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Posts posted by LordPantaloonsthe3rd

  1. Passive, yea i wouldnt touch it, maybe a bit of bullet jump velocity would be nice but yea its fine as is and i would hate for it to be changed.

    1, building up with duration works fine though, youre already building for duration for 3/4. you dont need to be able to use tailwind in 97% of tiles anyways cause her passive enhances parkour nicely, especially if you add in Lightning dash or a similar mod for the boost to aim glide and bullet jump.

    Ive used hover jump like a dozen times since it was put in and i main zephyr and those times were for mining, pretty useless ability overall since its free to just bullet jump and aimglide. Personally dont see the need to air dash like that given the space restrictions in a majority of the game. Jumping from wall to wall and using her enhanced air time is free. As for the augment changes i dont really have a comment on it as I dont use divebomb due to its occasionally jankyness and the fact that melee groundslams are also free.

    Will agree with control difficulty though, the recent change to halt tailwind if you hit something did help to negate wall hugging but you still maintain momentum so it can still get you stuck on stuff, simple solution is to know your range and where you can use it as messing with the momentum could affect her speed in open world areas.


    2, ability cost may be 50 base but if you cast it in air its 25 which is much more in line with its usefulness, imo if youre not casting it in air youre doing it wrong. I personally think its fine, its good for quickly making room for you or teammates or objectives and is a one hand cast so you can use it to keep enemies off you while reloading without interrupting. A good side use of it is making a range build to blap massive areas for really cheap, its a good targeted cc imo not great but useful especially in an eff build.

    As for your changes: 20m is way too big for base range, making it that large would pretty much invalidate 4 because it would cc and strip defenses for 50 energy with no extra input whereas 4 needs to be shot/melee'd to strip defenses from held enemies. Adding to that the half cost cast if airborne and the base 50% strip its just broken as hek, if anything this would be a replacement for nados but even then a lower base range and higher base duration sounds better in that case.


    3, its not any less generic than say iron skin, and a defensive ability doesnt need to be "interactive" it just needs to be effective. As someone who hates betting speed boosted giving turbulence innate jetstream would be akin to my worst vision of hell. The way the game handles increased movement speed is bad and i personally cant stand it. The airburst on end does sound nice and is similar to the flame burst that warding halo got when it was tweaked. Being able to cast it on targets would be nice but theres no room in any of my builds though for an augment so maybe an innate ability to cast on targets would be better. It doesnt provide direct DR or protect from melee so i dont think innate target casting would be overpowered, at least by comparison to gara's splinter storm which gives DR, dmg boost and area dmg without an augment.


     4, it is somewhat unreliable though if you have targets in visual range they will be cast on them when you aim and cast so it is actually pretty easy to control where they start. I dont often use the aim control but when i do it works well enough i think, though if the nados could hold on to the enemies theyre holding better when being moved that would be nice. I like the idea of grab range being affected by mods but it would have to be limited, nados having a 20+m grab range would be broken.

    As for its damage being low well yea but the primary source of damage in them should be from yours or your teams weapons, dmg copy and crit boost is already powerful as hek and if you actually cast them on enemies and take the time to hit the nados you can spit out loads of damage and strip armor really well. being able to load up the nado with dmg and let it run free to murder feels too much like mesa's turret peacemakers. With how powerful weapons can be you could blap a nado a few times and let it massacre everything in sight for its duration while you make some tea, Not an idea im fond of.

    As for casting updraft on the nado to increase its range, seems kinda useless given that skipping nados and casting downdraft would be more effective since it would strip them and CC for less energy.

    as for the augment, honestly dont know what to think about it really, i wouldnt use it though because of the way I play zephyr would really mesh with that.


    I personally think that Zephyr is in a good place right now. The tweaks she got awhile ago were pretty good overall and shes a solid frame with utility, defense and damage. Theres still some hiccups with tailwind but the recent tweak did a small bit to help with that. Divebombing needs to be fixed so that it detects the angle properly and actually makes you dive instead of yeeting you face first into the ground but really thats a non issue due to targeted melee groundslams being more useful than a straight down slam that costs energy especially if you were to make use of the Arca titron's slam capacitor.

  2. 15 minutes ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

    Since when do companies think for customer convenience? De does what they've been doing the last half decade, plat sinks for people like me.

    I don't see anything wrong with the pack and I'm excited for it to launch on console. Day 1 buy. And if I get some exclusive update related stuff, I don't mind.

    I read this as "I dont care because I have poor spending habits so you shouldnt complain"

    • Like 5
  3. 33 minutes ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

    I'm sorry but who is standing behind you with a gun in his hand threatening your whole family tree if you don't buy that pack?

    Oh, no one?

    Then here you go, you don't have to buy it.

    It's optional, for impatient people like me, who like to skip certain stuff after playing for 7k hours. I would buy it if it had a price tag of 2000 plat. IDC.

    Ignoring the fact that premium currency is available to everyone for FREE by trading.

    Are you purposefully ignoring the fact that you cant get the armor or colors pallets anywhere else or did you not read the same OP that I did?

    Theres no grind to skip because you cant get any of that armor any other way. I only want one shoulder and one of the chests, I can farm the mods and I have more than enough color pallets already and dont need or want desaturated versions of colors I already have why the hell should I have to buy the entire bundle to get two things that would otherwise cost less if it wasnt bundled in a way that wasnt S#&$ty.

    Are you gonna sit there and tell me that some non reusable mods and relics, 9 armor pieces and 7 color pallets that are just desaturated versions of already existing pallets is worth almost the same price as the continuity collection? Which has 4 dropship skins, cat and dog armor sets, an armor set and a syandana, three weapons and a sugatra? which BTW can all be bought individually? 

    Being able to get plat for free by trading is irrelevant, all of these things should not be crammed into the same bundle. There should be a mod bundle, then ideally the armor sets being buyable individually or at the very least in an armor bundle and then the pallets should be available individually or as a set like the Alpha and Beta color packs.

    • Like 5
  4. So two things to report, one is defintiely a bug and the other one im not sure.

    First one, Kuva Flood did not give me a relic.




    Obviously this is a bug.


    Second, my lich stole my Grendel in action glyph. Is that sposed to be possible? We get everything back when we ded them right?


  5. 2 hours ago, littleal93 said:

    Nezha's blazing chakram doesn't travel when charge thrown, it just pops out and back in.

    Also, if you only have a melee equipped, you have to "switch" to melee only mode to be able to activate exodia contagion.

    this, serious problem, affects the usability of reaping chakram significantly.


    EDIT, going into a different mission i was able to throw it again. perhaps an intermittent bug?

    EDIT x2, new mission, bug is back and i cant charge throw my chakram so its intermittent.

  6. Its bull excrement, why would you bundle all the armor into a single bundle with the mods a relic pack and pallets? I dont want all of them, I dont want to buy a bunch of parazon mods I want to farm them. I dont need or want those pallets because I have more than I even need already. Y'all need to separate the armor sets away from the mods and pallets cause I'm not gonna pay 835 plat when I dont even want more than half of the stuff in the bundle, it's really not fair.

    • Like 1
  7. 12 hours ago, Melanholic7 said:

    compromise can be if they give people Exilus mod with -dmg +reload speed. So,everyone will be happy

    it would have to be a lot of -damage to offset someone using a elemental mod that they otherwise wouldnt have been able to use.

  8. I had hoped this was going to be addressed with the new slot but DE changed their mind and axed reload mods from it, I was looking forward to not having to burn a slot on my Seer for faster reloads. Given that Secondary stats were already given a once over its unlikely that we will see any other changes anytime soon.

  9. 40 minutes ago, -CM-AbsoluteZero said:

    Clearly I'm the triggered one...

    Clearly my thread has upset you enough that you had to stalk my post history as some sort of argument. lol gj

    I'm not mad i dont even like the kohm, I only looked cause it seemed like an odd thing to be fixated on. I wanted to see if you had a habit of posting these kinds of threads as that would explain why you posted this but you dont have a history of it, or at least a recent one hence my post. It was a 50/50 piss-take/serious question.

    Still didnt answer my question, trying to bypass it by claiming im triggered is a low effort dodge.

  10. What made you so mad that you had to log in and post this thread after not having posted since 2016? Who hurt you? Should we invite an Oberon? If its serious perhaps a Trinity instead? Maybe in the meantime while we find one of those we can maybe get a Frost to cast freeze on your bum cause something or someone clearly burned it.



  11. The difficulty curve for MR tests is all over the place, the MR9 test which is the one youre trying to do is one of the more difficult ones to deal with as there arent really any indicators for line of sight on enemies without using Enemy Sense or Enemy Radar or Ivara's passive so getting caught out can be pretty easy if an enemy rounds a corner behind you. My suggestion would be to either make use of one of those mods if you have it or take the test more cautiously. Take your time and wait so you can see the enemies patrol pattern and move when they arent looking. I would suggest that you also practice your upcoming mastery tests when you see that youre getting close to ranking up as you can practice it as much as you want before reaching the rank up point.

    As for not being able to use weapons, you can continue to use weapons if youre at max mastery rank(unless they are MR locked obviously) as the XP will not disappear into the void and will go into your total when you rank up. If youre three days into failure and cant for whatever reason do the test yourself watching a non-cheese tutorial video and repeating what is done will get you through it unless youre inept.


    *editing out my completely reasonable response to the tone of this thread is not cool mods.

  12. 24 minutes ago, Cloverskull said:

    . It's completely inunderstandable how someone could be unhappy with a better weapon.

    I can understand not liking something even if its an upgrade, while being objectively superior it does operate and feel differently. I had a different but similar experience with the Stradavar and its prime, I really like the stradavar and I really like the aesthetics of the prime but the curved barrel bothered me enough that I couldnt stand using it. So I just ranked the prime and sat in back in the corner and carried on with the normal one. That is till a bit ago when DE dropped the tekelu skin for the Stradavar and then I started using the prime as the tekelu skin uses the non prime model.

    So I understand not liking something even though its better, the vandal is an upgrade but it operates differently than the original. Calling it butchered though is some top tier smoothbrain thinking though as that implies that it is objectively worse which is very much is not.  Personally I dont like the opticor I also dont care much for the vandal either so I dont really have a horse in this race.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Cloverskull said:

    Opticor charge time 2.0 seconds

    Opticor Vandal charge time 0.6 seconds

    You can get 3 max charge shots off with the Vandal in the time it takes to charge 1 with the basic version. 3 x 400 = 1200 > 1000. Opticor Vandal is objectively and demonstrably superior damage wise. There's literally no contest there.

    math hard new gun bad waaah

  14. i agree, low ammo max is aids. I was excited about these guns but with this ammo bs it feels like they were designed to annoy you. Who the #*!% thought it was a good idea to put 12 fire rate on a weapon with two spare magazines totaling less than 100 rounds. I was hoping for a sudo-40k bolter instead i got a paperweight that jiggles when it fires.

  15. As title states are they messed up? Here is a comparison picture between the syandana textures and the Hagoromo Zephyr Tennogen.



    Surely this cant be right? a syandana released yesterday thats this much lower quality than a tennogen skin from 2016? Almost looks like its not loading correctly or something.

  16. It looks cool but has no moving parts and doesnt even have its own reload animation, it just reuses the animations from whatever speargun you put it on. While its not so bad with the Scourge due to the scourge animation just being some spinning the Javlok animation is a huge mismatch for it and just looks bad and feels lazy.


    Disappointed with this after Nyx's deluxe's awesome shotgun skin set a really high bar.



  17. shocking step drop works, I got shocking/freezing in about 30 runs long before the droprate was increased. As for speeding it up, thats unlikely, DE fixed being able to blap all the vents at once which dropped the run time to around what youre wanting and its clear they dont want it to go that fast. RNG is a wild unpredictable thing, It took me a lot of runs to get the bloodshed sigil but once I got it I got it two more times in a row immediately thats just how it is.


    also #*!% blazing step, still dont have that dammed thing.

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