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Posts posted by Radagosh

  1. play the game and you get them. if it was up to me i would have them never return at all, they should feel more special just like your excal prime but hey DE wont go that way and brings them back all the time. So just relax do sortie check for baros visits and youre fine.

  2. 9 hours ago, (XB1)Englands Own said:

    A reason to go longer hmm, maybe the player wants to be challenged with his/her multiple formaed weapons/warframes. There Is absolutely no point one shotting everything, where Is the fun or challenge In that?. Other  than speed running fissure missions, why would you not want to challenge yourself?.It gets boring pretty quick If you don't challenge yourself.I don't  know why would you just want to breeze through a mission all the time?, where's the fun In that?

    Everytime the same argument...

    Let's say there is a new prime frame coming out, let's also say you have enough relics would you a) go for 40 waves of defense to farm his 1 part or do b) 8x ext runs - in the time you take to do 40 waves id probably have finished 20+ exts.

    Now my old post was before they announced they give more traces for staying longer, that's nice but again I think i might get more traces and parts from 20+exts than from 40 waves def.

    Some players suggested that each relic gives 2 drops every 5minutes. I think this is a very nice approach, so we get what we want which is multiple items from 1 relic and DE still gets their not 10+ items from 1 relic.

    Also an important question can we refine the relics ingame? This would be awesome for the "endless" style of missions. We could use the traces we just farmed to refine the relics we use to farm the stuff we need w/o leaving the mission early.

  3. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)FingerFlikenBoy said:

    Yeah, I agree but at least they're taking a step in the right direction. 

    That's  not the right direction imo it just shows again that the devs dont seem to know what us veterans want. We want to get multiple rewards from 1 relic/whatever for investing more time and going against harder enemies.

    We dont want to spend 1 relic every 5 waves to get 1 reward. Especially since the rewards stay at the same dropchance while the enemies get harder to deal with. Why would i waste my time on 40 waves def instead of 8x 5 waves?

    Gimme a reason to go for the harder variant because players will always do the easier and faster thing if there is no extra reward.

  4. 40 minutes ago, RistN said:

    It seems to me that only people who use to earn platinum by selling prime parts and people that did not play void much are missing old Void.So let me tell you few facts about new system:

    1)Few prime parts and sets are still worth 100+ platinum and they are more easy to get and less time is spent farming it.

    2)Ducats farm is much rewarding now than it was.

    3)Void missions are better and more challenging now if you miss gameplay.


    There is a lot to this game than only doing void missions.It's no suprise you got bored with it.

    as a guy with 4.5k hours in the game i can tell you there isn't. Endless void was the most fun for us veterans and now we don't have anything left to do. Sortie is a boring task that doesn't give you anything but endo (got 400k here) i started maxing primed slip magazine because i got bored and baro doesn't bring anything useful. Raids, well Raids are repetitive but kinda fun if you still need the arcanes, which most veterans don't. (Also veterans aren't people with 100 logins, I'm sry Rebecca they aren't)

    Anywho I'm getting side tracked, is the game dieing? Probably not, it just loses a lot of old players, because they've got nothing left to do, but hey most of them will return for war within and the 2 weeks of content it brings. I'm just wondering what DE's gonna do after WW. I'd prefer u20 being about fixing systems (solar rails, sortie, focus, damage3.0 and dmg scaling) and giving us back some kind of endless fissures that are worth doing or even giving us a whole new endgame instead of some reskinn of frames.

    For me the game was most fun when we had ICE @(*()$ us over with their taxes on sechura, battling against them or going for those juicy 1million credits rewards. Active alliances and people raging about them on region chat.

    But hey that's just my opinion and i still love the game and the developers, well everyone except the guy that nerfed ma saryn :sadcry:

  5. I didnt feel ripped off when they sold the trin skin pack, which i bought and now i can finally buy hunhows pack w/o feeling bad for spending so much plat for a weapon i already have. I bet the people that buy the pack to escape the grind for war will buy it  with the -55% reduction or without it. To me it feels like youre just annoyed others might play with your shinys but relax and just buy prime access, well or farm 3 days for it.
    Galatine prime will be better than war and break the game so theres always that to look forward to.

  6. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)WiiConquered said:

    I want to make sure I understand (haven't gotten the update yet): you need Nitain, a resource that drops from random alerts, to finish a story quest, and people are defending this?

    na he needs it to craft titania. For once the quest doesnt need you to finish warframe parts before starting the next part of the quest.

    But i agree with OP i myself have no problem with nitain cause i did every single alert i could ever since that nightmare was introduced. Still id prefer a way to farm them w/o having to check deathsnacks for alerts every 2 hours and if i think about the casual players that dont have the time to spare idk feelsbadman...

  7. endless missions were a lot of fun for me. I'd really like if DE makes the traces droppable from enemies again and maybe give us the option to stay longer in surv,def,excav and interception fissures to get additional prime parts. Like every 10minutes/10waves/3scanners/2waves you get to choose between 4 prime parts.

    Atleast add forma bps to the rotations, theres nothing else to do than raids and sorties for any veteran. Atm i only raid and do sorties and log out again, since they removed anything else worth doing, you cant even farm ducats anymore and we might get war within before they actually change the ducat prices.

  8. The only problem i have with the update is that they removed the only thing close to an endgame - endless survival and defense in the void.

    This problem could be easily fixed if they added forma bps (a,b+c) and maybe even cata/reactors in the c rotation at mot, that hellhole where my nekros gets oneshot at 2minmark would be the best endgame we ever had and we would have an actual reason to play it.

    Another possibility would be traces again dropable from the corrupted enemies, this way we could continue doing the fissure missions while farming for traces and getting relics (still waiting for that dropratebuff DE)

    Well and ducats still being worth the same as before sucks but they gave a reason for that if I remember correctly...

  9. you encounter them when you join the lvlplaces of this game, back when draco was a thing they met up there nowadays its berehyna or the void interception no clue what its name is. If you arent speedlvling you will probably never encounter them, like this never happened to me in a def only in those interceptions.
    Well might be because you learn to be a twat in those places, loose every hope in the community and realise that you have to solo these places while lvling in the worst case scenario.

  10. Just now, Yoruno said:

    For what reason do you choose to leave at last second instead? I can only see it as being an &#!.

    to clarify things im talking bout those runs with 3 guys standing on top of that pillar thing whil i run around cap points and have to kill everything - in that case im happy to leave you alone and hope you fail miserably. Because you dont deserve xp for doing nothing and i get less xp because i need to kill everything.

    now if you just leave for lulz then yeah youre a $&*^ but if youre still in there with other teammates its no problem, except if youre a leecher w/o good frame or gun and think the comunity will lvl you for doing nothing.

    So in conclusion either use a unranked frame or a unranked weapon never both together otherwise you deserve (imo) getting left alone and fail the mission miserably


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