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Posts posted by Elementalos

  1. Just now, GinKenshin said:

    MR progression is a thing, there’s always gonna be and needs to be a strong weapon and a weak one

    Why does there 'need' to be bad weapons? You lose literally nothing if the twin vipers aren't terrible.

    1 minute ago, GinKenshin said:

    like drinking soup with a fork 

    Nah, it's like drinking soup with a spoon, but someone bent it into a pretzel shape and then flattened it because apparently forcing you to use a different spoon you might not like as much is somehow 'better'. 

    • Like 2
  2. On 2019-01-13 at 7:29 PM, GinKenshin said:

    it’s pointless and game brealing to buff every weapon so it can do a certain mission you want it to do

    Really? Having fewer weapons that are just MR fodder would be game breaking? No it wouldn't.

  3. 7 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    People keep saying this like buff abilities are ever going to be engaging or anything but timer-based abilities you turn on for as long as you can do that.

    What I'm saying is that if "Press a button every 30-70 seconds" with nothing else to monitor, manage or consider other than that timer is the best gameplay an ability can offer... maybe that ability shouldn't exist.

    Like if tomorrow a patch came out and it introduced a bug that made Mesa's 2 be completely unable to activated it basically wouldn't change how I play the frame at all outside saving me two inputs a minute (assuming I was hitting the skill on cooldown which, frankly, I forget to do sometimes because of the aforementioned lack of visceral or engaging mechanics).

    What's worth protecting about that?

    • Like 2
  4. 9 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Active play does not involve pressing the button and then never ever noticing the ability unless you run out of energy or the ability is removed.

    Isn't never even noticing the ability part of the whole complaint about these buff timers in the first place? You press a button and then you have to hope you remember to press it again 30 or 40 seconds later because many of these effects aren't all that visible or engaging. 

    After all, if the ability was viscerally noticeable remembering to tap the button again to reapply it wouldn't really be an issue.

    • Like 1
  5. On 2019-01-15 at 1:26 PM, Leqesai said:

    There are so many options in the game though. I'm okay using a weapon with a fun mechanic over the typical powerhouses. 


    That's why I love miter, kulstar, dual razas, and furis.

    I agree with your sentiment but at the same time the notion that you have to sacrifice power to try something weird is kind of a ridiculous one to begin with.

  6. I don't think this is a good idea but I'm a little bit conflicted.

    On the one hand the whole point here is that you're forced out of your comfort zone to try new things and maybe discover things you didn't realize you'd like for completionists sake.

    And beyond that, mastery levels really aren't THAT important. By like... MR8 you've unlocked most of the relevant content and have access to plenty of really good weapons, it's not like huge chunks of the game are gated behind high MR, it's mostly convenience and a few specific weapons.

    Third, it's not like leveling is hard. Grab your high level grineer endless mission of choice and plow through 30 levels in very little time. Super easy.


    On the other hand, being forced to choose between using your favorite frame and actually being able to level up is kind of a bummer and having the game so heavily incentivize the relatively quick and mindless hydron grind diminishes the value of that whole concept of trying out new things and makes the whole process of leveling up feel kind of pointless.

  7. On 2019-01-13 at 4:07 PM, ArcKnight9202 said:

    Given the passive reloading feature on the set bonus, I think the idea is to empty your magazines and constantly swap back and forth between guns to achieve the bonus since it only partially refills the magazine. Overall magazine size is of a smaller concern in this scenario.

    If this sounds insanely cumbersome and not-at-all fun, then you probably are a totally rational person.

    I mean the idea of some sort of build that rapidly bounces between weapons with charge/reflex and vigorous swap for big damage buffs doesn't sound like the worst idea in the world, but that's a lot of mod real estate that could be spent on more reliable damage buffs especially for a game that doesn't put a whole lot of value on single high damage shots (and you'd need to stack magazine size to make it work with rocket pistols which further devalues the whole idea)

  8. On 2019-01-15 at 3:10 PM, WhisperBiscuit said:

    Titania's kit falls apart however in the sense that evasion makes her survival an rng mechanic, if she gets hit, she dies, even with low chances of getting hit. Couple that with 2 good CC abilities and she can be very hard to kill. She doesn't have 2 good CC abilities.

    I don't think the problem with Titania is anything systemic. It's just frankly, that her abilities aren't very good as is. Spellbind is too slow, Thorns is too weak, Razorflies die too quickly, Lantern has all sorts of weirdness to it, Diwata just isn't very strong. 

    Her fundamental gameplay loop is solid, she's just held back by the way those skills interact right now.

  9. This whole topic seems to presuppose that caster and stealth frames are at an inherent disadvantage compared to bruiser-y frames on the whole and I'm not sure I really buy that assertion. Of the five lowest armor frames in the game, Volt, Trinity and Banshee are all considered powerful frames and even the two that aren't (Nyx and Zephyr) are more considered weak as a result of the way their abilities interact with the game rather than because of their poor defense.

    On the flip side, of the three frames that break 400 base armor only Nidus is considered particularly good and Valkyr and Atlas are generally perceived as poor choices by the community at large. Again, this determination pretty much comes down entirely to their abilities and what they provide for a team, not their inherent tankiness.

    That's not to say Nidus wouldn't be nerfed if he lost a couple hundred points of armor or that Nyx wouldn't be better off if she had armor like Valkyr, but pretty much across the board "How good is this Warframe?" is a question of what their skills bring to the table. 

    Meta defining frames are pretty much all over the place and so are the ones considered universally bad. 


    It also seems to presuppose that facetanking damage is a normal strategy in harder content and I'm not sure that's really true either. The meta places a lot of value on frames that can keep their allies from tanking damage at all. Frames like Frost, Limbo and Gara are considered valuable to teams not because of their own inherent tankiness, but because of their ability to prevent the rest of the team from even having to worry about taking damage through their defensive countermeasures.

    In fact one common complaint on other parts of the board is that higher difficulty missions hit a point where tankiness and damage reduction just stop mattering entirely because enemies have so much killing power.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

    Frost is already one of the most balanced Frames who still excels at what he is designed to do. Not every frame needs to be able to do everything the same and they require different amounts of input for their output.

    No one said Frost should be able to do 'everything' the same as every other frame.

    But the fact that he has a solid place in the meta doesn't mean it can't also be true that he has a lot of design overlap and dead space in his kit.

  11. 6 hours ago, sappinmahsentry said:

    All of this shows that you literally have not played Khora one bit.

    I think what it also shows is how pointlessly reductionist you can get about warframe abilities. You can make an awful lot of warframes sound similar if you try to deconstruct them to the most basic level, but doing that is kind of pointless. Which is why while I understand why the OP wants more super unique warframes, I also don't think it's such a huge deal because most of what comes out still stands out on aesthetic grounds and in the way their various abilities mesh together. 

    • Like 3
  12. Faster paced, smaller story content would be nice. In general I think DE's update schedule is kind of a shame. There are bursts of content followed by long periods of silence and that puts a lot of emphasis on making sure that content can stretch. If we had more bite sized pieces maybe there'd be less of a need to put so much grind to make content last. Or maybe not.

    30 minutes ago, Me.Church said:

    On the other hand, I find it hard to see properly, what exactly were the lessons learnt from PoE as they are implemented in Fortuna.

    Hm... Toroid farming isn't restricted by IRL farming windows either when compared with sentient cores/eidolon shards. That's a nice improvement. 

    And they didn't gate gathering gear. All the fish can spawn without bait and the baseline (and only) Fortuna drill can harvest anything. That makes mining and fishing a more appealing option at low-rep compared to the tiered drills and mandatory baits Cetus has (and it's nice the Fortuna drill works in PoE), I think. 

    Of course Conservation lures are rep gated so that's only a partial win but at least you don't need tags to craft gear. 

    Both Fortuna and PoE still seem too walled off from the rest of the game though, with most of the gear that comes from both zones relying primarily on zone-specific loot that's not useful anywhere else and putting Orbs behind maxing out Fortuna rep is kind of frustrating. It feels like we just traded one nuisance (day-night cycles) for another, even if the latter is a one and done deal it still feels like a pointless layer of content gating. 

    I keep hoping DE will open up op mechanics and make it more accessible for new/casual players to upgrade amps but instead Fortuna amps are even more inaccessible. 


    30 minutes ago, Me.Church said:

    It makes me wonder what is there really to complain about?

    I feel like a lot of the consternation comes from the communication sides of things. I know interacting with a community can be a pain sometimes, but I still wish there was more. Sometimes DE will announce a feature and then we won't hear about it again for months and it's unclear if it's been canceled or it's still being worked on or if it's changed.

    Sometimes the players will 'know' that a certain warframe, weapon, or game feature is buggy/broken/too weak/too strong and yet patches will go by without anything really happening. 

    In your post you talked about how you were expecting PoE to be expanded upon and so far it hasn't and that's another thing. Are the core of PoE and Fortuna done? Are we gonna just get another open world map on another planet in a while and never look back? Or are they going to be expanded upon and fleshed out further? Who knows.

    Armor scaling and the way damage/elemental effects work has been a common issue with endgame Warframe and... I remember maybe a year ago people were talking about a rework to armor and weapon mods and weapon scaling and is that still a thing? Is it being re-envisioned? Is DE no longer concerned about how damage mechanics work?

    That lack of even having a gleam of what's going on behind the scenes can be really frustrating for some people and I think that's the source of a big chunk of that discontent. Granted, like I said communities can be difficult and even if DE told us everything all the time there'd still be a lot of frustration over their priorities, but it'd still be nice I think to have a better clue of what's going on with all these different projects and issues. 

  13. Zenurik is definitely an appealing focus tree for obvious reasons but I think przemo887 and Steel Rook does a good job hitting on some of the other problems here. A cursory glance online has pretty much everyone telling everyone to take Zenurik as their first tree and given how rough DE has made focus progression without specialization, a lot of people are going to be stuck with their starting tree for a long time. 

    Second, the Operator system itself is pretty niche right now. It's an important part Eidolon hunting, but that's a self contained ecosystem and outside of that and one and done story quests they aren't used all that much. Combine that with gear upgrades being part of the aforementioned Eidolon Hunt ecosystem and it means a lot of people aren't going to worry about it much. That means that 8/10 upgrades per tree aren't going to be relevant for those players either. 

    That's not to say Zenurik isn't good and some of the other trees aren't pretty bad, but between slow progression, tedious acquisition of upgrades and how much of a walled garden Operator content is, it shouldn't be surprising that a lot of players just throw their first few points into the most ubiquitously useful tree and then never look back.


    Anecdotally at least I've wanted to try some of the other trees, only to remember that I'd need to grind lenses, upgrade those lenses, then engage in some cheesy-feeling tactics tangential to the core game in order to efficiently level those things up over the course of a couple weeks and... why would I want to bother with that?

    I feel like even without any balance passes if the focus/operator system didn't feel so hostile and disconnected from the rest of Warframe there'd be more variety on that ground alone.

    • Like 1
  14. On 2019-01-07 at 3:29 PM, -Amaterasu- said:

    Warframe is F2P, F2P games survive off of things like making people wait and letting them pay not to.

    That's the conventional wisdom, but many of the most commercially successful F2P games tend to make most of their income from cosmetic monetization, not through inconveniencing and annoying their players.

  15. 2 hours ago, (PS4)CaitaZatomi said:

    I'm super down for some Operator only content. I wanna feel like all the eidolon farming and Operator attack abilities mean something. They really wouldn't even have to elevate levels that much since they don't have to worry about balancing for different Warframes.

    I think operator only content could be neat, but I think it'd need to come with improved accessibility to the operator system. As it stands getting a decent amp and leveling up your focus is kind of a huge chore if you aren't heavily into PoE stuff.

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  16. 2 hours ago, (XB1)AMONGTHEWEAK said:

    I second this, I don't really care for speed running, I like taking my time and going through a mission to explore possible treasures that await.

    When I first started playing Warframe I was really big on this. I'd play stealthily, explore every nook and cranny for every locker and every breakable.

    But it didn't take long to realize that this was probably the least efficient way to play the game, because the containers that had anything useful were few and far between and there was no real reason to explore outside of hunting for sabotage caches and even those are rarely gratifying. 

    It's a shame because it's still a fun way to play. I had a lot of fun trying to explore Fortuna when I first started to, only to realize that weird rooms deep in corpus bases and hidden nooks and crannies inside caves were all pretty pointless too.

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  17. On 2019-01-10 at 3:32 AM, Loza03 said:

    I'm afraid that wouldn't be a cosmetic change.

    The glowing energy pellets would be projectiles, similar to the Mara Detron, or even the Corrupted Crewman's shots. That means that there'd be travel time on the shots fired. It'd be a significant change on how the weapon handles.

    Not necessarily true. There are a number of hitscan weapons that have cosmetic particle effects.

  18. 5 hours ago, Teridax68 said:

    but altogether he's still a very good pick for the vast majority of the game's content.

    I'm not sure I'd really agree.

    Anytime I want to use invisibility to circumvent some mechanics or do cheesy stealth based stuff Loki is my go to frame because it's so easy to make his 2 sustainable or at least semi sustainable. I'll go fishing with him so I can press 2 and tell patrols to buzz off and I'll use him for sculpture hunts and spy missions so I can just ignore most of the enemies.

    But I'm not really convinced I'd want to use him much outside that, certainly not 'for the vast majority of the game's content' and rarely for any button other than his 2.

  19. 2 hours ago, MasterBurik said:

    Sand Shadies should have been a uniquely designed entity with its own specific AI, damage, and CC capabilities. These enemy imitations just reveal how poor their AI is, and how weak their damage is vs. themselves

    This. There are a lot of small improvements that could make sand shades better, but as it stands right now every effect that relies on turning the enemy's damage back against them sucks right now because health pools are so disproportionate and enemy AI is not designed around the idea of short term minions. 

    DE needs to address that fundamental issue before anything else, either by decoupling the abilities from enemy damage entirely or reworking their mechanics. 

  20. I think Meridian/Sequence really is just meant to be a reflection of Corpus/Grineer tensions.

    Call it a commentary if you want on the way a person or group can feel like they've moved past an old problem yet underlying tensions over the past can still simmer despite that. Meridian and Perrin have the same goals but there's still so much fundamental distrust baked into their history they can't really see past and that keeps them from working together.

    Makes more sense than Perrin hating Steel Meridian because they're too warlike or whatever. Especially since Perrin is neutral to Red Veil whose entire doctrine is based around perpetuating violence.

    The Red Veil/Steel Meridian friendship strikes me as a bit odd too. Steel Meridian's primary doctrine is peace and protecting those who can't protect themselves while the Red Veil openly talk about wanting to keep the galaxy in a perpetual state of war to foment change. That seems like they ought to be at odds.

    Loka/Perrin is less egregious but still strikes me as a little bit weird. The Sequence might reject the Corpus ideology of maximizing profit through perpetual war, but they're still profiteers who heavily lean on advanced technology which doesn't seem to jive all that way.

    Not sure why Hexis and Perrin hate each other so much either. The Arbiters reject the idea that Tenno are only weapons and nothing more while the Perrin reject the idea that the only way to achieve Profit is through perpetual conflict, seems like they'd have some common ground there rather than enmity. 

    On the flip side, Suda's alignments seem to flow the best to me. Her interest in old knowledge line up with the Arbiters' desire to become more, her nature as an orokin creation puts her at odds with the technophobic New Loka and her disdain for wanton violence makes her less than friendly with the people who want everything to be fighting all the time.


    From a design standpoint I think some of the problem comes from the way the system forces itself to be symmetrical. Everyone gets a +50/-50/-100 and they all need to interlock with each other and not overlap. So the Perrin hate one warlike faction but are ambivalent to another because that second faction already has their enemies lined up to maximize the symmetry of the system.

  21. The biggest thing I think is to get rid of the floaty stuff, it's just a nuisance most of the time and the loss of repositioning lanterns is pretty tiny compared to the annoyance of the mechanics as is.

    No mention of Diwata though, OP? I feel like that's one of the weakest parts of her kit.

  22. I remember when I first started playing Warframe again recently and having to go through the new tutorial having similar impressions. Having the tutorial planet be easy makes sense, but enemies on earth basically don't have any AI at all. 

    I remember the Jackal being this big roadblock too until I found a random high level player in a group who killed the boss before I could even get to him. Though even beyond the jackal as a brand new player I felt like a lot of the bosses were kind of janky. Lech Kril and Vay Hek stand out as bosses where I wasn't even sure if I was even fighting them properly for a long while until I went to the wiki to read up on their strategies. 


    Agree about weapon crafting too, though there's not much else to say there. In general I feel like there's kind of a big initial hurdle for new players when it comes to crafting gear. You spend a long time stuck with your initial starting weapons and warframe before you can branch out into anything really different and I can imagine that's frustrating to some people. 

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