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Posts posted by Elementalos

  1. 13 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite God said:

    This doesn't belong in the Feedback Forum. Go to General Discussion, or just read the wiki.

    It doesn't, but it does highlight some good feedback in that the game does a really bad job telling people how to utilize and progress the operator system. It's not at all intuitive and burying it behind PoE progression makes it hard to get into.

  2. Amazing at applying statuses, absolutely comical amounts of damage (to the point that it's a better shotgun than a lot of primary shotguns), some ridiculous combos. I don't know why people are so fixated on critting.

    Really the biggest problem with the weapon is how obnoxious it is to farm Bullet Dance.

  3. Not really. Mechanically Battery has issues because it effects one shot in a game that heavily emphasizes mass combat. So you only ever want to use it against super tough enemies. In that regard making it autoactivate makes it worse, since you're likely to waste the effect on fodder.

    Secondarily, because it's a one bullet skill, Battery cares way too much about what weapon you have equipped. This change doesn't really do anything to address that issue, I think.

  4. 7 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    [Sigh] It is an AFK exploit though. Fact is a fact whether you agree or not.

    The fact that Umbra can kill enemies autonomously was never really in dispute. It's kind of one of the main features of the Warframe.

    The question is whether or not the potential abuses of a bad AI slowly generating affinity are significant enough to be problematic and I don't think that's really been shown yet.

    7 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    And what do you mean 'by the time you unlock Umbra'?

    By the time you complete the Sacrifice you're going to have been forced to complete enough of the star chart that you'll already have access to the high level grineer defense/survival missions that trivialize affinity grinding. Which means the benefits of an extremely unreliable and weak affinity grinding bot are pretty much nonexistent. 

    7 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Why would DE knowingly enable something that is an AFK exploit? 

    You'd have to ask DE.

    Because as it stands right now, enemies killed by Umbra still drop items and the ability to 'AFK' farm mods and resources endlessly seems much more significant than inefficient affinity generation could ever be.

    And yet the game hasn't burst into flames. 4-man umbra parties haven't crashed the economy... in fact as far as I can tell they don't really exist. I mean I'm sure someone has tried it but I can't find any evidence of it running amok or becoming the new farming meta in recruiting or anything of the sort.


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  5. On 2018-12-26 at 6:42 AM, Birdframe_Prime said:

    I still haven't heard why it's okay to introduce a literal AFK farming strat, knowingly and deliberately.

    Because Excalibur Umbra is significantly less efficient than other 'AFK' farming strats that already exist in the game? Because affinity farming isn't even a real bottleneck by the time you unlock Umbra? Because mechanics that negatively impact other players for playing with you is bad multiplayer design?

    On 2018-12-26 at 6:42 AM, Birdframe_Prime said:

    As I've said before, everything else in this thread amounts to whining that you want something just because you don't have it, when there is a clear reason why it doesn't exist.

    Really? It seems more like a couple people requesting a change to a warframe and then a couple other people whining about the AFK affinity farming bogeyman when it's a nonissue.


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  6. I don't think it's necessarily a trend so much as the way Warframe is, in fact they've been improving in some ways, the way Fortuna does mining and fishing is a huge step up from how PoE gated the content... and we don't have consumable archwing launcher BS anymore either. 

    That said, I think DE could definitely do more and that putting cool content at the end of time-gated rep trees is not particularly fun.

    On 2018-12-23 at 8:03 PM, Fishyflakes said:

    The rest of it I can say "you're too impatient, you aren't grinding efficiently enough, and it's all on you."

    The fact that we're talking about the most efficient ways to play a video game kind of highlights the OP's point though.

  7. 53 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

    Because people were complaining about Rotation C only appearing once every 20 minutes, with desired items having very low drop rates, if I'm not mistaken.

    Shame DE hasn't done anything about all the other cool things with terrible drop rates on Rotation Cs of whatever.

  8. While I appreciate your passion, the title is pretty misleading. What you want an entirely new Warframe that just happens to look like Mesa. There's nothing about that that's a 'fix' and it's kind of strange for you to start off by saying that she's one of your favorite warframes and then from there go on to explain that you actually hate pretty much everything about her. It makes the whole post feel a bit disingenuous. 

    10 hours ago, Seele said:

    Mesa's pretty broken.

    Is she? Or is she just not what you want to play? The main thrust of your OP regarding Mesa's playstyle seems to be that Mesa isn't the sort of Warframe you want to play, but instead of just finding one you do enjoy more you want Mesa to be entirely redesigned to suit your preferences, which is kind of a weird way to think about the game.

    • Like 2
  9. Better rewards would be nice, Warframe relies pretty heavily on its endless resource treadmill as a core gameplay gimmick and even low level missions give resources that stay relevant. Conclave takes you off the treadmill. 

    Another issue though is that Conclave is pretty well hidden. There's no opening quest that introduces you to Conclave and it's not on the star chart. From my experience a lot of new players don't even realize that Warframe has a PvP option. 

  10. On 2018-12-13 at 12:00 AM, Aheael said:

    One of the silent rules of every game is you never mess with core game mechanics

    I think it's a bit of a stretch to call a boring mod a fundamental core mechanic of Warframe.

    Unequipping Serration doesn't fundamentally change the game, you just do less damage (and DE finally removing the mod would inevitably include rebalancing to address that anyways).

    On 2018-12-16 at 9:01 PM, Klokwerkaos said:

    the problem with mods isn't the damage aspects, that appears to be the issue on the surface, but it's not, the problem is enemy scaling and AI.

    Enemy scaling is a huge problem with Warframe's endgame and I'm kind of baffled DE hasn't done more to address it (I remember reworking armor and damage types to improve the endgame being on the table a full year ago and it doesn't look like any of that has actually happened yet) but "Serration is really boring" and "Enemy scaling is broken" are kind of separate issues. There's a little overlap in how busted enemy scaling effects elemental mod choices, but other than that fixing one doesn't preclude changing the other.

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  11. On 2018-12-17 at 8:46 AM, peterc3 said:

    In the unlikely event they change it, Gilded items will absolutely not be able to be broken down.

    That seems like it would have been a better system. Disassemble and reconfigure kit weapons at-will until you decide to lock them in by gilding it. 

  12. On 2018-12-01 at 10:45 AM, Tangent-Valley said:

    You could say "Player go insane for the new Meta Arcanes/Primes/Trade-ables, and only certain parts of the Player-Base can farm them efficiently to get and sell them. Is this really the "Game" DE wants to produce?".

    That's a pretty weak analogy. All of those items are things you farm, acquire and then finish. There's a clear progression and a well defined end state (i.e. when you acquire the equipment).

    Rivens aren't. They're an endless time sink whose only end point is when you get too frustrated by RNG to continue.

    Your analogy would be more comparable if say, instead of having 20 armor more than the base version every time you crafted Mesa Prime it'd randomly have somewhere between -5 and +50 armor... and also that you weren't crafting Mesa Prime you were crafting a random prime warframe.

  13. It's a pretty dumb mechanic, especially in a game like Warframe where player HP scales up relatively poorly compared to enemy HP and player damage. In any mid level missions someone wielding a weapon with self damage is honestly more likely to get killed by themselves than anything else in the game.

    7 hours ago, Momaw said:

    If you don't want self damage, then the weapon has to be brutally slow and clumsy to use, or have terrible ammo econ, or something else.

    That describes most explosive weapons already.

    7 hours ago, Momaw said:

    If AOE weapons have no weaknesses compared to single target weapons, then every single target weapon is obsolete which isn't what you want as a game designer.

    This suggests that self damage is a meaningful drawback in and of itself. It isn't. It's just a nuisance mechanic. Most missions the self damage is never going to be a factor, because you're going to sit back and lob damage at enemies from a safe distance like everyone else. What it does mean is that every now and then you might accidentally kill yourself. 

    You talk about things that aren't what you want as a game designer, but a 'balancing mechanic' that amounts to having a small chance to instantly die seems like the poster child for bad design choices.

    Moreover this doesn't really hold up on observation either. Across the life of the game the most consistently strong weapons tend to be rifles and shotguns with high stats, not explosive or gimmick weapons.

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