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Posts posted by DissentWomble

  1. +1 only if the riven becomes untradeable so its not seen as a way to make plat but mainly for those who really want to min max without spending ridiculous plats to buy perfect rivens. The stats themselves should still be balanced with riven disposition passes so theres a risk to making your perfect riven that it might be nerfed one day.


    Разрежьте курицу пополам вдоль, чтобы у вас было 4 котлеты поменьше. Посыпать их солью и перцем и посыпать мукой. Добавьте оливковое масло и 1 столовую ложку масла в сковороду на среднем огне. Как только сковорода станет горячей, обжарьте курицу в течение 4-5 минут на стороне или пока она не станет красивой и золотой

  3. Personally ill just leave. Be it at round 2 in Hydron or at 5. Even 5 minutes into a Kuva survival if theres obvious just sitting doing nothing under the limbo bubble or khoras dome. Ill even call em out for being useless. The report system doesn't work imo and the devs themselves are happy letting these people ruin my game so I don't bother reporting. Just ignore shiet players. 

  4. Is it just me or low MR players have this beef with people who actually make maxing their MR a goal in this game? First its the constant shouting stories of MR means nothing like some insecure kid that needs people to acknowledge their decision to not rank up.

    This seems like some next level salt right here. 

  5. While I agree on the added difficulty tier I disagree with the extra rewards part.

    - Will only make more people want to leech off the higher difficulty runs and get carried since the community is gung-ho in saying MR means nothing and the unclear yardstick of what makes a veteran means it'd be hard to gate the content from players that are only going to leech. 

    -Gulf that it can potentially create between geared and non geared players could make people feel its a burden to catchup with other players (Hypothetical but its in other MMOS where the higher contents are impossible to be cleared with entry level gears and without hundreds of hours of farming). Weak argument but its a concern I have and its on of those things that I like about the game. You don't need to play daily or spend a lot of money to play every content in the game efficiently.  

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  6. 28 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

    You can trade for the BP? Don't have to be in the clan?

    Yes. Some are willing to trade them for free. Some take advantage of the demand and charge new players for plats or treasures. Sure willing buyer willing seller and all but its probably the only weapon in the game where you have to ask from other players. 

    Sure it works for now but it'd also help if more guilds can giveaway these bp for free without new mr9 players depending on tradechat and luck to get one for free.

  7. It doesnt have to be a one off thing though. Every day we have people joining the clan just to ask for a bp, people trading em for ayatans, prime parts or plats in trade chat. I have nothing against people who do it cause its the system and more power if you're doing all you can milking it but surely its no harm if its made available to everyone again.

  8. You can easily solo the star chart. You can solo the eidolons, sortie, profit taker and that other S#&$ty one. Not sure what you're missing out if you want to solo the game. As long as you understand that doing alone will take more effort in gearing and playing than if you do it in a team.

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  9. If theres exclusive rewards past 30 it'll fall into the category of a grind which people will complain. It turns into something that is somewhat compulsory rather than what they intended, something that you can do some, not all of the challenges through a number of weeks, in your own pace.   

  10. Just got called trash by a mr 15 cause i did 15% damage against Phorid when I spawned halfway through him soloing the thing so shiet people are always there regardless of their MR. 

    On the other hand some low MR players gets too twitchy when anyone gives advice to them and thinking that the high MR is weird flexing that you can't take constructive criticism. Regardless of your MR some people just too arrogant to accept any feedback on what they're doing wrong and highlighting. While its true high MR doesn't mean more knowledge its better to assume when someones pointing out something wrong you're doing theres something to it regardless of his MR. 

    Being playing 1 account with MR27 and another with an MR 14 I get the taste of both spectrum.

  11. If her 4 is on, her 1 shouldn't eat any shield for ammo since its her only attack available to her.

    Her 4 should have a proper aoe like equinox's maim kinda deal so you can use her 4 to crowed control. Can add for eg a limit to the number of enemies she can hold at one time for balance. 

    Havens great but a slightly higher figures would be great so the effects are more noticeable. It can be locked when she has her 4 up or Instead of taking more shields when more team mates are buffed it should be based on how much damage they are absorbing in case if its too OP.  

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