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Everything posted by PsychoGlory

  1. Dante was obliterated out of sheer stupidity displayed by developers that don’t know when to leave well enough alone. It always astounds me they want the community angry for no reason. They intentionally tell people just a tweak here and there and it usually ends if breaking things or making them worse which is exactly what has happened. People invest time and funds in something that will become trash. Have the decency to refund the funds and formas paid with Dante. You have made this anniversary the worst by making fun of your players with this nerf. Dante has been caliban'd. Chroma'd. Oberon'd into the gutter.
  2. The recent nerfs are completely uncalled for they ruined so many good things. Dante is now just as bad as Caliban.
  3. Dante is now useless, what they did to Styanax is what they did to Dante but even worse. Dante is now just as bad as Caliban.
  4. I can’t fathom nerfing Dante this harshly when frames like saryn, protea, kullervo, and Octavia exist. Sure Dante was a strong frame, but did we really need a nerf one week after his release when there’s so many better nukes and support frames in the game? It’s odd that he gets hit when there are frames that have been doing absurd things for months to years, and they are completely untouched, but Dante is nerfed into the ground. DE you really, really messed up.
  5. DE has a history in ruining warframes because of toxic players that do not really use those warframes. Most do not even go to higher level content. There should never should be nerfs in a game, only buffs.
  6. The only one calling for nerfs are a very small minority of players, just read this forum and reddit. Calling for a nerf is toxic and removes the fun others have. If Dante is nerfed there are many others that need a nerf long before Dante. Any frame that disrupts game play like Saryn, Mesa, Titania, Volt, Limbo just to name a few are far more disruptive but I hear no saying they should be nerfed.
  7. Calling for nerfs is toxic and people claiming otherwise are the toxic ones. Removing the fun from a game ruins games and that is what nerfs cause. CrownOfShadows everything you said is an oxymoron. Essentially you are saying this game should only be fun for certain people that play in a very limited way. That is not what a game is.
  8. The problem people are having with Dante appears they are jealous that he is good from the start and a lot of players have become toxic so of course they want nerfs. The whole point of a game is to have fun but so many people do not like others having fun so they whine until they ruin everything. I do not know why DE listens to these toxic minority of players. Dante should not get a nerf at all.
  9. Dante does not deserve a nerf, he is not as strong as many other frames we already have. Will we get nerfs for Octavia, Saryn, Revenant, Wisp, Volt, Khora, Wukong, Mesa, Titania as well? They are very dominant and far more over powered then Dante.
  10. There is no reason to nerf Dante of any other warframe in the game, even if something is strong it causes no harm to other players at all. The whole point of a game is to be fun, when toxic players demand nerfs they are ruining the fun of other players. We need to find a way to deal with the toxic players that whine for nerfs. Leave Dante alone and DE you need to stop listening to toxic players who go out of their way to ruin the fun of other players.
  11. How about they nerf Octavia, Saryn, Mesa, Xaku, Revenant, Mirage, Wisp, Protea instead. They deserve a nerf far more then Dante.
  12. Dante does not deserve a nerf, he is not as strong as many other frames we already have. If Dante is to be nerfed so should Octavia, Saryn, Mesa, Xaku, Revenant, Mirage, Wisp, Protea. Do not nerf Dante he does not need nor deserve one.
  13. Dante does not need a nerf at all, just use him on steel path. At best Dante is just good, compare him to Octavia, Saryn, Xaku, Revenant, Dante simply is not as strong as them.
  14. On Baruuk Prime skin when you equip a syandana it sticks out, stands out weirdly just like Grendel prime was. Grendel glitch was fixed, but Baruuk has the same problem.
  15. On youtube TheKengineer goes in detail about several bugs with the miter incarnon mode.
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