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Posts posted by Deathstrik3

  1. u are just one of them who have sold the mods before the update and have now enough credits nothing more

    I actually sold a decent amount of mods before the update but held on to most of my mods for the ability to use them in the fusion system, I had a little over 300k credits and a few hundred mods before the patch. I lost 60% of my mods during the patch somehow and what credits I had went after maxing out Rhino abilities and buying a blueprint or two.

  2. Sell my mods for 1000 creds...or wait till patch only to find out that there is indeed NO conversion system in place and they are now worth 50 credits...

    Thanks for sticking that up my rectum guys. Appreciated.

    EDIT: also to find out it will cost me a couple MILLION to use those mods... lmfao.

    That cost isn't actually accurate, there seems to be a display bug on the estimated cost part, when you actually try to apply it there will be a confirmation popup and it will be much less, like 30k or so to max out a power mod.

  3. There hasn't been, to my knowledge at least, that the skill trees were being removed. If you find my information wrong, blame my resource... not me. I try to find as much intell as i can before i make a post on something that not many people know about. If you disbelieve me, check around the forums and point to me where it says that skill trees are being removed. I haven't spotted such a topic so i dismiss it, sorry.

    It was mentioned in the hour long Q&A video a couple weeks ago, but that is probably to long and I don't remember the exact point it was mentioned.

    But it was leaked on the forums/reddit a few days ago here; https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/15341-the-new-artifact-system-was-posted-to-reddit/

  4. I don't believe that they would change the Frames spec tree by that much where it renders a Reactor useless... they would more of the lines fix the Mod areas with different specs which... would of course... be spec removed so that you can choose a more worth while spec in the tree that you can still choose. (Those with 11 mods currently equiped can get 11 spec points back and the spec tree is changed where the mods use to be so that it would be more appropriet)

    It's up to the DEs to do this or not... I'm on the side where they wouldn't change the mods by so much that it would ruin it for everyone with a Reactor.

    You do realize that everything you said in this post will not be relavent in the least right? Skill trees are being completely removed in U7, mods are getting changed as are "mod slots". All frames will have approx. 10 "mod slots" and 1 "mod power" per level, that power will be doubled if you have a reactor/catalyst slotted and then different mods have different power costs and a bunch of other stuff.

    TL;DR What "Potatoes" do is being changed so much it is like night and day.

  5. Try to keep post count out of the discussion. I spend more time in game than I do on the forums so it's hardly a point to bring up.

    Again the leak is only providing people with something to do while they wait. It's helping generate excitement for the new patch which is always a good thing.

    While that may be true, could you imagine what might happen if this leak or a future one turned out to be old and no longer relevant information and people got all excited about it only to find out a few days later that it was scrapped?

  6. I'm not sure if it will really be up on steam by the end of the month; those dates basically always get pushed back and it seems to me that pushing out a big patch that will significantly change the game will require a decent amount of testing before they want to go fully live with it.

    That being said, I really don't get what the big deal with the negativity regarding this leak is all about. What negative consequenses does it really have? I've seen nothing but people getting excited about the changes and stoking the fires of interest in the game. This is a video game not national security guys...

    People are getting annoyed with it for a few reasons.

    1. Those founders who paid enough to get early access to this information are no longer getting their exclusivity.

    2. It is possible the Devs will start to hold back information from the Design Council so this doesn't happen again, screwing over the DC again.

    3. All information that is posted in the DC is not a final product and is subject to change, so if the info is leaked and everyone gets excited about it etc. and then it gets changed, pushed back or possibly cancelled all together they may get annoyed and so on.

    There are no doubt other reasons that I have not listed, but those three are some of the main ones.

    TL;DR It screws the Master and Grand Master Founders over as well as the Devs.

  7. As it is right now attacking enemies that have been knocked down is not very good, doesn't always hit etc. the change they are doing is so there will be ground attack animations against prone enemies.

    The Lato Vandal is making people "excited" because it is a unique closed beta tester only weapon

  8. - Banshee, female warframe, sonic based abilities

    - Saryn, female warframe, poison based abilities

    - a bow like weapon (probably, as it can be seen in the reveal picture of Banshee)

    - a new tileset set on the surface of a planet in an arctic enviroment

    - removal of the mod system and the skilltrees, they will be replaced with 'artifact cards' (there will be some trade-in for current mods)

    - everyone will get a Lato Vandal handgun for free as CBT reward (including slot)

    - expansion on the melee system with parry, etc

    That's all i can remember which also has been mentioned in the public forums and/or dev videos. There is some more info in the master+ founder restricted design council board though.

    Allow me to add what I remember.

    - Stealth Kills with unique animations for different weapons

    - Improved Stealth options by making the AI behave more naturally, stopping at consoles etc

    - Specific attacks against prone enemies

    I feel like I am forgetting some things as well though.

  9. I whole heartedly agree with this. Getting annoyed with seeing alerts from a few days ago revived and then continued on with people saying things like "Lock this thread already".

  10. I can kind of get the people that don't like the 3 day wait (Personally I am fine with it), but complaining about a 12-24 hour wait is stupid in my opinion, you can set up something to build when you log off for the day and when you log in the following day it should be done or close to it unless you don't have a job or go to school or anything else and are logged in to the game 24/7.

  11. Don't forget that in update 7 they are throwing mods out the window along with skill trees, so it is possible that will have a large impact on how most skills work/scale.

    I think there was also mention of changes to some skills at some point in the Q&A.

  12. Just sell white mods to make money and if I recall correctly the less points you have in the warframe the cheaper it is to respec it with 60k being the most you will ever have to pay.

    Honestly I think the pricing is fine as it is, I have done it a few times as well as spending as much money as I can on weapons, blueprints and crafting etc and still have a couple hundred thousand credits left over and I hardly sell any mods.

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