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Everything posted by UltraGuyver

  1. Sorry but that isn't true at all and your disregard for other players is pretty damning. I'm willing to bet this hotfix doesn't account for so many false hitboxes that are still in every map. LoS is a broken mechanic as it stands and needs to be removed. Just because he generates overguard doesn't make the heavy nerfs OK. There's 3 other frames that can do that easily. I too have been here since the beginning, I don't see why you feel the need to ignore the majority of players' opinions. You must be one of the few that would actually cry if everyone could finally get Excalibur Prime.
  2. Revert the whole last patch, it was awful, you destroyed Nezha who was finally fun to use. Destroyed Dante in one fell swoop and this isn't fixing it, "fixing" line of sight is going to go as well as "fixing" crowd control. Now there's even MORE reason to go "nuke the room frame" because almost all CC is useless now. GREAT JOB!
  3. I got a 75% off coupon and let's face it, console gets the shaft compared to PC, so why wouldn't I want to use it on PC when I can? But apparently that isn't possible since it doesn't carry over. I haven't received a buff (like 2x credits) yet to see if it carries over, but I assume it's the same case.
  4. Between the EULA and locking us out of SP in the middle of a rotation and making us redo content we already completed a thousand times; these changes, idk...
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