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  1. IGN:tyger2101 Legendary rank 4 EU italy no clan i play since 2017 3k+ hours no discord endgame chill player, still need to optimize a few things but i can solo pretty much everything, i make my own build and usually help other players since i don t have much to do in game
  2. since the quest came out i can't use pistols secondary fire with a glaive equipped anymore, never had aproblem before, (i'm referring to the tenet plinx since that is the weapon i'm using the most lately, didn't test with other) also when you shoot the celing with a grimore the frame will snap his back (look awfull and painfull) not a very good look on a space ninja, FIX YOUR POSTURE KIDDO!
  3. then how will it work, i could switch to console and couldn t be able to trade with anyone cause my items come from pc and i can t trade with pc cause i m on console now? doesn t make any sense, i think they will work a way for tennogen items somehow but it seems strange to add cross save and not cross trades
  4. i'm discussing with a player that they will surely add trades across platform with the cross save, how can i explain to him that is not possible to add cross save and not cross trade cause that will mean people have to buy consoles just to trade items they already have. why should i buy a console, log in with my account, sell stuff, switch console, sell more stuff, then go back to the main device, it doesn't make sense. am I right thinking they will add it all together or am i just delusional?
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