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Posts posted by Xardis

  1. It went from an ability you used to get someplaces, its now a semi-decent boost to mobility. Its a buff to every archwing except Itzal, for that one, its a very big nerf.

    So, I have a simple system change in mind, blink range is reverted to its old value, but is affected by power range, cooldown is also affected by power duration.

    But thats not all, I would want DE to add exilus/aura slot to archwings, unlocked with warframe exilus adapter. This slot would add capacity. I would want something along the lines of those 3 mods, all of them are for 2 points, and dont have ranks.

    Jump Boosted Afterburners: Blink is disabled, velocity boost from sprinting is increased by 25% and goes up to 50%  (affected by power strength) over the time of 4s boosting (affected by power duration), if you stop the timer on that is reset.

    Chain Blink Drive: Blink now has 3 charges (number of charges is affected by power strength) that charge one after another, Blink base range is reduced by 25%.

    Overcharged Jump Drive: Cooldown on blink it increased to 4s, it has also a chargeup time of 1s (this is not affected by power duration) and the range of blink it increased (not sure about the range, but at least 4x the old base range in landscapes).

    If you have an idea for more mobility archwing augments feed free to drop them here.

    I didnt consider mods that archwing when I was thinking about duration.

  2. You are partialy right, the overall power of melee has dropped, I would say exponentialy. But no, the current level of damage on the levels of normal game, lets say up to 120-130 lvls with the current changes to melee is higher. Its very sad that I cant say the same thing about higher levels, you know, things that Veterans do, things that keep them in game... Things like 2h+ arbitrations.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jiminez_Burial said:

    You haven't been paying attention to the story then.  We aren't simply killing machines killing people because it's what we do. We're kids that have had trauma imposed on us, fighting against a drone like army of adaptive stick-men that are trying to do a spoilery thing while an infection ravages a universe already caught in the midst of a war.  Yes there's Ludonarrative Dissonance but if you pay attention to the lore it's not just a simple case of us being a meat grinder and the universe being the meat.

    I think you might have spoiled the later quests for him, from how it looks to me, he didnt complete 2nd dream yet, but I can be wrong.

  4. 5 hours ago, Isokaze_BestKaze said:

    I think we should be able to pay more Kuva to lock a single stat in place in a riven. Like, a 10.000 kuva price to lock a +critical chance. You can still roll, but that one stat won't change. Maybe at the expense of not making it tradeable anymore. That would at least reduce the slot machine a lot.

    By lock stat, I assume you mean lock stat type and its sign, not its value (+/-10% variance from value). This exact thing was suggested many times, and for a good reason.

  5. The fact that there are more sources doesnt fix the fact that Kuva as a resource doesnt have any set value. God roll can cost from 900 kuva to anything up to infinity. There is no progression in this system, only getting kuva for another chance at a slot machine. We need something that will allow people to invest kuva into stats they want, at least to some degree. Riven prices droping is not solving anything for people who dont like to farm all day for plat, but want to get a riven and roll it themselves for a specific build. No amount of kuva will allow you to make a specific riven, or even narrow down the chances for it, thats the core problem, and DE needs to stop ignoring it.

  6. 17 hours ago, Arkandae said:

    This is with many expensive mods


    Mod capacity is here to force you to make choices. Not using an exilus mod is a choice. Being limited in elemental damage types or having to build another weapon to choose another element are also choices

    And then you cannot make a build for another faction or purpuse on the same weapon, 9 forma wasted, bravo.

  7. Simple, let's say that once you reach Observer in Quills (2nd rank) you can buy simulacrum imprints for all of the Eidolons, for Terry 20k standing, 30k for Garry and 40k for Harry. Since Eidolons don't scale, they always spawn with the same level and stats, spawning them in simulacrum would not allow for level adjustment and would put them as they normally spawn, even if you don't have the MR to normally spawn enemies of such level in simulacrum.

  8. Every time since like, Fortuna dropped, when we new Prime Access or unvaulting happens, the new relics get into both bounty droptables, for some reason it didnt happen with Atlast Prime. Now, I dont want them to go back to those like old times, since new unvaulting is happening. I want one of the landscales to drop always the newest Prime Access relics, and the other to drop newest Prime Access relics when there is no vault open, but if it is, unvaulted relics.

  9. 9 hours ago, Koed said:

    You say 300% like it's some crazy number. Mate, BR grants 720% CC... So yes, for Crit Chance mods outside of Blood Rush to have any real use, I don't see a problem with True Steel granting 300%. You think you would have room for it in your build? I sure won't in 99% of my melee crit weapon builds. Not gonna replace BR's 720% CC with 300% True Steel just because I need to hit some enemies to reach it. Literally takes 2 minutes.

    Crit weapon: Primed Pressure Point, Berzerker, Drifting Contact, Blood Rush, Organ Shatter, Primed Reach, Toxin mod, Electric Mod. Where exactly do you want to place Crit Chance mods?

    You do realise that right now, if you dont go into endurence, you dont need BR? And that was before True Steel buff, yes, its sad that BR got hit, but the fact that BR in itself requires a dedicated playstyle is costly. For anything in the starchart I dont use BR, I have +CC +CD Riven, I dont use Drifting Contact, I use CO there. And that is sufficient power, even for 5th level Lich missions. So yes, in most cases I would take +120% CC, and 300% would be overkill to say the least. On weapons that dont cost you ammo or reload speed, and are as fast as melee, crit has no place to be buffed that much.

  10. 39 minutes ago, Koed said:

    Look at the bigger picture - doesn't scale with BR anymore. In all honesty, if we were to get the same value out of crit mods it should be multiplied by A LOT more. Like 5x. So no. Not 2x. The bare minimum is to compare to Sacrificial Steel. 

    Ok, so you want normal True Steel to have +300% cc? To quadruple base cc? With one mod?

    As sad the state of new math (and complete collapse of build diversity) is for me, I wouldnt come close to what you want. The only thing "needed" is to buff normal +cc effect in melee overall x2. That would bring up the value of cc in rivens, and Im almost certain that buffing only those 2 mods was rushed decision and they forgot about all other mods, so I can expect that to happen, but x5? Never. Demending it will not help either.

    If you want to talk about other aspects of new melee, sure, I would like to have old infinite combo counter back, with combo steps not requireing exponentialy more hits, but linearly (10xcombo level for next level for example) and heavy attacks to not cost whole combo, but a set ammount, like 2 combo levels. That would actualy be fun. I would also want the 1st draft of CO changes implemented, not what we have right now.

    All in all, I am forced to admit it, DE did balance things to work better at lower levels and for them to work decently up to reasonably high levels (1h into arbie). But at the cost of going longer in said endurence, the worst part now, are stance changes. Some specific changes made a lot of stances objectively worse, and thats not even taking into account the uselessness of lifted status proc.

  11. 1 minute ago, ciTiger said:

    Killer only:

    I think they want the Lich to be unique to the player and as such this goes against it, also they just fixed it so people can opt in to get a Lich this would go against it.

    15/30 seconds timer will result in a lot of questions and misses and it overcomplicates and already complicated situation, I personally don't agree with it sorry.

    Ok then, so this is another slot machine then. Killing a Lich takes a lot of work compared to rolling a riven. And if you got a Kuva Karak for the 50th time but never got Kuva Shildeg then its just too bad, another 2-3 hours spent on killing him + more since those mods are getting damaged, so you need to get new ones. This is a very, very unworkable situation, with layers upon layers of RNG on top of each other, with only the bonus you get on the weapon being under your control.

  12. 1 hour ago, ciTiger said:

    That would be great for solo but for groups it might generate anger and failed/aborted missions.

    People would compete for the kill and maybe even abort missions if they don't get it.

    Imagine being the larva "killer" and everyone aborting the mission and you being unable to complete it for that reason.

    I agree that a solution needs to exist, they said in stream they would look into this but you would need "some" investment before you could get rid of your Lich.

    Then why should it be the killer only? Why not make it 15s that only the killer can choose to stab or not, then another 30 if he didnt so someone else in the team intrested in that one could.

  13. One thing I forgot to add about heavy attacks and how melee in general got faster. I would like to see heavy attacks be separate from charged attacks, with charged ones not reciving the damage multiplier, and not costing combo, with their old effects. Some people would like to have thrown weapons charged attack back, and some, like me, would like to have a long range lunge attack on rapiers back. Ill go into more details about controls later tho. Melee got in general faster, and with stances controls being simplified, it would be nice if holding E (or melee attack key) meant continous attack that would change stance moves depending on if you blocked and/or moved forward. With some weapons its literaly uncontrolable without a macro, and I know how DE feels about macros in general. Back to heavy and charged attack, they would be bound to the same key, alt fire, but heavy attack would need to be charged, a tap would make you use charged attack, and if you held it a little longer, it would make you use a heavy attack, with the added option of delaying heavy attack for however long you want, till you stopped holding alt fire.

  14. Just now, AshenHaze said:

    So I  take it the general consensus of the players is also "lol just use loki/ash/ivara/stealthframe" and completely avoid all the presented issues by just having a 'forever invisibility' option?

    Thats the consensus of DE, players at that time presented multiple good ideas for improving stealth. DE chose only 1 of them to implement.

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