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Posts posted by Radagosh

  1. k so blueprints of weapons and such... usually im the last to ask something for noobs but if i was a noob id think this game is pure pay to win now. Im mr 21 and had to look for like 5 minutes till i finally found the button that changed it to bps. I know its easy money that way but i think your new players wont stay if you squeeze out everything at the beginning just add restricted areas if you need the money so much.

  2. i like it, but:

    - make it so i can scroll out faster

    - if im too close and want to open a planet i instead click on a damn node and it starts instantly

    - biggest point, show me where my drones are at, you cant ask me to remember 3 drones i place on the same planets since like u14 or so, Im stupid dont do this to me

  3. y is an ability that grants you invulnerability by limiting you to close combat, which falls off in high end situations such a bad thing?

    When youre done with valk you just go to the next frame and make it unusable, how about excals exalted blade next, its broken with shadow step (naramon focus) so we should totally nerf it into oblivion too right?


    Why dont we start nerfing other things like mirages prism for ccing the whole map let's make it los, ohh or how about loki he's op maybe we should just remove him from the game.

    Was the greedy pull nerf not enough and i dont mean the one that made it mag only, no that one was ok i mean the one that made it los and made pull unusable?

  4. go to your arcane thingy in the foundry (down on the left i think) then go to the tab installed and after that choose the one you want to upgrade, same goes for the distiller. Took me like 2 hours till i found out how it worked and where everything was xD

  5. I think the researchcosts are a worse problem for bigger clans. My mountainclan took 3 days to get the research done were at full capacity and kick after like 18days of inactivity. I can only imagine what less active clans must go through.

    Another problem is that only like 10-20% of a bigger clan contribute to research so pls think about that when you add new clantech DE.

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