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Everything posted by megamino

  1. Any news regarding dante's LOS? I am watching some devstream and shorts, I think even though they said "we are watching closely". I think it's a PR statement at this point. Good riddance and glad I have played it pre nerfed state :D
  2. Good, another 40 pages long of threads that DE probably will ignore and still firm about those changes. From what I can see, DE didn't care about the playability of Dante. They didn't care if Dante going to be "fan favorite" again, but they are caring about their philosophy of warframe which obviously didn't align with players. But, since the player number are still steady, they don't have any reason to do the changes. They believe LOS still needed in game (For whatever the reason), they still thinks that the bug has been fixed. So, I mean until there is something wrong with the player number, they will not see the needs to change :D
  3. This might related a bit, just played an exterminate fissure mission in europa map using kullervo. In that case, it will spawn eximus every minute or so. Imagine having to hit harder because they spawn many protector eximus + dude who can grant OG to friends + nullifier bubble, and we can't cc them because of the update. Welp, kullervo is surprisingly tanky enough to handle but man that's an experience I can't imagine using other frame in that situation where CC can help much :D
  4. To be fair, they said they need to see the reaction "after" the hotfix which will be delivered later. For me, I'm still watching, it's sucks IMO (solo player for the most of the time) but I need to see the LOS "fix" and then judge again. It's their choice they do it this way even though most of us already agreeing on one specific issue. But considering DE, are still deflecting and selectively acknowledge some comments. Until they see the player numbers logged reduced, it will not giving them any sense of urgency or value of the community's feedback because we are still playing the game.
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