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Posts posted by PopTartZombie

  1. I think the tenno are synthetic, mostly machine, but with human/organic like qualities that are built by technologies wayyyy beyond our time and understanding. The Tenno were frozen in cyropods, the only use for that kind of technology is succesfully preserving organic tissue, so they must have been created with organic properties.

    So basically, in my own opinion, I don't think they reproduce, I think they were manufactured.

  2. Please hug meh? Jk.

    Seems like a good idea but slowing the planet's rotation seems good too cause I don't like adapting each time to the new planet map...

    'Edit'- I didnt read that right lol. i get what you mean though.

    I love this idea so much it's almost killing me. It's almost literally flawless.

    It felt like an epiphany when It came to my mind.

  3. This idea came to me when watching the planets orbit around eachother.

    I was thinking since all of the missions (so far) are on ships, you could implement a slower orbit process, to allow time for this idea to have a very good effect.

    Crossing minerals between planets, while they are close to eachother in orbit, would make resources a more interesting prospect to the game.

    An example would be... Earth is right in front of Mars (going from the sun outward) the standard resources found on earth are Ferrite, Rubedo and Neurodes, and the resources found on mars are Morphics, Salvage and Gallium. During the period these two planets (in the star map screen) are front to back of eachother, either planet visited would be dropping all six of these resources. So with mars there would be a chance to get ferrite and on earth you would have a chance to find gallium.

    This change to the resource, loot and minerals would make the game a little more immersive, because crossing minerals between planets would suggest commerce moving around, which is said about the Corpus. The Corpus control all traded goods.

    As a bonus, it would have players become more wide spread throughout the star map, making it easier on most newer players, having more experienced tenno revisit 'easier' planets, for loot based on the commerce effect during an orbital trade free for all between the planets closer in orbit. The chance to find the minerals would not be effected, but what minerals could be found would be effected. This would cause a lot of players to re-visit a wider variety of planets for different types of resources.

    You could have it set up with which planets mingle starting from the sun, in pairs of two, going back out to the further reaches of the solar system. Murcury><Venus | Earth><Mars | Ceres><Jupiter | Saturn><Uranus | Neptune><Pluto

    Since this game is still being developed and changed and tested and having new edditions constantly being added, Eris><???? would still to be announced, Eris would be open to developement. Being infested controlled AND so far out from most trade friendly planets, it would make any commerce nearly impossible.

    In conclusion, I feel this system would make Warframe feel more immersive, and feel like a lot more is going on in the vast solar system than just the war. It would give another interesting angle to the ever improving storyline as well as becoming a more interactive game. In my opinion It seems like a small change, but it would definitely have a big ripple effect as time goes on. Doors would open and the wide perception of what would be possible with making this game top notch would become even wider.

    COPYWRIGHT -Black Card Studios TM

    Pattented Idea For Sale

    Cost: a hug and some platinum


    lol jk

    but a hug would be nice though.

  4. While using the Ash warframe, I have stumbled upon a very interesting 'bug'. Whenever I use my Blade Storm ability, I seem to be bound by Doorways.

    While enemies are within my range, the fact that they are just past a door way, my power will not attack them. Its like an invisible boundry is right there.

    From my experience, I am pretty sure it has to do with 'map cells' or 'spawn cells'. Somehow in the code there may be a factor preventing these 'cells' from being a unified layout/map or instance. Then again, i am unsure if this is what is causing this issue.

    Being able to pass through an open doorway while blade storming er-thang would be great... otherwise i feel like I'm not getting the full effect of the Ash's Blade Storm ability. It has also gotten me killed while soloing, i used Blade Storm as a failsafe (was about to die) and it refused to go beyond a doorway into an elevator room to kill 2 more enemies, when there were 3 in the room I was in. I'm sure blade storm can hit/kill at least 10 enemies ( I have achived the 'kill 10 bad guys with melee while using it without killing anything while using melee before then )

    I'll attempt to get video of it in the future.

  5. Instead of Ferrite, could you have it drop alloy plate? There is a huge demand for alloy plate but only two planets to have it. Its not as rare as gallium or control modules so why can't it be a drop on an other planet?

    Scratch thish post devs.

  6. I think if the in-game UI was slightly bigger but borderless and transparent (blending with the screen) it would be a little more immersive and user friendly.

    the three effects I am talking about elaborated...

    Blue: Bigger UI = easier to read

    Yellow: Transperant borders = merging with the game screen making it feel like one.

    Red: Removing Border Lines = giving your in game statistics a more fluid visual effect


    All of these minor changes would, in my opinion, make the game feel more immersive, without having to do alot.

    I'll post a color coded picture in a bit. Done


    Where is my melee progress bar in-mission? :o

  7. Look no further! unless you're not an smg guy.

    I was thinking about what weapon styles were missing out of the primary weapon selection, you already had an lmg (gorgon), 3 assault rifles (braton with 3 varieties.. counting the vandal, burston and latron), 3 shotguns (strun, boar and hek) even a sniper rifle (snipetron) AND spiker thing (the boltor<3), I am looking to widen the variety of primary weapons avaliable in warframe when I realized smgs are the answer, high fire rate, mid-low damage and medium-high magazine sizes and there aren't any. Other than the Furis... but that's a secondary.

    I would loveeeee to eventually see an smg or 2 in the primary weapon store/lockerarsenal/market/foundry. :D

    Smgs would be an accurate and quick way to shoot your way through the grineer, corpus and infected... maybe not the infected, a lot of people I know, including myself, prefer to melee them.

    The point is, something between the furis and braton would be nice, to a primary weapon standard though.

    Here is some inspiration.



  8. It would be cool if you could somehow incorperate the jump shooting animation but left handed for his shuriken, so when I jump and throw a shuriken I feel like a NINJA! c:<

  9. When listening in on the Q & A, I heard the devs talk about something I was anticipating, and that thing was trading. I had introduced my friend to this game, we now play often together, and we were discussing the trading system they were thinking about placing in the game. While trying to keep it on the immersive side by making trading clan and friend only, I was thinking, you could still throw a WTB and WTS up there, then just add them to make the trade. A thing that would make this a lot more deterring to the WTB/WTS immersion breakers would be to implement a waiting period before permissions to trade would take effect. With friends, I was thinking a 7 day waiting period between first add and tradeability (made up word? lol) When it comes to clan mates, the time period would be lessened, due to clans having applications and various requirements to join, it wouldn't be as simple as an add > trade, so I thought roughly 5 days would be adequate. This would, imo, veer any WTB/WTS commerce enthused player away from breaking immersion. Thus patching the unwanted loophole before it became a problem.

  10. The lore database is a tad new, so controversy about this is like taking a shot in the dark, trying to hit a target the size of a pinhead

    No the Tenno are actually of human descent.

    Grineers are humans but they are cloned humans who discovered Cloning technology and abused it, thus taking Earth from the original humans using their sheer numbers. The Tenno were the ones of that era so they are actually human of the Orokin Era.


    Grineer-Cloned Humans

    Corpus-Humans as well

    The only thing that is not human is the proxies and the infestation. If you read a little closer you could tell that the grineer expanded to the edges of the solar system but couldn't find a way to go further, so they went back, using their cloning technology to take earth by force. This cause the original humans to cryo freeze the Tenno so that they will be able to rise up again and begin anew. The Tenno aren't a different race, and they aren't robots or anything. The Frames are a suit of armor that enhances their abilities.

    ^That is about as close as it gets to true lore. but I'm pretty sure the Tenno are synthetic humans.

  11. That's actually already in the game (at least it was some time ago). Different factions would randomly appear during the mission and attack each other.

    AWESOME, I want that back then because I havent ran into that type of mission at all.

  12. "The Corpus control all traded goods. The reclusive Corpus seek lost Orokin technology to build their own weapons of war to combat the Tenno and if necessary, the Grineer."

    The lore clearly states that Corpus and the Grineer don't play nice.

    Main Idea:

    I want to see this in action during missions occasionally. As well as all sorts of mixes, Grineer and Infection, Corpus and Infection and possibly all of the listed, Grineer vs Infection vs Corpus. You could upgrade the alert missions with these scenarios by giving the grineer and corpus a motive towards a certain objective. Such as the said factions battling it out to aquire a specific super navigations computer but the ship would be crawling with infection. Giving the Tenno motive to move in and steal it from under their feet.

    Secondary Idea:

    You could also include a new faction perhaps? Similar to Infection, there could be space bandits who sparcely rob and capture ships, if they are in big enough force. But typically they could just be some random raiders upon a Grineer or Corpus ship when you stumble upon them, and maybe even be on infection ships. Just an other little side group of enemies like the infection, factionless but encounterable.

  13. 1 - The high bullet velocity would be quite useless on most weapons, other than the bolto/boltor.

    2 - Theres only so much you can do with the delay since the delay currently is already really short.

    3 - Good idea. +1

    4 - Why not aura mods in general?

    Yea, i was kind of loosely giving these ideas. Bullet velocity would be helpful with the gorgon and the spike weapons you mentioned, but meh, for everything else i wasnt sure. Aura mods would be prety fun right? :D

    Thanks for the imput though :)

  14. Some of these listed might already be in the game, but i havent found any yet.

    Mod idea 1: Weapon = higher bullet velocity

    Mod idea 2: Warframe = shorter delay before your shields regenerate

    Mod idea 3: Weapon = increased accuracy

    Mod idea 4: Warframe = Electric or Frost area of effect damage within a certain radius upon shield depletion

  15. I love the cinimatic lighting and bloom, you guys have dona an amazing job with the visuals so far... and everything else in the game as well. But while staying on topic, I would like to see, further down the road, a film grain effect option within the option menu under video/graphics settings, to give it a little more... anti-aliasing. Without actually anti-aliasing, plus it would give your game a little bit more of a cinimatic feel.

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