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Posts posted by --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-

  1. Grakata or any high fire rate weapon, use decoy and distract them and ambush them from behind or front flip surprise ground attack them then melee them or just get inside their bubble and shoot them point blank in the face. Or nyx absorb or chaos to make enemies attack the nullifier or blade storm etc.


    EDIT: Yes amprex, and glaive and any other AOE splash weapon.

  2. As a weapon collector that has all the event weapons and 200+ weapon collection the sheev is the only thing I missed as during this time I was busy with real life and had important things to take care off. Please bring the gillette dagger back!

  3. What you showed here is a jpg file which does not scale with zooming. For upload a .png file is required and those files don't have pixelation issues upon zooming due to the way the data is handled in this format. I suggest making a .png file and checking on it if you have any issues - pixelisation shouldn't happen in .png but of course it won't become magically detailed.

    Yes true though the original PNG file when i zoom it by 30% is when it becomes blurred and pixelized most of the clan banners that have our emblems in dojo I assume is 20-30% zoom on our emblems original size meaning that I might have significant cause of worry that it might indeed be pixelized or blurred in dojo banners and flags.

  4. No we are just silent killers going about our way and destroying everything that stands in our paths. We don't need our voices to express ourselves we have our blades, guns and skills that do that for us and I must say our actions definitely send a greater impact/message than words will ever do.

  5. Agreed mag only truly shines if players know the value of her skills and mod her properly and use her skills with the right timing. Excal actually has a variety of complex builds and is versatile and might be hard to fully master for newer players so I do agree that they should not be in the starting 3.

  6. Try opening your existing emblem (that you tried to upload) in paint or some image editing software and try zooming it and scaling it, does the same effect occur?

    Its actually worse the pixelization problem with the 128x128 image that i previewed initially when i open it in picture viewer at 20-30% zoom it becomes so blurred the circle thing inside the serpent/dragon eating its tail is actually a very detailed lotus flower.

  7. I think the problem with the emblem might be BECAUSE it is very detailed owo that would be my guess

    HAHA yes it is actually very detailed if you will get to see its original pdf file or its bigger original version it is so detailed I'm just sad that this game can't seem to reflect the level of detail or complex designs for emblems :(

    Looks fine to me.

    Thanks mate but I want it to look better and more detailed in game lol.

  8. Hey just a quick question so my clan is going to redesign our emblem and replace it with a new one my clans designer made this work in a larger scale if you will see the original file it is very detailed problem is when the dimensions of the emblem got reduced as I asked him to resize the original file to fit the required 128x128 dimensions the emblem became less detailed which is normal it looks okay if its in your warframe's shoulder but my worry is when it will appear in our dojo's clan flags/banners that it will appear very pixelated because I tried zooming it even just a little and pixelization issues occured. Any suggestions on how to fix this before I upload our updated emblem?


    Sample preview of emblem in game it looks okay on the shoulder but try to zoom it even a little and pixelization occurs :/ and clan banners zoom in on our emblems :/




  9. Yes I was pleasantly surprised when I saw its crafting requirements I was like " WOW HOLY @#$! A NEW WEAPON THAT'S CRIT VIABLE HAS AN INNATE V POLARITY LOOKS DECENT, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY DOESN'T REQUIRE ANOTHER WEAPON TO MAKE THANK GOD GOOD JOB DE!" I said that to my clan and alliance chat the moment I saw its crafting requirements so good work this is a good sign that DE is finally considering our feedback.

  10. You can take some inspiration on some anime that have similar aspects to it and combine the best aspects of those similar anime with warframe's unique animation and design and lore for example (World Trigger, Project K, Other Ninja Anime, Other mecha Sci-Fi Anime, upcoming God Eater anime etc) I would be curious how this will turn out and who knows If DE likes your work maybe they can fund you our collaborate with you and some of the industries best animation/comic producers/publishers for tie-in works.

  11. She can, when using...uh..Energy Vampire and the healing one? That requires the target to stay alive. No AoE abilities or weapons can be used unless you know it wont kill that target.

    But no other 'frame caulk blocks (awesome phrase, btw) quite like Mesa + Greedy Pull.

     If the EV target dies it gives off energy impulse that scales with power strength which can then be used by NUKERS point in case it's not mag only that promotes this heck any frame can do this with a decent energy provider such as trinity and restores you PEOPLE just can't face the FACTS that if you want to play your way then go to a squad that DOESN'T HAVE PREDETERMINED FARM TACTICS IN PLACE cause you know what your not HELPING THEM AND THEY ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE FOR YOU BECAUSE THEY ALREADY HAVE A CERTAIN GAME TACTIC TO APPLY FOR THE SITUATION.

    If you don't want that THEN DON'T GO TO EFFICIENT LOOT AND XP ZONES CAUSE EVERYONE WILL DO THE SAME TACTIC. Why you ask cause THIS GAME REQUIRES EFFICIENT FARMING METHODS with all the GRIND/FARMING it requires if not you can be happy to be LEFT OUT from all the rest who are doing things EFFICIENTLY. :) Do you think the DEVS will reduce the grind and costs of this game? cough cough AKJAGARA and WEAPONCEPTION, SYNDICATES, PRIME R10 mods MASTERY RANKS, ARCANES, CREDIT SINKS, WEAPONS WITH ABSOLUTELY NO POLARITY OR D POLARITY'S and possibly FOCUS later on you see this game is all about THE GRIND.

    I reached where I am right now MR 19 all weapons maxed 200+ and potatoed and formad 4-5 times to their full potential several millions of credits and thousands of plat by DOING THINGS EFFICIENTLY if I didn't I'd still be stuck with not having EVERYTHING and for a GAME THAT DOESN'T HAVE END GAME all you can do IS HAVE EVERYTHING and PLAY THE WAY YOU WANT TO now the question is. If you remove these efficient farming methods HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE YOU TO REACH this especially for the newer players the answer is PROBABLY THEIR WHOLE LIFETIME :)

    So with that being said If you don't like how a certain squad uses EFFICIENT FARMING TACTICS feel free to LEAVE THE DOOR IS OPEN ANYWAY. Go find your same like minded individuals that want to PLAY YOUR WAY and stop complaining about how CERTAIN SQUADS THAT EMPLOY EFFICIENT FARMING METHODS ARE RUINING YOUR GAMEPLAY because you are ruining theirs and this is addressed to the OP you say you think that removing Greedy Pull or nerfing it will improve the game here is me stating my own argument that it doesn't because like what others said you ARE JUST TREATING THE SYMPTOMS not the ACTUAL ROOT CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM just because you FEEL like it IS THE THING THAT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED.

    I play G mag I don't camp I run around shoot things use evasive manuevers and shield transference and flips and rolls and fracturing crush and then PULL WHEN ONLY THINGS ARE DEAD do you think all the GMAG players are spawn camping YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY MISTAKEN. Actually if you don't like that you are always free to not have a gmag player in your squad since IT DOESN'T SUIT YOUR PERSONAL GAME EXPERIENCE NEEDS let the rest of your team suffer by picking up loot/energy manually cause you PERSONALLY DON'T LIKE IT or let them drop 50-100 energy restores by wave 100 I'm sure they will THANK YOU FOR IT. :)

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