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Posts posted by (PSN)BlightDragon89

  1. Ya, I'm sorry, but from those of us to broke to spend much money on Waframe, I have to say this idea is damn narcissistic. DE appreciates your support, but spending cash does should not make you special. Really sad to see someone even dream this up.


    Should I get special stuff just treatment because I put hours and hours into farming sets to sell for my plat? I mean I have put in a lot of time, more then most people because I have to farm constantly. See how silly this sounds?

  2. Overall I like the new system, but the Zenistar changes really make the weapon useless. This was my go to weapon for my solo survival and arbitration runs. With having to use combo count to make the disk useful, I would have to leave my camp point. Also, there is next to no way to get said combo count back up before the disk run out of time. IMO, you have nerfed the usefulness of this weapon to basically 0. I hope to see this change reversed in the future.

  3. Ya, unfortunately the melee reword nerfed the Zenistar hard with this change. I do hope they reverse this one, as it pretty much turns the Zeni into any other heavy sword with a slight mechanic. Its not really usable in solo farming or arbitrations like it used to me. 

  4. There is nothing the forums can do for you, since we do not represent DE is anyway. I agree that your situation stinks, but in the end everyone gets the same treatment regardless of years played, money spent ect. Would be a much worse system if they were not even across the board.

    That being said, I personally have run into an issue myself of losing rewards due to my bad internet connection. If you have connection issues like this frequently, I would suggest either running solo (which helps me avoid disconnects) or running a shorter mission time. If it seems you are getting kicked at over an hr, do 1 hr and extract so that you keep all your loot.

  5. 1 minute ago, LordIsi said:

    She did have 2FA is the issue, as she regularly trades with friends in the alliance. Also making a new account to play is unacceptable, especially after attending the last 3 tennocon with the clan and getting the exclusive collectors pass gear each year. 


    Forgive my impatience.

    Its understandable, we put a lot of time (and possibly money) into our accounts. A month is really a long time to wait.

  6. 17 hours ago, (XB1)JubiShark said:

    Really hating the free rare arcane or capture/kill a hydrolist in Nightwave. Market prices plummeted and I've known of many that straight up quit because of it

    Not really sure why anyone would quit over being asked to do a Hydrolist or because the market on the rare arcane's bottomed out. You really don't need to do every challenge to hit max rank for any given NW episode. As far as the market, in WF economy, the market does this all the time. Something new comes out, and its what to make plat off of. Something get easier to get, the price drops. Its the way the TC has always worked. Pure supply and demand. They could just switch to a new plat making venture. 

    IDK, to each their own i guess.

  7. 4 minutes ago, nslay said:

    Look, all I'm saying is that DE could very easily safeguard new players by issuing a warning (without even indicating numbers) about a deviating trade (either from mining the trade channel for prices or using recent past transactions). Experienced players will just ignore the warning, but a carefree new player on the fence may just decide to do some research and turn down the trade until later.

    Ok, there are two confirmation screens for trades already and players already cant/don't read them. I think DE has done what they could do. Prices change daily, and they say flat out that they can and will not deal with trade issues that are not the fault of the server eating something or what not. Again, new players don't read that either. You just can't help people that do nothing to help themselves.

    The trade chat is a true 'free market' price is all based on supply and demand, and just how greedy someone feels like being. The warning are everywhere for people to have some personal responsibility. If they don't, then they will sooner of later, end up in a situation like this. Not DE's fault.

  8. That is damn annoying, but a good thing for support to know. Something in them must be coded incorrectly as I would hope that is not how DE meant for us to be able to get the pigment. But TY for the tip. Right now we are working on the annoying color that you need pigment from Zenuka hunters for. Yay beacons!

  9. There isn't really a way to find out. However, just for future reference, multiple support tickets just makes the entire process go slower. They are not going to unban you. You are just going to have to wait 7 ish days till your out of Tenno Jail again.

    On a side note, I have accidentally put sales messages into recruit chat before, and where as kickbot did kindly tell me i was posting it the wrong channel, i have never been suspended. What gets people baned most of the time is language. So either you said, our someone tricked you into saying, a word that is on Kickbots no no list. Best guess I have for ya. But like other said, nothing anyone here on the forums can do about it.

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