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Posts posted by Elementalos

  1. 1 hour ago, MickThejaguar said:

    He's a support frame. Supports aren't meant to be used solo.

    Even still, he's got some nice on demand defensive options and good gun buffs. He's not going to press a button to wipe rooms but he's hardly helpless on his own either.

    • Like 3
  2. Harrow's only real problem is more a systemic one with the way shields work in the current game. Shield bypassing damage, magnetic procs destroying percentages of shields and shields being squishier because armor doesn't work all makes shields in general kind of weak, which sucks for a frame based around shielding.

    Also can agree with birdobash up above that Thurible only working on personal kills is frustrating, but at the same time I understand why in its current form it'd be problematic to work on all kills.

    That said even despite these issues Harrow is one of the best frames in the game, combining some good defensive utility, CC options with a couple of really nice buffs too. He works really well. 

    • Like 3
  3. The real question about Heat is why the procs are so much worse than every other DoT in the game. Against any mob that doesn't drop instantly she loses big chunks of damage if the enemy is set on fire by the wrong move with the way heat mechanics work. It's both needlessly punitive for an already substandard element and something that's not readable or intuitive. Obviously with WF's heavy focus on dropping mobs as fast as possible making heat dots better won't solve all her problems, but it'd be a start.

    1 hour ago, IamQwerty said:

    Perhaps make her more bent towards utility like Frost and Volt?

    If anything Volt needs to be more like Ember. DE advertises Volt as a "Potent alternative to gunplay"... actual volt gameplay most of the time is shooting bullets through a bubble for better crits. zzz.

  4. 2 hours ago, (PS4)DBR87 said:

    I am speaking from experience that having parts in syndicates is a much faster and painless way then when I got them from missions.

    Yeah but they could have just made crafting archwing weapons follow the same rules that most other weapons do and make the system much more convenient. 

  5. Killers in cold weather would make a lot more sense. As it stands you don't really want to be farming the lake in cold weather because it's just sapcaddies for days... but the weather cycles are so short it's a little hard to justify bouncing between two sources either.


    I think crafting requirements could use another look too. It seems backwards that you need 40 thermal lasers for the gaze chamber alone, despite krillers being time sensitive and moderately uncommon, while 40 venedo casings are more than you'd need to craft every item in the game that uses them despite the sapcaddy being one of the most common fish.

    • Like 1
  6. I can't replicate this one reliably but it seems to happen most consistently when attempting to quick melee immediately after (or perhaps simultaneously with) using a warframe ability. Most frequently I've seen it happen while using quick melee immediately after exiting Mesa's 4.

    The warframe will perform the animation of drawing their weapon, reset to neutral and then attempt to draw the melee weapon over and over indefinitely. While this is happening I am unable to activate most abilities or use any weapons. 

    Activating an ability that forces some sort of state or equipment change such as Mesa's 4 will fix the problem. However, while playing as Loki I was unable to stop the animation loop at all.

  7. Ember kind of has the same problem Vauban does where too much of her kit real estate is spent on the same thing. Dunno why DE thought she needed so many abilities that just do fire damage in an AoE and apply status.

    Beyond that though I think her biggest problem is more systemic than personal. Heat is just kind of a bad element, with a status proc that's worse than every other DoT in the game for no discernible reason and a damage spread that's not all that impressive.

  8. Can't say I really felt like I had this problem when building my own, but I will admit I generally use the wiki to look up parts and then buy them specifically rather than browsing for what I want in game.

    8 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

    "zaws are easy, because it's three parts. kitguns are hard, because it's three parts"

    I see...

    Did you read the post? Because that's not what OP said. OP claims that the parts are visually indistinct, have poor flavor text and that the search feature is broken, contrasted with zaws, which he says don't have those problems.

    Don't really get mocking someone with strawmen in a thread about asking for QoL improvements in a video games of all things. 

    • Like 5
  9. 5 hours ago, (PS4)Herrwann69 said:

    Most of the problems you're putting on frames are gameplay and system matters.

    What most of those frames need is not a rework but a overall damage rework and system adjustements.

    While true, is that going to happen? DE made a big push about sweeping reforms to damage and scaling like a year ago: status redesigns, element rebalances, retooling enemy defenses, cutting back on needlessly inflationary +numbers mods...  and then they stopped talking about it.

    For now it seems like we're stuck with what we've got, so making suggestions for how to fix stuff in the game as it exists makes sense. 

  10. In the southwest section of Orb Vallis there's a body of water with a large rocky outcropping in the middle and a crashed ship to one side.

    While standing on the rock fish don't seem to be spawning properly.

    While standing on the rock, even using glowing bait to maximize visibility I saw two fish spawn in 20 minutes of gameplay. In another 20 minute session standing near a so-called hotspot I only saw one fish spawn in that same time period.

    Leaping away from the rock onto any of the nearby shorelines causes fish to spawn at a much more normal pace. Jumping back on the rock afterwards would have no new fish appearing around the rock (though still spawned fish near the shore remain, obviously).

    I've found this to be pretty consistent. Jumping on the rock causes fish to nearly stop spawning, leaving the rock makes them spawn normally again.

  11. The problem I think is more a systemic one with the way the focus system is currently implemented. I'm not gonna argue that Zenurik isn't very useful, but that there's more to it here.

    First, the consensus online is that Zen is by far the best school to start with. It gives you the most immediately useful abilities and doesn't require you to fight too hard to figure out the new system. So players who go looking for help regarding focus (of which I think there are quite a few considering the game presents this choice to you completely blind) are going to read this all over the internet and as a result we're going to see a lot of people picking it up. I think this creates a kind of self fulfilling prophecy where everyone goes Zenurik because everyone says you should go Zenurik. 

    Additionally, Zenurik is definitely the most universally usable tree.

    This normally would just be whatever, because people can change their schools later and progress through the system, but...

    Second, the entire Operator system is very segregated from the rest of the game. The game gives you one really bad lens when you first unlock the focus system and getting better lenses requires you to engage in specific forms of content. Actually making that farming efficient requires you to engage in even more specific content, as does upgrading your Operator's gear. This means that for a lot of players who aren't at least moderately engaged in PoE/OV content, that first lens they pick up is going to be all they have for a long time and they're going to be progressing through the system very slowly.

    It's not a coincidence that the 'best' tree is the one with the most useful first and second skills. 

    Additionally, the content that encourages the use of the Operator is generally tied to that content too (or story quests that are tuned that even someone with no investment in the system can complete them). So you don't NEED to try to make your Operator better unless you're doing the content that helps progress your Operator. The system is both self contained and kind of hard to get into.

    The fact that the Operator system is so impenetrable and so disassociated from the rest of the game is a huge contributing factor to the current balance problems Focus has. After all, we say that Zenurik is overpowered, but the truth is that for a large number of players, you could get rid of 80% of Zenurik's skills and they wouldn't even notice either.

    That's not to say that there aren't balance problems, even looking at the other T1 passives it's easy to see some serious discrepenacy between them, I just don't think that's the whole story.

    tl;dr Zenurik is widely advocated as the best starter tree because of how useful its first two skills are, and since the Focus system is a such huge pain to progress in without playing in a specific way, many players are going to be stuck with those initial choices. Additionally, the operator system itself just isn't all that impressive without that specific investment, which further discourages players from exploring the rest of the focus system, including the rest of Zenurik.

    If it was easier to progress through the focus system and upgrade amps within the Star Chart portion of the game and Operator content itself was more relevant I think the focus on Zenurik would be a bit less extreme.

    • Like 3
  12. 2 hours ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    I don't see Chroma on this list -_-

    Chroma has a lot of issues but he's still ridiculously usable and even part of the established metagame for certain mission types. So while I want to see him improved too, it's understandable why he's not on a list about the bottom 6 frames.

    2 hours ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

    I think the devs just don't know what to do with him.

    The thing about Vauban is that I think he requires a much more significant rework than most other frames. Even big 'reworks' to frames often amount to limited functionality changes to skills and rebalancing of numbers rather than sweeping redesigns and Vauban's kit kind of begs for the latter.

    There's too much internal overlap in his kit. 2, 3 and 4 are all forms of area control and step on each others toes thematically a lot.

    Then on top of that his 1 and 2 are both about space control and denial in a game that wants you to funnel enemies together so you can kill them all more efficiently and doesn't lean on chokepoints all that much. They also suffer from scaling problems where enemies strong enough to be worth controlling and shutting down mostly aren't going to be very inconvenienced by them. Enemies that do get messed up by Vauban's various mines tend to be so weak that the control is as much of an inconvenience as anything else.

    All of that points toward a significant reassessment of his kit more than just tweaking numbers around.

  13. I think Arcia has a good point that rate at which weapons and abilities scale relative to each other is a big part of the problem... not just with Excal but with a lot of frames with damage oriented skills.

    But I'm not sure that that's the solution for Javelin either though. The problem is its role in his kit. As a damage skill it's slow and makes you lose a lot of uptime for your other skills. As a CC skill it's... slow and Excalibur already has an AoE CC skill on his 2. It just doesn't feel like it really adds anything to his kit. Buffing it significantly would in turn just run the risk of infringing on one of his other already existing skills in the same fashion.

  14. 18 hours ago, DrBorris said:

    You can do these things with all of these Warframes and still be "good" with them, but they are all capable of so much more if you use their full kits. It is not a fault of the Warframe, it is on the player to make the most of a kit, if they are not doing so that is the player's fault. 

    The thing is she really isn't in this case. It's not like 'you aren't getting the full advantage' of the kit. A mesa who doesn't press 2 or 3 is losing a ton of free stats for literally nothing and trying to pretend Roar is anwhere near as situational as Sonic Boom is a joke.

    But Banshee not using her 1 or 4 is... the plan (outside using 4 on low level missions for roomclear I guess). Even the people defending her kit as fine admit that in serious content they're 'oh S#&$' buttons you press when something has gone wrong. Optimally you just press 2 and if your Warframe literally didn't have any other skills no one would even notice.


    They're also not great examples on your part, there are literally two threads on the front page of this forum (and one on the second page) about problems with Mesa's kit. Hydroid and Inaros (especially the former) get complaints about their mechanics too fairly often.

  15. 10 hours ago, DrBorris said:

    She isn't perfect and could use a few tiny tweaks here and there (one-hand Sonic Boom, recastable Silence), but overall she is one of the best gameplay Warframes (which there are far too few of to begin with, but that's another rant).

    She's undoubtedly fun to play and very thematic but best designed in the game? It's both completely viable and, if this thread is anything to go buy, actually fairly normal to play her pretty much only using her 2. At that point she's not even really a frame, she's a radar aura and a conditional damage boost.

    It just so happens that radar and multiplicative damage boosts are really strong so that's all you need.

  16. 18 hours ago, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

    Considering the above point about DE needing people to buy things so they stay in business...

    and that players can Trade among each other (thus partly attenuating the motive to buy direct from DE); it makes good sense for them to balance based on the most hardcore of those players. If they used the average joe as a baseline; you'd end up with a separate population of hardcore players who end up buying much less yet also likely using up the most server time.

    You can incentivize players to buy things without also forcing them to run specific team compositions for efficiency. That's the point. Booster monetization could still exist in a world where Desecrate didn't exist in its current form. 

    I also think you overestimate the dedication of the casual player base. More likely I think that upon seeing how abysmally rare toroids are that a lot of people are just going to stop bothering with Vox Solaris more than they're likely to crack open their wallet to buy Nekros and a stack of boosters.

  17. 12 hours ago, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

    Players will always organize to find the fastest and most efficient ways to get things done. Its inevitable.

    The point is 'most efficient' shouldn't be the baseline. Designing systems that are awful and unwieldy unless you go about them in a very specific way is terrible and is just going to discourage people from wanting to bother.

    • Like 1
  18. 15 hours ago, AndouRaiton said:

    Second Dream gives us Broken War

    TWW gives us the broken scepter and Orvius blueprint.

    I honestly forgot broken scepter exists, my mistake.

    That's still a lot of swords... and broken scepter and Orvius are still both melee slot weapons.

  19. Don't take this complaint too seriously but...

    The War Within rewards us with Broken War, a sword.

    Three quests later, The Sacrifice rewards us with Skiajati, another sword... and Excalibur Umbra, a warframe that summons a sword for its powers.

    The next quest after that, Chimera Prologue, rewards us with the blueprints for Paracesis, another sword.

    That's literally three (or four) swords in five quests, and the prologues are more like interactive cutscenes than full blown quests too. So if I want to exaggerate as much as possible I can say with some degree of honesty that Warframe has given us four different swords to wield in three full quests. 

    I mean hey, they're all cool weapons so ultimately it's fine, really, I don't think anyone is gonna get honestly mad at cool free gear...but maybe don't forget that primaries and secondaries exist! And melee weapons that aren't different types of swords.

  20. 1 hour ago, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

    Just Nekros? Where was the rest of your squad with Pilfering Hydroid and Trinity EV?


    ...I think i see the problem...

    Needing a squad with 3 specific warframes in it to make the farming even remotely efficient? That seems like the bigger problem here.

    • Like 1
  21. 11 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

    It won't be fixed because it not being fun is the whole point. WF is a free-to-play game with a pay-to-skip business model, meaning that you don't pay to play the game, you pay to not have to play the game. Of course the grind is bad, it's that way on purpose to 'encourage' players to buy boosters. If your game's business model relies on players paying money to skip or speed up the boring parts, well, you gotta have some boring parts.

    That doesn't really work in this example. There's no way to just spend platinum to get standing, boosters are unreliable. You don't even get the option to buy the end rewards outright like you can with moas and kitguns. 

  22. On 2018-11-07 at 1:08 AM, GOOFBALL1 said:

    No. If she was evil, she wouldn't had saved us from sentients AND orokin.

    I don't think it's that simple. Yeah, she protected the Tenno but Ballas has a good point that pretty much everything she's been directing the Tenno to do has helped keep the solar system fractured and factional which absolutely benefits Hunhow. 

    The right answer here seems to be "it's complicated" because that seems to sort of be a running theme DE is trying to get across with Warframe's recent story quests. I don't think Lotus is evil, but she's not just the omnibenevolent spacemom that the game wants you to think she is for the first three quarters of the story either.

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