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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. I made fun a long time ago using this but it's now becoming true.

    The combat skin, warframes, the ancilla,Lotus, and the space zombies Flood, the Infested. 

    And now that the Infested are some old stuff that was let out by accident they really look like the Flood.

    LoL you whippersnappers sure are cute. Halo pulled all that stuff from older source material, which pulled its stuff from still older source material I'm not old enough to remember either.

    Like my dad used to tell me. "The world didn't start when you took notice of it"

  2. No more contradictory than Synoid Gammacor being described as a data collecting tool and being focused on defense.


    Realistically, it doesn't matter how much they preach about peace, if they're trying to recruit ancient murder machines, it's because they expect something to die.

    Not entirely it's possible to abhor violence and realize that it's application is a necessity. Also game mechanics.

  3. Found someone who didn't watch the last devstream. They've got models for him and animations for some of his moves and stuff. And that was over a week ago...


    Also, I was honestly expecting this to not show up until 15.5. I figured they'd make Salad V a boss and have him drop the Gunslinger BPs. Maybe give us a new Archwing too and have it from the J3-work Golem. (Three work? Rework? Alright, I'm just gonna leave now.)

    I'm pretty sure that infested Alad and j3 golem are going to be the same fight. Archwing>foot.

  4. This whole arguement is predicated on the tenno not having their own power essentially being batteries. Ember Prime's codex entry directly contradicts this. The frames did not exsist at that time to generate the fire, it came in an uncontrolled form from the newly minted Tenno. That had to have been Proto-Rhino or some sort of failed clone. 


    In the end we are once again left with nothing definitive and notheing that can't be interpreted equally plausibly for the mono and poly camps.

  5. Please no more dual prime weapons. The amount of bloody pain I went through just to get the Akbronco prime.... no. Just no.

    Dual Melee doesn't really work the same.

    Edit: Ninja'd I for one cannot wait for the big 3 pistols to get there akprime versions. You know Magnus, vasto, and that other one whatever it's name is that I can't remember. Oh and akbolto prime too.

  6. I fear the Hubs. If they come in the same quality and with the same innovation as The Archwing came, I dreading, I am despaired and full of hate... :)

    Ah but they will matter waaaaaaaaay less than archwing. It's a given when they are released they will be feature poor, barely working, and an all around mess. It's also a given that all of those problems will be fixed. Just like everything has always worked.

    FTR I don't think the game has anything long standing that is more than annoyance.

  7. why the hell javelin lost the line of sight check? I mean others make sense to NOT have it but javelin was one ult that could have been interesting by having tons of instant damage but with line of sight limitation.

    Because it started that way and it sucked then too.

  8. No it would conflict with mirages, limbos quest, partly with kubrow quest/interaction, having one liset with all the same decorations and a message received from the lotus, telling you as the tenno she knows that you have mastered different frames. It was the anniversary message but it could have also been written in a totally different way and im almost sure de knew what they were going for at that point.

    So i see enough conflicts.

    The fact about gender differences between suits and its wearer is the most hated one by poly tenno arguers and as de also developed dark sector which had a girl wearing a manly suit i can assure you de isnt that narrow minded like some of us.

    But maybe all those evidences supporting the mono tenno theory are just not admitted in your court.

    What about ember primes lore? The Tenno in question wasn't wearing a frame and yet generated fire. It certainly seems to imply that while the shape of a power (world on fire, fireball, etc.) is directed by the frame it's nature is not. Is this not enough evidence to create a reasonable doubt as to the certainty of the mono Tenno theory? Why do "new" (we are all really from around the orokin era) Tenno not work the same as the original Tenno? We've been around for thousands of years yes but we weren't evolving or changing for most of that, we were frozen. The fact is that currently both interpretations are reasonable. If you remove game mechanics which may just be mechanics and nothing more and there really isn't a stronger case one way or the other. I believe poly-Tenno because I dislike mono. I'm willing to change my tune when the evidence stacks up to my satisfaction but it hasn't yet, either way I wish they'd get on with it so we could get to more interesting topics past basic physiological function.

    However I don't think we are ever going to get a satisfactory answer. It's likely the new rhino prime stuff will be just as open to interpretation as everything else. Even if we do the debate still won't end just like those that still deny dark sector doesn't have anything to do with warframe, or that it's the "original concept" (seriously go watch the trailer again then compare to protoarmor not original concept) Supremely frustrating.

  9. I think they do have an answer, I think they will tell us. I don't think that was it. It's too small, incidental, and open to interpretations. I at least sincerely hope whatever the answers may be their reveal will be as inarguable and blatent as the proto-armor linking warframe to DarkSector. Unfortunately people still argue with that despite it being stated bluntly that was what was going on. At the very least I'm not satisfied that anything has actually been answered yet.

  10. But to be fair, we can assume that sentinels/kubrows will get the same treatment at a later point.

    Problem with that only is what if you don't want your sentinel/kubrow to attack stuff, right now you can just unequip the attack mod. Maybe thats why they didn't made all at once.

    I don't think it will happen at all for one important reason. The mod order is how we "program" the behaviors of companions. Could be wrong but that's my take.

  11. not all tenno fight for the same cause.

    You're missing the point you couldn't join because when you tried stalker would kill you. You're Tenno you are target not friend.

    Edit: I see my point was already made

    @ whoever said they didn't classify themselves as Tenno. The only option that produces this result is to not play warframe. You're in the game you're Tenno there aren't any options beyond that. Like the people who say Tenno are evil, lore trumps personal feelings.

  12. Not necessarily.

    The Great Race of Yith (The Shadow Out of Time) definitely did seem friendly. Alien and creepy, but friendly.

    Indifferent would be the best that could be said about the yith and only for humans, for one they liked to cast the consciousness of whole races en masse to face their ends for them so they could continue living. It's doubtful that the bodies described for them in the shadow out of time were their first and from the same story they weren't their last. Besides all that the yith would not rank high enough to be classified as deities, more like the migo or the elder things. Even cthulhu wasn't worshipped by anything but misguided humans and was only notable in being the highest ranking member of his race on earth.

    "Great cthulhu is their cousin but even he can spy them only dimly"

  13. Seriously, people come in and simply say "No, it will be abused. Here are examples of how it is abused in other games." Yes. It's abused. People are douches, but unless you got a better idea than "auto afk kick" which can be fixed by just moving your mouse every couple of seconds, which can be macroed or botted, then this system is the best we got.

    This a perfect system? No. Nothing every managed by humans will ever be perfect. There are always bad apples. But allowing the host of the session to kick people is the best option at the moment. So unless you have a better idea than this, don't say "No, here is why." Never just say "No, here is why." Say "No, Here is why, HERE IS HOW YOU FIX THAT." Please.

    Tired of all this "No, no, I don't like that, I don't like that, I don't want that, that can't happen in MY game, I'll get kicked by people because of X, Y, Z, reason!" Then you don't play with those people, make some friggin' friends in this game, or keep hopping around until you find some decent people. Seriously, if all the people you run into in the game are douches, why do you still play with randoms? Why not make some friends?

    The problem is that it's not your game the devs have made their decision regarding this and have determined that the cons outweigh the pros. Many players agree many don't. It is a solution but not the best just the one you want. Most of your arguments are double edged swords that can be wielded equally effectively against the pro-camp i.e. You feel the need to kick leechers cause that's all you run into? Make some friends in game or bounce around until you find a good group and don't feel the need to use it. Good for goose = good for gander.
  14. I'm against pvp in general but I understand the reasoning for putting it in. However I do not believe that dark sectors were ever considered for pve endgame. In fact early on in the discussion about the endgame projects they said that darksectors (badlands at the time)were going to be for pvp and that people who didnt want to pvp would have proxy wars and focus was for both groups to use. So yeah they haven't gone back on anything they just changed the order they were delivered.

    The positive news is the quest systems seem to be in place and (mostly) working now so I would expect proxy wars to be not too far behind.

  15. Ah yes, sorry I misread.The Sentients are indeed precedent.


    Though I would find the Orokin style, and activities as currently presented very odd if they turned out to be extra-solar aliens.

    I'd be interested for more details in regards to the Orokin activities being odd for extra-solar entities. The majority of what I have seen in regards to the topic regards to the topic were mostly the furnishings in the towers and weapon designs. In my opinion the furnishings imply humanoid roughly the same average size as humans (which doesn't preclude humans in any way) and the prime weapons if they were designed to be used by the Tenno would have been designed for humans.

    The Orokin are referred to as an empire so it presents an interesting lore possibility if they were extra-solar. In that case then sol would have been a colony for them and certainly not the seat of their central powers meaning like the Sentients there is a chance for them to return. There is the problem of why haven't they yet but the same can be asked of the Sentients and the community has largely jumped to the conclusion that the teased new faction will be them. Although, it could be the Orokin like I mentioned or some surprise that's not even been hinted at too.

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