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Posts posted by Xardis

  1. Now we have 2 options, hood open and closed. What I would like to see is an option to make it visible or not (as if its not equipped). One other thing I would like to see is a hotkey that could change from invisible to closed or from open to closed inside a mission. Just a small neet thing that I would like to see in game.


    That said I dont expect it to be added any time soon, or ever. But still, it would be cool to have.


  2. 2 hours ago, Linisti said:

    I don't get why they would make baits a consumable with how popular fishing in the plains was.

    Coz baits in Plains were interdependant on each other - crafting one lure required to get another fish and so on. I would imagine some people didnt like that.

  3. For 10k standing or so, x10 bait blueprint that is reusable, just like it Cetus, I know you do not want the same problem as was there - baits require other fish parts to craft. I have another suggestion bait bp would require mining materials to craft, most things that require fish parts also require mining materials so it wouldnt hurt.

  4. 4 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    Its a Dual Wielded pistol, you dont aim sights, its suppose to have lower accuracy than one single wielded.

    Its not a shotgun that has the spread to not require aming. I dont see why AkBronco Prime should have higher zoom than AkVasto Prime.

  5. Garudas Blood Orb can scale infinetly and her 4 gives her one of the best group clearing combo, way stronger than Nova can hope. Revert the damage cap on Antimatter Drop, it would also be nice for Antimatter Drop to recive the UI damage indicater Blood Orb has, as a drawback lower the damage absoption to x4 or even x3 (from x8).

  6. 1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

    10/20 means the game will be the same this hour as it is the same hour tomorrow. Same reason the PoE timer is the way it is. The window travels over real time.

    Either they develop for people that might only play after work/school or they completely lock them out.

    So what about 12/22? 1440/34 is not whole, that would fix the problem. My main issue is that the warm window is way too small to do any serious warm weather fish farming.

  7. The only mods on the frame that matter on K-Drive are life, shields and armour related. Thats very sad, enemy and loot radar gets disabled, I would also imagine a lot of other mods taht could be of use dont work. And remember, enemy and loot radar work on Archwing.

  8. Since Chimara/Mainline removed 30m wait time afer taking them out of stasis (ot 10k cred rush) there is no need to manualy put one to sleep and wake another it a player has the upgraded incubator segment. Its a small addition, I understand that it might be harder than I think to implement, but it would be a nice improvment, just like with incoming focus school choice in loadout.

  9. It means it takes +25% times the number of + from that element. Same with -. On top of that, if it reffers to armour type, bonus damage also means the % of armour that daamge type will ignore. Corrosive has +++ vs Ferrite Armour so it does +75% damage and that damage is done as if the enemy had 1/4th of his armour. Same case with Radiation damage and Alloy Armour.

  10. All of the above but also its damage is devided into 2 stages, projectile impact - 3k damage, and explosion - 4.5k damage. This give you more rolls to get a crit, and can even lead to things like 1 shoting shields with impact and killing the knee with explosion - there is no chroma/ivara/rhino/dpsvolt/ or any other dps faster than that. To acomplish such thing you need high charge on your Void Strike, volt shield in place, have Unairu Wisp on to effectively double your VS charge, and score a crit on both daamge instances.

  11. 1 minute ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

    But the amount of people I see pushing Harrow even in pre-made groups is just a WTH to me, If you have a competent Chroma that's not running Narrowminded because they can actually manage their buff properly and have a decent enough range that other players can make use of the Vex Armor buff (Mines at 957% damage buff with 18m range) then you don't need the extra crit from Harrow.

    Why should other players make use of Vex? They are supposed to charge VS, not waste the charges.

  12. Looks to me like you explained the reasons people prefer Harrow - damage immunity+crit chance bonus that is on time. Also, if you want opinions you wrote this post in a very dishonest way. Harrow usualy has 80-100% duration for the buff to end exacly as you can cast the next one. I run my at 78%. If you see a Harrow jumping into the lake, either something has gone wrong, he is a noob, or he got a but that prevents any abilitiest to be casted. On top of that you shouldnt jump inot water with your frame since it will drain your energy, do it with operator.

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