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Posts posted by DissentWomble

  1. Just want to say I hope they do. The lore just got more interesting and the subsequent content we get from PoE (Hunter, Augur mods, Plague Star, Zaws, the frames from PoE) are definitely great additions to the game. Fortuna just strengthens the lore and while there are similar gameplay contents, i'm still looking forward to exploring the areas when it comes.

    Personally i think the existing game elements are solid enough that DE should focus on more huge lore based updates rather than tweaking existing ones just to appease the community. Heck i was hoping for a forest open world version in earth before they did other planets cause i thought the concept would be interesting.

    I miss when new frames comes with side quests that makes gives a backstory to the frames. Revenant and Gara for example was so rushed. And Khora feels like it came out of no where.

  2. 4 hours ago, AJ5511 said:

    I rushed an entire build for chroma prime (it was totally worth it (so I guess it was not a mistake (or was it??)))

    I only rushed the 3 day wait. Seems like its not a big deal for 50p.

    Waited till MR14 or 15 to start doing sorties.

    At mr 7 ish got my first 75% plat coupon and bought 2k plat which was a common amount i used to spend monthly on an mmo. Bought common mods like streamline, continuity for 40-50p each cause all i had was broken mods. Never bought plats after that since I make more than enough through normal gameplay still.. got ripped off pretty hard.

  3. At your MR just build everything. Some weapons like Harpak, Grinlok, Rubico, vanilla Vulkar are great rifles to use and they rarely get a look see. Most weapons are great for normal starchart missions and should be built regardless for MR which you'll need for higher tier rivens and weapons.

  4. Bad crit stats so can't build for that. 5% or something. Built it for a condition overload build and wasn't that impressed since Lesion beats it easily from my point of view. But do try it and see if its your cup of tea

    Edit : And it has no IPS. Just straight up corrosive. Has a gimmick for adding stealth damage but its a hassle.

  5. No but i can see how one would feel inadequate without it. Lanka rivens for example. You don't need to actually 1 shot limbs every single time but the riven prices go ridiculously high because people see taking a few seconds longer to shot down a limb as imperfect.

    But if you like a weapon enough like fore me personally getting a Lenz with Crit damage and Flight speed is important to enjoying that particular weapon so when I saw one for sale I bought it without regret. Even that doesn't reach 1k plats.

    If you like the weapon enough it might feel like you're forced to invest on it but its not fair to blame the game for it. In almost all content rivens are a luxury or a min max thing more than a requirement.

  6. Get Loki. You'll probably need him sooner or later. Alternatively try to sell your veiled riven at higher than the price sold in warframe market and buy a different one. Hopefully with a challenge you can do without needing a specific frame. 

    Another way to be invisible is buying Prisma Shade from Baro and use him. I'm not familiar with its invisible mechanics but you might be able to make it work. Can also try have a friend play as Ivara and make you invisible. Just shooting ideas out of my head at this point but seriously, get Loki.

  7. Saw this while Mithra farming though its pretty popular now there. Using Hydroids undertow to safely defend an interception point. Its not as big of a energy drain with enough energy and efficiency. Mouseclick on the ones that get to the terminal, use his 1 on coming nullifiers without cancelling undertow. His 4 also does decently well against Vor.

  8. Just now, Kyoresh said:

    after you find the thing with which your interact, you only need to go out of the plains at get the part bps from Bounties

    Is this true for the main blueprint? Since the last part i got from the quest was go talk to konzu and thats that. Got all the other parts already


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