend or clanmate = FULL from the beginning

    IF tenno is random = RESTRICTED by default, host can set it to full using the overview camera mode ( icon next to commands )


    Another way for randoms to get access to a role is when  the host uses the "CY Command messages" ( example munitions ) that will trigger the access to that specific role ( in this case, access to the foundry).


    That random "access state" will persist for the entirety of the mission,

    if he leaves and another random joins, that new tenno will start at restricted ( default state )

    if he leaves but then joins the same game it will be treated as a new player.


    This incentivizes

    communication between players mid-mission

    creation of friendships to avoid granting access everytime


    Why this ISN'T necessary

    i have to be honest, this is NOT the usual experience, this just happens sometimes but when it happens there goes 20 to 30 minutes of my life

    Command intrinsic can solve this problem by itself

    adds an obstacle to normal player that are good, helpful and just want to have fun togheter ( it was magic when that happened in Railjack )


    IN short, fix this because i shouldn't be scared of just playing the game -_-

    • Like 1
  8. Ah yah, forgot


    you can hide underwater in kaiju form (like now) when holding crouch

    emerging can ragdoll and damage enemies, but that would mean hydroid can pull underwater only enemies hit by a his tongue-tentacle

    in fact, you can't melee enemies that are immediately going to be trapped underwater when touched.


    Currently that aspect of puddle doesn't feel engaging.


  9. HI, hidroyd rework ideas!


    first i love him

    looks amazing with immortal skin on prime model, 

    hope the deluxe is even better


    this is my current build





    same, its current one is unique and connected to his kit, but it needs to be an 100 percent.

    if the 50 pecent is there as an “hidden” cap, put a limit on ow many tentacles from his melee ( will be important later) attacks can be active at a time.


    1st ability

    amazing area denial with fire and forget.

    the augment should still exist, so no innate corrosive procs.

    I say that as it diversifies builds, if you want to go for damage ( strenght) or cc/utility.

    the augment does NOT take strenght into account and that is amazing, keep it that way, makes my build possible ... and Hydroid playable -_-


    Instead, buff the damage in this way:

    -enemies receive increasingly more damage from successive hits from the water projectiles


    2nd ability

    i love frames with mobility abilities and this is no different.

    clean obstacle detection, let it be de-activated early by pressing the ability again and make it that hydroid keeps the momentum when exiting the wave.

    synergy: ( double the distance if used with his 4th ability, old 3) 


    3rd ability

    (His old 4)

    behaves the same

    Increasing percentage of damage every second 


    4th ability - NEW PUDDLE REPLACEMENT

    Becoming a puddle to hide from enemies? … what kind of warrior is that?

    So i say…


    Hydroid becomes a giant kaiju made of water !

    I want him to become the monster he summons, and make that monster a truly engagin part of his kit, not a model that appears and disappear, adding nothing to gameplay, and not another AI that plays the game for us.

    Design-wise there can be two routes:


    Only the head and the neck will be visible, very big, tentacles/arm will spawn and disappear from the gound





    a room-sized complete monster with tentacle arms,a body and meny tentacles as legs coming in and out od the ground


    [me drawing ... here we go again]




    personally i like the first one more. more epic giant monster, enemie models can be despawned when swallowed like now


    pressing the fire button makes hydroid attack with giant tenticles 

    combos can be implemented, just like melee weapons

    standard ( single area slams)

    standard + forward ( wide swipes with tentacles )

    aiming ( ragdolling enemies )

    aiming + forward ( mobility focused )


    pressing the secondary fire button (E in my case)  button makes hydroid shoot a tenticle-like tongue from his mouth and eats an enemy ( sorta like a chameleon and a flea xD lol) storing them in the puddle like he does now.


    as an alternative input method, there can be only 2 combos and E is replaced by aiming



    1. Hydroid can store enemies just like now but can pres his 3rd ability to create tentacles and attach all enemies trapped inside him ( not unlike how he behaves now)

    2. Hydrod can use tidal wave to cover double the usual distance

    3. Hydroid can use his 1st like normal, maybe if he charges it the ability changes, Hydroid spits acid ( like a squid spitting ink in water) that if used with the augment INSTANTLY removes armor. risk-reward as you use double the energy


    No point in me guessing damage, DE knows best, it just needs to be powerful and able to scale.

    Armor is not a problem as he has his 1st ability.


    This is incredibly silly but also a lot of potential fun for devs to takle and players to play with.

    if u need inspiration, kinda like how this monster looks and behaves was what i had in mind … i haven’t wathced the movies tho, maybe i should 





  10. to fix icy avalanche do one or more of these



    icy avalanche grants immunity for 3 seconds when depleted to allow frost to recast it (like nehza)



    icy avalanche stacks infinitely, currently if you recast it and the value is lower than the current one, the value stays the same



    60 damage is multiplied by a percentage of enemy maximum health (this would be CRAZY good and so fun to play with). Let it work with ANY ENEMY, bosses included, so this augment doesn't become useless against them.


    I don't thin frost needs a rework, he works, far more than other frames ... but a female frost ... oh yeah plz gib 😄


  11. On 2020-02-05 at 3:15 PM, ES-Flinter said:

    Better put the fourth into his third ability (pressing teleport, holding Bs) and give him a complete new unique useful forth ability. Throwing a naruto like rasen shuriken or something like that.

    I don't know if I should like or hate this skin. It looks amazing, but his hood looks like a kubrow egg from the back. 

    love him, i don't feel his abilities have a problem but i'm also not against changes


    but i honestly wouldn't know what to replace it with:



    amazing damage cross-factions, armor strip, ninja pew pew action


    team-wide invisibility, aka god mode, stuns enemies, ninja "i was never here" action


    teleporting even behind glass to enemy, friend or object, damage boosted finisher with no effort, ninja "nothing personal" action


    insane dps without exposing yourself, you can do anything else or join, buffs melee combo and combo duration, ninja "clan of the 7 ash mains ... attack!" action



    hope next-next update he'll come ...


    ...but who asked for gara deluxe, cmon xD?



    ( ... she's ok i guess, i just hate the moving glass near the camera when she uses her 2, it's really distracting )


  12. We need a kuva railjack farming mission.


    I remembre hearing " we don't need another kuva farm" when disruption dropped ... instead, for me, it was exactly what made farming kuva more fun and less boring 😄


    i can choose between allerts (diverse enemies) and maps, survival (camping) or disruption (much action, much fun ❤️



    So, either a railjack kuva allerts or just kuva fortress accesseble on the railjack map wouls be appreciated.


    It can be standrd grineer mission with an objective inside the forress itself (or an asteroid) where wedestroy a kuva deposit and steal a lot of it, to compensate railjack missions being longer.


  13. i'd rework it in a different way.


    It would be kind-of "Shield-Gating" but only triggered by self damage.


    "Grants immunity for (x) seconds if player inflict mortal self-damage".


    In all honesty, it could even be triggered by any damage!


    This comes from arbitration right? ... then the farm for it might even be worth it 😉


  14. This stance on the machete wraith makes one of my favorite weapons in the entire game.


    There are two glaring issues tho:


    (1)Frontal finisher 

    currently it is bugged, going for the head but not even hitting the enemy and ugly to look at.

    Make it instead in a two-handed slash from the top right to the bottom left, sorta slashing the entirety of thw enemy's torso.



    (2) Heavy attack

    currently the sword is brought to the left, then to the right and THEN to tge left again for the spin.

    The force you built up in the firsr movement is lost when you swing it in the opposite direction.

    make it spin from left to right, quickens the build-up and it is more fluid.



    (3)Forced Forwars movement

    I don't mind it, reason for which i didn't mention it, but making the standard walk override the lower body animation might make the stance more fluid.

    Thwt would allow the player to initiate the combo and move left/right/backwards if needed, impossible at the moment.


    ty for the hard work ❤️



  15. 36 minutes ago, (PS4)AllOrNothinDays said:

    I would have preferred kitguns were like this considering how ugly they are, at least these can alter the look of a frame. Would have been great to have things like extra non required vanity parts that could customize the look/energy effect of shots. A real time sink goldmine but they'd just rather you settle for ugly looking guns you can't buy skins for--unless they finally changed that.

    Now though? Do you really want another free roam? If that's your thing then that's fine but me? I'm tired of the same ol' same ol'. New map, new resource.... climbing up the ranks of another syndicate the players abandon and then DE abandons. A sentient map could have worked before kuva lich/railjack but I think the "vets" are kind of tired of all that. 

    Things like kitguns/zaws could be saved for me if you could switch them around as you please to make a weapon on the fly. It would be super fun to have all these parts you could swap in and out without any penalty for whatever mission type better suits it and looking forward to unlocking new parts to add to your collection that they release. Only problem is in my fantasy you only had to buy them once and takes away from the kind of grind DE is chasing. Would work exceptionally well with the robot pets.  It also makes any kind of nerfs a lot easier to handle you could swap the parts around rather than have a useless gun that forces you to grind for more parts and leveling them all over again in a very unhealthy loop that makes you abandon the content if you already have the mastery.

    i don't like open worlds in their current state and their progression either.


    My main issue is that, as everything, it tends to get boring because you are incentivized only in doing bounties for good rewards.


    My proposal/idea for a better open world experience was simply to make the player to change playstile frequently.



    1) void-jumping from yhe drydock to the outer edge of eris, (railjack mission)

    2)descending to the surface (raljack mission but in atmosphere)

    3) accessing the zone you want (open world, k-drives (yes, i propososed a damage-focused rework))

    4) killing the boss/weakening the infestarion in a tileset until yiu are tired of it (usual gameplay)


    With squad link, players in the same planet but different zones, on orbit or inside tiles can link togheter and support one-another.


    If yiu don't like open world you can just stay in orbit doing missions and occasionally helping otgers on the ground ... or stay in the tileset (it acts as a survival) and do the same from there.


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