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Posts posted by DissentWomble

  1. Its like how people these days are saying FF7 was overrated and people are exaggerating about it but taking into consideration how its prequels were and what was there in the market at that time, the impact it had on people was immense. And those who played it at that time would still put it atleast top 2 or 3 game of all time if not purely for nostalgic reason (ocarina of time is gods work).

    Second dream was the first cinematic quest and was a push narratively to the game. These days people who played it now and have played WW and Sacrifice are less amused surely.

  2. Nezha was dirt puddle a few months back before its rework. Now she/he/it's my go to frame for some reason after that buff and that deluxe skin. I figure it wouldn't be the last time a warframe gets good treatment and suddenly being fun to play again. Same goes for kitty. 

    Seriously. Just buy slots. And keep in mind some quest frames you can't get the BP for it after deleting so its best to make it a habit and just sell mods or whatever for the slots.

  3. 3 hours ago, GOOFBALL1 said:

    One guy with Sarpa Shattering Impact is superior to 3x Corrosive Projection because then you can fill the aura slot with damage boost and armor will get reduced anyways. Basics.

    Harrow has fire rate buff too, I don't think Oberon can speed up the fight. But Oberon is better than Trinity imo since Oberon can both keep the lures alive and negate magnetic proc. I don't know if Harrow's covenant crit buff applies to operator amp, am not experienced enough to notice, but I don't see a reason to bring Harrow over a second Rhino if it doesn't. But yeah, if you got a good Ivara you shouldn't need a second Rhino, might as well be another Volt.

    Edit: just took the time to read the topic and yeah Harrow does have that 200% cc headshot buff. But you probably don't need it if you have Ivara and Limbo on squad, or just a very good Ivara. I still don't know of Phoenix Revival works on lures, didn't see anyone mention that.

    Oberons heal aren't that strong on the lures. I wouldn't use that argument for him.

  4. Use archwing and slowly comb through the landscape is better for me. Then use Slowva which would highlight the critters, slow the buggers + funnily enough if you kill 1 and if others that are running away dies from being primed, it also counts as a kill with a spear. Atleast thats my way of doing it.

  5. 1 hour ago, Loza03 said:

    Well, a tutorial is an integral and vital component of any game or mechanic's introduction. As evidenced with a lot of player's early reactions to the PoE things you mentioned and a lot of other stuff in this game, quite rightfully. An 'OK' tutorial is better than no tutorial for precisely this reason. But a tutorial really has to at least be OK at a most things because of how important it is, especially since it's likely one of the player's first impressions of a system. That's why I hold them to such a high standard. A tutorial has to teach the player the mechanics because... well, that's the point. You have to feel accomplished because otherwise your impression of the system will be boredom, which can mar your later experiences. Lastly, it has to not overstay it's welcome for the same reason. Teaching somebody something after they've learned it is a fast-track to boredom.

    The Glast Gambit employs different mechanics to what it's trying to teach (its version of index is in rounds whereas the normal version is endurance) and pads it by repeating the information six times, when a player only ever really needs one or two, especially for something that's similar to regular gameplay like Index, which ultimately revolves around the core gameplay loop of 'kill enemies, get lot', but with an extra step or two, so it's a little redundant to teach them these mechanics six times over.

    Compare this to Super Metroid's tutorial, and if your first thought was 'Wait, that game doesn't have a tutorial' by that I mean the first five minutes or so. You get a brief story overview, which also involves a cutscene of Samus holding her gun diagonally which is important for later. You then get dropped into the station via an elevator, descend through the first room which you have to meander through, getting you used to the physics, as well as having to get through a door that requires you to shoot it, teaching you the shoot button. You have to hop up and over a few steps, getting you used to the feel of jumping, then eventually reach a boss chamber. Turning to leave causes Ridley to appear. Ridley switches between the foor and air, which means that when he's in the air you're likely to emulate the cutscene you saw and try to aim diagonally upwards, or engage in combat by jumping, either way demonstrating the breadth of combat situations. As you shoot him, he turns red - a distinct colour to both his normal purple and the blue of the environment, ensuring you notice the transition as you're shooting him, telling you what the damage indicator for boss fights is. After you beat him, he flies off and the area starts to self-destruct, and you have a minute to escape. More than enough, but little enough that it's still tense, getting you to put what you've learned into practice quickly. After that, you land on Zebes pretty much immediately and start the game proper.

    Badda bing badda boom, you know all the basic mechanics in the same situations as you'll be using them throughout the game, fought a giant alien dinosaur dragon thing and escaped an exploding space station, all in about five minutes or so. It's unfair to compare Glast Gambit to one of the best tutorials ever put to code, but I'm sure you can see the principles at work, and from there, Glast Gambit's deficiencies.

    No. my first thought is I've never played super metroid. Plenty of early Double Dragon, Contra, 1942 and Megaman but not a fan of Metroid so that paragraph and sentiment goes whoosh over my head. But from your example as you say its not fair to compare the best tutorials ever put to code, to Glast Gambit, a mere alternative game mode which only importance in the game is to farm credits and get a warframe bp.

    Its a sidequest at most and you're expecting DE to waste that much thought into a game mode that in itself is like 3% maybe of the whole game. Again, I agree that the mission is awful where you have to repeat stuff but all i'm saying is treat it as a way to familiarize players with the Index. Most non cinematic quest in the game are just as repetitive with even less incentive.

  6. 5 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    It does teach the player about the base mechanics, yes, but a player will learn that pretty much from the first time they do it. Since you need to win more than one round in the same mission, you'll be against the same team each for each set of missions. Plus I was remembering wrong - you don't play three times identically, you play two sets of three 3-minute rounds. Which means that you're effectively playing six identical rounds.

    For a good tutorial, you must learn what you need to do (Which since this version actually uses different mechanics to the normal version due to the rounds, it doesn't really), make the player feel accomplished and not overstay it's welcome. Since you effectively need to play the tutorial six times with no changes, Glast Gambit pretty much fails on that last one especially.

    Thats by your own definition and standard of a tutorial. Again.. just because its repetitive doesn't mean its bad overall. As i mentioned in my earlier post its like your 1 point against it being a good tutorial. Its basically the games design principles. How the game thrusts you into POE showing all the things in them but doesn't teach you Eidolon hunting, crafting zaws, mining. Teaching about kubrows through quest but nothing on Nutrino segment thingy, kavats. Again. I rather have that than quests boxes, NPC teaching, and immersion.

    2 hours ago, RealHeftyTrout said:

    You need to complete The War Within to unlock the quest, which is in the Sedna junction quite a ways after the Index, odd place to put a "tutorial".

    Good point. Still doesn't change the fact that people still fail at that mission and needing assistance with it even though supposedly they're should have been able to work it out since they've unlocked Sedna. Atleast i see people moan about failing the mission a few times a month. Regardless good point.

    Just so its clear i'm not against saying its a bad mission cause you're doing it over and over again. Think of it as a tutorial quest and give it a break. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Loza03 said:

    A tutorial that is unable to get across it's meaning concisely is a bad tutorial. There is no reason to have to play it three times  under normal conditions before they even start to change things up.

    Does it though? You learn about the points system, basic enemies that you meet. I mean I rather have that with the tutorials being interwoven into the quest, doesn't break immersion and a proper reward to it rather than some other tutorials you see in other games that holds your hand through every step of the way with tutorial boxes, or some npc teaching me the ropes. 

    I'm with you on the playing too many rounds thing but is it a bad tutorial just because of that? Still my point stands. Its just a tutorial quest whether its good or bad is a matter of opinion. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:


    No, I don't think that and I'm not implying it in any way, I'm just saying that it's 100% dependent on the market as a means to acquire rivens you actually care about, given that the chances of you getting it without using the market are pretty slim and completely unrelated to how much effort you actually put into it.

    Doesn't matter if you play 8 hours per day, or if you play 20 minutes per day doing sortie alone. 

    Why wouldn't you consider the market as a source? Buying fodder rivens to make unveiled ones also being discounted? Its like you're putting that stipulation just to make an argument. A ridiculous one at that.

    Edit : Games done downloading. I'll be off now.

  9. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

    Not sure exactly why are you calling me immature or where exactly have I demanded anything from DE, or even why are you using my post to go on a rant about what other players are posting. Maybe post that aside?

    You also keep insisting that I feel envy. You can believe whatever you want, entirely up to you. But remember that envy implies inaccessibility, and like I said, that is really not an issue for me. I can go buy whatever I want. That doesn't make me agree that the system is good.

    Not exactely.

    The thing is that those things you mention, you can work for. There is a sense of accomplishment tied to the fact that you put effort into it.

    You can become an awesome Eidolon hunter, do multiple 5x3 runs per day and collect cool arcanes.

    You can invest your time and effort into farming relics, cracking them and get your weapons and frames.

    With Rivens thou, you are gated behind one dice roll per day, where more often than not, you don't even get a riven, much less one that you care about.

    If you actually can understand my post it wasn't calling you specifically or the words immature and such are directed at you. The general posts in this forum, the general demands and entitlement the posters have about DE and some issues ingame doesn't really show maturity which makes it much likely what these posts about rivens are just envy rather than some general crusade for balance. 

    Ie. I'm saying if you see a group and they're shouting racially bigoted stuff its more likely that they're just plain racist rather than have anything specific to fight for.

    If you feel offended then please pardon my post. I have no ill intention but just pointing out being envious is much more likely than asking the game to be balanced in a coop game from the other posts in this forum.

    About your effort post, I buy shiet rivens for 10p every day and transmute them which makes me need to do eidolons daily. Usually getting bad stuff I also waste hours doing Kuva farming to get enough Kuva to get a decent roll that I can sell at market. Which then I have to shout in trade chat or wait patiently for a buyer so I can farm enough plats to buy the Riven that I need. You think everyone who has a perfectly rolled riven bought them off with real world plats?

    You're oversimplifying the process to make a point which is seriously misleading.  

  10. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

    No, I feel no envy, I'm just pointing out one the things that make this system flawed IMHO.

    My point is that the riven system is 100% dependent on player market or luck. I prefer a system that rewards players by their effort, and that simply doesn't exist with rivens.

    Like I said, if I want a Gram riven, I can just go to the player market and buy it, I just don't find that meaningful or rewarding.

    The only RNG wall that I actually don't mind is the rolling of rivens you have. That you can work on, you can put effort in farming Kuva and get rewarded for it. There is a sense of accomplishment tied to the fact that you worked for it.

    I disagree. Just because you say its not envy doesn't make it the case for you or the majority immature entitled posters in this forum who demands DE explain themselves about every little thing, make sad posts about their favorite frames being balanced, constant nagging about content and over reliance on youtubers opinions to create a mob mentality over things.

    Being envious about other people having rivens you don't falls perfectly in line with the general behavior that we can see in this forum.

    It fits perfect to your question just now. What would i do if I can't buy that perfect riven? The same entitled posters would make posts and threads on the main forums demanding devs to balance or get rid of rivens. Then fear mongering about rivens, laughing at people who invest thousands of plats to buy them. Its obviously envy. Just because you claim you can buy one whenever you want doesn't mean its the motive of every poster here. 

    You either work to get a good riven or work on the game enough to buy one. Either way you put effort, you put your work on just as hard as anyone else. If it annoys you that people are buying them without working and using real world currency then thats not the rivens problem. Thats the same with everything else in game that you can buy with plats like arcanes and frames.

  11. Just now, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

    Imagine for a moment that you could not buy/sell rivens and you will see what I mean.


    Seems like envy to me if thats your point. I can't get a perfect riven for my Gram so no one else should? Why would I care if anyone else has that perfect Gram riven other than the fact that i'm envious? Its not like he can kill me or hamper my own experience in the game. 

  12. 9 hours ago, Pr1A said:

    As you said, it's subjective but Archwing obviously isn't fun for most players given how almost no one plays it except for star chart completion and grinding mastery in Salacia.

    Archwing just lacks the things most people enjoy in the normal gameplay.

    The fun movement system? Nope, instead you get some of the worst controls in the history of video games.

    Vast arsenal of frames and weapons? Nope, you only get a handful, most of which are pretty boring.

    Seeing your enemies being torn to shreds, burnt to ashes, melted to a gory mess and so forth? Nope, instead everything just pops like some lame firecracker.

    Consider the ratio of archwing content compared to the normal content its not suprising that we have only few archwing types compared to warframes. But they are different enough each of them but I'm not going to bother explaining each considering my initial point that you actually have to have good mods and played each archwing to notice the difference between them. 

    Ever nuked a map with Elytron? or Itzal sucking skill then melee the frozen enemies? Spam melee with your Prisma Veritux or Onorix? You wont be able to "Seeing your enemies being torn to shreds, burnt to ashes, melted to a gory mess and so forth" with your unpotato'ed, low level, badly modded archwings.

    Try doing the same with a lvl 15 mag with no potato, broken mods and awful build in a Hydron and tell me how you're "shredding" the enemies. <-- thats my point. If you still think archwing sucks after actually investing into the mode then thats fine and dandy. Not saying its the best thing ever either but it is enjoyable. You're just not going to enjoy it without working on them.

  13. 34 minutes ago, Pr1A said:

    In the normal gameplay the game makes you feel reasonably powerful since the start, getting new gear is pretty easy and the progression happens naturally when you advance in the Star Chart.

    Meanwhile in the Archwing, your starting gear is absolute trash and crafting better stuff is rather costly. And since Archwing content feels so tacked on, most newbies just give up on it altogether.

    Because the normal game has you learning about mods first, weapon types, how to mod your frames so its an easy progression. With archwing, you use the same principles and basics that you have learnt from modding your frame and weapon. You already know the basics and what you need. The problem is actually putting the effort to get at it.

    You start with MK-1 Braton and 1 useful frame in the normal game. It'll take you a good worth of effort to get the mods you need and level up the frames. Heck most people unlock Sorties and Operator yet most will have subpar mods unless they're Hydron babies. Same with archwing. You need to actually work to have the good stuff. You can get and most of your archwings from your dojo. Not really costly nor you can call it trash. 

    Basically it lacks the rewards to make the investment worth while. Does that mean its content is not fun? Subjective but it is worth investing to some. Personally its no less amusing that the same mechanics we play extermination, mobile defense, and such that we get from the normal cooperative game. Same enjoyment as long as you actually spend time to get your gear right. Just like in the normal game.  

    All in all. An awfully poor point. 

  14. Its the same with the main game. If you're trying to play the normal game with Excalibur and Mk Bo and Mk Braton through the starchart you're not going to enjoy it and be frustrated by quite alot. If you actually have the weapons and archwings maxed and formad it can be pretty fun. 

    Melee is much more fun imo that the guns where most are a hit and miss being the hits are only Fluctus and Imperator Vandal imo but the melee can be really fast paced Ash's 4 type of killing fun. Spamming the melee button feels like you're teleporting between enemies to kill and definitely fun personally.

    Itzals suck everything skill is great but personally i prefer Elytrons nuke ability. The frames are different enough that they have diff purposes to them. 

    Basically i'd hate the gameplay too if all i have is a lvl 20 Odonata, lvl 10 Grattler, half assed Veritux and no decent mod builds and potato on them.

  15. Extra unnecessary server load i think? I think the riven parts explained already where due to the nature of each riven being unique value of stats and the ever growing list of weapons in game its best to limit them to 90 to ensure the load to server maintains manageable. I figure the same problem with Liset. Though if we got it uncapped it is pretty sweet. I can't fit any more noggles in my ship. 

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