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Posts posted by Radagosh

  1. xD its like half of you guys never played an invasion before, if youre only reward driven its YOUR fault for not getting 4/4 points i changed between sides too but got 11/4 because i wasnt so stupid and ran after extra 25k creds or r5 cores everytime they showed up.

    And the thing about not getting Dera, DE stated everyone would get the winners weapon just w8 like 3-6 months and its probably gonna return just like detron did.

    The event was fun way more fun than the last few, the only thing that screwed things was that period where you got multiple rewards from one conflict but again if you stayed true to your side it didnt matter while merchenaries got punished, which i actually find to be rather amusing and nice.

    Also this event was way more casual and less grind than gradius would have loved to see you all complain about that event... probably the same arguments:

    -It wasnt explained that you needed atleast 51% for the side you supported i did only go after rewards and ended up supporting the corpus now i wont get my brakk potatoed and with loadoutslot.

    -Why dont i get my Detron bp if i fought for corpus i dont like brakk it looks ugly...


    DE is giving us all these awesome events and most posts on this forum complain about being to dumb to understand core gamemechanics and not able to get all the shiny things and the weapon. Well sucks to be a reward driven guy that cant plan towards the future doesnt it...

  2. its not a new weapon thoguh...

    Yeah i would like to see primed reach again or the fabled primed streamline which will happen in like u25 but i cant rly complain about nice accessoires and a high voltage even though i got both mara detron and high voltage already. Think about the noobs!

  3. Buhuh DE supports the losing side with better rewards to make the event more interesting...

    Not like they did the same thing with gradius or anything.
    And if you rly want that potatoes and r5 just support nef on that conflict and go back to salad next time, you just need to end up with 4 at the end.
    Sure i would have prefered the way gradius worked with a fixxed amount of conflicts you needed to participate in and whoever you supported more you sided with, that way you were more flexible.

    But calling it rigged if they make it more interesting is just dumb.

  4. I feel like removing serration and stuff should aslo include removing the slots. Thats why i feel its totaly useless.

    Anyways it also feels like formaing and potatoing weapons is way less useful after removing those mods (removing serration+splitchamber would free up 29 modpoints)

    Also only lvling a weapon shouldnt make it stronger a lvl 30 weapon shouldnt be as strong as a lvl 30 weapon with serration and splitchamber on. If you want to remove those mods remove them for good and balance the enemies health, armor and shields and dont give us another system that overpowers weapons.


    I dont like the idea of removing those mods because they pretty much show your progress in warframe. Sure they end up on every build but getting them and lvling them is one of the goals players have first when they start out with this game.

  5. used my first restores during the tactical with riftsigil reward...

    Nowadays im running around with 400 energy restores and 400 health restores + 200 ciphers and a voice inside my head shouts at players begging the trins for more ev in raids because they dont bring restores themselves and are fully dependant on them.

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