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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. It's like 3/4 of the people in this thread think words and grammar are more important than ideas and meaning.

    No but ideas and meaning are completely useless if one cannot properly get them out of one's head. The cure for cancer isn't going to do any good if you can't effectively communicate the principle it functions off of.

    They aren't more important but equal, the communication part is the one the OP failed at so naturally it will be discussed.

  2. Ha Ha Ha nope, J3 Golem art has already been shown. He is pretty much a biomech.

    Doesn't mean that he's not also part of it. I mean its pretty big.

    He modified his Zanuka controller with the Technocyte virus to allow him to control the Infestation. Similar to how the Mutalist Quanta is a partially infested Corpus weapon.


    It does not seem like he is infested himself, though. So he is in control of the hordes, not the other way around.


    Though I am not entirely sure how he is planning to make money off of this yet. It does not seem like he would want to sell Infested Remotes to any of his competitors, and ruin his position of power. But Who knows?

    Services can provide healthy profit. How much do you think a colony would pay to avoid being overrun by infestation?

  3. If you can complete coop game alone then whats the reason to play coop.

    Difficulty is at fault my friend.


    If you don't intend to play co-op why haven't you switched to solo? The problem isn't difficulty it's people ruining others fun with "imah play muh garmes howah wan" but refusing to to take responsibility for you know the "mission" part of the mission. Oh they still want it to get done but not by them. Not how they want to play, have to burden someone else.

    Smart enough to figure out why they keep failing defenses too stupid to actually fix the problem. Still always willing to yell at the poor shlub they stuck with the pod who likes to watch it die when he's all alone (<me)

  4. You shoudn't feel the need to dual wield mareloks...

    Dual wielding isn't about need its about awesome.

    "There's never a case where one is good and two isn't more awesome"

    -Manly McSplosion.

  5. I have always and continue to maintain (until lore proves otherwise) that the technocyte infested Tenno who align well enough in purpose and trust form a semi hive mind and that the player assumes that role.

    The whole trans human notion some people want to push seems silly and contradictory. These transhuman entities have abandoned the need for gender being able to shape themselves however they want and yet refuse to abandon secondary sex characteristics. Why exactly would something that far from human insist on maintaining that? I mean it makes sense when you stop to not think about it.

  6. Kusagari-gama

    Whip sword (like ivy in sc or that guy at the end of brotherhood of the wolf)

    Dual whip sword like above but 2

    Weighted chain. Sounds kind of boring but in trained hands incredibly versatile and impressive

    3 segmented staff.

    Yep if those and a couple variants of each were made I'd be in heaven.

  7. its going to drop now like fracturing winds or Burning Wasp. (I.E. drop like crazy annoying). Making everybody who farmed for it/bought it really upset and their jimmies rustled

    Not everyone. I am usually glad when things like this happen so other players won't have as hard a time as I did. Its easier on me to think about others first in cases like these. Beyond that its like early adopter anything. You know for a fact that you'll be able to get it cheaper/easier later. Its something early adoptors have to make their peace with (or whine about like idiots because they somehow havent been observant enough to catch the trend) This is just the same, doesn't change I still have mine and makes it easier to help my clan mates get theirs.

  8. I suppose so, but I think anyone in their right mind using NUMBERS would do so in a way that makes sense, rather than cryptically or in a nonsensical way.  I mean if people have to take training courses to retrain themselves on what the numbers mean, then why use numbers at all?  why not symbols then?



    Yes but it can still be defined as xx. <major revision xx. <minor revision xx. <hotfix making 13.11.1 a perfectly viable and understandable option that is not between 13.1.0 and 13.2.0. Symbols such as A B and C also have an accepted order and would in fact work just as well. See J.OP.ZZ which would be quite a ways along. (and had a lot of hotfixes)

  9. yah yah...  i'm totally aware of that..  but fact still remains 13.10 = 13.1 not 13.9.1 or 13.9.03...  That's what I said in my post.  13.99 is higher than 13.9.02, 13.10 is not higher than 13.9.02 which is the current build, so we would in fact be going backwards.


    13.10 is 13.1 which was released several weeks ago and 13.11 would be a patch in between 13.1 and 13.2, etc.





    I was unaware that software versioning had set rules that couldn't be overridden with internal policy. You know like every naming convention ever created. I think the point I'm trying to make is that it's entirely arbitrary regardless of what convention or guidelines might exist.

  10. I'm fairly sure you won't be able to get excalibur prime or even his avatar on PS4, prick.

    yeah apologies you saw it before it got erased the post was never meant to be published. Got irritated over something not related and wrote angry things came to senses then pressed the wrong button on a phone. 

  11. Well obviously Stalker got Radial Blind, Teleport, and Absorb, so obviously it's possible to rip mods from Warframes and use them. Also, while you say the Grineer can't make a Warframe, their Eximus leaders would like a word with you, because obviously they're quite fine using Frost's Snowglobe and Ember's Fire Blast, and obviously with slight modifications of their own. The only reason warframes can't use other frames' powers like the enemies can is because DE has decided not to let the player do that.

    That last thing you said. You maintain its a gameplay conceit when it's convienient to your argument.

    There has been zero attempt at justification of eximus units through lore. I am not convinced the Grineer powers have anything to do with the Tenno.

    You can throw a bullet a lot of different ways a P-90, a rail gun, an arm. Just because they all have comparable results doesn't suggest that the mechanisms to reach those ends are the same or even similar.

  12. In my opinion the tenno don't seem to be quite the saviors they're supposed to be, but that could just be gameplay intruding on lore. Beyond that, the tenno don't even seem to be particularly interested in eliminating any of the factions; they only go after prisoners who have some sort of tactical value, and they seem perfectly content to sit back and watch the grineer and corpus fight. I can see it going either way, I just personally think that shades of grey are more compelling.

    Yeah that's one way of looking at it. The other is that by maintaining the balance they are requiring both sides to focus on each other as well as the Tenno leaving their attentions off of the good people back home. It doesn't seem like there's a lot of collateral damage as the warfront areas are completely devoid of anything but combatants. Again some of this gets really murky since the civilians though we are assured are there don't have any presence. How much of that is deliberate v time constraints. It's part of what makes lore in warframe so frustrating you're never sure what's just "nope just didn't have time to add that yet".

    As to the grey areas as I said I'm all for them I just can't seem to get them to apply. At least for the definitions that the tropes page presented you have to have some redeeming qualities. The antagonist characters are almost universally despicable and their actions betray any claims (not that they make many) that their intentions are in any way noble. Vay Hek is a politician who murders his ideological enemies for what? to amass more power. Even the scientist who was studying the effects of repeated cloning was doing it to build better faster stronger warriors. To aid in the conquering, not to heal his people. Largely the corpus characters are proxies but what few we do know of are... well real pieces of work and certainly don't do much better than the Grineer. If DE wish to set up a moral grey area (their stated stance would indicate they do not) they're going to have to do a lot better than they are. Yes the Tenno hurt and kill a lot of people but we don't really get to see larger effects of their actions and they are doing no more than any soldier in any war woould and I am not fast to condemn those.

  13. Ruk claims the grineer are protectors, and I assume the corpus are at least interested in keeping their civilians safe so they have someone to buy their products. I think this is one of those situations where many different theories can conflict even within the bounds of established fact, because while the tenno are technically the "good guys" that doesn't mean they're good guys. See the "grey and grey morality" page on TVTropes. 

    We're not talking two in game characters who are individually justifying their actions here though. What the Tenno do they do to enemy combatants. While the Grineer oppress and the Corpus Exploit. I'm down for moral grey areas and all but I'm saying if my two feet were on the ground in this universe the Tenno are god sent heros. I don't think that the Grey and grey morality applies here in my opinion.

  14. Because it's a proxy. Sorry if I don't see anything where Zanuka wasn't anything other than an advanced proxy made out of Tenno parts. Not only that, but we've seen that the abilities aren't tied to the Tenno themselves, but to the mods, so this thing doesn't require a live Tenno.


    It also wasn't said it was just a regular proxy either. 

    Interestingly enough they made a nice point to say that the Grineer couldn't make a warframe they had ripped a fresh Tenno out of work. If the Tenno isn't needed why was that?

    If it's not the Tenno and just the mods then I suppose I'll jump in and get radial disarm and Iron Skin on my Vauban. Yeah I am being a little sarcastic here but you see my point. I think your giving a little too much lore importance to a game play conceit. 

    Believe what you want and all but I'm sticking to the Aladstein theories until some other lore comes up to contradict it. It just makes for a better story. 



    We're silent space killers sabotaging and murdering across the system, grineer are a pseudo-fascist imperial state, and the corpus will stab each other in the back to turn a profit. I'm not sure any of us count as good guys.


    DESteve said the Tenno are the good guys no smile and shrug (this may have been an earlier stance but the devstream I mention is definitely more recent and the topic hasn't been revisited) no ambiguity at all the "good guys" those exact words. Furthermore when asked the perfectly valid question of whether or not there were other non-Grineer or Corpus humans in the system his response was "of course there are who do you think your working to protect". There isn't a great deal of ambiguity their either. 

  15. I think DE is doing an exceptional job at the moment. They are releasing brand new content that will rekindle the fires of gameplay for veteran players as well as simplify and encourage new players with a re-designed NPE and so on. They are revisiting old content and making changes in order to make the overall gaming experience better for all players. With every major Update so far, there has been tons of fixes and changes as well, so I assume that it will be the same in U14.


    All in all, I cant wait for U14. and DE will be releasing great things for us. I'm happy. You guys should be too.

    No one hates a game quite as well as its fans.

  16. That still doesn't mean there's a live Tenno. You're forgetting the Eximus enemies that use abilities.

    Wow you are REALLY opposed to this idea. Why is that? It's at least equally plausible to Alad build void energy generator. Actually given the well understood nature of cybernetics coupled with everyone being so mystified by the void I find it quite a bit more plausible.

  17. The Void is like "Hyperspace" in other sci-fi settings, it allows you to get from A-to-B breaking the speed of light. The implication here is that there are "energies" in the Void but that the Orokin had technology to _shield_ ships from those energies hence why the Ember codex entry suggests a mis-jump for the Zariman

    We have _ample_ evidence that the Orokin were _very_ comfortable with using the Void as a storage medium (The Towers) and a transport Medium (Ships and Solar Rails) so they must have been very confident of their shielding.

    The question is what happens to those exposed to the void while _unshielded_ which is, IMHO quite obviously, the point of the Ember codex entry. As we are told most of the time they are never seen again but in the engineered case we are given, the ship returns.

    Also we have Vor, who is a clone and as such is _highly_ unlikely to posses any kind of X-Factor and yet now possesses an number of abilities he attributes to the power of the Void through the specific Key he has had plugged into his armour/life support for some time now.

    Finally, the fall of the Earth was IMHO not supposed to be long after the events of Dark Sector, long enough for a lucky, prepared few to make it off the planet to a nearby station but nowhere near enough time to bring tech up to the level of the Orokin.

    Vor does not make a good counter to my opinion that it is technocyte+void that gives the Tenno power. Yes he does have some crazy void energy powers, the key difference being he uses a key as a power source rather than being the power source himself as is the case with with the Tenno. His exisitnce doesn't say anything about the nature of Tenno.

    You make some good points that I will have to consider when tweaking my theories but I can't abandon them. No one has ever managed to even answer let alone satisfactorily why a lone black operative who very few in contemporary time_should_know about and who random people several thousands of year later should have almost_no_hope of knowing about would suddenly have the greatest fighting force that mankind and at least one other species had ever encountered named after him. Seems a little too random if you ask me.

    In the end though most of our opinions aren't any more or less valid given the current information.

  18. Where did you get the impression that they are not working on game mechanics and balancing alongside new content? They have teams working on different aspects of the game at the same time. Rebecca already mentioned in another thread that they are costantly working on balancing/debugging game modes. These shiny new stuff are just more appealing to the community that is why these are highlights of the updates.

    I don't think anyone thinks that. They're just whiny and things don't move on their timetables so they complain on forums about nothing being done. It's not that they are unaware of the facts, they just ignore them to make their point with a straight face.

  19. Personally without more reason assume actual technocyte infection I'm of the opinion that Void power is the Tenno's only defining characteristic. Remember that Hayden's armour was made, and not part of his "infection".

    IMHO technocyte material is the foundation of the Orokin tech and hence the Warframes but the Orokin gave up on abusing the raw virus after the fall of the Earth in the pre-Orokin era.

    All of our information about the Tenno and the creation of the Warframes for the sentients war don't mention the technocyte virus at all. However we do have information that a _tenno_ weapon (The Ether blades) were the preferred weapons to used to cleanse infected allies. Indicating that there was an extended period _after_ the fall of the Orokin but _before_ the Tenno entered cryo.

    IMHO this indicates that either:

    1. The Orokin released their _new_ experiment (The infestation) against the Tenno after the betrayal

    2. The Death of the Orokin resulted in the Infestation breaking out of Orokin holding areas

    Either way this gives the Tenno something _else_ to clean up before sleeping and a reason to create their non-Orokin designs for replacement Warframes as there would have been resource starvation and attrition during this period.

    This also explains why all the current infestation seem to be descended from Lephantis, a Key Orokin experiment that was in its _own_ secret facility that the Tenno missed and we only discover by tracing back from uninfected ships -> infected Orokin derelicts -> The Orokin Facility holding Lephantis.

    It is my opinion that the void energies themselves do nothing to human physiology. We see evidence of earlier incursion into the void by both the corpus and grineer. Yet those corrupted show no signs of powers, nor do we have evidence of any other sort that regular humans get powers from the void. Something special has to be present for the Tenno to get such powers. There are two explanations, one is some random genetic X factor. The other is the interaction between the technocyte infection and the void energies. Given that we are called "Tenno" and not "space ninja god" or some equivalent there is some connection to Hayden and dark sector. The most plausible conclusion is that Tenno were a thing before the Orokin started shoving them into the void to give them powers. The ether blades may very well be pre-orokin Tenno weapons designed to fight the infestation on earth before it was abandoned. Indicating there was a period of time where the tenno fought the infested on earth before the rise of the Orokin empire.
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