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Posts posted by --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-

  1. Hey guys,


    Just started playing this game 2 weeks ago. MR7 atm and hoping to work on my Nekros. I've maxed 2 frames (Loki and Valk with Valk min-maxed for both Hysteria builds and Warcry builds using dual ichors). Currently I'm farming credits and leveling a slew of backlogged weapons and frames (need to finish Oberon and Saryn, with Nekros still 1 day left until build completion). I'm on almost 24/7 and am looking for an active group. I've been an end-game player in other games I've played, including theorycrafting, world/server 1st progression raiding, and min-maxing. I'm looking forward to doing more end-game content in Warframe and hence am looking for a solid, active, tight-knit clan.


    Thanks for your consideration,


    IGN: Yaptap

    Welcome to Boundless Yaptap and were glad to have you onboard! :D

  2. Who likes pizza?

    Definitely all of us lol can't get enough of it at least one or two boxes a week guilty pleasure :/

    Pssh, I'm a panini person. 

    *bet no one can get a gif of someone eating one* >:T

    panini's are good BUT



  3. m super jelly

    Go order a box now or 2 boxes its okay to eat junk once in awhile because then you would be satisfied and eat healthy for the next couple of days till you crave again :/ weird thing is even if I eat 2 boxes of pizza in one or two sittings I don't get fat :( But yeah I want to keep in shape so will jog tomorrow and diet mode again with just meat and less carbs.

  4. I'll tell you a little story when I started the game I was invited to a mountain tier clan (NINPO) I climbed the ranks and became officer rank and I was being groomed to be general but the fact was the clan was dying since the warlord was never really online and even the generals were not that active and people couldn't cope with the research and material costs of the labs so in short when zephyr got released our clan research got halted since no one could contribute enough oxium.


    So knowing this I decided to gather my close and trusted friends within that clan and tell them of my plan of leaving the clan to create a newer sister clan and they agreed to join me so I used my dummy starter account and created my clan initially without the knowledge of some of the other officers in NINPO and when my dojo was fully furnished i removed my main account from my clan and about a dozen core members officers and general of my ex clan joined me in my newly created clan Boundless it was fun creating clan ranks, designing dojo layouts and promoting clan events we also had to rush alot of rooms initially lol it was fun even if we were only 5-10 persons during that time and we could be considered a friends only clan. Anyway it got lonely and people we met in game wanted to join us so we decided expanded to shadow clan we then were able to achieve top 5 place back during the Tethra's doom event among shadow tier clans in game after that I expanded the clan to storm tier to accommodate even more people my clan mates at the moment want to further increase to mountain clan but I decided to stay in storm tier due to it being resource efficient. After that I met some of my fellow clan warlord friends gurzil of Warbreed and some other warlord friends and decided to make an alliance in preparation of the release of dark sector during that time.


    Eventually we were included in the original "ECLIPSE" alliance the most dominant alliance back when dark sector started that held 8 dark sectors nodes that included the best clans in game at the moment till we had a falling out there were alot of politics involved and alliance council members disagreeing on certain things so in short the core members of eclipse left and got replaced by new ones after some time we also left and now have a new alliance so the moral of the story is just go out and do your thing eventually it will lead you to places you never expect and accomplish things you never dreamed off.


                                                                                                                                                            - HARDCORE_DAVE (Warlord of Boundless)


    EDIT: Good luck in making your own clan and may you succeed in your journey

  5. For 4 man normal or nightmare raid I used this team 4-man nightmare raid trinity, nova, mirage and valkyr and it worked perfectly doing raids with less than 8 people is actually more efficient and faster as long as people know what they should be doing and the roles they will play.

  6. I want to see how far my weapon is hitting while channling and using a reach mod. It would make channeling look sick if it were to extend beyond the visible reach of the weapon and show how far it is actually hitting.


    Cool idea.

  7. As long as i can choose mission type that i want, on planet that i want freely, i am satisfied. Not gonna care much about given tileset or even mob types.



    I also want the choice whom and what I want to fight on that day it gives me flexibility that's what makes this game unique over the others it tailor fits what your playstyle and what you want to achieve atm I am glad we did not BEND and just take such a game changing and that we resisted shows that we care about the game so much that its worth fighting for those people that want everything nerfed will never understand why we are opposing the change.

  8. I would like feedback from my guns. Seriously, Warframe gets so boring watching no blood spatter at all happen, I want to see blood spatter. I want feedback gruesome, disgusting feedback. Boltor Prime pins yes, but how about actually showing the bolts penetrate bodies and pin them accurately, or how about that longsword finisher? If I impale someone straight through the abdomen with the ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE BLADE, I expect that damn blade to be completely and realistically drenched in blood.

    This ^

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