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Posts posted by Deathstrik3

  1. To go a little more indepth on the sentinel thing and put it in perspective, having one allowed me to take on level 40 enemies on an unranked warframe and with underleveled weapons.

    Quick question for you on the things you are having issues with difficulty wise, are you switching weapons/mods for the different factions?

    Only reason I ask is because some weapons have a huge advantage against one faction but a major disadvantage against another etc.

    Also which WF are you using?

  2. All reasonably issues, allow me to go through and address the ones that I can.

    1. This issue has only really become a problem the few days, maybe a week now and they are working on fixing it. Though there are still bound to be the occasional crash, it is a Beta after all. Hopefully in the coming weeks and months it will be an issue no more.

    2. From my experience this happens most often when using a melee weapon to smash the container and even more often if you use a charged attack, if you hit it from the front though the stuff tends to fly in to you and you will collect it all.

    3. Without knowing what level you gear and mods are and what planets you're trying to do I can't really help in much detail on this one.

    4. Sentinals are so expensive because (In my opinion at least) they can be extremely powerful and being able to get them for any cheaper would mean getting them incredibly early on and making the already easy content easier.

    5. I have also had this issue, quite annoying really. I would say join the other people and put in a low priority support ticket about it so they know that it is affecting lots of people.

  3. The rank restrictions are for platinum as well.

    Wait till you get off of the starter planet and you will start to see some totally different enviroments including planet surfaces.

    The "Same Room" thing was kind of done on purpose, like a diablo game there are several hundred "Tiles" for creating maps which are all selected randomly at the start of a mission to create a random map. So while some rooms are the same (just like they are in real life when you are dealing with mass produced military structures) the actual layout of the map is totally different.

    The real 12 hour wait time to build something is not bad at all IMO, just set it up to build before you log out for the day and when you log in the next day it will be built and ready.

    And finally this game is not "Pay 2 Win" it is pay if you are impatient, the game is not competitive and so there is no advantage to getting new weapons or frames other than variety for yourself, not only that but you can build ANY of the weapons or warframes in the game, so free players are not restricted at all in that regard.

  4. then try it, whats the problem in trying something out? holy hell...

    A. Why try it out when you can just ask? (Though granted there is the wikia, but not everyone knows about that.)

    B. Given how many numbers fly around and how random those numbers can seem and how hard it would be to tell with the 20% base chance it would take forever to figure out everything about it so it is easier to just ask.

  5. you cant help one who cant use their brain. why must i think for him?

    Even if one were to make the reasonably assumption that multishot gave a percentage chance to fire an extra round, without trial and error or asking someone there is no way to know if it uses up ammo for that extra shot or how it works for shotguns and if it would use the base stats of the weapon or the modified stats.

    Basically, this part of the forums is for people to ask questions some of which may seem obvious to others and for people who know to answer them. Not for people like yourself making stupid comments as if everyone should just automatically know exactly what something does.

    If you are not going to help people in the part of the forums, then I suggest you don't come here again.

  6. Clearly you have just been having bad luck, I average 200 rubedo and 100 alloy plate a mission on sedna and I don't go out of my way to search everywhere.

    However some of the other resources do drop too much IMO, I have almost 100,000 nanospores for example.

  7. Says has been farming frost since joined, has been a member for 9 days...

    Even if you some how managed to get to the frost boss on day one and again some how managed to kill him in a reasonably amount of time to farm it that isn't really all that long. My friends and I have been doing runs there every now and then to get the BP's since WE started playing and we only just got the last BP two days ago.

    TL;DR RNG should make it so you do 30 runs on average, but some people get really lucky and only need 3 which means by law of averages some people get unlucky and will need to do 90+ runs.

  8. That is why there is the option to spend a small amount of platinum to "Rush" the building of it, if you only rush at the final stage you will be getting it for a small fraction of the original platinum cost.

    You could also do what I have done and just did the other day, get the resources to build one frame and within the next 24-48 hours get enough to start building a second one that way when the first is finished you will only have a day or two until you have a second frame.

    Also it isn't really that hard to get the resources once you know where to go etc, took me about 6-8 hours of gameplay to get everything to build Frost including the blueprints which took a lot of that time.

  9. If that happen, let's hope different frame got different growth rate. Loki gaining the same health like Rhino should be a no-no.

    Technically they already do, all frames gain the same percentage increase in stats per level, but because they all have different base stats like loki's 75 health to rhino's 100 means they will get a lot better in the things they are already good in but not gain much from their weak points.

  10. Fair points, but lets look at what you just said, "Tank" I play as volt, and ember. They have 10 base armor. I can go up to Lt.Lich Krill now at this point, have equiped furax 15% Stun chance frost damage and charge speed with charge damage, and sit on him. just spamming my melee attack, and sit there while he shoots me in the face while still having only my base 10 armor, I can take his damage because i have over 1000 shield, and by the time he gets me to 100 my sentinal just refreshes my shield to full again. So you're saying "Tank" can be anyone, because right now with the way the scaling is, it's stupidly over powered.

    Another point, how you're saying the passives were put in place so they don't get one shot eg - (Ember) If you don't want to get one shot you should be forced to pick, shield and vitality, or damage, you should not be allowed to have over the top health and shield with super damage because you can't step to the side or hide behind a box when an enemy targets you. What was the point in having dodge mechanics if you don't know how to use them.

    They do not need passives at all, I have both shield and health mods aswell as flow streamline and focus, they are all the mods you need for good damage high health and shield. Yet you're saying no they should be allowed to pick other mods instead. Also you're not even taking the factors of other players, you're basing your speculations on solo missions.

    I am pretty sure I said in that post that I do think the current amounts are too high, but I still think they should be there just to a lesser degree.

    I have also stated that the way it is right now is a test for them to see where it needs to be set at for it to be "balanced".

    Also I think that the different frames should have slightly different bonuses for example the "Tank" frames should get shields and/or health maybe even armour at a rate similar to what it is now, "mages" should get more energy with less health etc.

    Not only that but IMO some of the base stats for frames need a little tweaking, they were originally made with the old mod system in mind which balanced things out with the passive tree and how many mods slots they could get etc. like the Loki having 75/75 Health/Shields was ok because it had one of the higher possible mod counts.

    TL;DR This is a beta and where it is at right now is just a test to see where it needs to be set for balance.

    P.S. No matter what they do there will always be people that will find the "best build" like there is with every game and that will have you be pretty much unkillable etc. Whether or not you take the easy way out with those is up to you, personally with the way things are now I am going to skip on using the health and shield mods on most of my frames and take things like sprint speed and stamina.

  11. Not to be offensive to anyone who is new to the game, but this is not needed. Sure if you're doing single-player mode you will need more health and shield for the fact you would have every enemy targeting you opposed to Co-op where you have up to 4 players taking aggro from all areas.

    I have played this game for sometime, and with my Shield mod and Vitalty mod both almost max, I already had 910 Shield and over 500 health before the update.

    Now with this so called good update (passive scaling shield and health with level) It's ridiculous, I don't die, I can go up to a level 30-40 boss solo, and sit there beating on them with my furax and never die now...

    This game should not be giving passives to people, you're telling people it's fine to not know how to dodge attacks, it's fine to not know how to play the game, keep standing still and letting enemys attack you, don't use the evading tools we have spent hours putting into the game, it's fine lets just make it like every other FPS out.

    I learnt very quickly, if i stood still when enemys attacked me i would be dead in seconds, it pushed me to learn to kick enemys down use my charged melee attacks and play tactical, now i don't even need to do that.

    Please Warframe, reconsider this update.. you're making the game disinteresting to people who have been playing for 40+ hours like myself.

    People like yourself whom keep making posts like this are missing the main point of them doing the passive health, shields and power increases, it was done so that people were not FORCED to take 2-3 mods just to not get one shot in higher level missions. Now someone playing an ember can skip out on taking those mods for things to improve the powers or movement speed so they can dodge more easily etc. but if a person wants to go at the game as a "Tank" and have 800+ health and or shields they can do that now as well.

    Before update 7 it was incredibly easy to reach 400 health/shields without even trying and with few if any mods to increase them, you used to be able to stack mods which gave +100 or more shields each and had room for up to 14 mods (depending on the frame) none of which were taken up by abilities.

    Do I think that the current amounts are a little high? Yes, most definately. But not so high that I think they should be removed completely because that defeats the original purpose of these changes and that was to give the player base more options with how they mod their warframes.

  12. Since most people complained when passives were removed and now most seem to be complaining about them being put back in some way before giving the devs a chance to strike a balance I feel this video is appropriate.

  13. For those that did not see the Dev post, they are working on overall balance late game so that it won't be so stupidly easy.

    It will take time for them to figure out the right balance between a frames shields and health and the damage output of the enemy etc. give it time and I am sure it will continue to get better like it has been.

  14. To be honest, the health packs are kinda pathetic, too. The most one heals is 100, which is not that much considering how high our health can get. It'd take 4-6 of those to fully heal one's self.

    But then you can also take the Rejuvination artefact or have a trinity with you to make up the difference.

    If you are hemorrhaging so much health every mission that the health orbs plus health packs and the regen artefact can't keep you close to full hp then the issue is with your play style.

    On a side note I actually enjoy when I mess up and have to go through the rest of a level with 30 or so HP, it actually makes it challenging.

  15. There is nothing wrong with the amount health orbs heal, it's probably your playstyle or the groups you play with. Even with 400+ health and standard shields you should not be dying THAT much, even in multi.

    This, my friends and I play Eris endless defense missions against infested most of the time going up to wave 25 normally which spawns enemies around level 80 and whilst doing those missions I have used some of my lowest level frames with no health mods and I go down maybe 4 times at most because I get caught off guard by a toxic and the poison drops me.

  16. Personally I think the way that health orbs are right now is fine.

    If they make them better then there will be less reasons for people to use Trinity, the Rejuvination Artefact and the many different health packs you can get.

    The last of those being the easiest thing to aquire, spend a few credits load up on team heals or self heals if running solo (or if you're just greedy) and you shouldn't have an issue.

    I will however agree that when revived you shouldn't start at full health, I think 50% HP and 0% Shields.

    Edit: If they did change how the health orbs worked, then they would need to make those other healing things better IMO to keep them on par with the way they are now.

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