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Posts posted by (PSN)ArsArcanumPS

  1. Personally, I think that what they did was the right thing.

    Us in the raiding community got something very special taken from us, I personally don't believe you deserve something like that if you weren't affected by Raid Removal. BUT I REALLY THINK WE COULDA GOT SOMETHING MORE THAN A REGALIA.

  2. @-Temp0-

    It appears as though you do not understand the full power of Oberon. I feel bad for you, as he is probably the best frame for soloing Eidelons, and in fact, I solo Sorties, Kuva floods, LUA SPY, and do hour-long endurances. (Well, mot I can go 25-30 alone, but Kuva Fortress I can run for over an hour).


    I do understand where you're coming from though, you just love your one-trick-ponies that can't do anything else than what they are made for.

  3. @Sqecmi

    Thing about Oberon is he isn't meant for ONE thing, he does everything a team of those guys can do.

    He buffs, but not as good as Octavia

    He heals, but not as good as Trinity

    He can CC, but not as good as Rhino

    He can be offensive, but not as good as Harrow

    The only thing he cant do

    Is be Nova.

    Because Nova is Nova.

    and Nova is OP

    (He also can't stealth but I take him on Spys anyways)

  4. @Datam4ss

    Sadly, Supra vandal cannot be bought off the market, and plus, I just REALLY like how my Dera Vandal performs. Better reload than Supra, but I also have a Status + Multishot Riven for Dera, so I don't even NEED to use Dual stats, and I still hit 100% Status. I built it to be GODLY, and it can even outperform really good Telos Boltor builds. (As long as they don't have a god riven, those are super expensive, luckily I got my perfect Riven for just 30p)

    Also, I'll see what I can do to get Glaive Prime. ty.

  5. @Furadow

    Still, you should get him. He's super easy to get, and if you don't like him, sell him. At least do it for the free Mastery Rank.

    The main reason I suggested him though was for his amazing survivability and he's a great starter, because he can help you figure out what type of frame you want, though he is very tough to use himself in my opinion, due to things he does. His smite knocks down enemies, irradiates them and deals damage based on the HP of the unit you targetted. Hallowed ground prevents statuses when standing on it, Irradiates enemies and does dmg over time. Renewal is a Set and Forget healing ability that regens HP over time (My HPS aka Healing Per Second is 117, while keeping my Duration and Range at their bases and Effeciency at just 90%) and when combined with Hallowed Ground, Renewal becomes Iron Renewal, giving all players that are affected by renewal that step on Hallowed ground receive a flat armor buff, (My armor buff is 585 btw). Lastly, Reckoning (I AM YOUR RECKONING) knocks down enemies, strips enemy armor, irradiates enemies, blinds enemies that are just barely outside Reckoning's range, and then can leave enemies affected by Reckoning or Reckoning's blind, open to finishers.

    Yeah, Oberon is complicated.

  6. So... as you probably saw in the title (Unless you like to click on random threads, which is cool too I guess...) I'd like to get some new weapons. I'm looking for fun, yet effective weapons that I can get my hands on (Preferably without a massive plat grind, I want that Dethcube skin!). Here's some info to work with about what I currently like to use:

    My most used Primary, Secondary and Melee

    Dera Vandal

    Vasto Prime

    Silva and Aegis Prime and/or Prisma Skana

    And also, I've been looking at the Sancti Magistar for a while. Is it good? I'm not sure to be honest, I don't need it's ability because I use Oberon almost 24/7, and I'm very skilled with him, but I do like Hammer type weapons...

    Thanks in advance!

  7. Honestly, Oberon is one you should go for. He's a Jack-of-all-trades but master of none. He's good at helping you figure out what kind of playstyle you like (Except stealkth, he doesn't have stealth abilities. To admit, I might just be biased because I practically "main" him, because he's incredibly OP when modded correctly.

    If you can handle his playstyle, he becomes almost invincible, and he can make his allies, no matter the frame, the same way.


  8. So. I wanna be a space cowboy-ninja-robot. I just got this thing made today, and I really don't know how to build it, and I've heard that this has some really good Rivens. How expensive are Rivens? I've never bought nor sold an unveiled one before, and I would REALLY like one for my Vasto. I also need a good build, sadly I don't have any Primed mods, just normal ones, but I think I can still build a really good Vasto with Hydraulics and Sharpened Bullets?

  9. He needs a buff, or rework, or both. Nobody uses him, and all the youtube "builds" are just bullS#&$ speed builds...

    Firewalker - S#&$

    Blazing Chakram - S#&$

    Warding Halo - AKA Iron Skin

    Divine Spears - meh

  10. 9 minutes ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

    Another Oberon player? High Five bro!

    The Sancti Magistar is great and pretty cool, but the Healing mechanic is pretty hard to use efficiently. If your hp is low, you'll prefer staying back and shoot them with a Furis than switching to you melee and try to land one Charged attack that will heal you a bit while getting shot from every direction. I use it for fun, sometimes, but if I want to heal I generaly use my Abilities / Syndicate procs / Vazarin / Medi-Ray / etc. Still, you can get it if you want. I really like it, especialy with the uncommon Stance that suits the Magistars, but not really for the Heal, tbh. Pretty damn cool with an Oberon Feyarch too :P.

    The Furis tho, is something I'm also working on. Crafted one not so long ago when I got a cheap Riven for it. Forma'd it once or twice I think, but the Riven is my biggest problem. 7 rolls and the best stats I got was Toxin+Fire and nothing else. Still, it gives 120-125% for each at max rank so I'm expecting something at least as good as my Aklato Riven (PT+95% Fire+~300%Damage) once I get some good rolls, but without any booster it's kind of a pain to farm kuva since I have 5 other Rivens to roll as well. Still, Even without any Riven Mod a Furis with the Augment can be very usefull against Grineers and Infested (and Corpus if you use Toxin) even if the base stats are low compared to other secondaries. If you can deal enough damage with your Primary and Melee weapon, you don't really need a Secondary that focus on damage as well. Having a backup Heal in your pocket can be very nice sometimes.

    It's good to see another Oberon player, its been so long since I've seen another I've been thinking we're an endangered species or somethin' >_>

    But from watcha said about the Magistar, I think I'll hold off on getting it, since I have Fragor Prime which is a total crit beast, but I do still kind of like the Magistar, I think it fits Oberon better, it looks cooler, but I think I'll do some more research before deciding.

    I don't yet have a Riven for my furis, but it's something that I've been tryin to perfect. Thanks for your input.

  11. 23 minutes ago, RobWasHere said:

    Furis augment for the win. Sancti Magistar isn't a bad weapon, but if you want to use it for its gimmick, its VERY slow to do charge attack. Status weapon with Healing Return would do better. Stick with Furis.
    Also remember that augment is for single, non-mk1 Furis.

    I dont plan to use it just for the ability, but Maces are apparently Oberon's "thing" (I mean, look what they did to Silva and Aegis, and the OG Oberon came with the Magistar), but I also just wanted to try it and I thought the healing was cool. Should I use a different Syndicate weapon instead? and if so, what?

  12. So I've been looking at the Sancti Magistar weapon for a while, and I think it's ability is really cool. (For those who don't know off the top of their head, you emit a healing pulse if you kill an enemy with a charged strike) As an Oberon player that obsesses over constantly being healed, I'd like to know if this is any good, and any good builds for it, but I also have the Furis, which I've had since the start of the game, and I haven't tossed it yet, but when I looked at the Sancti Magistar in the New Loka syndicate menu, I saw there was an Aug for Furis. Show I invest some time and forma into this as well? I believe I can make it a pretty good status weapon, since it's getting a buff, a small buff, but a buff none-the-less. I think these two weapons can work wonders together, especially on a frame like Inaros or Oberon.

    Thanks for your time!

  13. So, Rakta Cernos has probably become my FAVORITE weapon in the game, even though I absolutely hate bows, this just trumps out everything else I've played with, even the Corinth, which I loved too. So I want to get the BEST Rakta Cernos Build I can find.

    I like to use Heavy Cal on my Rakta, it performs well. I like to have a LOT of damage, and I can hit headshots really easily. So I included Argon Scope and now Im hitting Oranges about 75% of the time.

    I'd like to try and make this weapon more powerful, so send me your builds please

    Thanks in Advance!

    (btw, mine has 0 forma, so if your build uses some, or you think I should add polarities, please say so, but I would like to use the least amount of forma necessary)

  14. Hey, so I have an Ash Prime and I really love it. I'm not very good at building mod setups, so I'm here, asking for some help.

    Here are my build parameters:

    Enough strength to COMPLETELY strip enemy armor (So seeking shuriken + Min armor stripping strength requirement)

    Tons of duration for Smoke Screen (I like to have that go on for a while)

    Good Efficiency (Spamming Smoke and Shuriken can take a lot of energy if I can't get more back, or limit how much I use)

    I don't give a damm about range, as long as I dont have to be in shotgun range to teleport to enemies (If you use Fatal Teleport, you can add it, but I dont need it for this build, so feel free to give an alternative to Fatal Teleport if you include it in your build)

    Health and Shields do NOT have to be increased, but you can work with a Vitality if you want to, but please show an alternative mod if you do include Vitality.

    Lastly, I don't have primed flow, primed continuity or handspring, but I will be trying to GET handspring, so if you think it's a good addition, please add it to the build.

    Thank you in advance!

  15. Ok just an fyi, I know nothing about nova and most of y'all are kinda talkin like I have some clue, please explain a little more, I can't really understand what her abilities even do with this sort of info. I don't want JUST builds, I want info too. Thank you in advance

  16. Ok, so I won a Nova Prime set in a contest and I've never actually played with Nova before. So I don't know what the hell to do with her.

    So, what is she like? How do her abilities perform and where does she specialize? What is her best and what is her worst ability?

    Then, what may be a good build for her? I've done some research on Nova Prime, but theres only so much Wikia will say about her, and none of my friends will tell me about her because they keep trying to get me to sell it to them, so obviously she's a good character because they are some REALLY high level players.

    Thank you in advance for all the information.

    Edit: Btw, I don't own any primed mods, but I can probably figure out what to replace with primed mods when I get them myself.

  17. So, I've been playing for a while, not too long, but I know what I'm doing. I'm an MR 11 with decent mods I guess, but no real knowledge of actually correctly building my weapons.

    I want to know how to build my Ash, but in a very specific way, as I already have a good stealth build and fatal teleport build (but if you have suggestions on what else I can do, feel free to suggest). I want to make an Ash prime build that does not focus on what thing in particular, but focuses on ALL of his abilities (Besides bladestorm. Just Shuriken, Smoke screen and Teleport. Teleport is being used for fatal teleport btw).

    I think I'm getting very skilled with Ash, enough that I do not need any for of HP, shield or armor mods. I want to make something purely for his use of abilities, and it can be used in many different types of missions.

    Secondly, I recently got Nikana Prime, and I would like an end-game build that is very powerful. I also need the build without prime mods or Buzz Kill, since I don't have those. Preferably a Crit build, but a good status build would also help me immensely.

    Thanks in advance!

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