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  1. yep absolutely true, as max hp rises slash doesnt, since its a flat amount not a hp% true damage, so ttk will go up but is that a problem when most slash weapons can kill enemies in 2 procs anyway ? this is coming from someome who primarily uses slash as their main source of damage, a lot of weapons these days do like 1 slash damage then the slash proc instant kills the enemy after the bleed effect kicks in. if there is a reason for it and DE thinks its the right thing to do, slash damage could be adjusted with it as you say it
  2. i think the issue here was addressed somewhat in the OP's message, as they explain, 90->95% armor is halfing your damage because instead of 10% going through, now 5% goes through which is half of before, but with the current system, it goes from 90->95->97.5 ... etc really really fast, you can see this a lot easier in duviri as level ramps up quickly and you can feel how each stage gets instantly harder with armor going up by a ton. while this is all true, this is SP duviri and we're talking about level 1000 enemies, that is 0.1% of the content we run. having said that the problem still persists in normal SP content, as some elements are actually non-viable, such as electricity, the second you turn origin system into SP, the armor upgrade is so huge most players will FEEL how impactful armor is and it instantly sends them a message that if you cant deal with armor, you cant deal with steelpath
  3. absolutely agree, as long as TTK and EHP stays around the same ball park, its good, some people say these changes like armor having a cap is a saryn nerf because now she wont be the only one to reduce armor so drastically, but thats just not true, its not a saryn nerf if others can do it too, yes it 100% brings down the value of armor strip compared to before but ... good? because armor strip was almost necessary for late game content, that or you run viral slash, so now if the changes are made in a good way, we can still run viral slash but also run other elements such as electricity which have been real bad against high armor, i think the changes will be rough at first but its a necessary evil. as of how the game stands against armor right now : A)armor strip=no -> Need extremely high base damage like Laetum or Slash damage B)armor strip=yes -> can use basically anything as long as enemies dont have high base HP like WitW enemies this means if you ran the second type, youre free to do what you want and have fun, but if you ran the first type you almost NEED armor strip
  4. magnetic buff wont be doing much as long as toxin exists, why would you ever run an element that nerfs enemy shields when you can run one that ignores them its the same thing as running corrossive VS slash, yeah sure corrossive nerfs armor but why bother when slash ignores it??? i think buffing HP is good since it gives more room to balancing, nerfing armor effectively nerfs and buffs everything in the game, frames that relied on anti armor to be good like slash frames or armor strip frames become less valuable WHILE frames that couldnt function without a helminth for armor strip become actually viable, it just goes from some frames being viable to more frames being viable at the cost of lowering enemy difficulity, so i think to combat this it would be good to buff hp to a standard where something like heat and electricity can actually have competition against one another, currently heat WILL out perform electricity against armor, so making electricity basically non viable against armor in later stages of the game feels bad for weapons who use it and especially for frames that use it as their primary damage, like gyre. So make armor not a full stopper for some frames and statuses but buff HP to make it so the current strong options (viral heat, viral slash, slash,) dont also get stronger alongside options we're trying to buff :D
  5. imo faction mods should stay in the game for people who like to min max but not needed for content to be done, if you NEED a faction mod then i think thats a problem, if you have the option to make your life easier with it but can also use other stuff for it, thats good
  6. so basically took her core ability away? her whole kit is made to buff herself and nerf enemies so her 4 will one tap anyone it comes across, thats like taking kullervo's 1 or any ability from harrow, the frame still works but that was the point of their kit to synergize together
  7. her farm is probably a bit rough for newer players, with the eximus stronghold but if youve come far enough for that you can probably do it as a newer player. after that you need a lot of syndicate standing to get all her parts, then once you actually build her you need pretty expensive mods for her which a new player wont have, but lets say you keep going and get the mods too. now you have a strong frame that can 100% shred enemies with her 4 but then you realize she's ... kind of bland, your 1 and 2 are just to prime enemies, your 3 is just a buff which is strong but not flashy or fun, then your 4 although is strong and fun, is slow and a little clunky, so without some casting speed its ganna feel weird to use over and over. and then at this point you realize there's just better options in the game if we speak objectively, but through all of this, its true that dagath is a very very strong warframe that has really good numbers and abilities, and anyone who does like her wont be disappointed in her power
  8. i will say this has 2 sides, you can addapt with your builds and make new stuff for the challenge sometimes when you HAVE the option to do so, for example last week i had to go MAX efficiency, 40% duration kullervo which in reality makes 0 sense but in practice was actually not bad, i would have never done that if it wasnt for EDA. on the other side, if you dont get the frames that have the flexibility to do that stuff, you cant do much, same with weapons, that same week, with kullervo i first got the Zaw as my weapon, which sucked for me, then after a couple of days it turned into the Hespar which is one of the worst weapons that has innate bleed procs, as its slow and clunky but i made it work, if i didnt have kullervo with those weapons, it would have actually been impossible to do it wiht anyone else since my primary and secondary werent much to write home about
  9. i dont really care either way cuz you can always just do netracells instead, so theres an alternative option, but having mirror defence in a heavily nerfed and randomized loadout mode is just like taking care of a toddler who blows up if you leave them for 1 second(the defence crystal) but the problem is with the duration nerf one, you have to basically use weapons to stop enemies and if you dont get good weapons, you cannot stop enemies
  10. the forums are nicer in my experience since the forums account is tied to your warframe account, but reddit is just filthy a lot of times, i think the forums and reddit can be toxic, while the people actually playing the game in chat are almost NEVER toxic, the warframe community in social media(forums included) and the actual in game communtiy are very different in toxicity levels
  11. omg same, since the day i started this game i asked my friend about this and he had no answer either, i know for a fact that corrupted heavy bombard doesnt die to 20k damage, im doing at least 1 mil damage each hit but it sometimes does and sometimes doesnt show the real number
  12. i remember a bit ago i got called out for being new and not knowledgeable enough because i was MR18, at the time i had 1135 hours in warframe ...
  13. update just dropped guys, go check out the new LoS changes for yourself
  14. which also get another 10 pages of revert requests, it dont matter how many pages they open, people will still ask for what they want, theyve done it for 60 pages combined now and they will continue to do so
  15. DE missed so hard even the "bad guy" doesnt agree lol, i am yet to see a single person ask for tragedy nerfs, even my post said nothing about tragedy being too good
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