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  1. New Augments are kinda Bruhh Yareli could win DR with Merulina too Lavos can disable your passive and we can use Energy for spamming skills Loki are broken Citrine maybe can gain CC after a time hitting a crystal 0 Caliban augments and a trash Umbra Augment... Nice!!! Nerfing Nourish are acceptable but what about a buff another's helminth skills to make more usable on more builds and remove Nourish Crown? F to Eclipse
  2. Give Gorgon incarnon adapter the same evo 2 than Boltor (Crimson Overture)
  3. Make it like Garuda's passive + Toggle Tap for Damage: kill enemies build up damage buff Hold for DR: take damage build up dmg reduction
  4. Pls add a option to disable this new indicators too... Like status proc, normal damage and Ability damage (We dont want to see that eletric proc on Wisp and volt mini damage flying around my screen) And Melee need a update... More Zaws parts and weapons, Useful Stances for a bunch of good weapons with horrible stances Like Gunsen
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